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I ran straight into Alexis once I cleared debris and got to her office. We both landed on our butts. She was scratched up, but was okay.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"I don't know he left soon after you did then boom. Visibility went to hell for a couple of minutes there." She said. I draped my arms around myself. Not again. I lost him again. What kind of sister am I? I suddenly stood up.

"I'm going to get him back. I'm not waiting another 12 years to get him back. I have to find him, wether you help me or not, Alexis." I said with  determination on my face.

"I will help you. We have to make sure the Earl or the Black Order get their hands on him. We also can't let them get their hands on twin Noah." She said. I got a confused look on my face. Allen and I are the only twin Noah, except for maybe Jasdevi. "Your staying." She said sternly.

"No way! I'm going." I protested. I was going to save him.

"Shut up, Neo." She told me. I stopped talking. She used my Noah name. She's serious. I just shook my head. I wasn't going to stay, not while Allen's in danger. "Understand this, One. If you get captured, it's all over for us. You and Allen are our last hope, trust me on this. Tears filled my eyes, but I nodded. "Cross, watch One. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." When did he get here? He nodded and helped me to my room. The Noah were very precise. They didn't mess up anything but Alexis' office and the hallways around it. That's odd, I always thought they would make this place hell before leaving. What are they thinking?


I woke up on the floor. I shot up and spun around. Where am I? The last thing I remember happening was walking from Alexis' office to follow One and then nothing. Just an empty void of darkness.

"Allen!" Road yelled running into the room. She held onto me like her life depended on it. I paled. I'm with the Noah...This can't be good. Tykky Mykk walked in and pulled Road off of me.

"Hello, Allen. We were sent to escort you to dinner. If you would please follow me, if you're hungry." He said.

"Do I really have a choice?" I asked. He smiled.

"I suppose not. Besides you wouldn't want anything to happen to your dear sister. Would you?" He replied. He's threatening me and I have to go along. I don't know One well, but I don't want her to die. I still don't have all my memories. I followed Tykky down countless hallways with Road hanging off of me. I still don't understand why she's so fascinated with me. How am I going to get out of here? I need to make a plan; unfortunately I don't make good plan in bad situations.

Tykky reached the end of the hall and turned to me. "Okay, Allen. I suggest you make a good impression or...Well you know." He said smiling. He opened the double doors and stepped inside. I follow him and look around the table. Lord Millennium and Lulubell were sitting down. No one else was there.

"Please, sit down Allen." Millennium said. I sat in the chair he suggested reluctantly. "Road, Tykky, you may go."

"Aww, I wanted to stay with Allen!" Road protested.

"Come on, Road." Tykky said. "You can play with Lero for a while."

"Fine." She huffed. These people are insane! If I was going to get out of here, I was going to need help. Tykky and Road left the room, closing the door behind them.

"Allen, I understand that the White Order has excepted you." The Earl said. "I want to offer you one last chance to join our ranks. We realize you are strong and we should be on the same side not against each other. We, Noah are meant to be like family."

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now