Mending A Broken Soul (Mavin)

By Marshmellowkiller101

8.3K 571 259

~ Sequel to When All Else Fails ~ A whole month after Gavin's last suicide attempt has proved to be a very pr... More

Chapter One: Recovering?
Chapter Two: Decisions
Chapter Three: That New Intern...
Chapter Four: Accident
Chapter Five: Aftermath
Chapter Seven: An Insider's View
Chapter Eight: Confusion
Chapter Nine: Real Me
Chapter Ten: Understanding
Chapter Eleven: Your Pain Is My Pain
Chapter Twelve: Breakdowns
Chapter Thirteen: Insomnia Nights
Chapter Fourteen: Mental Hospitals
Chapter Fifteen: Guilt
Chapter Sixteen: Michael's Journal
Chapter Seventeen: Happiness?
Chaptee Eighteen: Anger
Chapter Nineteen: Smiles
Chapter Twenty: Epilogue
Author's Note
Regarding The Sequel
Sequel Is Up!!!

Chapter Six: The Anointing

385 24 3
By Marshmellowkiller101

Chapter Six:
The Anointing

It's been three days since the accident. Michael was still in the ICU and hadn't made any sign of recovery yet. I think Geoff was hiding something from me about him. Something huge. Something... Bad.

The doctors wanted me to stay in the hospital for a couple more days due to my injuries. As it turned out, I was actually hurt pretty bad, even though I hardly felt the pain at the time. Somehow I had managed to snap my wrist bone into two different pieces, along with my ankle. The doctors told me it was a simple fix but I'd have to wear a cast for longer than a usual break due to the trauma the bones went through.

To go along with that, I broke a couple ribs which resulted in a punctured lung that was almost completely healed now. My breathing was still a little labored and ragged but the doctors said that would clear up soon.

Other than that and the few cuts and bruises I had that were slowly disappearing, I was fine.
But every night I stayed awake thinking. I was lucky. Really fucking lucky. The doctors told me that the car accident should've killed me or put me in a critical condition like Michael. Not to mention if Michael's arm hadn't been across my neck during the accident I would've been decapitated.

Constantly I wondered, what higher being decided to spare me from a horrible end and leave Michael in a critical position? I was the one that had tried to kill myself numerous times and still had those days where I wanted to do it again. Why couldn't they have spared Michael and not me?

I was never really that religious. But lately I've been wondering if there really is a higher being than just us. And if there is, then what were they planning for me. And Michael.

Was Michael meant to die? Was I meant to live on without him? Did I have to figure out how to overcome my depression without help? Or maybe I was meant to stay depressed. Was I supposed to come out to the viewers about my depression and be a role model or something?

Nothing made sense to me anymore.

Sometimes Geoff would walk in on me while I was in deep thought and I'd ask him these same questions. All he'd ever say is that 'Life has a way of working itself out', which didn't help me in any way.

Everyday and every night all I would do is think. Think about life, my depression, Michael, anything and everything. It wasn't like anyone could blame me. There wasn't much to do in the hospital anyway.

Besides, it was better than plotting ways to kill yourself.


"The fans have been asking where you and Michael have been," Geoff told me. Everyday after work he'd come in and tell me about what's been going on in work. The fans had been getting upset with Michael and my's lack of appearances in videos.

"You still haven't told them?" I asked. Geoff shook his head looking down.

"We were waiting to tell them in the next AHWU but I guess we'll have to do it on The Know," Geoff said. I nodded playing with my fingers.

"Have you seen Michael yet?" I asked him the question I asked everyday since I had been put in the hospital. Geoff did his routine nod, giving me the same sympathetic look he always gave me.

"Has he gotten any better?" I whispered, already knowing the answer.

"Gav... You know Michael's condition. He isn't gonna get better in the first week, if he ever gets better," Geoff told me. I nodded slowly and looked down again, feeling tears pushing against my eyes.

"You remember when Michael was telling us about his parents? How he said they were super religious?" Geoff asked me suddenly. I thought for a moment, remembering the conversation.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked him, looking up with confused eyes.

"Well, his parents and older brother were gonna come down and see him and they're doing a anointing with him or something. I was thinking you could go to it," Geoff told me. I blinked in confusion again.

"Michael's not even religious," Was all I said.

"I know but his parents are. Just go to it. You'll get to see Michael," Geoff bribed me. I gulped not really knowing how to answer.

"O-okay... I'll go," I mumbled nervously. Geoff patted my shoulder, smiling and changing the subject.

Before I knew it, there was a knock at my hospital door and a short but well built man walked in. Geoff smiled at him and got up, shaking his hand. When he finished his greeting, the man turned his startling blue eyes towards me.

"So, you're Gavin? Michael told me about you," The man spoke, smiling. He stepped closer to me, holding out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Brandon. Michael's older brother," Brandon introduced himself. I shook his hand timidly, wondering how someone like him could be related to Michael.

He didn't look like Michael at all. He had dark hair, tan skin, no freckles, incredibly blue eyes. The only thing that I could see that was similar to Michael was his shortness, build and his nose. Other than that, they were completely different.

"Uh..." I blanked as I took in his appearance.

"It's okay. I get it. Michael looks more like our mom. I look more like our dad," He clarified. I nodded slowly, understanding a little more. Genetics always had a way of fascinating me.

"Anyway, Geoff told me you were tagging along with us. I wanted to meet you before, ya know, just cause," He smiled kindly.

Geoff helped me out of the bed and handed me my crutches. I sighed, not enjoying the fact that this was what was going to happen everyday until my bones healed.

Geoff and Brandon led me down hallway after hallway, walking fairly slow so I could keep up. With each step, I realized I was getting closer and closer to truly understanding my boyfriends condition. If he really was as bad as Geoff says he is then I... No... I shouldn't think about that.

When we reached the ICU, I felt like the others could hear my heart slamming in my chest. I felt my eyes begin to sting and my throat constrict, even before I saw him.

When they opened the door, I frantically searched for him. When I found him, I felt a tear drip down my cheek at how horrible his condition truly was.

To say he wasn't looking good was a complete understatement. He looked absolutely horrible. Cuts and bruises, bandages and casts, tubes and IV's... All of those were on him.

When I stepped closer to him, not even noticing his mom and dad gaping at me, I noticed the little things that I hadn't noticed after the car accident. His right forearm was completely bandaged up, making me guess that's where he had been impaled by the piece of glass that was supposed to kill me. His leg had a cast on it as well. There was places on his chest where I could see bandages wrapped around him. His arms were assorted with different bruises and cuts. As I made my way up, I noticed a couple stitches on his neck. And even farther up, his face.

He had a black eye, a really bad one, I might add. His nose was a little purple as well but it looked to be healing pretty well. He had a couple short cuts scattered across his cheeks and chin, probably where the glass cut him. He had a few stitches on his forehead where he cut it. I suddenly felt shivers go down my spine as I remember the blood from that cut dripping onto my face.

"Gavin?" I heard Geoff prod me from my thoughts. I shook my head, tearing my gaze from Michael and instead to his parents.

"Hello," I smiled politely.

"Hello, sweetheart. My goodness you seem to have suffered quite a bit as well," Michael's mother commented, making me shrug.

"It really isn't that bad. I mean, especially not compared to your son," I muttered shyly.

"Taylor, can we start?" Michael's father asked. Michael's mother, Taylor, turned to him and nodded.

Everyone joined hands, making it slightly awkward for me since one of my hands wasn't free. Geoff held onto my cast hand, squeezing harder so I didn't fall over. I smiled gratefully to him, which he returned immediately.

During the anointing, I felt something blossom inside me. I felt as though someone was actually here with us, watching over Michael and making sure he does recover.

After the anointing, I felt a lot lighter. Michael's mother and father talked to me a little before they left, along with his brother.

Once they left, I looked back at Michael. Even though he looked exactly the same as when I first saw him, I couldn't help but believe that he truly was getting better. I made my way over to him, looking down at his broken figure, feeling a little better about him recovering.

I bent down, over him and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. I thought I felt him twitch slightly at it, but I figured it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

"I promise you, Michael, I will stay by your side until you pull through this. You did that for me when I was in a coma, so I should do it for you," I whispered to him, as if he could hear me.

Suddenly, I felt something go through me, urging me to say something more, anything. I thought back to the anointing, wondering if maybe, just maybe, praying might work.

I clasped my hands together and got down onto my knees. I looked at Michael before I closed my eyes and thought for a moment.

"God... I... I haven't done something like this since I was in England but... I guess now would be as good a time as ever. God, if you somehow can get Michael to pull through this and have him recover, I'll... I'll-" I trailed off, wondering what I should do if Michael did recover.

An idea popped into my head. It was a lot, but I would do it if Michael were to recover.

"I'll overcome my depression."
So, I kinda went religious in this. I kinda like this idea so I'm gonna try and work off it.
I really hope you guys are enjoying this story. I was looking back through the prequel of this (I still think it's really sucky) and it has over 2k reads on it. Each chapter has over a 100 reads on it and... Like wow. I never thought I'd have a story get that popular so thank you so much for all of you who read it and left your thoughts on it! And thank you for also coming to this story and reading it.
Thanks for reading and I hope you guys are enjoying.

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