Tricks and Lies

By tomstarvstheworld

121K 7.6K 4K

❀ ft. Tomco ✿ Tom, a demon prince never thought he'd have to go to college -or school in general- until his... More

It's Been Four Years
The First Day
a B+ and a Week Off
Tom the Demon
To Be a Demon King
Tim and the Other Kid
Jealousy and Anger
Demon Tears
Together Again
Unknown Messages
Bunny Trouble
Road Trip
the Death of a King
Demon Diaz
False Hope
Shall We Dance?
The Truth
Fin ~
Extra 1
heyyy yall
Quick Important Author's Note!

One Last Dance

2.4K 197 39
By tomstarvstheworld

Please, before reading, it wouldn't hurt to vote! ^^

Familiar music filled the air, and the brunette smiled, stroking the other's hair. "Love Sentence, huh?"

"I will die a fan if I have to." The other young man replied, a pink bunny in his hands. He played with the animal almost like it was a puppet, and the bunny didn't mind.

A three-headed white husky sat panting nearby, looking around with great interest.

Marco looked up, examining the setting for about the 10th time.

It was a calm meadow. Beyond that were mountains, and beyond that was the setting sun.

Marco leaned back against the dark trunk of the single tree, that sat atop one single hill in the middle of the meadow, letting the song flow into his ears.

With his head on Marco's lap, Tom the Demon King hummed to the song softly.

The brunette closed his eyes. "This place.. It really is nice."

Tom hummed in agreement, "..I don't think I've ever told you, but this is where I met Star."


"Yep.. You see that burnt path right there?" Tom sat up, and pointed, "I rolled in from a portal. A little girl named Star was already here.. I crashed into her."

Marco chuckled softly before feeling a pair of lips on his own, and he kissed back. It wasn't surprising, he always did this randomly after all.
Was he used to it already?

Tom hummed in approval, and leaned back. "I.. I really, really hate that I have to leave after this.."

"Right.. I almost forgot.." Marco's smile wavered.

After this moment, this one sweet moment that he wished would last forever, Tom would be leaving for the Underworld.

He was going to be crowned King, and he was going to finally do the job he was meant to do.

Marco would be going back to college, maybe get a job or two, his own place..  He was going to live a normal human life.

Star would have been here with them if it hadn't been for her coronation practice.
Marco would be attending the real one, but not Tom. Marco would miss Tom's coronation because, apparently, the Underworld was too dangerous at the moment.

So this would be the last time he would see Tom, at least for a long while.
At least until they met at a certain place, date, and time.

Star, Tom, and him. Just the three of them to hang out. And sure, maybe even Marshmallow and Three.


Marco lifted his gaze to meet Tom's, and the demon smiled. "I won't leave you behind.. Alright? I promise."

The brunette hesitated, but nodded, "And I'll always be here.. I'll be here waiting."

"Okay.. Good." Tom leaned in once more, and they kissed once again.

Who knew when it would be their last?

"Okay, let's take a break." A woman sighed tiredly. "Everyone is dismissed, come back in 30 minutes. I must speak with my daughter for a moment.."

The rest of the people in the room— dress designers, maids, and other servants— nodded and left, following their queen's orders.

Once the doors closed, the queen turned to the princess with a smile.

The blonde caught her mother's eyes, and smiled back, "..What?"

"Oh nothing.. Nothing," The queen waved her hand and sniffed.

Her daughter rolled her eyes, "Mom."

"My lovely Star... My baby Star.." Queen Butterfly wiped tears from her eyes carefully to not smear her makeup.



Star stepped forward and placed her hand on her mother's arm. "It's okay.. I'm okay"

"I'm not okay.." The queen cried, "My daughter.. Finally taking the throne.. I'm just so surprised— I'm so proud."

Star smiled, handing her a handkerchief, "Mom... Thank you."


"Thank you for everything... I'm sure I'll be fine because you taught me everything I know. Dad too, but if you weren't here I— I don't think I would survive." Star finished, and Queen Butterfly pulled her into a hug.

She closed her eyes,"It was an honor.. You're welcome, my shiny Star."

Star's eyes lit for a moment, before she closed them. "It was an honor having you as my mother.."

"Now.. the crown?" Queen Butterfly turned her head after she finished a lengthy speech and oath with her daughter.

King Butterfly stood next to his wife, blowing his nose then and there.

"The crown?" The queen repeated, nudging her husband and he let out an oh!

He turned to the crown holder nearby and was given the gold crown. It was beautiful; whenever the light hit it the blue and pink gems shined brightly.

The king passed it to his wife but not before giving his daughter a hug.
"I am so proud of you, Star." He said under his mustache, and the princess smiled.

"Thanks Dad."

As he stepped back, the queen stepped forward with the crown in her hands.

Star leaned down, and her mother placed the crown on top of her head.
"I now pronounce you.."

The blonde straightend back her composure, and turned to the large audience.

"..Queen Star Butterfly of Mewni."

The audience cheered loudly, chanting either All hail Queen Butterfly! or long live the queen!

Star smiled brightly. Her smile was almost brighter than all of the light in the throne room as she gazed upon the audience.

And upon the audience, her eyes met with another's.
A brunette he was, her best friend.

They've been together through thick and thin, and now she was looking at him as a queen.

Marco smiled when his eyes met her sparkling blue ones.
He clapped and she laughed.
He was so proud of her.

When the ceremony was over and came the after party, Marco was finally able to talk to Star.
They chatted and chatted away as they drank Mewni wine.

Eventually Star had to run off somewhere, leaving Marco alone.

"I need some fresh air..." The brunette huffed, fanning himself.

Mewni alcohol is so strong..

Marco searched for an exit and found one. The large, bejeweled doors were wide open, almost calling his name.
Without any hesitation he headed for them. 

The breeze felt ever so satisfying when he reached the open doors.
The view was even better.

He was welcomed with a beautiful, large garden. A marble path lead to a small gazebo surrounded with bushes of Mewni flowers.
On either side of the path were tall trees holding pastel-colored leaves which fell to the ground then and there.
It was simply breathtaking.

He took a few steps forward, admiring the garden with every step, then he looked forward to the gazebo.
He stopped in his tracks, and blinked.

Huh..? That was.. weird.. I thought I saw someone there for a second— It was Tom. The person I saw was Tom!

Ignoring the fact that it could have been his imagination, he ran to the gazebo. He stepped up into it and looked around.
It was empty except for a few petals scattered across the wooden, hollow floorboard.

Marco sighed disappointedly, then mentally slapped himself.

That was silly of you, Marco.. He's not here.. He's.. not here.

The brunette moved his bangs from his eyes and then crossed his arms, and sighed again.

Great, now you're all sad. Nice one..

"Wow. Y'know, I actually have never been to this part of the castle."

"Same here." Marco replied to the voice sadly, then froze.
He turned around, and there at the bungalow steps was..

There the demon was, standing only a few feet away from him.
He wore a black suit— it reminded Marco of the suit he used to wear four years ago.

Tom gave a warm smile up at the human before him. He was as happy as his lover was seeing him.

Marco rubbed his eyes just to be sure what he was seeing was real, and sure enough, it was.

Tom was here. He was really here.

Marco grinned, and then let out a laugh  as he watched the demon walk forward to him. "I can't believe you're here—" He swallowed hard to prevent himself from crying, "I thought I wouldn't see you until—"

"Yeah, yeah.. I know. I can't believe I'm here either.." Tom gave a sheepish chuckle himself once he reached a few inches in front of the other.

"Wait. How did you..?"

"I um— I kind of ditched the after party of my own coronation..?" Tom shrugged, and Marco frowned.

"Was that really ok..? I mean, wouldn't people be looking for you and—"

"Sh." The demon king brought a finger to his own lips in a shushing motion to quiet his boyfriend. "Don't say that. I came here because I wanted to. I mean, how could I miss something like Star being crowned queen of frickin' Mewni?? I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Marco's frown turned into a soft smile.
Even if he had said those things, he couldn't be any happier that Tom was here in front of him.

"Also.. I knew you were going to be here, and I couldn't miss that either." Tom added, averting his gaze as his face grew warm.

"Well, I'm happy that you're here." Marco replied taking a step closer to Tom. "Oh— And speaking of Star, does she know you're even here??"

"Ah, yeah. Of course. I spoke with her before she got crowned, actually." Tom turned back to the brunette. "She was surprised too."

Marco nodded slowly in thought before opening his mouth to speak once more, "So.. does this mean this will be the last time I see you..? Like, not until a long while but the last time until then..?"

Tom frowned, "Y-yeah.."

It grew quiet between them, and only the sound of the wind brushing through the garden filled the silence.

Then suddenly, a sweet melody echoed from the castle and out to the garden, catching Tom's attention.

"Hey.. Forget about that for a second.." The demon smiled, and took a step back. "Four years ago at the Blood Moon Ball, I found out you could actually dance, so I wonder if you still have that skill," He began.

"So.." Tom held out a hand to Marco, "Will you dance with me?"

The human's gaze went back to Tom and then his hand, and laughed.
"Of course."

Once taking his hand, Tom pulled the other close, setting his free hand to Marco's waist while Marco placed his on Tom's shoulder.
And with that, they began to have one last dance to the soft sound of music.

Every step they took made a soothing noise on the floorboards, counting each of those steps.

"Y'know.." Marco began, "That was also when our souls were bounded together forever, right?"

Tom's face grew warm at the thought, "R-right.."

The memory made Marco laugh to himself.
How ironic.

Marco remembered the special dance that bounded two souls together under a blood moon.
A fourteen year old Tom had planned it for himself and his ex-girlfriend and crush, Star, but it failed.

Marco had come to the ball to Star's rescue, but he was having a hard time finding the blonde.
In the end he had tripped on someone's foot and bumped into Tom instead.
A red light surrounded the two, and an annoyed demon prince told Marco to go with it, and they danced.

They danced just like how they did right now.

Marco's eyes never left Tom's as the two spun around in the gazebo.
After all he wanted to cherish this moment while he could, and Tom felt the same way.

But all things come to an end.

And soon the song ended, bringing them to a stop.

Marco rested his head against Tom's chest, and all grew quiet again.

"..I don't want to leave." The demon king spoke in a soft tone.

"..I don't want you to either." Marco replied just as quiet. "..but you have to."


The brunette lifted his head up to his lover, his eyes growing watery.
"You're a king now. We both knew this would come eventually.. Even if we—" He averted his gaze. "Even if I.. had not fallen in love with you.. Even if that battle didn't happen.. If you're father didn't pass away.. If we didn't dance together four years ago.. You still would have been king eventually."

Tom grew quiet.

"But," Marco sniffed, forcing a smile on his face. "I'm happy. I'm happy things didn't go that way and that we're here now. Is that bad..? Is it terrible..?"

Tom shook his head, cupping Marco's cheek with his hand and lifting his head up. ".. I don't regret anything either. At least whatever it took that brought you to be with me, I don't regret. And I never will."

Tom stared right at Marco, and wiped the tears that slipped out from the brunette away. "I love you, Marco. Don't ever forget that. I'll always love you."

Marco's smile grew, and more tears slipped out to be free. "I love you too."

With that the demon leaned in, and placed one last kiss upon the human's lips.

Marco stifled a cry when he opened his eyes to see no one in front of him, no longer there holding him.

Tom had disappeared.

Man up, Marco. This isn't the last time. I won't let it be the last time.

Wiping his tears away, he sniffed once more, and too a deep breath.
He stepped out of the gazebo before looking up at the Mewni moon.

Marco smiled.

This won't be the last time.

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