The Shadows in the Forest

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We were in Rome, Two and I. Isn't that nice? Not really; we were currently running away from the mob of people there. Apparently, Two did something last time he was here and I was unfortunately grouped along with him. "I am so going to kill you!" I yelled.

"It's not my fault." He growled.

"Yes," I said. "It is."


One of Tykky's tease flew in, panicking everyone. My eyebrow twitched as I stood up in the cafeteria. "Everybody be quiet and sit down or I'll put you all under punishment training." I growled. The room instantly got quiet and everyone sat down. I pointed at the tease. "Give me the stupid letter." I said. It dropped it in my hands then disappeared in a flash. I scowled and went to the stairs with Allen, Lavi, and Cross trailing after me. One was on a mission with Two. Cross and I were supposed to leave in a couple hours. Allen and Lavi were on standby.

Once we got to the top of the stairs, I opened it with Lavi reading over my shoulder.

Dear reader,

The Earl would very much like it if the following would attend his ball in one weeks time: Yu Kanda, Bookman Jr., Merriam Cross, Allen Walker, and Te- One. Transportation will be provided.

With Best Regards, Tykky

"Te" was crossed out as if they started to write something and then decided it was against their well-being. Lavi and I looked at each other and it clicked: One's real name. "Allen, Cross." Lavi cooed. "What is One's real name?"

"We already know it starts with Te." I said. The two looked at each other before running away.

"She'll kill us if we tell!" They exclaimed.


"Achoo!" I sneezed. I wiped at my nose.

"Catching a cold?" Two asked.

"I don't think." I replied. We finished our mission and collected innocence to boot. The villigers didn't want to kill us anymore.

"We finished up early." He said. I nodded and we stared at each other.

"So, hot springs?" I asked. He nodded.

"Hot springs." We went off to go to a little town famous for it's hot spring.


"I don't want any of you to go." Alexis said. I agreed with her whole heartedly. Earl, bad; Order good. I looked at the berry patch beside me. Kanda looked like he was fine with not going, relieved even. Lavi was indifferent. Cross looked sad to be missing out on a party that probably promised wine and women.

I mentally sighed. How is he my uncle? "But, I doubt I can keep Cross from a party. One is going to be kidnapped either way which means Allen and Kanda are going to follow and Lavi is going to follow for the fun of it." She stated. We all shifted. She knew us too well and Lavi's only been here about a day. "I will not stop you but, please don't do anything stupid." Cross snorted.

"It's only fun if we're stupid." He said earning himself a book in the face. He was passed out on the floor after that and Lavi didn't dare making a snarky comment after that.

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