Almost Perfect (Romance//humo...

By Dare2Dreamm

2.8K 238 8

Suddenly, I heard a thud on the window, followed by another. I briskly open my swollen eyes which were still... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 6

121 11 0
By Dare2Dreamm




I think I'm having Monday blue.

Or green.

Or is it red?

Oh damn, I'm already having colour blindness on a Monday morning.

Screw you, Monday.

I dragged my lazy legs across the floor, groaning slightly.

I should probably just write an absent letter saying that I was infected by a serious disease called lazytis.

And food is the only cure.

So far.


"Students, keeping the cafeteria clean is everyone's duty because......" the headmaster mumbled, reading blindly from a written script.

He probably likes Monday really much.

He had so much inspiration he has been talking for the past 20 minutes, not even realizing that half of the students in the hall were already fast asleep.

His voice is so hypnothizing he should really become a singer.

"....singing competition...."

Wait what?

Singing competition?

My ears perked up like a cat ready to strike a mouse.

"... will be held next week, details are written on the board"

My eyes brighten immediately.

I've always like singing, regardless of the type of song I'm singing.

Especially in shower.

This could be a nice opportunity for me to stand out.

Well, at least that's what my mum always wanted.

"Don't be afraid honey, just step up and shine," her words echoed through my mind.

After for like a century, (thanks to the headmaster who helped us to skip the first lesson) we finally got back to class.

"I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose, fire away, fire away," I suddenly heard a familiar voice singing beside me.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw...


The little voice in my head was telling me," Sing with her! You won't wanna miss this golden opportunity!"

Before I can think, the lyrics blurted out of my mouth.

"Shoot me down, but I won't fall, I'm titanium," two voices harmonized perfectly, moving in sync.

Our charm worked so well that even the boys siting near us turned around, staring at us like we were aliens from another planet.

We turned to each other and smiled.

"So you can sing," Erica smirked.

"You too," I spoke softly, blushing.

"You know what, let's group together for the competition, what do ya think?" Erica requested.

"Oh my gosh, yes please!" I grinned.

"Awesome! I had always wanted a singing partner!" Erica smiled, a smile which I had never seen before.

A real one.

Erica must have a big passion for singing.

Maybe blurting out singing wasn't that bad after all.


"Okay! Class dismiss!" the teacher called out.

"OH YAH LIKE FINALLY!" I groaned as I sighed in relief from all the tension.

I've been jotting down notes for the past few lessons, trying my best write what teacher was saying. Teachers in this school talk faster than the speed of light.

"Uh Katie? Mind if I join you for lunch?" A deep voice mumbled softly in my ears.

I looked up and the next second, I was stunned.

I swear that my brain stopped for 5 seconds.

Why the hell will Ethan, the hot guy, the top student, the teacher's pet even notice, much less talk to me?

More importantly, why did he ask me out for lunch?

"Well it's okay if you don't want to," his smile started to curve into a slight frown as he rubbed the back of his neck.


Work you stupid mouth.

"Yeah sure you can join us", Erica answered as she smirked knowingly at me.

Oh gosh.

Am I seriously gonna have lunch with Ethan, the guy I just peeked on a few days ago?

Is this a dream?

If it is, please don't wake me up, mum.

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