Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fan...

By i-cant-think-help

174K 4.8K 1.2K

Rose Weasley and Albus Potter are starting their fifth year at Hogwarts and this year is going to be slightly... More

Author's Note
Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- The last chapter
Just a note
Sequel- Two Teams of the Tower
Competition Closed
What's In A Name?

Chapter 16

3.6K 109 70
By i-cant-think-help

Just as Scorpius left Rose heard yelling from inside of the station, Rose recognised both the voices, one was Scorpius and the other was Ron. After a minute or two the yelling stopped and someone came outside. Rose knew it wasn't Scorpius so it must be Ron, she stood as still as possible between the leaves trying not to make a sound.

"Rose! I know you're out here!" Ron shouted "SHOW YOURSELF!" Rose didn't move or make a sound, if Ron wasn't insisting that she was out there he would have thought she wasn't.

"YOU CAN'T HAVE YOUR BOYFRIEND STICK UP FOR YOU! HE'S AN IDIOT AND I FORBID YOU FROM SEEING THAT PRAT" Ron bellowed. Rose couldn't take it any longer. She didn't want Scorpius being called and idiot or a prat and she knew she could see who she wanted. She stepped out of the bush and looked at her Dad.

"Don't you dare" She said "Don't you dare call Scorpius anything horrible like that" 

"HE IS A MALFOY! I WILL CALL HIM WHAT I BLOODY WANT!" Ron bellowed back "YOU ARE COMING WITH ME MISSUS, YOU ARE NEVER SEEING MALFOY AGAIN" He grabbed his daughters hand and tried to pull her towards the station, but Rose wouldn't move

"No" She said

"No?" Ron asked, he was getting angrier and angrier by the second

"I am not going anywhere with you" Rose stated and she folded her arms across her chest


"NO DAD! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT! YOU DON'T CONTROL ME!" Rose screamed back at him. Again, without thinking, Ron slapped his daughter. Rose screamed in pain. Scorpius ran out of the train station closely followed by Narcissa Malfoy. Scorpius grabbed Rose's stuff out of the bush and put it in the car with his stuff. He pushed Rose towards the car and she got in. After he got in himself Narcissa sped away towards the Malfoy Manor in the countryside. 

One our later they arrived at the Manor. Scorpius got out their stuff and led her to the door of the manor. Narcissa unlocked the door and they went inside.

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy, for letting me stay here" Rose said, her hand on her face where she was slapped, twice.

"That's is perfectly fine dear, and please, call me Narcissa. Let me see your face dear" Narcissa replied. She looked at Rose's face and gasped. "Come to the kitchen with me dear, let's make your face better" the two went into the kitchen. Narcissa gave Rose some potion and her face was bruised no more.

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy" Rose replied

"Narcissa, dear" Narcissa corrected "I'll be in the garden if you need me, I'll let you have some time on your own"

"Thank you Grandma" Scorpius said and he lead Rose into the living room

"Wow Scorp" Rose said, in amazement of the house she was standing in "This house is amazing, it is huge!" 

"Father grew up here, he didn't want to bring me up here because there were so many bad memories for him, he hated how his father treated him, and he thought this place was horrible because of it. I don't see why it's so bad, I think it is wonderful really" Scorpius explained

"It is wonderful, this room, on it's own is just amazing, it must cost a fortune to get all this stuff, I wouldn't even dream of having this stuff it's so good!" Rose exclaimed "So your Dad didn't want to live here because there was too many bad memories of his Dad here?" 

"Yeah, Grandpa was a death eater, I think you might know, and he brought Father up in a way that made him think that if you are not pure-blood then you are scum, basically. And Grandpa basically bullied Father and Grandma into becoming death eaters, which neither of them liked.." Scorpius sat down on one of the plush green sofas on one side of the huge room with his head in his hands. Rose sat next to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Scorp" She comforted "I shouldn't have brought it up"

"It's okay" Scorpius said as he looked up "It doesn't matter, I know a lot about your family, you have a right to know about mine" 

"I suppose so but I feel bad, I made you talk about an emotional thing, I'm sorry Scorp" Rose said, she genuinely looked really sorry and upset about this.

"Rosie!" Scorpius laughed "It's okay! It isn't your fault! It's just, your the first person I have told it to really" 

"Really? You haven't told Alec or Jacob?" Rose asked, surprised

"No, they only people who knows are the people Father has told and my family, Petunia knows though, her mother was at Grandpa's trial and Pansy tells Petunia everything that happened to her in the past, since she has no husband and Petunia does not know who her father is"

"So Petunia knows everything about you then?" Rose asked

"Yeah, which is stupid because she thinks that will make me like her, and it most certainly will not, because I love you Rosie, I always will" this made Rose blush "I love it when I make you blush" Scorpius laughed 

"Does Petunia know about us?" Rose asked

"No, I don't think so" There was a knock at the door. He looked out the back window to see Narcissa sigh and get up. He knew that this meant who was at the door was someone particular, someone his Grandma didn't like.

"I'LL GET IT!" Scorpius yelled so Narcissa could hear and she sat back down in her seat. "Come" 

Rose and Scorpius walked to the front door. Scorpius sighed and opened the door. As he expected Petunia Parkinson was standing outside the door waiting to come in

"I heard you were bringing your girlfriend home from Hogwarts today, where is she?" Petunia demanded. When she said this she hadn't seen Rose, and Rose noticed this and stepped forward

"I'm here Parkinson" Rose said. Petunia turned to look who it was and then laughed

"Where is she Scorpy?" Petunia demanded, completely ignoring Rose

"Don't ignore me Parkinson" Rose stated. But Petunina just carried on ignoring her and talking to Scorpius

"Answer me Scorpy! Where is your girlfriend?" Petunia shouted

"Parkinson, why don't you answer Rosie?" Scorpius plainly said.

"Are you serious Scorpius! How can you be dating that thing!" Petunia screamed

Scorpius took out his wand and pointed it at Petunia's neck

"Don't call her that" He said with an angry look

"Don't Scorp" Rose said "She's not worth it"

"Ah Weasley, you've finally picked the right side, finally agree with me" Petunia laughed

"Actually Scorp, go ahead" Rose laughed right back. Petunia suddenly was really scared, she stepped backwards and waved her arms around

"No! Scorpy! Please don't I'm sorry Scorpy! Don't!" Petunia shouted stepping further back from the front door until she was almost at the end of the driveway

"That's it, go away, and stay away. I don't want to see you here or at my house unless someone from my family formally invites you to come round" Scorpius stated, still pointing his want at Petunia "And don't EVER call me Scorpy! Goodbye Parkinson" Petunia nodded and ran away from the manor. Rose as Scorpius watched her flee down the straight country path until she reached the end and turned left. Scorpius slammed the door shut and turned to Rose

"Come on Rosie, let's get your stuff upstairs" Scorpius said. He turned to the living room and picked up Rose's trunk with ease, Rose picked up the cage with her owl in and followed Scorpius up the stairs. 

"This house is massive! I'm going to get lost!" Rose joked. She stared at the hundreds of paintings on the walls of the manor, they were mainly portraits of Scorpius' ancestors and relatives Rose didn't know but some were just paintings of scenery and pretty views or flowers

"Not if you stick with me Rosie" Scorpius asked, completely serious. "You can stay in the room next to mine, but we'll have to share a bathroom" 

"That's fine Scorp" Rose replied "and you know I was joking about getting lost right?" 

"Yeah I know" Scorpius said, still with no expression in his voice, and still being completely serious

"Are you okay Scorp? You seem, well... out of it" Rose said, walking faster so she stood next to him

"It's just that I.. Uh...I'll tell you when we put this stuff down" Scorpius said

"This hallway seems to go on for ever" Rose said, looking down the hallway, which did go on and on and on

"It's a never ending hallway, it's enchanted so we can have unlimited rooms in the house" Scorpius explained "That's why the house looks tiny outside but is so big inside, the whole house is enchanted in a similar way."

"But why is yours and my bedroom so far down the hall?" 

"Because, well, the Malfoys who have lived in this house have a tradition, The first Malfoy to live in here had the first bedroom we passed, the one right in front of the top of the stairs. If you look carefully his came is carved into the door, but it's really dusty so you can't see it" Scorpius explained "His name was Caelum if you were wondering" Rose nodded in reply "and then his wife, Andromeda, had the next room on, Andromeda was the first Malfoy woman, not Grandma's sister, if you were wondering, her name is Andromeda too" 

"I know Andromeda" Rose said, she recognised the name "Narcissa's sister, Andromeda Tonks right?" 

"Yeah, that's her, how do you know her?" Scorpius asked, surprised

"Andromeda comes to visit sometimes when Teddy comes round, Christmas usually. When Nymphadora and Remus, Teddy's Mum and Dad, died in the war Andromeda became Teddy's guardian, but Uncle Harry is Teddy's Godfather, so Teddy visits regularly, and Andromeda joins him at Christmas usually" Rose explained

"Oh, so I suppose, in a way, our family is kinda joined?" Scorpius asked

"Only through God-Family, well until..." Rose grinned 

"What?" Scorpius asked, smiling

"When Teddy asks Victoire to marry him" Rose laughed 

"What?!?" Scorpius exclaimed "Who's Victorie?"

"No! Victoire! Toire's my cousin, Uncle Bill and Auntie Fleur's daughter. Teddy and Toire have been dating for like six years now! I think" Rose laughed again 

"So they're getting married?" Scorpius asked

"Not yet, but Me and Lil keep asking Ted to propose to Toire, 'cause it will be so cute! A marriage! I'll get to be a bridesmaid! Toire told me and Lil we will be when she gets married!" Rose laughed

"That would be nice" Scorpius laughed "Maybe I would be able to come, seeing as Nymphadora is Dad's cousin and Teddy is Nymphadora's son"

"Yeah, maybe, but Tonks would be yelling at you right now if she" Rose muttered, remembering Tonk's death

"Tonks?" Scorpius asked

"Nymphadora didn't like being called Nymphadora, she liked being called Tonks. Did you know Nymphadora is on of my middle names?" Rose explained

"No, I thought it was Jane?" Scorpius said

"Well, my full name is Rose Jane Nymphadora Weasley" Rose confirmed "I have two middle names"

"Oh I didn't know that" Scorpius laughed

"Okay, can you carry on with the story from the first Andromeda Malfoy" Rose said as the walked even deeper into the never ending corridor

"Yes, so, Adromeda got the room next to Caelum because she married Caelum, no Malfoys who live in this house sleep in the same room together, which is stupid" Scorpius explained " And then their children, Antilia and Cephus got the next two rooms on. And then Antilia married Cygnus, and he got the room after Cephus. Cephus married Carina, who got the room after Cygnus. Draco and Cassiopeia got the next two rooms after Carina and Hercules, Hydra and Leo got the next three rooms after Antilia and Cygnus' children, who were Draco and Cassiopeia. Do you get it now?" 

"Yeah, but I have one question, when Hercules, Hydra and Leo got their rooms, wouldn't Andromeda and Caelum have died? So why didn't one of those three get their rooms? And whoever came next got the rooms of people who are died?  That way you wouldn't have to walk all the way down here to get to your room" Rose asked

"Yeah, I know this is stupid but my family think's that it is rude to get rid of all of the dead people's stuff. So for instance, Caelums stuff is all still in his room, unless he put it in his will to give it to Antilia or Cephus, and if they didn't give it to one of their children, it will be in their rooms." Scorpius explained

"Do you have anything that once belonged to Caelum? Or does your Dad have it?" Rose asked

"Yeah, I have some, I'll show you when we get there, we are nearly there now" Scorpius said and then mumbled "Abraxas...Lynx...Lucius...Narcissa...Draco...Astoria...Scorpius!" he continued "This is my room Rosie, you can have the room next, over there, it doesn't belong to anyone yet so it only has a bed, a wardrobe, a dresser, a couch and a vanity thingy, all the rooms have that stuff in if nobody lives in it" 

"That's fine, I'll put my stuff in there then" Rose said, taking her trunk from Scorpius, "And I think I'll get changed too, I'm too hot in this long sleeved top" Rose pulled on the sleeves of the top she was wearing 

"Okay, I'll be in my room, come in when you are ready, oh and there's a desk and chair in the room as well" Scorpius said and he walked into his room and shut the door leaving Rose in the never ending corridor. She picked up her owl's cage and dragged her trunk into the room she was staying in and shut the door to get changed

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