Marrying The Alpha (Under Edi...

By NinaMarie13

252K 2.4K 519

SEQUEL TO MEETING THE ALPHA!!! Sarah Bratcher is engaged to the most wanted guy in high school. She loves him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Part 1.)
Chapter 7 (Part two.)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

16.9K 177 41
By NinaMarie13

Hey!!!!! Here’s an upload J If any of you would like to help me come up with some more ideas for this story, please let me know!!!!! I need all of the help I can get!!!!! :D

Chapter 5

(Sarah’s POV)

“Lilly!” I called to my best friend, who was once again storming away from Nathan, who was running after her.

“Lilly!” Nathan called after her.

Lilly spun on her heel, and the tears were evident in her eyes, and she looked at Nathan, the same we she had always looked at him, but somehow it was different. Pain was evident in her eyes and I wondered what Nathan had done this time.

“Lilly, hey-” I tried, but Lilly held up her hand, in a motion for me to be quiet.

“Nathan. We’re done. I can’t walk around everyday and pretend that everything is okay. I won’t do it, and until you can get whatever you have with Sam straightened out, I don’t want to be with you. This is where I draw the line. You are the sweetest and most honest man I have ever known, Nathan, and I…..I love you, but I can’t be with someone who keeps secrets from me. I hope you can understand that.” Lilly whispered, the tears pouring from her eyes harder than they ever had before.

“Lilly baby, please. Don’t do this. I love you!” Nathan said, and for the first time since I’d met him, I heard Nathan be completely serious. Every ounce of a joke out of his voice. This time he was speaking with a serious, yet loveable tone, and it was all for Lilly.

“I’m sorry, Nathan.” Lilly whispered, and then she spun on her heel and stormed out of the school.

“Lilly!” Nathan called after her, and he took a step forward to go after her, but I grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.

“Giver her time, Nathan.” I told him.

“Sarah….. She….. She…..” Nathan said, his voice cracking.

“I know, but can you blame her, Nathan? You are the most honest person she knows, and your keeping secrets from her.” I explained as gently as I could.

“I have no choice, Sarah! I don’t have a choice! Everything I’m doing is to protect her!” Nathan said, his eyes staring at the doors that Lilly had ran through.

“Nathan….. Tell me. Tell me what it is. I’m your friend, Nathan. You can tell me.”

“No. I can’t, Sarah. It’s too complicated.”

“Is it about Sam?”

“No. This actually has nothing to do with Sam. It has everything to do with Lilly, and Sam….. She’s just going through a hard time. I was helping her! That’s all it was….. And now….. Now Lilly broke up with me, and I love her! I love her, Sarah!” Nathan whispered.

“I know you do Nathan and she loves you too. But you have to show her. You can’t just hang out with Sam all the time, and expect Lilly to be okay with that. If Lance did that, I probably would have done the same thing.” I explained.

“But I wouldn’t have done that.” Lance said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. “I love you too much.”

“I know.” I laughed, turning around so that I could wrap my arms around him.

“I’m going to go see if I can find Lilly.” Nathan stated.

“Nathan….. Just give her time, okay? Just wait a few hours before you go after her, okay?”

Nathan nodded. “Okay.”

I watched as Nathan walked off and then I sighed, leaning my head against Lance’s chest, as he hugged me closer to him.

“So what was up with that?” Lance asked, leaning his chin  on the top of my head.

“Nathan and Lilly broke up. Well, actually Lilly broke up with Nathan, because of him hanging out with Sam too much.” I explained.

“Oh. Why was he hanging out with Sam too much?”

“I don’t know. I thought you were going to talk to him…..”

“I was. But I didn’t get a chance to after 8th period. Luke caught up with me and we had to take care of a few things.”

“Yeah. Like what?”

“You’ll see.” Lance told me, grinning.

“Lance!” I whined. “Tell me!”






“I love you.” I answered.

“I love you too, sweetheart.” Lance answered, smiling.

“Do you?”


“Ha! Now you have to tell me!” I told him, grinning, glad that my plan worked.

“Nice try.” He told me, leaning his head down and kissing my nose.

“It was worth a try!” I complained.

“Yeah, but too bad it didn’t work.” He said, grinning.


“Lance!” Luke said running down the hall, out of breath.

Lance frowned and pulled away, heading towards Luke, dragging me behind him as he did so.

“What is it man?” Lance asked him, his voice full of seriousness, and all traces of his humor gone within an instant.

“You need to get to the house, now!” Luke said, his voice also full of seriousness.

“Luke. Why?”

“Man just come on. It’s….. You’ll just have to see for yourself.” Luke said as he ran back down the hall.

Lance stared after him, his face full of nothing but confusion.

“Lance? Hey you okay?” I asked, quietly.”

Sarah. I have to go, but I’ll see you later okay, sweetheart?” Lance said, his voice gentle.

“Okay…..” I whispered.

Lance pulled me into his arms and held me for a few minutes, before he pulled away and kissed me. He held my face between his hands, as his lips moved against mine. I loved the feel of him kissing me, and I knew I would never get used to it.

“I love you, Sarah.” Lance said, as he pulled away.

“I love you too, Lance Stevenson.” I replied, smiling.

He smiled and pressed his lips to mine again, before pulling away. “Be at our house at 7 tonight. That’s when you’ll get your surprise.”

“But Lance-”

“I Love you! Bye!” He said, as he laughed and took off running down the hall.

“I Love you too!” I called after him, as I made my way out of the school, and down the sidewalk, not really knowing what else to do.

I arrived at Lance and his packs house a few hours later, right at 7, just like he’d asked. But Lance was nowhere to be found. Where was he? And more importantly, where was his pack? They were usually out here, just talking to each other, but the were also nowhere to be found.

“Lance?” I called, shivering as the wind picked up and a breeze flew by.

No answer.

“Luke? Mason? Anyone?” I asked, sighing.

No answer.

“Aw come on guys, this isn’t funny!” I called out to them, walking closer to the house.

Still no answer.

“Lance!” I called again.

No answer.

I sighed and stepped onto the porch, and then I knocked on the door,  thinking maybe they’d be inside, which was unusual for them.

The door opened and a girl about my height stood there, smiling. She had brown curly hair, that went to her back and she had brown eyes. She  looked back at me, analyzing me in the same way that I was analyzing her.

“You must be Sarah.” She said in a soft voice.

“Yeah. Is Lance here.”

“Yes. Just come on in. He will be here in a few minutes.” She said opening the door, to let me in.

“Thanks.” I told her, still looking at her.

Who was she? I’d never met her before, and Lance certainly never mention her, so I was curious as to who she was and why she was in Lance and the packs house. I had a right to know, right?

“This way. “ She said, as she led me into the still dark room. Had it been dark before?

“Um. Aren’t you going to turn the lights on.”

“Oh. You’ll see-”

“SURPRISE!” Lance, Luke, Mason, Nathan,  Lilly, the rest of Lance’s pack, and a boy I’d never seen before screamed as the lights came on and everything was noticeable.

“Um….. Thanks. But why are you guys saying surprise?” I asked, as I looked at all of them, definitely surprised and curious all at the same time.

“Well, Lance here decided that you had never had an engagement party and so he wanted to throw you one, and so here we are.” Mason explained motioning towards all of the confetti and things that were decorated around the house.

“Thanks you guys!” I squealed as I ran and hugged each of them, until I came to the boy I didn’t know. He had brown hair that black hair that waved smoothly to the curve of his head. His eyes were blue and he was muscular, just like Lance.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Sarah.” The boy said, pulling me into a hug, even though I had no idea who he was.

“Um, you too….. I don’t know you, sorry. And I don’t know you either.” I sated, turning to the girl who had let me in.

“Sarah, sweetheart. Everything will explain itself, in a little while But right now, let’s just enjoy the company of our friends.” Lance said, coning over to me, and taking my hand into his.

“Lance, please. Just tell me who they are.”

“Sarah, Lance is right. I think that maybe the acquaintances can wait until after the party, okay?” The boy, who I had yet to find out the name of, stated, coming up to the girl, who I also had yet to find out the name of, and took her hand in his.

“Okay, okay.” I agreed.

“Lilly? I thought you and Nathan broke up.” I asked, walking over to Lilly who was leaning against the wall.

“We did. And we’re still broken up, but we decided to put on a brave face for you and Lance.” She explained, hugging me.

“Thank  you Lilly. That means a lot to me.” I told her, hugging her back.

“Where’s my hug?” Nathan pouted, behind Lilly,  his joking tone back, but it wasn’t the same, as it was, then he was dating Lilly.

“Right here.” I laughed, hugging him.

Nathan hugged me back, and then let go of me, and leaned against the wall, across from where Lilly was standing.

“So…..” I started, hoping to break the awkward conversation.

“When’s the wedding?” Mason asked, coming up.

“We haven’t decided on a date yet.” I answered, smiling at him.

“Well you should!” Mason said, grinning.

I laughed. “We’re gonna graduate first. I want to graduate and decide on where I want to go to college.

“Ooh. What are you going to be?” Mason asked.

“A teacher.”

“A teacher?”

“A teacher.”

“Are you serious?”

I laughed. “Yes. I want to be an English teacher. I love English.” I told him, smiling.

Mason laughed. “Okay.”

“So what did I miss?” Lance asked, coming up to stand next to me.

“Nothing, really. Mason was just asking me when our wedding was going to be and I told him that we hadn’t decided yet, and that I wanted to wait until we graduated and I decided on a college I wanted to go to school for, and he asked me what I wanted to go to college for and I told him I wanted to go to be an English teacher.”

“Oh? Really?” Lance asked.



A few hours later, I was sitting on the couch next to Lance, with two people, who I had yet to find out the names of, sitting in the two recliners on the side of us.

“So. Can you please tell me what’s going on.”

“Well, my name is Nick.” Nick said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I shook it and smiled. “Nick got it.”

“And I’m Claire. His wife.” Claire said, holding out her hand for me to shake.

I nodded. Claire and Nick. Got it.

“Nick and Claire are here for business, Sarah. It’s nothing you need to worry about.” Lance explained to me, gently.

“Business? What kind of business.” I questioned, Lance.

“You see, Sarah. Nick and I are here trying to find out why an ex girlfriend of his is back and trying to break us apart.” Claire explained.

“Okay…..” I said, frowning.

“Your probably wondering how this has anything to do with Lance, right?”


“Well, Lance here had been friends with Nick for a long time, and around the time that Nick was dating Leslie, which is Nick’s ex, Lance was there and so he knows just as much as Nick does, and we are hoping that he can help us/”

“Oh.” I said. What else was I supposed to say?

“Are you okay with this, hon?” Lance asked, touching my cheek, gently.

“Yeah. It’s fine with me.” I told him, smiling.


“I hope we can be friends, Sarah.” Claire said, grinning.

I smiled. “Me too.”

This was going  to be weird…..


I hope you guys enjoyed this. That was also a little insight into Claire and Nick’s story. It felt really weird writing from Sarah’s POV and introducing them. Lol. I’m used to writing from there POV. But don’t get confused. All of this will also be revealed in I am his wife, he loves me, so why is she here????? And sorry for the late upload. It wasn’t as late though!!!!!

Check out my Fanpage on Facebook!!!!! You guys can ask me question, or even just tell me to upload. So check it out!!!!!



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