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It wasn't often Neo let me have control nowadays. But when she does, I make certain to sit in a treacherous place where I can threaten my life if she says one wrong thing. I swear I'll do it. Well, sometimes I might, others I won't. She can't tell when so she doesn't test it too much. Should've seen her reaction when I actually cut myself two weeks ago. By then everyone rushed to stop me but that wasn't too much of a problem. She usually keeps her distance. At least she does now. I sighed as I swung my legs back and forth as I sat on the highest wire of my training room. I looked at the ceiling. So much has happened lately. I looked at my lap which rested the purple beret Kanda gave what felt like years ago. I suddenly put it on.

I had went to my room for but a moment. I saw the hat and spun it on a finger before deciding to come here with it. I don't exactly know why. The hat matched my clothing somewhat. Black shorts with a long sleeve white shirt. It just seems out of place with my drab color scheme. I've really fallen. I sighed. Neo tended to stay out of my business and mind when I didn't want her there. It was easy enough to block her. Though I knew she could do the same, she didn't do so for me. Almost as if she trusted me. She's so confusing. Is there something she wants me to notice? She's always so cryptic, I don't know what's a lie or what's a riddle anymore.

I fitted the beret on my head and swung my legs placidly. I should go somewhere... Maybe face all those people downstairs. Well, that's an option. I fell back and landed on another wire. I skillfully made it to the bottom safely. I should talk to Alexis. Probably explain myself to Allen. To Kanda...

Where are those two anyway? I came here out of normality. I sighed once again for who knows what number today. Why did I leave? Oh right... Because Neo said she had a plan. What plan? I walked towards the exit. No use in being here much longer. Why did I come back only to avoid everyone? I took a deep breath. Alright, let's do this! I opened the door and walked into the hall. The silence I was meet with was deafening. I shook my head again and went towards the lunchroom. Any chattering there stopped instantaneously.

"Kanda, Road, and Stark went to your room." Alexis told me. She gave me a look. I nodded.

"Then I'll talk to you later." I said with a chuckle.

"Be a darling now." Ritze chimed behind me. I sighed at her statement and ignored her as I went to my room. Somehow, she's become more tolerable. As to be expected, Kanda and the others were waiting outside my room door. They turned when they heard my footsteps.

"...Hello." I greeted softly. Kanda groaned in relief and hugged me tightly. I wasted no time in hugging him back.

"I'm glad you're okay." He told me softly. "I'm glad your back."

"Thanks for waiting." I told him.

"Aw, you guys are adorable." Road said. "Tykky would be jealous."

"Shut up." Stark told her. I pulled away from Kanda to look at them.

"And how have you guys been?" I asked.

"Everybody hates me!" Road complained rushing up to me and hugging me. "And can you believe they only serve hot chocolate during the winter! That should be a crime!" I chuckled.

"Just ask for chocolate and hot milk." I told her. "I did it just before bed sometimes." She gasped in shock at me.

"Why didn't you tell me that before?!" She complained. "Stark, let's go!" She grabbed his arm and bolted off.

"Well, she's excited." I chuckled. I looked back Kanda. I smiled. "It's good to see you again."

"Terra, you and Road...." He said. When I entered his dream, huh?

"I know." I told him. "It wasn't my finest moment..." He gave me a look. "I don't think I'm ready to talk about that yet." He sighed and hugged me.

"I understand." He told me. "But you aren't getting off scott free." I nodded.

"Kanda," I said. "Can we go out? I just want to hang out for awhile." He smiled.

"Okay." He said releasing me only to hold my hand. He began walking. "Are you going to call your brother?"

"If I do, he'll go overboard." I said. "I'll go see him later."

"That sounds like avoiding the problem." He told me. 

"Shush, let me avoid it then." I said. "You don't wan't really want to talk about Allen right now anyway, do you?"

Okay, so I started writing this awhile ago, Snowflakes. And you know me, I write sporadically and update according to that schedule, I hope. 

But lately I haven't been too motivated to write a bunch of stories. So this note will be tacked on to the end of a bunch of other drafts I began to other stories I'm discontinuing or just don't have anything for.

Now this doesn't mean the story won't continue at all. I may come back to it. At this point, you can make your own ending, tell me about it, and I might just post that and give you credit. Or collaborate on it. 

Actually, that would be cool. Write your own ending. If you want to. I don't want to force you since you aren't forcing me and all. 

Anyway, thanks for sticking around long enough and coming back to even see this note, though you probably are upset with me about it...

Love you, Snowflakes.

🎉 D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued-- hikayesini okumayı bitirdin 🎉
D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin