Mafia Don [Mj FanFiction]

By ScarletWords93

264K 11K 10.4K

What happens when your father sells you to the baddest mafia boss? More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
NEW Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Not an update! Apology to you
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Announcement (not update but please read)
Ch. 40
I am back
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44

Ch. 6

8.2K 329 298
By ScarletWords93

Your POV

Michael brought me to his apartment in town after the attack that destroyed the glass wall in my room and much of the furniture, and walls. It all happened so fast... they attacked us out of the nothing when we less expected! But who were those people and what did they want from Michael?

His men organized so fast after he gave them orders and in less than 30 minutes we were sitting in the car, on our way to this marvelous apartment that was on the last floor of a sky scraper. Seemed like Michael enjoyed his privacy - isolated house without any neighbors and now an apartment on the last floor with hundreds locks and keys and stuff... 

All the floors were made out of pure, shiny marble. The walls were decorated with pictures, the rooms with statues and right in the middle of the living room was a small fountain. The walls were made out of glass so I could see the city lights sparkling like stars outside but I was sure that no one was able to see me. I've never seen such a view before, it literally left me breathless! I don't know which one was more luxurious - his house or apartment? How rich was this man?

Alligator escorted me to this beautiful bedroom and told me it would be my own room from now on. I asked him how long were we going to stay here (I was afraid to ask Michael) but he didn't know, "Whatever the boss says, miss." was his reply.

It was very late but I wasn't sleepy at all. I was still scared and in shock because of what happened earlier. I didn't know what kind of world was Michael living in but I was sure it was cruel and very dangerous. Those people must be more then just gangster! Gangster are rich but Michael was way beyond rich to afford all this luxury... I had to know what kind of a person exactly was the man I was going to live with until the rest of my life. I had to go ask him but his rotten temper... what if I make him angry and he beats me up again?

Damn it! I had to know.

I left my room and headed downstairs for the living room to see if he was still awake because that was where I left him earlier.

To my surprise he was awake at this late hour of the night.

He, Blade and Alligator were comfortably sitting on the leather sofa, on the coffee table was an almost empty bottle of whiskey and three glasses.

"I believe it's the Devaro family.." Blade said. "Those bastards are probably still mad because you took those weapons, boss." I don't know why but I decided to just stay there, hidden, and listen. I thought I might learn something more about Michael. 
"I don't think so Blade..." Michael replied and drunk from his glass. His voice was soft and low. It sounded as if he was tired and who wouldn't be after what happened tonight.  
"Devaro's a pussy! He's afraid of us, I don't believe he would do that.." Alligator said.
"Don't forget what he did to the Smith family, Alligator!" Blade jumped in.
"I know but the Smiths aren't Michael Jackson! Our boss is the leader of this world and Devaro knows it damn well! If you ask me, I think it was that bastard Alphonse!"
"Alphonse?" Michael suddenly spoke "Why him? I've never done anything to him..."
"He's always been jealous of your power boss, he's trying to steal the weaponry business."
"Alligator's right." Blade begun "But I'm afraid he's not the only one, Michael... there are so many who have motives to kill you.."
"You're right, Blade, but you're forgetting one thing... I'm Michael motherfuckin' Jackson. No one fucks with me." he drunk a big gulp from the liquidly fire. "I built this empire. Everything that I have and you have now, is all thanks to me." Blade and Alligator nodded their heads in approval, saying
"Yeah.. it's true."
"If I hadn't taken things in my control, you'd still be under Joseph's command... maybe living on the streets without any money or power... or even dead." I don't know why but the atmosphere in the room got somehow different after they mentioned this name Joseph. Michael took another gulp of his whiskey and placed the glass on the table, making a loud sound as the glass hit the glass. "You can come here, YN."

WHAT!!!??? How the hell did he know I was there?! Did this man have eyes on his back, as well???!!?? Did he know everything that was going on around him??!!

"Oh, miss YN, aren't you sleeping?" Blade said when they saw me. I was shyly playing with the top of my pajamas. They caught me eavesdropping. Great...
"I couldn't fall asleep..." I confessed.
"Well, come join us!" Alligator said, then took an empty glass, filled it with whiskey and said "Come on sit down here with us!" I did and he gave me the glass "Here, drink."
"Oh I don't think I can dr-"
"Come on, YN! Try it, you're gonna like it." I took the glass from him and drunk. This whiskey burned my lungs so hard that I choked on myself, causing Blade and Alligator to giggle at me. Michael remained motionless.
"Are you okay?" Blade asked.
"Yeah... I'm not used to drinking so..."
"It's okay... I was the same when I tried it for the first time." Alligator said. "Even worse!" they laughed. Michael still remained motionless but I swear, I could feel his intense stare on me.

We stayed there for a few minutes, uncomfortably, not even talking, Blade and Alligator kept clearing their throats. I had the feeling I was the cause for this awkward aura in the room so I decided to make my way to my bedroom but just before I opened my mouth Blade begun

"Well, I'm going to bed, Good night to you all."
"Me too, I'm very tired. Good night boss and YN." Alligator got up and followed Blade, giving Michael one last stare and I could even swear they blinked at him...

Grate. Now I was alone in the room with Michael.

Memories of him and me from earlier that night came back to haunt me.

Under his intense stare I remembered how those hands played with my body, what those lips did to my neck and how they whispered in my ear... how he grabbed my hand and placed it on his d-dick... He was so hard. His eyes were filled with lust and passion. The room was so silent that I could hear myself breathing, mixed with the sounds of my beating heart. I wondered if he could hear them too? I couldn't help it but look at him.

He's been staring at me the whole time because when I looked at him, he was already looking at me and in such a shameless way, that made me feel as if he had every right to stare at me whenever he wanted. I had the feeling his hungry eyes were slowly undressing me... and my body got on fire.

"I'm going to bed too. Good night." I couldn't stay there with him like this any longer so I got up from the sofa, heading for the stairs. He didn't reply but kept staring at me.

Suddenly, I heard a loud noise that caused me to jump in fear.

"Oh God!" I started looking around like a rabbit would do, when haunted.
"Jeez, relax, girl, it was just some noise from outside." Michael said, getting up from the sofa. I was trying to catch my breath, convincing myself that everything was okay. Then I felt two hands on my shoulders and turned around to find Michael's warm, brown eyes looking deep into mine.
"Yeah..." my cheek instantly got red and I looked down at my feet, unable to keep looking into his eyes.
"You tired girl?" he begun stroking my cheek so gently, as if I was his most precious thing in the world - he became the sweet Michael again. One day he beats me up and the next day he's sweeter than sugar.
"Mhm." I nodded my head.
"We all had a bad day... I'm tired too. I'll take you to bed." he placed his big hand on my back and escorted me upstairs to my room.

I was even afraid to think what he was going to do with me once we got into the room but at least I wasn't going to spend the night alone between 4 walls because I was scared. What if those people knew where we were and came back for round 2?

He opened the door for me and said

"Goodnight." he wasn't coming with me?? I looked at him. "What? Why are you looking at me?"
"I'm not.." I lied.
"Oh..." he smirked "You want me to join you, don't you babygirl?" he immediately came closer to my body, making me feel uncomfortable and sweat.
"Ah ahhh..." and made me extremely nervous "No.. of course not." would he ever stop staring at me?
"Then, goodnight."

To my utmost surprise he turned around to leave. He had the chance to sleep with me tonight and just turned around to walk away?! What the hell was going on inside of this man's head? One time he acts like a sex hungry, horny dog and next time, he leaves me alone in my most frightened state.

I wondered... what was more disturbing? His mood swings or the fact that I was looking for support from this gangster, who beat me up and whom I hated?

"SHUT UP YOU CHEATIN' ASS BITCH! I DON'T WANNA LISTEN TO YOU!" Michael yelled in Diana's face. He was filled with so much poison, pain and anger that even his own voice wasn't the same. It has changed.
"Michael... bear, please I.. I'm sorry! I really am!"
"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he slapped her cheek so hard that she collapsed on the marble floor. "YOU'RE ONLY SORRY I CAUGHT YOU BITCH!" his voice was so scary that all the men in the house dared do nothing. There was no one to help Diana.
"Michael..." Diana held her cheek on the ground and begun crying. This was her usual "act" - tears always worked on men, especially on Michael, but she didn't know... not this time. "Why love, why are you doing this to me?" she begun crying even louder "I'm sorry! I love you even though you don't believe it!"
"Damn Diana... you're such a fine actress but this time you won't fool me. I'm done with you and your games... I thought we had something real but I was so wrong... I WAS SO DAMN WRONG! THAT'S WHAT I GET FOR BEING A FOOL! TELL ME ONE THING... WHY DID YOU DO IT? WHY? I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING, MONEY, PRESENTS, MY HEART, MY SOUL AND EVERYTHING THAT YOU EVER WANTED FROM ME, I'VE NEVER SAID NO TO YOU! THEN WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME? WHYY!?"
"He made me do it! He fooled me! It wasn't my fault... please trust me bear..."
"By who.. which one of my brothers do you mean?"
"What...?" she gave her best to look innocent.
"I'll tell you what I mean... YOU SLEPT WITH EACH ONE OF THEM, YOU HORNY BITCH!"
"That's not true!" she immediately protested.
"It was a mistake! I was crazy I didn't know what I was doing, I'm sorry, please forgive me!" she confessed after seeing she had zero chances fooling Michael this time.
"Well I'm crazy now and I don't know what I'm doing now! Get up."
"Bear, please... listen to me... I-" Michael grabbed her by the hair and roughly yanked her up, saying in a scary, calm voice
"Call me 'bear' once more and I will cut your tongue out and throw it to the dogs."
"But... but.. but.." this scared the shit out of her. He, holding her hair tightly, led her out of the office, through the living room "Where are we going, Michael?" she asked, holding onto her hair as well, to lessen the pressure there of Michael's tight grip. "Where are you taking me? What are you gonna do?" he didn't reply nor stopped until they went outside in the garden, where all his men were waiting since they didn't want to be inside the house when their boss got angry.

"Everybody.." he turned to them and they looked at him in amazement how he roughly held the woman he was so in love with. "today I'm gonna give you a lesson... but first I have a question for you..."
"Michael please..."
"SHUT UP!" he smacked her face and when she fell on the ground, her nose was bleeding.
"Now.. what do we do with traitors? " he waited for their answer but his men just stood there in shock since they couldn't believe he was doing this to Diana. "I think we all know the answer to that, now don't we, ha?"
"Ahh... we make them pay, boss.." one of them decided to speak up since there was no need to make the boss even angrier.
"Correctly! Did you hear that honey?" he looked at Diana and lifted her off the ground.

Then it begun.

He begun hitting and kicking her, dedicating each hit to one of her lovers. When she saw he was out of his mind and that his blind love for her had disappeared, she started crying out for help but no one dared say anything against the boss.

In the end of this terrifying event, he threw her in the bushes and told his people to get rid of her before he killed her. Back then, he was still innocent and had hard time killing the betrayers but later on, life thought him that if you let them live, they kill you - jungle rules.

Michael's POV

Suddenly I woke up from the nightmare I had about that slut Diana.

I heard the sounds of pouring rain and thunders. I opened my eyes a little to look through the window to see there was a wild storm outside.


It was so loud and the lighting brighter than the moon, it made the dark room bright for a few seconds.

Attacks... nightmares... now a storm... how was a man supposed to rest with all this shit?! I had so many things in my mind, so many things to do, the most important one was to find out who tried to kill me! Poor YN, she's probably not used to living like this... she was so scared, I could see it in her eyes. I think she wanted me to stay in her room but I didn't do it because I wasn't gonna be able to contain myself... sleeping in one bed with her without touching her was so hard. I wanted her so badly but didn't wanna sleep with her tonight since the poor girl had to go through such a shock. It wasn't that bad for me because it wasn't the first time somebody has been trying to kill me but she...

There I go... I begin thinking about my problems again! My mind can't rest and I can't fall asleep. I need this sleep so badly. I decided to turn around in bed, maybe I'd feel more comfortable in another position and fall asleep, but just as I did it, I felt something pulling on my pajamas.

I turned around to see there was someone else lying in my bed, covered entirely under my sheets and holding onto the top of my pajamas. I immediately pulled the sheets off of their body to find there YN curled up in a ball, sleeping. Damn...

What was she doing here? Why would she come into my room? As far as I remembered, she didn't want to sleep with me, then why? Oh.. she probably got scared of the storm. That's what it was.

She was already scared because of the attack earlier and now the storm... she must have come to my room when the lightning begun. Even holding onto me... she looked so beautiful sleeping.

I watched as her chest heaved up and down and listened to her soft breathing. The scent of her body has already left marks on my sheets and the only thing I could do now, was enjoy it. I gently turned around so as to be face to face with her, very carefully because I didn't want to wake her up.

Her beautiful face made all of my bad thoughts and problems go away. I wanted to place my hands on the soft skin but didn't dare. Maybe she was a light sleeper like me... and what if I woke her up? She'd think I'm trying to use her while in her sleep! Not that I didn't want to... she was as seductive as the devil himself but I didn't want it to be like this... I wanted her to enjoy it as well.

The only thing I could do in this moment, was place my hand over her and cover our bodies with the sheets. This felt so good... as if I was protecting... my girl. The one for me.

Now that I was even closer to her, I inhaled deeply her scent and felt how it slowly intoxicated me... Her calm breathing was music to my ears and the heat from her small body kept me warm and even... happy. It was so hard to control my manly desires but I had to. Needless to say that there was already a big bulge in my pants... she got me so hard again.

This was the first time we slept in one bed together and to be honest, it wasn't how I had imagined it but it felt so.. magical.

My muscles got relaxed and although the storm was at its wildest peak outside, and my erection didn't want to calm down, I closed my eyes and enjoyed every minute of her presence.

This chapter wasn't very good... sorry but I promise next one will be better!

Next update will also be soon :)

Much love!

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