love at first sight // olly m...

By ollymursyo

117K 1.8K 191

Kiera's got a new boyfriend. And it's Olly Murs. Both Issy and Olly are attracted to each other when they fir... More

Love at First Sight
chapter one:
chapter two:
chapter three:
chapter four:
chapter five:
chapter six:
chapter seven:
chapter eight:
chapter nine:
chapter ten:
chapter eleven:
chapter twelve:
chapter thirteen:
chapter fourteen:
chapter fifteen:
chapter sixteen:
chapter eighteen:
chapter nineteen:
chapter twenty:
chapter twenty one:
chapter twenty two:
chapter twenty three:
chapter twenty four:
chapter twenty five:
chapter twenty six:
chapter twenty seven:
chapter twenty eight:
chapter twenty nine:
chapter thirty:
chapter thirty one:
chapter thirty two:
chapter thirty three:
chapter thirty four:
chapter thirty five:
chapter thirty six:
chapter thirty seven:
chapter thirty eight:
chapter thirty nine:
chapter forty:
chapter forty one:
chapter forty two:
chapter forty three:
chapter forty four:
chapter forty five:
chapter forty six:
chapter forty seven:
chapter forty eight:
chapter forty nine:
chapter fifty:
chapter fifty one:
chapter fifty two:
chapter fifty three:
chapter fifty four:
chapter fifty five:
chapter fifty six:
chapter fifty seven:
chapter fifty eight:
chapter fifty nine:
chapter sixty:
chapter sixty one:
chapter sixty two:
chapter sixty three:
chapter sixty four:
chapter sixty five:
chapter sixty six:
chapter sixty seven:
chapter sixty eight:
chapter sixty nine:
chapter seventy:
chapter seventy one:
chapter seventy two:
chapter seventy three:
chapter seventy four:
chapter seventy five:
chapter seventy six:

chapter seventeen:

2K 21 4
By ollymursyo

Issy’s P.O.V.

Holly and I stood at the window, waiting for Olly to arrive. I missed him so much. I kept dithering about whether to call him or not, whether he missed me or whether he was with other girls. I couldn’t even look at him, because I’d run back into his arms and then he’s won. But after his performance yesterday, I realised I spent too long without him, I couldn’t do it anymore. A car pulled up the driveway and I shot out the door. Olly came out and ran into my arms. He gave me a big, long kiss, and we had a group hug. We went inside and Holly sat in front of the TV watching Balamory. Olly and I cuddled on the sofa, watching her. “I’m so so sorry” he began saying. I shut him up by kissing him. “I love you, I’m sorry for not getting in touch. I thought about it every day but I thought you moved on and-“ he shut me up this time by kissing me. “I love you Isabella” “I love you too, Oliver.”

“Olly seriously, it looks fine. I don’t get why you’re getting so worked up about a picture. It’s straight, okay!” I said to him. “It looks wonky, is it wonky?” I sighed, “No, it looks fine!” “No, it’s definitely wonky.” I tugged him down and we stared at the picture. “It looks perfect.” I said, kissing his cheek. “My perfect family.” Olly and I were looking at a picture of Olly, Holly and I last Christmas. Holly was now five years old. Olly and I were perfect. We weren’t married, he hadn’t even asked me. “Mummy!” I heard her shouting from upstairs. “I hurt my leg!” I went upstairs. “There’s nothing there!” I laughed. “Come on, we got the get you ready for school.” It was Holly’s first day in reception. She was really excited. “Olly! Can you drive Hol to school? I’ve got to go to work!” he shouted up yes and I went to get changed. I still worked at the same nursery, I asked for my old job back and they accepted, luckily. “Have an amazing day at school, Daddy will pick you up later.” I said to Holly, getting in my car. “Mummy loves you” giving her a kiss on her forehead. She waved me off and went back inside.

I arrived at work and was greeted by some of the other people who worked there. There were a whole new load of people coming in as it was September. Most of them were pretty confident, coming up to me and high fiving me, and hugging me. Cute. The whole of the class was in except for one boy. His name was Ethan Earl. “Right let’s get started!” I said, getting out the paints, colouring books and pencils. The children got right into it. They obviously loved painting. I was walking about a bit when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I jumped a bit. I turned around and.. “Keira.” “Surprise!” she said, sympathetically. “I’m so sorry I’m late, Ethan here had an accident.” “Ethan Earl..but your surname is Edwards..” she showed me her left finger. “I’m married!” “Oh wow, congratulations!” she smiled and looked down to Ethan. “You go and play, and behave yourself, mister.” He did a mischievous smile and ran off. “So how have you been?” she asked me. “I’ve been good, Holly’s five now!” I showed her a picture on my phone of Holly. “She’s gorgeous!” I smiled. “and you? How have you been?” she nodded. “I’ve been great. My husband, Ben, just got a job down here and so we moved last week.” We both felt a bit awkward. “Issy I’m so sorry for before. I was such an idiot, I can’t believe I lost you.” I hugged her, “Hey, what’s in the past is in the past. You should come round for dinner someday at our house-“ she interrupted me. “’our house’?” she asked. I breathed. “Olly and I’s house.” She smiled. “I’m glad you’re happy, Is.” She gave me her number and went off. Wow, that was super awkward. One of the boys was tugging on my jumper, asking me to play with him. “Alright, but stop pulling on my jumper, it’s new!” I said, he laughed and kept tugging. Boys. I thought to myself.

“You’d never guess who I bumped into today.” I said, putting my stuff down on the table, walking into the longue. “Hi Issy..” Keira said. “H-how long have you been here?” “About 15 minutes. Sorry, I thought you finished and Olly’s car was in the driveway.” Olly was sitting awkwardly on the other sofa. “I thought I’d take up that offer of yours, dinner.” She said, smiling. “Now?” I asked. She nodded. “Urm, right okay.. I’ll just go and see what we’ve got.” I said, signalling to Olly to come with me. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think she’d actually come round.. how did she even know where we live?” I asked him. He looked down and his arm was around his neck. “Olly..” he breathed heavily. “I was picking up Holly from school and I saw her walking down the road, I couldn’t go anywhere, so I tried to ignore her and put my head down but she noticed me and she followed me here.” he breathed out. I kissed him. “Where is Holly?” she’s in her room with it?” I nodded. “See what we have.. if not we’ll order some take away. I’m going to go and check on them.” He opened the freezer and looked for food while I went upstairs to check on Holly and Ethan. I walked into her bedroom, and she was standing with one of my dresses on, and one of my high heeled shoes. She had lipstick on everywhere on her face except for her lips. She had been into my make-up bag because she looked like she had foundation splattered across her face. “Holly Murs!” I shouted. Olly came storming in, and started laughing. “Oh my god, I’ve got to get a picture.” He got out his phone and snapped a picture. She looked completely innocent in it, like butter couldn’t melt. He went onto twitter and tweeted the picture. “@ollyofficial: doesn’t my gorgeous girl look lovely all dressed up!!! Lol x” and put his phone back away. “Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?” Keira came up and also laughed. “Holly you look gorgeous.” Holly did a grimace smile and I hurried her away to the bathroom.

“There we go, messy girl, all better.” I said, removing the lipstick from her face. “Mummy?” she said. “Yes sweetie?” “Who’s the lady downstairs? Is she Daddy’s girlfriend?” I awkwardly laughed. “No? Why would you think that?” she shrugged her shoulders. “Her phone wallpaper is her and Daddy kissing.” I felt anger raging inside me. “Come on, you.” I said, grabbing her hand and walking out the bathroom. “Go and get changed into your pj’s and come downstairs.” She nodded and skipped off to her bedroom. “How’s my gorgeous girl?” I heard Olly say. Was he talking to me? Or to Keira? I walked into the longue and Olly was looking at me, with his hand held out. “Oi, how’s my gorgeous girl?” I pointed at me. He laughed and shook his head. “The other one.” I sat down and hit him. “She’s fine, getting changed now.” He kissed my cheek. “I’ve ordered Chinese, should be here in about 10 minutes.” I nodded. I heard Holly coming down the stairs. “You okay sweetie?” I called out. “Yes” I heard. A couple of minutes later she came down in her peppa pig pyjamas and her hair down in pigtails just like the way I left them before she went to get changed. “Come here you!” Olly said. Holly jumped on him and he whined. “What’s this?” he said, holding out his hand. “Oh, wait, it’s the tickle monster.” And he started tickling her. She was laughing uncontrollably. Keira was admiring Olly. She was obviously still hung up on him. “So, Keira, will Ben be joining us?” I said. She clicked out of her daze and focused on Ethan, who was watching Thomas the Tank Engine. “Um, yeah, if that’s okay?” I nodded, “Of course!” Olly had stopped tickling Holly and he sat her on his knee. “who’s Ben?” Olly said, taking a sip of his drink. “My husband.” Keira replied. Olly nearly spat out his drink. “You..have a husband?” he said. “Mhmm.” She said, taking a sip of her drink smugly. “Excuse me.” he said, putting Holly down on the sofa and walking out. Why was he reacting this way? He didn’t still have feelings for her, did he? No, he couldn’t have. He loved me. “So, what’s it like with all these paps around? Are you coping? I used to hate it, personally.” She said, flipping her hair back. “It’s fine. We don’t get many. They made an agreement with Olly while Holly is growing up.” I said, smiling sarcastically. “Excuse me.” I said, walking out to see Olly. He was sitting on the table, with his head in his hands. I quietly went in, shutting the door behind me. “Olly, what’s wrong?” he looked up; his eyes were red, from crying I’m guessing. “This isn’t how it’s meant to be. Why does she keep coming back? This isn’t how it was meant to happen.” He said, pulling on his hair. “What? How what was meant to happen?” His head suddenly snapped up. “N-nothing.” He got off the table and stood up. “Um, I’m going to ask Keira to leave.” He said, straightening his t-shirt. “Olly what’s going on?” he ignored me and went into the living room. I shortly followed. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to leave. Something’s come up.” She was asking questions but Olly shoved her and Ethan out the door before he could answer them. “Olly..” “Go and get dressed. Put a nice dress on, and be down in 15 minutes?” I looked at him strangely. “Please?” he said. I tutted and went upstairs. I got half way up and he was rushing around. “Come on miss, let’s get you ready.” He said to Holly, hoisting her up. I went back upstairs and got a dress on. I came out 15 minutes later and walked down the stairs. Olly was sitting in the living room with Holly. Olly had a beige blazer with a blue t-shirt underneath. Holly was dressed in a cute dress my Mum got her for Christmas. He was jogging his leg up and down, constantly checking his watch. He heard me coming, and stood up, holding on to Holly’s hand. “Please don’t ask questions?” I slowly nodded and he rushed us in the car. I was resisting the urge to ask where we were going. Olly was driving pretty fast, cursing under his breath if we hit any traffic. “Olly..” I said, he held on to my hand, “Please don’t ask questions.” He looked desperate. “okay.” I said, turning back to see Holly, who was playing with her Peppa Pig toy. We pulled up at a place and Olly got out. “Stay here, I’ll be one minute.” I nodded and undid my seat belt. “What’s your Daddy up to, ey?” I said to Holly, who was distracted by her toy. He came back moments later with someone. “Rupert.” I said, “Hello gorgeous.” I laughed. He helped me out of the car and Olly got Holly. Rupert put his hands over my eyes and directed me into a building. We walked into a room and there was silence, until a song started playing.

You touch these tired eyes of mine
And map my face out line by line
And somehow growing old feels fine

Listen close for I'm not smart
You wrap your thoughts in works of art
And they're hanging on the walls of my heart

I may not have the softest touch
I may not say the words as such
And though I may not look like much I'm yours

And though my edges may be rough
I never feel I'm quite enough
It may not seem like very much but I'm yours

You healed these scars over time
Embraced my soul, you loved my mind
You're the only angel in my life

The day news came, my best friend died
My knees went weak and you saw me cry
Say I'm still the soldier in your eyes

I may not have the softest touch
I may not say the words as such
And though I may not look like much I'm yours

And though my edges may be rough
I never feel I'm quite enough
It may not seem like very much but I'm yours

I may not have the softest touch
I may not say the words as such
I know I don't fit in that much but I'm yours”

The song was replayed over and over, but in the background, quietly. Rupert’s hands were still over my eyes, so I could not see a thing. He removed them, and Olly was on one knee in the middle of the dance floor. I blinked a couple of times, and realised it was him. I slowly walked up to him while he was talking. “I know things haven’t been perfect between us, but what’s a relationship without its ups and downs. But I love you, Isabella more than anything in the world. I want you, and only you. I want to wake up to your beautiful face in the morning, I want you to be the last thing I see when I fall asleep, I want you to be there when I get home from work, and I want you to be there to cook dinner for me.” he winked and the room laughed. I hadn’t noticed the crowd. They were standing around the outside of the room. Literally everything. Mum, Gran, Olly’s mum, dad, sister, nephew, the band, and all these celebrites – Robbie Williams, JLS, One Direction, Simon Cowell, Dermot O’Leary, Caroline Flack. I looked back at Olly, who had the biggest smile on his face. “You and Holly are my whole world. Nothing can ever replace you. I’m only going to ask you this one more time, Isabella, will you marry me?” I was about to speak, but I felt dizzy, like I was going to fall over. I wobbled and fell on the floor. And that is all I could remember.

Olly’s P.O.V.

Esmé, Mum, Dad and I were sitting in the hospital family room. I had my head in my hands. What happened? I kept thinking to myself. I was proposing. She blacked out. I luckily caught her before she hit her head. She’s been in there for hours. What could they be doing to her? I kept getting up and walking around the room. I didn’t know what to do with myself. “Olly sweetie, she’ll be fine.” Esmé kept saying to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and pulling me back into my seat, but minutes later I’d be up, walking around again.

“Hello I’m Doctor Norman.” The doctor said, closing the door behind him. “What’s happened? Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay?” I said, rushing up to him. He put his hands out in front of him, and mum pulled me back. “She’s stable. She’s sleeping at the moment. But she has a condition called hypotension which is abnormally low blood pressure. She’s fine but she needs to be under observation for a couple of weeks.” I nodded slowly. “Can we see her?” Esmé said. He nodded. “Of course. She’s in a pretty deep sleep though, the tablets we gave her have kicked in.” he smiled and exited the room. “Oh my god.” I said, sitting down, rubbing my face with my hands. “Hey, Issy’s fine, and that’s all that matters.” Dad said. Mum grabbed my hand and we walked to her room, with Esmé and Dad behind. I opened the door and she was lying there, looking perfect, but white. I could feel the tears in my eyes. She’s been here way too much. I completely froze. My legs wouldn’t move. I was completely frozen in my stance. “Olly, come on.” I heard Mum say, pushing on my back. I moved a bit, and fell to Issy’s side. I grabbed onto her hand, and didn’t let it go.

“Olly? Olly sweetie?” someone said, shaking me. I looked up, still holding onto Issy’s hand. I must have fallen asleep on the side of her bed. “Olly, we’re going to get some coffee. Do you want any?” I shook my head and looked back to Issy, who was still asleep. “Issy, I love you. I can’t imagine life without you, please hold on for a bit longer. I need you in my life. Holly needs her mummy. Just, hold on for a little longer.” Holly was still with the band. I asked them to look after her, she loved them. “I love you so much, Issy.” I suddenly felt my hand being squeezed. I took my stare from the ground and focused it on her. Her eyes were beginning to open. “Issy!” I said, grabbing her shoulders. She smiled slightly. I went outside and called for the doctor. “Doc doc, she’s awake!” I shouted. He came in and went to Issy’s side. “Hello Issy, I’m Doctor Norman. Yesterday evening, around 7 o’clock, you fainted.” I looked at my watch; it was 2 in the morning. “You have a condition called hypotension which is abnormally low blood pressure. You will need to be under observation for a couple of weeks so we can do tests and make sure you’re okay.” He smiled, and rubbed her shoulder. “Thank you” she said quietly. The doctor left and Issy and I were alone. “Issy..” I said, before being interrupted by Mum, Dad and Esmé. I sighed and sat back down. Issy was distracted by the family and so I snuck out. I quickly texted Rupert asking if Holly was still awake, he replied straight away – yes. I went round to his house and picked her up. “Cheers fella.” I said, shaking his hand. “How is she?” he asked. I nodded, “She’s got this condition..low blood pressure or something, but she’s going to be fine.” He smiled and we left. “C’mon little one, shall we go and see your mummy?” she clapped and smiled. “Have you been to sleep, Hol?” she nodded.

We pulled up at the hospital and I got her out. I picked her up and walked into the hospital. I opened the door and she was still surrounded by the parents. “Look who’s here to see you.” I said, giving Holly to Issy. “Hello beautiful!” she said to Holly, hugging her. “Mummy okay?” she nodded, “Mummy’s okay.” Holly put her head back on Issy and tears were falling from Issy’s eyes. I went over and wiped them with my thumb. “I love you” I said, kissing her forehead.

“Olly, we’re going to go now.” Mum said. I nodded. “Do you want to come?” I shook my head. “We’re going to stay here, if that’s alright?” they nodded and left me with Holly and Issy. It was 4 in the morning and Holly was nearly asleep. I took her from Issy and I held her in my arms, sitting on the really uncomfortable chair. I was still holding on to Issy’s hand, never letting it go. She faded into a sleep and so did Holly. I tried to sleep, but the chair was so uncomfortable. I eventually did.

I woke up to Issy talking to the doctor. “My stomach hurts a bit.” She said. Holly was sound asleep on me still. She turned to me. “Hey lazy bones.” I smiled. “How’re you feeling?” I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. “Can you get the ultrasound machine please.” Doctor Norman said to the nurse. I shifted my body, making Holly move. “Why? Why an ultrasound?” I asked. “We need to cross out every single possibility that’s out there.” I nodded and the nurse came back with the ultrasound. Holly was beginning to wake up. “Morning princess.” I said, moving her into a comfier position. The doctor put the jelly stuff on Issy’s stomach and looked at the screen. I stood up, sitting Holly on the chair. “Is that a..” I began saying. The doctor smiled and nodded. “Olly? Olly what is it?” Issy said, pulling on my shirt. “Congratulations, Isabella. How long have you known that you’re pregnant?” she gasped. “Not long at all..” I hugged her and gave her a massive kiss. Issy was still in surprise, her mouth wide open. “Are you, are you sure?” she said. He nodded “I’m quite certain.” “How far along am i?” she asked. “About 2 weeks. So not long at all. But we will arrange a scan later.” She smiled. “Did my fainting and my condition affect the baby in anyway?” Issy had so many questions. “We’re not quite sure at the moment, but hopefully not.” he smiled and left the room. “Issy this is amazing! Baby number two!” she awkwardly smiled. “Hey what’s wrong?” She looked at me. “No, nothing.. It’s just, a lot of responsibility.” I laughed. “We’re raising an amazing little girl, you’re the best mother anyone could ask for. Isn’t she Hol?” Holly jumped up and down, “Yes yes yes” she said. I laughed and picked her up. “Olly?” I looked at her. “You’ll love me no matter what, yeah?” “Of course babe. Why?” she looked guilty of something, looking at her lap, fiddling with her thumbs. “I need to tell you something…” she said, not making eye contact with me. “When we broke up-“ she was interrupted by a flood of people. Her mum, gran and aunt were in. “We heard about the pregnancy! Congratulations love!” her aunt said. I sat back down and fiddled with my thumbs. What did she need to tell me?

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