The Light of Future

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What is going on? Nothing seemed real. The world was suspended in white. What was going on? What was the problem? Why do I feel worried and angry? I'm confused. Very confused.

Al... Len... Allen.... Allen, you can't.... Your sister and mine.... Worried. Allen? Can.... Hear me?

Nea was trying to talk to me but... What was he saying? My sister? Terra was worried? Why? Why should she be worried? Wait, where was I?

Wake up, Allen! Get up right now!

The world suddenly rushed back to me at full force.

"Allen!" Terra exclaimed cupping my face in her hands. "Are you okay now? How many fingers am I holding up?" She held up a hand with two fingers.

"Four." I said. She paled. "Kidding." She sighed in relief. I looked around to see the only ones conscious were us Noah, Ritze, and Solomon. "What happened?" I stared into her eyes that were no longer purple.

"Your eyes..." I said. "They're blue." She smiled sadly.

"Neo left my body." She said. "Her presence added red to their hue."

"So, your not a Noah anymore?" I asked unsurely.

"I don't know." She said. "My innocence is gone too..." She looked toward the trail of black liquid that disappeared into nothing as if turning into vapor. I've never seen it do that before. She looked back at me as she let her hands trail away from my face. "Allen, I have to go."

"What?" I asked alarmed. She had a pained face.

"Allen, I don't have a way yo protect myself anymore." She said. "And you'd only hinder yourself trying to protect me. You...and Kanda." She looked to the floor where she was fidgeting with the fabric of the dress she was wearing to the ball the Earl invited us to. I guess I hadn't cared to realize she was still in the same clothes. "I love you all and knowing I could only put you in further danger with me being able to do anything.... It's heart wrecking. I'm sorry but, I can't stay here."

"Terra, you leaving will only make us more worried." I told her. "We can't make sure your safe and not knowing where you are is just as bad."

"Allen, I'd be fine." She told me. "Ritze and Solomon are coming with me. We'll fond somewhere to lay low and stay out of trouble."

"No, One." I said. She smiled sadly.

"I'm not One, Allen." She told me. "Just plain Terra." She frowned. "I'm sorry." She stood up. "Allen, please. It's for the best."

"I promise not to let anything happen to her." Solomon told me.

"Prove that to Kanda." I growled. Solomon paled and looked at my sister. She stared at Kanda. "And Ritze?"

"I think she wants to use me as a meat shield." Ritze said with a laugh. "That'll be fun." Suddenly, it made sense. Terra walked over to Kanda's unconscious form and sat next to his head. He almost looked nice when he was asleep. Terra sighed and ran her fingers through his hair.

"I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to him." She said.

"You shouldn't." I told her. If Alma Karma has made anything clear, it's that Kanda really is a sensitive person underneath the evil exterior.

"Well, I don't think anybody else is going to wake up for a few days." Road said. "But, we could go into his dreams." We all looked at her. "You can say goodbye there." Terra nodded.

"Please." She said. Road bounded over to her and held out a hand. Terra grabbed it and Road put her other hand on Kanda's forehead. Their eyes closed and their heads drooped forwards, going into what seemed to be a light sleep themselves.

"Allen." Lulubell said. "Road and I... We will stay with the White Order." I looked at her in slight surprise. "Lest the Noah and innocence come back to the girl just to murder us." She was trying to make me feel better. It wasn't helping. "Kanda, he loves Terra..." Her lips set in a straight line as if she wanted to say something. I raised and eyebrow. "The level of his affection... I think you should know. It's on par with the way Tykky feels about her."

"What?" I asked. Terra and Road woke up. Terra looking the worse for wear and Road with a pained look and tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Let's go." Terra said quietly. Ritze and Solomon nodded. Though Solomon looked worried. Just what happened in the dream? I never got to ask. Solomon did something that opened a portal in the wall. Ritze hopped through the black curtain first. Terra looked back at me and everyone else before walking quickly through to. Solomon bowed to me and followed after. The curtain fell and dispersed into nothing.


I woke up angry. That wasn't good. I sat up and glared at the nurse that stood over me. She backed away frightened. I stood up. "Cross!" I yelled. Lenalee and Miranda were the only ones in the room we were being cared for in as patience.

"Alexis, he's still unconscious." Lenalee told me. I sighed deeply and ran a hand over my face.

"My glasses." I demanded. A nurse shakily handed them to me. I put them on. I strode over to Lenalee and sat down on the edge of her bed. "Where's One? And Ritze? I suppose this is the room the females are staying in." Lenalee shook her head.

"Not them." She said. "The Noah woke up way before everyone else. Allen said that those two and Solomon left."

"Left?" I asked. "Left where?"

"I don't know." She answered. "Somewhere safe maybe. Allen said that the Noah and innocence Terra had disappeared. I guess it has something to do with why we all passed out."

"And Ritze went with her?" I asked just to be sure. "If One dies or loyalties change, I will leave or follow her." Please say she forced Ritze along. Lenalee nodded.

"Allen said they agreed on it before he woke up." Lenalee told me. I sighed. Oh no. I cursed.

"Something's still up." I muttered. "Allen. Where's Allen and those other Noah?" Lenalee and Miranda didn't look to happy.

"The dungeon..." Lenalee said. "We were all unconscious except for them so... They haven't been allowed to leave." I took a deep breath to filter out the frustration. I nodded my head.

"Okay." I said. I stood up once again. "I'm going to the dungeons."

"You can't." Miranda said. "They aren't letting anyone down there."

"I'm not anyone." I assured her.


Alexis is very scary. I see why Terra doesn't mess with her much. She came down to the dungeon and knocked out anyone that tried to stop her. She sighed at us three Noah and crossed her arms. "I know for a fact you could've left any time you wanted, Road." She told me.

"But if I left, you wouldn't have been able to find me." I told her. She gave me a flat look.

"You sound like Terra." She said. I smiled. "Stop it. It's weird."

"Thank you." I told her.

"...Whatever, let's get you all out." She said. "We're going back to headquarters so we need to get the berries and the twins." She unlocked us from the chains on us. "Stay with me and maybe we won't be attacked." I laughed.

"They're going to attack." I said.

"Maybe not..." She said gaining an idea.

"Alexis?" Allen asked slightly worried.

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now