English Bay Blues: A Mass Eff...

By Julianne_Winters

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~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 1 of 3~~ *Continues in Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #8 in Mass Effect When 17 yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 11

177 13 2
By Julianne_Winters

Milky Way/Sol System/SS Huntress

Earth Year: 2173 CE

Moments later the two of them were standing in what was a very spacious and luxurious ship cabin.

The size of the space was staggering, not to mention the opulent furnishings, complete with a desk, lounge chairs, a small bookshelf and a display cabinet - which currently held what Kaidan thought must be digital images of people who were important to the Ambassador.

Remembering where he was, Kaidan checked his jaw wasn't hanging open in awe before turning his attention back to his boss.

"I realize that what I'm about to tell you is highly unusual," Kazra began, the cabin doors whooshing closed behind them. "But I've been contacted by Asari High Command. My contact on the Citadel has been called away to investigate a small research facility in the Artemis Tau Cluster. Apparently the researchers there haven't reported in for several days."

Seeing Aryana frown, Kazra continued. "Those are the only details I have at this time. As an Asari Matriarch and Ambassador we are the only ship close enough to follow up on this. My contact has not been heard from for a full solar day. She was to have reported insix hours ago, but there's been nothing from her since she entered the star system. As such, High Command has ordered me find out what's going on out there."

Kaidan had no idea what to say. Guess we're not going to the Citadel then. And what's this about a research facility in the Artemis Tau Cluster? That was Alliance space. What were Asari researchers doing there?

The entire area was still a highly contested system - not mention dangerous, what with Batarians, pirates, mercenaries and slavers who were known to frequent the system.

The Alliance still did not have enough manpower or vessels to patrol every system that was currently considered Alliance space. All of this ran through Kaidan's mind quickly as he fought to keep his expression neutral.

"Well then." Aryana drawled. "Looks like this mission just got an upgrade."

"This is not a field trip Aryana." Kazra reminded her. "My contact from the Citadel is very good at her job. If she hasn't reported in then something is very wrong out there. It's only been six hours since she was scheduled to make a report so we'll be able to follow up quickly - we're only a few hours out."

"What do you think has happened ma'am?" Kaidan asked.

Kazra turned her attention to Kaidan, wondering at his diplomacy. She knew he was wondering what the asari researchers were doing in Alliance space - she could easily read it in his eyes, yet he was too tactful to ask directly. Politeness from someone so young always threw her, especially since he was also human.

"That," Kazra said, "remains to be seen. As I'm sure you're aware, that system has seen it's share of unsavoury characters pass through it. But I can't imagine what anyone, especially those outside the law, would want with a small research outpost. There's nothing much there. Just a science team and a handful of support staff."

"What kind of research ma'am?" Kaidan blurted before he could stop himself. "I mean, that is if you can say."



"I know what you're thinking Mr. Alenko, but the Alliance is well aware of our research project." Kazra assured him."In fact, your Alliance is responsible for the facility being there - they asked for our help. Given that our species has had a lot more time to study the Protheans, the Alliance wanted our assistance with excavating the ruins they uncovered."

"Of course." Kaidan said. "That makes sense."

"Not to worry Mr. Alenko." Kazra said, her tone losing its' edge. "I'm sure it's just some random storm or perhaps some interference from the volcanoes. Probably damaged their communication relay. If I know anything about scientists, they probably don't have enough replacement parts on hand to fix it."

"I'm sure you're right ma'am." Kaidan replied. "Given that Prothean technological discoveries are shared with the entire galaxy there wouldn't be much point in attacking or raiding such a facility."


"But if that's all it is, wouldn't your contact have communicated that before landing? Maybe sent a message from her vessel while still in orbit?"

Aryana smirked watching the exchange in silence. This human was becoming ever more interesting to watch. Every time he spoke, something unexpected came out of him - which just made him all the more attractive to her. Desirable. Intriguing. Yum.

"Aryana?" Kazra said, cutting off Aryana's train of thought. "Something you want to add to this?"

Facing the Ambassador, her expression neutral, "No ma'am. I was just thinking that Alenko has a point. Maybe this mission isn't as run-of-the-mill as High Command believes. Might I suggest we take a silent approach?"

Kazra sighed at the Spectre's words. She'd been so looking forward to seeing her friends and spending some time on the Citadel. Humans were difficult to deal with at times, always rushing here and there, talking too fast, always coming across to her as aggressive in nature - so unlike the asari. She'd wanted to immerse herself in that welcome, calm energy she found so refreshing while among her own people - of which they were plentiful on the Citadel.

Why High Command thought this so urgent she could not for the life of her understand. It was just a Prothean research facility. What was the big deal? It's not like the Protheans were going anywhere. They'd been dead over 50,000 years. Maybe it was because she had a Spectre aboard? Or the human biotic? It was an Alliance planet after all.

No. She rejected that thought almost as quickly as it formed. No. Alenko had nothing to do with it, more likely it was because she had a Spectre on board. Maybe there was something more to this research facility that she believed. The human seemed to think so.

"Ma'am?" Aryana prompted as Kazra realized she had yet to answer the Spectre's question.

"I suppose you have a point Aryana." Kazra said. "I don't see any reason why we can't take a few readings from orbit before we land. Once we arrive, we'll scan the surface before we approach the facility."

Turning her gaze back to Kaidan, she addressed him directly. "Mr. Alenko, given that this has now turned into an asari military operation, I won't be needing you to join us on the planet's surface.You'll remain aboard the ship until the situation has been properly assessed."

"I, what?" Kaidan stammered. "But..."

"Yes, I understand." Kazra said cutting him short. "You're my bodyguard and you're meant to protect me. But you're also a human civilian and this is now a military operation. The asari Commandos on board are more than capable of handling this. Besides, your job is more diplomacy and intimidation, not military."

"Yes. Of course ma'am." Kaidan replied, his tone calm. "I'm sure you have more to discuss with Spectre T'Pelo. Do you need anything else?"

"No, you're free to go." Kazra said dismissing him. "You're welcome to return to your cabin or continue your tour of the ship. I'll inform you when we're ready to land."

Inclining his head to her, Kaidan backed from the Ambassador's quarters, barely restraining his impulse to stomp his feet as he stormed from the room.


As the doors to his cabin closed behind him, Kaidan expelled the breath he'd been holding since leaving Kazra's room.

Civilian? Diplomatic? What the hell? He wasn't entirely clear on what had him so upset. He was a civilian and his role was diplomatic sure, but... wasn't he supposed to be protecting her? Wasn't that his job? Wasn't this the sort of thing he'd been hired for?

His thoughts raced as he paced the confined space of his quarters. More like a shoe-box than a room, he thought darkly. He'd known the position was mostly for appearances but hadn't really given much thought to what that meant to him.

He knew the odds the Ambassador would ever be physically threatened was low but... Why had she insisted on sending him for so much training? What was the point if he was never going to need it?

A frown creased his brow as he ceased his pacing and sat down. Unless... Anderson. Had to be. But even that made no sense. If his abilities were never going to be needed while in this job, why had Anderson pressured Kazra to see him trained? And for that matter, why had she listened to him? Maybe she was just being thorough?

Whatever the case, Kaidan thought, still irritated by his level of annoyance - yeah, put that in a psych report - it didn't change the fact he was now pretty much just a tourist tagging along on an asari vessel. He'd be watching from the sidelines as the commandos and the Spectre took care of everything.

Sighing heavily, he released the tension his thoughts had brought on. Eye candy or diplomatic deterrent. Whatever his true role didn't really matter since he was getting paid either way. If the Ambassador didn't need him for this mission, who was he to argue?

Lying down, he tried to convince himself that it didn't matter. That he didn't care.

Until now he hadn't realized just how much he didn't like lip-service jobs. Roles that held no honour or lent themselves to doing great things.

In the back of his mind he could tell it was much more than that. As much as he'd denied it, Anderson had struck a nerve with his talk of the Alliance and the value of his skills. To be part of something bigger, of humanity's exploration of space, to see and experience things first-hand for himself rather than on a vid. That was what he really wanted. To make a difference to the galaxy. Be an explorer and  a protector of others.

Sighing in frustration at his indecision and the reality of his current path, he closed his eyes and drifted into a restless sleep.

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