The Prince and the Maid

By unnatural_Red

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So the idea behind this story came to me in a dream. And then I couldn't stop thinking about Prince Harry and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chater 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chaptef 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76

Chapter 62

1K 11 1
By unnatural_Red

-3 months later-
I ran out of our house and to my bike. I put my Union Jack helmet on. "Mummy!" Faith yelled. "I've gotta go, bye baby." I said. I started the bike and ride out of the driveway.

I was still a ways away from the Serenity House, but I'd at least made it to London. I sat at an intersection, waiting for the light to change. It did and I started through, the next thing I knew my back tire had been hit, and I was flying through the air, then I hit the cements my left wrist and leg were stricken with pain. Pedestrians rushed over to me to make sure I was alright. I managed to take my helmet off. I took my phone out and called Angie. "Grace where are you?" She asked. "Laying in the streets, I'm not going to be able to make it today." I said. "Miss I'm so sorry." The driver of the car said. "What was so important you had to run the light?" I spat at him, my Irish accent exposed a bit. "I noticed it too late I'm so sorry." He said. The sirens of first response came in the distance. "Grace you still their?" Angie asked. "Ya I'm still here. Sorry I had to yell at the bloody idiot who hit me." I said. "We'll call me later and tell me how your doing." She said. "I'm so sorry, I was really looking forward to today with the girls." I said. Paramedics had arrived and were examining my leg and wrist, my hand was starting to swell. And my ring finger was turning blue, due to my engagement ring, and wedding band, my hands also had a bit of road rash also. "I'm sorry ma'am but we'll need to remove it." one of the paramedics said. "Please don't cut it, it's a family ring." I said. "We'll see what we can do, because it may comedown to your fingers or the ring." The paramedic said. "No you don't understand, this is Her Majesties's ring." I said. They stared at me for a moment. "Your joshing right?" One asked. I got my backpack off, and dug out my wallet with my right hand. I showed them my ID.

They got me a stretcher and loaded me Into an ambulance. "Let's try to get that ring off," one of the paramedic said. He held my arm and he twisted the ring and it could barely move. "I'm sorry if that hurts." He said. "Honestly my leg hurts more than my hand does. So twist it all you like I can't feel it." I said. "Weird," the paramedic said. "Ya I think a decade of running and hitting my fingers on people, door ways, corners and doors, broke them when it comes to pain. I don't know how many times I broken a finger or fingers." I said. "Well it won't budge," he said. "Theirs lotion in my bag, if you wanna try that." I said. He grabbed my bag and pulled out my small bottle of lotion. My cellphone started ringing. And the paramedic put lotion my finger. "Hello," I answered it. "Mummy when are you going to come home?" Faith asked. "Faith you know not to call anyone with out Mummy or Daddy's permission." I said. "I sorry Mummy." Faith said. "Don't worry Love, I let her call you." Harry said. "Alright, well it's good you called." I said. "Why is everything alright?" Harry asked. "Not exactly, I got into an accident." I said. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I will be," I said as I winced, at the paramedic Putin the brace on my left leg. "Hey are you alright?" Harry asked. "I'm fine, it's nothing I haven't experienced before." I said. "I'm sorry your highness, it's not budging." The paramedic said who'd been working on my finger. "try the floss trick." The paramedic who had put the brace on my leg said. "Alright," the paramedic said. The put the floss between my finger and the rings. And some how he managed to get them off. "Thank goodness." I said, the paramedic gave me the rings. "We could have done everything we could to get that ring off. We wouldn't want to be the person who had to cut Her Majesties's ring off." The paramedic joked.

When we got to the hospital, they took me to get an x-Ray of my wrist and leg. They put me in a private room. A knock came at the door. "Come in," I said, sitting up, only using one arm. "Got a few minutes for an old friend?" Ren asked poking her head in, she was studding to be a doctor. Angie and I were so proud of her. "Hey?" I said, she came over and hugged me. Another doctor came in. "Good morning, Mrs. Um," he picked up my chart. "Miller," he said. "So you have a hairline fracture in your left tibia, as for your wrist, it is broken, and it'll require surgery. With your permission we'd like to go ahead and Schedule the surgery for tomorrow." He said. "Ren hand me my phone." I said pointing at it. She did, "I need to check my calendar, if you were talking about doing it in the morning. I have nothing scheduled," I checked my calendar, and all I had on the calendar for the day was spending time with my children. "I'm free," I said. "excellent, two nurses are going to come in and put a cast on your leg." The doctor said. "Thank you." I said.

Two nurses came in an put my leg in a cast. I scrolled trough my phone, checking my messages. A knock came at the door. "Come in," I said. My favorite ginger poked his head in. "Hey, are you up for a few guests?" He asked. "I am," I said. Harry came in, holding Davy, and holding Faith's hand. He gave me Davey, then picked Faith up. "Mummy what happened?" Faith asked. "I got in an accident." I said. "Mummy's not gonna be able to carry you till she gets better." Harry told her. "Like when David was born?" She asked. "Yes, we may even have someone help care for you and Davey toll mummy's better." Harry said.

After what felt like a few hours, Kate knocked at the door. Faith was still awake, Davey was a sleep. "Hey, how are you?" She asked. "Alright, thanks for coming by." I said. "It was nothing, I could take the children to Kensington,  when I leave?" She said. That should a great." I said. Harry gave Kate Davey, then put his arm around me.

After another hour, Kate left with the children.

Harry pov
They just brought Grace out of surgery. They let me go in, she was awake, but not all together. "It's...the Prince of Wales." She slurred while pointing at me. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked. "No darling." I said taking her good hand and kissed it. "You... Kissed me." She laughed. I chuckled, Grace was insane. "I did,"

After a few hours of Grace in and out of consciousness. I decided to go back to Kensington for the night.

When I got to Kensington, Faith ran out, and hugged me. I heard clicking of cameras. I glanced over and sure enough paps were outside, the gate. I took Faith back in. "How's mummy?" She asked. "Mummy's doing alright, I'll take you to see her tomorrow." I told her. I kissed her cheek. We went to the nursery. And Davey was standing up in his crib. I set Faith down and picked him up. "How are you doing today?" I asked. He giggled. A knock came at the door. "Harry we've got a problem." Will said. I put Davey back into the crib and followed him out.

We went down the hall to a parlor. Kate was there with our PR. "The press is wanting a statement on Grace's current condition. Since photos were already released of the accident. They want to know how she's doing." Jasper said. "Well she's doing better, surgery was successful and she's resting. Tell them that her injuries resulted in a broken left wrist which needed surgery and broken left tibia." I said. "Alright I'll release that soon. Also the Swedish royal family is coming to visit next week. Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel along with their children, will be staying here. While Queen Silvia and King Carl stay at the Clarence House." Jasper said. "Alright, Grace should be home by then." I said.

I went to the room Grace and I usually stayed in and got ready for bed. I put a robe on and went to the nursery and got Faith and Davey. I took them back to my room so we could sleep in the same bed.

A/n: once again I'm sorry I haven't posted. I've been really busy.

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