Unexpected (Aiden Love Story...

By NotSoTypical2198

250K 4K 572

Alana is just a normal teenage girl, until one night something bites her. Now Alana is a Alpha and when she m... More

A New Point Of View
Not So Innocent
Danger Zone
Beg Till Your Tongue Bleeds
long Nose
No Promises
Half Naked
High Tied
Cross My Heart Hope To Die
Cool Kids Don't Swim
No Kisses For The Misses
Monster Inside Me, Part 2.
Running From The Pain
It's fading
My apologizes

Monster Inside Me, Part 1.

7.5K 167 20
By NotSoTypical2198

A/N: Did you guys know that this was original a Stiles story, then a Aiden story, then A Stiles Story, Then and Aiden story, I changed it after The part where in the begging Aiden was on the computer when she was changing that why Aiden was on the computer because stiles is usually on the computer so that's why I wrote that, and the other guy was Scott :P Any way's Enjoy! And Sorry for all you sex craved monkeys ;)

My heartbeat quickened at his touch, I want too kiss him so bad. "Why is your heart beat so fast, are you nervous" Aiden whispered in my ear. Causing me too bite my lip too try too hold onto my sanity. 

"You don't have too be nervous, Alana" He whispered as he got closer making sure too emphasize Alana. 

"Are you afraid" He whispered as he traveled my body with his hands.

I couldn't take it any longer, just before my lips met his my luck was brought upon me, my phone. "I have too take that" I whispered as I turned around and scrambled for my ringing phone, I looked at the caller I.D, Unknown. 

"Hello" I asked in a British accent. 

"Hello, this British Telly Tubby Tommy, Is this Winnie the British bear" The asked in the same accent.

I was confused at first then It clicked, "Talia!?" I almost screamed.

"I missed you so much" I yelled well jumping up and down, well Aiden looked at me like I was on crack.

"You don't have too miss me any more" She blurted, I could practically see the devious smirk planted on her pale face threw the phone.

"And why is that" I asked well stopping my jumping and screaming.

"I'm here, In town" She squealed.

"Well we have too meet up tomorrow" I giggled.

"Why not now" She groaned.

"Because, I'm with my boyfriend" I whispered even though there's no point.

"Whhhaaat" She asked well confusion played through out her voice.

"I'll see you tomorrow, text me, bye" I said as I hung up, well the 'waits' And 'Hold on's' echoed through out the phone as I searched for the end button.

I turned on my heel's and sat next too Aiden again, well on the other side of the bed.. I fiddled with my thumbs as the awkwardness of the events before played in my mind. If Talia didn't call me I would be getting it on right now, A rush of butterfly attacked my stomach and the red tint on my cheeks grew darker by the second by just thinking about it.

"Alana...are you disgusted by me or something" Aiden said well a frown took over his face as he turned too look at me.

"No, why would you say that?" I questioned well my head tilted too the right.

"Why don't you want too kiss me" He huffed.

I sat up and sat extremely close too him "Oh trust me I want too kiss you, I just cant" I said well setting my hand on his lap.

"Please" He begged well his chocolate eyes stared into mine.

I didn't say anything, I just kissed him, his plump warm lips pressed against mine as his hands traveled around my body. I flipped my body so I was sitting on him as our tongue's fought for dominance, My hands traveled too the nape of his neck, as I played with is hair. We lost our breath and stopped too catch it, but his lips traveled too my neck searching for my sweet spot. His teeth scrapped against my skin causing me too bite my lip too hold back a moan, I scooted our bodies closer so there was no cracks between us, I traveled my hands too his collar as I lifted it up off him he raised his hands so It would be easier, our lips found each others again as well as our tongues his hands traveled too my butt as my hands traveled on his abs and occasionally sliding my finger's softly at the edge of his shorts causing him too let out a low moan. I felt him groan beneath me causing me too gasp and a low chuckle too come out of his mouth. His hands reached for the hem of the shirt as he slowly took it off reveling my black lace bra, 'Mhmm" He let out as he broke the kiss and stared at me, my cheeks immediately heated, I grabbed his hand and slowly put it on my breast and leaned in for more. As our tongues danced and our lips connected he lightly squeezed every once in a while. His length was growing by the second as I kissed down his neck and down too his abs then back up his neck again then too his lips, He flipped me over so he was on top as he reached down too my belt the door whipped open. I jumped like a cat in water for my shirt and slipped it on.

"Hey, Ethan" I said in a high pitched tone.

"Get ready we leave in thirty" He said well glaring at Aiden well Aiden glared at Ethan.

"Oh and Alana, nice bra" He said with a smirk as he exited the room.

'Awkward' I whispered as Aiden stood there taking deep breaths.

"I'm gonna get ready, okay" I said well rubbing his bare back.

"Yea, me too" He said with a smile well pecking me on the lips.

I walked over too my dresser and picked out something casual and laid back so I can move better, even though I might not even be wearing clothes at the end of the night... I decided on French connection Lilly Denim Maroon colored jeans, a black sleeveless Ramones band shirt with white logo letters, I slipped on my black studded combat boots over my black heel socks, Finally I put on my loose beanie and I was ready to go, well fight, I was ready to go fight. I walked over too the leather Aiden and sat on his lap as I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Isn't this you're favorite jacket Aiden" I asked as my eye brows lifted.

"Nope, you're my favorite jacket" He said with a smile as I stared in his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"You make no sense" I said with a wide smile.

"Oh but I do" He said well taping me on the nose.

"Are we taking you're motorcycle" I questioned well give him a stone hard glare.

"Yep" He popped the p.

"You better not kill me" I whispered too myself.

He chuckled then got up with my in his arms bridal style "We better get going we don't want too be late" He said well opening the door.


"Are you sure this is safe" I asked well worry took over my face.

"I'll protect you" Aiden said with a wink as he got onto the black motorcycle.

He motioned for me too come closer "Why is there only one helmet" I asked as I reached Aiden.

He just shrugged and strapped on the helmet over my head.

"Do I just hop on?" I question as I set a hand on his muscular shoulder.

"Yea" He answered with a smile.

I wrapped my leg around the vehicle and sat on the leather seat, Aiden started the Motorcycle and immediately I wrapped my arms in a tight hold around his waist as my head buried into his shoulder. The engine roared too life, and we took off going faster and faster by the minute with Ethan hot on our trail. The wind blew in my face sending chills from the December breeze, I felt free, as if nothing really mattered, as If there was no problems in the world, nothing too stress over, I felt like I could stay like this forever. But the ride had too come too an end, and unfortunately the end was now. We came too a stop and I climbed out, when my boots hit the pavement there was a buzz in my pocket, I opened up my phone and noticed a text from Stiles 'Where are you?'

A/N:Just too let you know I actually love when people comment 'update 'update 'update' It actually motivates me too update more often ;), so if you love me or love this book or like me or like this book or if your a nice person you'll comment and vote! See you next time!

If Something Bites
You Bite It Back

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