The Son of a Mermaid

By missy14cya

79.9K 1.3K 219

( Sequel to In Love With a Human.) Iris has always believed that his life was prefect. Perfect girlfriend, pe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 1
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
ChApter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

ChapTer 22

2K 33 6
By missy14cya


After meeting Zoe and also hearing her story I decided I had to get her out.

"Zoe. Tell me everything about this Universi Virga." I told her

She looked up at me "'s the most powerful wand in the universe. The humans don't know about it. You need 3 half-bloods to open the door to the wand."

I gave her a puzzled look.

"Legend is...a young half-blood was married happily, until her husband was murdered by a Maris Hosti. She swore vengeance on him, but she couldn't defeat him alone. She got lost in depression and hung herself, but Death admired her rage and anger, so he told her to return to Earth and do her deed. He made her a wand with the rope she used to hang herself, it was the Universi Virga."

"She went back down to Earth with the Universi Virga in hand and looked for the Maris Hosti who killed her husband. She soon found him walking down the street and she killed him, putting all her anger and rage into it, only to realize that it wasn't the man, it was her brother. Horrified she locked the wand up and used her blood to seal the door. She died a few days after. The door hasn't been open since."

"So why do we need 3 half-bloods?" I asked

"She was of 3 bloods. Same as we are." she explained

"She was a mermaid, werewolf, and a vampire?"

She nodded then shrugged "I guess. That's what the legend says."

I nodded "How do we get out of here?"

She shook her head "There's no way out."

"There's gotta be-"

"She said there is no way out." hissed Beau who appeared behind Zoe.

I groaned "I'm getting us out. I have too."

"We're going to die. We all know it, so don't be playing hero. You don't know shit, so stop talking like you do. You might as well say good-bye to everyone because you're never going to see them again." Beau sneered

I got in his face, my heart began to pound, "I have people looking for me. My sister won't stop till she finds me! So don't talk shit about my family! You don't know anything!"

"I don't know anything?" Beau raised his eyebrows, then shook his head "Whatever, fish, I'm not dealing with you right now."

I became infuriated "What did you call me?" I clenched my fists at my sides and the bars on the cage began to rattle.

"I called you a fish. No one cares about you, you need to grow up little boy. No one is coming for you." Beau narrowed his eyes at me, they were turning black.

His eyes didn't scare me "What's your problem? I want to help you guys, but you're completely dissing me. I didn't do anything to you, so what's your problem?"

Beau closed his eyes and took a slow and deep breath "I'm sorry. Just don't give her false hope."

"I wouldn't. I promise until I die that I'll get us out of here." I placed a hand on his shoulder

He flinched a little, but didn't pull away "I just don't want to die. I can't she's all I has left." with that he walked back to the back corner of the cell.

I looked at Zoe but she just shrugged.

Emily please be looking for me.


"What have you guys found?" I asked the guys

"I found out the legend about the Universi Virga." said Kyle holding a piece of paper up that he printed off the computer.

(I'm not going to repeat the legend because I already wrote it)

"That poor woman." said Kayla after Kyle finished telling us the legend.

Kyle nodded in agreement "So they need 3 half-bloods to open the door to the wand. Iris is one and we don't know if thy have any others."

I nodded "Ok, but we can't assume that he's the only one."

"He's not." Jake spoke up "I know for sure, that he's not, actually."

We all looked at him and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously "There's two others actually. Zoe and Beau."

"Did you help catch them?" Kyle asked, not very nicely

He looked down at his hands and I put my hand on his back, then I turned to Kyle "It was his past. Everyone has a past, that's no reason to bring it up." I turned back to Jake "You don't need to live like that anymore."

Jake looked up with thankful eyes and I heard Kyle snort. Jake glared at him and got in his face "I swear cross me again and you'll regret it."

Kyle rolled his eyes "Please you can't even keep your girlfriend to yourself. She just can't keep her hands off-"

Jake punched him and Kyle stumbled back holding his eye. Jake turned to me "Is that true?"

"Please can't we discuss this once we find Iris?" I begged not meeting his gaze.

Finally I looked up. Jake looked at me then to Kyle, then back to me, hurt shown clearly on his face. He walked out.


"Emily I'll get him. You help figure out a plan to rescue Iris." said Kayla jogging over to where Jake walked away

I glared at Kyle who now was holding a washcloth to his eye.

"What the hell was that about?" I yelled at Kyle

He smirked and wrapped his arm around me "He should know, now that we're together."

"What!" I screamed pulling away from him "You made me."

He smiled "You enjoyed it."

I glared at him "No I didn't, now can we disscuss Iris please?"

"Yes let's." said Kayla coming back in with Jake following her

I watched Jake as he sat down next to Kayla far away from me. I kept watching him hoping he would look at me, but he didn't.

"Come on Emily we need to find Iris." said Kayla giving me a let-it-go look

I sighed "Where did you keep the other half-bloods?"

"I do. It's not far from here either." Jake said not looking at me

Kayla nodded "We leave tomorrow morning, as early as we can."

I nodded "Alright."

Everyone stood up and left. I was just about to go to the pool when Jake stopped me.

I turned to look at him.

"I'm so-"

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed Kyle. You have a right to be angry with me." I said sadly

I heard him chuckle and I looked up into his pretty blue eyes. He stroked my cheek "I understand why you did it. I'm fine, just wished you would've told me."

I sighed in relief "Thank you Jake. With everything that's happened with Iris, I've become on edge."

He wagged his eyebrows "Is there anything I can do?"

I smiled and pulled him down so he could kiss me.

"Better?" he asked looked down at me

I nodded "Much. Now we have to find Iris."

He nodded and intwined our fingers together. I don't deserve a guy like Jake, but I'm glad I have him.


"Dinner!" yelled Jake's dad coming up to the metal bars

He slipped a tray with 3 sandwiches on it, "That one is yours." he pointed to the one with the yellow wrapping. Then he rolled 3 bottles of water underneath as well.

I handed Zoe a sandwich and a bottle of water, then grabbed one for myself.

"So what are some werwolf powers?" I asked taking a bite of my sandwich. Jelly?

"I change into a giant wolf how cools that?" she asked sarcastically

I knit my eyebrows together "Uh...very."

She gave me a puzzled look "Really?"

I nodded "Totally. Do you have fix senses too?"

She nodded slowly "Hearing, smelling, speed too."


Beau snorted while eating his sandwich.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Zoe "When do you change?"

"Anytime I want, but I'm only a half-blood so I can't stay that way for very long."

"What if you do?" I asked taking a sip of water

"I turn human right there." she said in amusement "Tell me about your life. Do you have a family? Girlfriend? You're past?"

I chuckled "Well I found out I was half-blood mermaid a few months ago by my twin sister. So those were both shocks."

"Did you take it well?" she asked

I shrugged "Eh I let Emily explain, but I wasn't to thrilled to have a half naked woman in my house claiming she was my long lost aunt."

Zoe giggled "I see. Got any powers?"

"I get angry bad stuff happens." I said

"Like when Beau" she loomed over at him "was provoking you and the bars on the door started to shake."


"Cool." she nodded "So do you have a girlfriend?"

I nodded "And a baby on the way."

"Really? Are you excited? Nervous?" she asked smiling

"I never really thought about the baby." I shrugged "I mean she just found out and....I don't know. With everything that's happening now, it seems like a minor thing."

Zoe nodded in agreement "You're right, well I'm going to bed good night Ómorfo Agóri."

I smiled at her nickname "Good night Zoe."

I looked over at Beau who was looking out the little window in the cave.

"Maman tu me manques tellement, j'espére que vous êtes heureux lá-haut avec tout le monde. Maman je ne veux pas mourir, je suis Maman a peur. S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi votre force." he whispered out the window looking up at the sky

I took a little French but I do know that Maman is french for mom. Was he talking to his mom?


Hey! Sorry for the long wait but heres chapter 22 :) what do ya think? Oh! Btw check out my other story Save Me. It's doing really well :)

<3 Mell

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