English Bay Blues: A Mass Eff...

Da Julianne_Winters

5.2K 296 64

~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 1 of 3~~ *Continues in Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #8 in Mass Effect When 17 yea... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 8

222 15 2
Da Julianne_Winters

Earth/Canada/English Bay, Vancouver, B.C.

Earth Year: 2173 CE

Damn it, but he still could not believe Anderson's nerve. And how the hell had he found out about his interview?

After a shower and change of clothes, he was still muttering to himself about the day's events. He paced the kitchen and living room,stopping occasionally to stare out unseeing at the blue ocean beyond.

It was now past seven and he still hadn't had time to process everything that had happened earlier in the day. He had no clue what to do next. A part of him wanted to call Anderson. But to say what? Mind our own business? That Anderson had succeeded in convincing him to turn down the bodyguard position with the Ambassador and enlist with the Alliance?

That last thought brought him up short. Until he voiced it in his head, he hadn't known he was even entertaining the idea. Shit. Not even in his wildest dreams had he considered joining the Alliance. Especially not after how they'd treated him after what had happened at Jump Zero.

Even his father as an Alliance officer had been unable to sway him, never missing an opportunity to encourage him to join. Yet after listening to Anderson, the Alliance's role in those events had turned out not to be as black and white as he'd been led to believe. Which left him with only his own reluctance preventing him from deciding his next course of action.

Tired of his pacing, he dropped into a chair, a cold beer in his hand. Sipping at it, he mulled over this new thought. Damn it to hell, he swore, but Anderson was right. He needed to get back into training. Without it there was no way he could even consider joining the Alliance, at least not in his current condition. He didn't let himself acknowledge what he'd just voiced in his head. That he was even thinking about enlisting was inconceivable after all this time.

Although he did make a point of working out and had some control, he knew he'd let his endurance slip. Even so, it was still a far cry from being ready for the military. A far, far cry, he thought miserably. Like it or not, training would have to come first which meant he'd be keeping his position with the Ambassador office. At least for the time being.

Sighing relief at having come to some semblance of a decision, he rose and stepped out to the deck to watch the sun set. Within moments of settling himself in his favourite lounger, he was asleep. The lines of his face that had etched themselves there over the course of the day disappeared as the remains of the tension he'd been carrying left him.


The following morning, Kaidan dressed and headed out, grabbing a ready-to-go meal as he left the house and stood in the early dawn air waiting for a cab.

He'd told his mom a watered-down version of the day's events during dinner, leaving out the part about his meeting and conversation with Anderson. He could tell she'd been pleased with his decision to renew his training but was wise enough to not make an issue of it. He was fine with letting her believe it had been his idea.

Mentioning Anderson was out of the question. The less his mom knew about that the better. Knowing an Alliance officer had shown interest in her son would only add fuel to the fire regarding her hopes of seeing him enlist. He wasn't ready for that conversation and he had no desire to have his mom find out how lax he'd been in keeping up his biotic endurance..

Arriving early to the address Kazra Zale had provided him, he was not at all surprised to see Alliance logos prominent on the building's facade. Subtle Anderson, Kaidan thought ruefully, very subtle.


Six hours later, his head pounding, he emerged from the building, his body feeling as though he'd gone ten rounds with an elephant.

Stumbling slightly as he moved down the sidewalk, his legs feeling like jelly. Shit. He'd known he was out of practice, but this... this was ridiculous. If it was an indication of how his training was going to go, he was going to need a massage every day. His entire body tingled when he moved - a side-effect of the biotic discharge still coursing through him. His hair was tightly curled now, almost painfully so. With that thought in mind, he headed down the street, eyes alert for the nearest salon to get that discomfort taken care of.

Long freaking day, he thought as he stripped and stepped into the shower at home. Breathing deep, he let the pounding rush of water ease the tension in his body. So many things had changed in such a short span of time he was having a hard time recognizing his life as his own.

An hour later he was sharing a drink with his mom in the living room. His dad was still away on duty with the Alliance, somewhere off-planet.

"So how'd it go today?" Alena asked, sipping at her wine.

"Not bad," He replied, swallowing a mouthful of beer. "A little sore, but I think it's just because it's been a while since I've trained that hard."

Alena watched him, the crinkles at the corner of his eyes belaying the physical tension he was denying with his words. "Well that's good," she said congenially. "Can I ask what made you change your mind about it?"

Kaidan broke eye contact with her, knowing how easily she could read him. "Sure. It's a work thing." He said. "My new employer wants her staff in the best condition, so it's part of the job. No big deal."

"I see. Sounds like a good opportunity then." She replied, debating whether or not to bring up the Alliance, but her son, knowing her thoughts, beat her to it.

"And no, it doesn't have anything to do with Alliance Military."

"I wasn't going to ask."


"Alright," Alena conceded. "I was going to ask. It's just I know you haven't been training and a job as a bodyguard doesn't usually require biotic endurance classes. After our conversation about training the other day it just seems rather sudden, unexpected and not like you. So just how important a position is this? Who are you working for?"

Kaidan said nothing. He'd forgotten he hadn't told her who he'd be working for. Technically it wasn't Military, but it did fall under the Alliance banner. Shit.

"I'm working for an asari Matriarch. She's an Ambassador to the Systems Alliance."

"An asari?" Alena nearly choked on her wine. "Kaidan that's Alliance...."

"Yeah mom. I know. But it's not Military."

"Kaidan Alenko..." She repeated, frowning.

"I know, semantics. But I don't want to talk about it. At least not right now."

"Fine." She agreed, even though it really wasn't. "But what about this asari? When were you going to mention that? If she's alien doesn't that mean space travel? Won't she have to leave Earth at some point?"

Kaidan was struck silent. Until now, the fact that Kazra Zale was an asari hadn't even occurred to him. Of course she'd have to go off-planet at some point. What had he been thinking? Had he been thinking? His head suddenly hurt and he didn't want his mom seeing his discomfort at the thought of returning to space.

"I'm sure she has other staff to cover anything off-planet mom." He said, keeping his voice even. "I can't imagine an asari Ambassador would need a human bodyguard in space. Especially when she likely has access to her own squad of asari commandos at her disposal."

"Commandos?" Alena asked puzzled. "Asari have commandos?"

"Of course they do. Don't you watch the vids?"

"Well sure, but... Oh never mind. I'm sure you're right about the commandos."

"So where did you go for your training?" She asked, pouring herself another glass of wine. "Was it that new one down on 8th street?"

Here it comes, Kaidan thought, tensing. He didn't want to get into this. Not now and not on the heels of the one he'd had with Anderson. He didn't understand why everyone seemed so hell bent on getting him under the thumb of the Alliance... well thumb might be harsh, but influence of the Alliance.

Sure he had biotic ability, but so what? Lots of other L2's had just as much biotic skill as he did, why did so many people take such a huge interest in his? He'd come to his own decision... final decision he amended, when he was damn well ready to do so. On his terms. And not because his parents or some Alliance officer or... right, some asari said he should dammit.

Catching his mom's eye, he realized he still hadn't answered her. "No it wasn't the one on 8th street. Maybe we could talk about this later?" He asked, rising and stretching slowly so as not to let his mom see how stiff he really was.

"Of course." She agreed, not buying his feint for a moment but willing to let it go. For now.

"I'm off to bed then," He said, lightly kissing his mom's cheek. "Want to be fully rested for my first day on the job."

"Goodnight then. Sleep well. If I don't catch you tomorrow morning, you have a good day."

"Thanks mom." He replied, heading off to his room where he quickly fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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