I'm an Idiot

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Forgot to put a picture of One's transformation. ==================================>

It's Neo...........

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I took in my surroundings. There was a desk with a chair, a dresser, and a bed I was laying on. I looked out the window. Where am I? I got up and walked over to the window and looked out. I looked out and saw I was high in the air. Great! That did not help my situation. What should I do? Great, in a strange place with no plan! I put my head against the wall. "Look what I've gotten myself into now." I said quietly. Then someone opened the door and I quickly turned around to see who it was. He shut the door behind him and came up to me. He was the blue haired boy with Allen. Kanda, I think.

"What are you going here?" He whispered.

"I was trying to get everyone to believe I didn't know anything, but I guess that didn't work." I replied.

"What are you going to do now?" He asked.

"Make sure my trail doesn't lead to the White Order." I whispered and sighed.

"Be careful. They don't except many people just like that...not after Allen anyway." Kanda said warning me.

"Okay." I said. He then turned to leave when we heard voices. I looked at him. "If they come in, you heard me walking around and have already agitated me." He nodded. We waited, but the voices receded. He started to leave again when another pair of footsteps started, as soon as he opened the door.

"Whatever." He called back to me. I picked up a pillow and threw it as soon as Lavi poked his head in. He smiled before he was hit.

"You already don't like Kanda, I see." He said.

"What's his problem? I wake up and he comes strolling in and doesn't say anything." I say. "He just stares at me and so I wave a hand in his face. The he says, 'Stupid bean sprout.' and then leaves. I ask him why and he says whatever. I wish I got him with the pillow."

"Kanda has that effect on people." Lavi said then sighed. "Come on, we have to meet Herbaska and we can talk while we make our way to her." He started to walk and I slowly followed him. "So, how was it my fault?" The order has been remodeled since my last visit.

"What was your fault?" I said as I looked around in awe. Since when did it look like this?

"The attack." He said. "You said it was my fault."

"I did?" I asked. He nodded. I sighed. Here I go... "Sometimes my memories aren't all there...If that makes since. I black out and when I come back somethings different about the way things are. I don't know why, but it hasn't happened in a long time."

"When was the last time?" Lavi asked. I thought about that. What should I say?

"The last time I left the town. About two years ago, I guess." I finally came up with.

"I see." He said and thought about something. "Do you know what your power is?"

"No." I said. "I just feel...a presence. I guess you can call it that." Why am I lying left and right. Wait, no. I'm not completely lying. I do feel a presence...Neo.

Yes, my darling.

I jumped. I wasn't expecting her to answer and my heart pounded a little faster. Lavi looked at me worriedly. "What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Let's keep going." I said quietly. He hesitated but soon nodded his head and started to walk again. he stayed close to me just in case.

Are you that surprised?

I breathed in sharply and Lavi flicked his eyes over to me. You don't usually speak. What's different now?

You need help don't you? That's why I'm here. Besides, it's been a while since I've been in this building. I want to see if that place is still there.

What place?


Neo...Great! Now she won't talk.

"Fier, are you okay?" Lavi said pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and blinked. I realized he'd been trying to get my attention for a moment.

"Huh?" I said. "Uh, yeah. I'm okay." Darn it. She caught me off gaurd. Now he suspects something about me.

"Here we are." He said after staring at me for a moment in suspicion. He pushed open the doors and I came face to face with Herbaska.

"Okay then." I said looking up at her. She was purple and was twenty times my size...maybe more. "Not the strangest thing I've seen."

"What's the strangest?" She asked.

"Okay, no. I lied you are the strangest. No offense. But you haven't tried to kill me, so I like you." I said smiling. Lavi's jaw dropped. "What's wrong? Did I say something?"

"No, it's just Allen practically screamed and fainted." Herbaska said. "You look so much like him, we just assumed."

"Uh! Allen this and Allen that!" I complained. "I don't even know Allen. Why are you looking for him anyway? I thought he was your friend, so why isn't he here?"

"I think we should tell her." Lavi said.

"We can't. The rules." Herbaska argued.

"Do rules apply to family?" He shot back.

"We still shouldn't. Komui would be furious!" She said.

"Excuse me." I said. "I don't like to be included in conversations I'm not in, so please. Include me." 

"Neither do I." Someone said behind me. I turned around. "Hello, I'm Komui, Lenalee's brother. Nice to meet you, Fier." He held out his hand and, after a moment's hesitation, I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you to." I said.

"Now, Fier. I think we have a lot to talk about." He said. "I think that you would like to find out about your likeness." I nodded. "Then. please come with me. Herbaska, I'll bring her back later." I hope I don't get in trouble. This is Komui, the commander of the exorcists here. 

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz