English Bay Blues: A Mass Eff...

By Julianne_Winters

5.2K 296 64

~~MASS EFFECT: BOOK 1 of 3~~ *Continues in Dragon's Teeth: Mass Effect 1 Ranked #8 in Mass Effect When 17 yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note

Chapter 7

214 15 2
By Julianne_Winters

Earth/Canada/Vancouver, B.C./Alliance-Citadel Embassy Building

Earth Year: 2173 CE

As he stepped outside into the late afternoon sunshine, he had barely had time to take stock of what had just happened when Aryana T'Pelo stepped in front of him blocking his way. Taking a step back to give himself some room, he glared at her.

"You told him I fainted?" He demanded.

"Of course I told him." She replied, a smile curving her lips. "Biotics like yours are rare and surviving what you did is nothing short of a miracle. You're a rare human Alenko and someone needs to knock some sense into you."

"I don't see how that's any of your concern." He said, pushing past her.

"I'm making it my business." She retorted, falling into step beside him. "You know, you were a lot more interesting last night."

Kaidan blushed and quickened his step. He didn't want to think about it and certainly didn't want to talk about it. Especially not with some asari who thought she knew better than he did.

"Don't be like that." She chided, taking a different tack. "You know now that neglecting your biotic training is unwise, and that if you don't want what happened to reoccur, you have to keep up with your training."

"That's obvious." He snorted. "But you had no business telling Anderson. It had nothing to do with my testimony. He didn't need to know about it. If I didn't know better, it's as though you wanted to blind-side me."

"So what if I did?" Aryana snapped. "I didn't for a second believe you'd listen to me. Besides, I trust Anderson. For a human Alliance officer he's got the potential to make a significant impact on the galaxy. He's a good man and a better soldier. He can be diplomatic and discreet when necessary. If anyone could get through that thick skull of yours Anderson can."

"Thick skull?" Kaidan stopped to stare at the asari who was quickly getting under his skin. "Now you're insulting me?"

"It's not an insult. It's a compliment." She retorted, trying not to smile. "I figure it's the only logical reason you survived your fainting spell last night. Not many biotics would have come out of that unscathed - but you did."

Kaidan remained thoughtful. He was still trying to wrap his head around the events of the last 12 hours - getting attacked, meeting an asari Spectre, his conversation with Anderson and now this. "I still don't see why Anderson had to know about my near coma."

She could see how what had happened weighed on him, but damned if she was going to let it go. He was powerful. More powerful than any human biotic she'd ever seen before and dammit he WAS going to listen to her. She didn't care what it took. Talent like his was not to be wasted, no matter how much he believed otherwise.

"Look, I'm sorry if I crossed some human boundary or whatever. I don't have a lot of experience dealing with your species ,but I know for a fact that you were never going to attack those men last night. Even if it cost you your life."

Kaidan ducked his head, annoyed that his conduct last night had been so obvious - even from the short span of time she'd witnessed.

"And," She continued, noting that he was still listening despite the tension that was radiating from him. "A barrier like yours, well...  Asari are naturally biotic, but I've never seen an asari maintain a barrier like yours before - never mind a human. Which can only mean you've got excellent focus and control. You're powerful, which also tells me you've got a compelling reason for why you hesitate to use your power against others."

"Shit. You got all that just from my barrier?"

"Sweetie, I may not look it but I'm over 200 years old. I know what I'm talking about."

"You're over 200 years old?" Kaidan repeated, his mouth gaping.

"Right, you humans haven't caught up yet. Asari live for 1000 or more years on average. I forget that not every human is aware of that. Among my people, I'm barely out of my teens, as you humans would say."

"You're right. I had forgotten." Glancing at the passersby, he noticed many were casting curious glances their way. Probably wondering what the hell an a was doing talking to a human, he thought, wondering the same thing. He glanced up at the unusually bright sun, a rare thing for Vancouver at this time of year when he was suddenly struck with alarm.

"Shit!" He exclaimed, staring at Aryana. "What time is it?"

"It's just after one. Something wrong?"

"No, nothing. I have an appointment today. I almost forgot about it."

"Oh, well I'll let you go then. See you around Alenko." Aryana said, turning to walk away, sauntering seductively as she did so.

Kaidan looked on in disbelief. Did she just? No. I must be imagining it.

Turning, he made his way to the building adjacent to Alliance HQ.Heading for the nearest washroom, he checked his appearance while taking a moment to collect his thoughts. Damn but this was turning out to be a long day, he thought. And it's not even over yet.


He reached the Embassy offices in record time. After checking in with the receptionist, he settled into one of the available chairs opposite the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

What a day, he thought. Anderson and members of the Alliance felt bad for him? Like, what the hell? He'd never in his wildest dreams thought for a moment that anyone within the Alliance held any sympathy for him - or even thought twice about what he'd done other than to condemn him for it.

He wasn't pleased Anderson knew about his collapse the previous evening, but he knew the man was right. Dammit, but he knew better - he'd been neglecting his training and it was unacceptable. That Anderson even had to call him out for it pissed him off more. That he'd lost sight of the "why" of the training, knowing how dangerous lack of conditioning was for biotics, the fact that he'd let it go for so long grated on him.

Well, he sighed, I guess I'd better get on that. Soon as this interview was done, he'd get himself signed up for a training program.

A door opened nearby and Kaidan looked up expectantly. He saw nothing though and returned to his brooding just as the receptionist spoke.

"Mr. Alenko?" She said, catching his eye. "The Ambassador is ready for you sir. You can go in."

Rising, he thanked her and headed for the door she indicated with a nod.

Stepping inside the dimly lit room, he was struck by a strong sense of deja vu. Anderson's office was so alike in so many ways, he almost expected to see the dark, stern face of the man seated at the desk within. Instead, his gaze landed on the features of that of a matronly Asari who was regarding him coolly from her chair. He could tell by the look she gave him she was taking his measure as he crossed the room to stand before her.

"Ah, Mr Alenko," she said pleasantly. "Do come in. Have a seat."

She waited as he made himself comfortable, seating himself in one of two large brown leather armchairs. An elegant piece by any standards, Kaidan thought.

"So you're my new bodyguard." She said, a smile warming her blue Asari features. "Nice to finally meet you."

"The pleasure's mine ma'am." He replied, returning her smile while hiding his confusion. I'm already hired? Had he missed something? "I hope I meet your expectations."

"Oh you do. Of course." She said, leaning forward and placing her arms comfortably on her desk. "I suppose I should introduce myself." She said extending her hand, "I'm Kazra Zale, Asari Ambassador and Matriarch."

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"I just had a few questions for you before we finalize your position here." She said, turning her attention to a folder he saw open on her desk.

"Of course."

"Now let's see...." Kazra said, activating a screen on her omni-tool." Oh yes. Here we are." She frowned as the device chimed the arrival of a new message.

"Well that's odd... I'm sorry," She said, glancing up at him. "But do you know a Lieutenant Anderson?"

Kaidan felt faint. What the hell was this? "Uh yes ma'am. A recent acquaintance, but yes, we've met." He crossed his fingers hoping the mention of Anderson's name hadn't completely botched his normally confident demeanour.

"Okay then. Well this changes things." She continued, closing the screen and turning her attention back to Kaidan's now wary look.

"It does? In what way ma'am? I mean," Kaidan struggled to keep the stress from his voice. "If you wouldn't mind clarifying."

"Well," she began, "According to Lieutenant Anderson, he highly recommends your services. Not that I needed the recommendation of course, but there it is."

"He does?"

"You sound surprised. From what Anderson had to say, the gist was that I would be doing myself a huge favour by adding you to my team."

"Oh. I see." Kaidan said, once more baffled and somewhat annoyed by Anderson's interference. Also, how the hell had he found out about his meeting? "In that case, I guess I should thank him for his endorsement."

"Indeed." Kazra agreed. "He did mention one other thing though."

Of course he did, Kaidan thought testily.

"He said should I take his recommendation and grant you a permanent position, but that I should also ensure that it comes with an agreement from you to enrol in biotic training and endurance. Starting tomorrow."

It was like a slap in the face... or a kick in the ass, het hought, clenching his teeth against anything passing his lips that was less than professional. "Naturally." Kaidan managed. "Was there anything else?"

"Nope. Nothing else." Kazra watched as a confusing range of emotions passed over the young man's face while he processed what she'd just said. "So, can I assume those terms won't be a problem?"

"No ma'am. No problem at all."

"Excellent." She beamed, bringing up her omni-tool again. "Here," she added, indicating he activate his own."Let me scan the information Anderson sent me and you can report there tomorrow for training."

Kaidan gritted his teeth at the man's presumptive actions but did as Kazra asked and within moments he'd received the data pack. It was like the man thought him incapable of taking care of his own affairs, he thought, his anger simmering below the surface of his calm exterior.

Their business concluded, Kazra got to her feet, taking his hand once more as she saw him to the door.

"I very much enjoyed meeting you Mr. Alenko," She said, smiling warmly. "If even half the things Anderson said about you are true, I know I'm in good hands. See you in two days."


"Yes. I expect you'll be quite busy what with your training and all tomorrow, so I won't require your services here until Monday."

"Right. Of course." Kaidan replied, leaving her office.

He stood where he was a moment, his inner calm shattered by everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. He was lost in thought as he made his way to the elevators, exited the building and again found himself outside, the sun beating down on his head. For all that had happened in such a short span of time, he was shocked to see the sun still high overhead.

Hailing a cab for home, he mulled over the direction his life was taking, and the implied possibilities Anderson had presented him with only a few hours ago. His emotions in turmoil, he shut down his train of thought, not wanting to think about what might lie in his future.

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