Tricks and Lies

By tomstarvstheworld

121K 7.5K 4K

❀ ft. Tomco ✿ Tom, a demon prince never thought he'd have to go to college -or school in general- until his... More

It's Been Four Years
The First Day
a B+ and a Week Off
Tom the Demon
To Be a Demon King
Tim and the Other Kid
Jealousy and Anger
Demon Tears
Together Again
Unknown Messages
Bunny Trouble
the Death of a King
Demon Diaz
False Hope
Shall We Dance?
The Truth
One Last Dance
Fin ~
Extra 1
heyyy yall
Quick Important Author's Note!

Road Trip

3.4K 223 81
By tomstarvstheworld

Please, before reading, don't forget to vote! ^^

[Tom's POV]


I looked up to see Marco spaced out, looking off to who knows where with the last bag in his arms.

Today was the day Marco, Star, Marshmallow, Three, and I would go on a road trip to who knew where- Marco wouldn't tell us specifically -and Marco and I were currently packing out stuff into the trunk while waiting for Star, Marsh, and Three to be done doing who knew what.

"Marco." I snapped my fingers to get his attention.

"Hm." He turned around. "Oh.. Sorry. It's just that I can hear the festival from here," He chuckled, setting the duffle bag in the trunk before closing it. "I bet Jackie and Jana are there.. I wanted to go with Star and Tim but.."

"By the way Marco.." I began, looking up at the unusually gray and plain sky.

Not really a day to go on a road trip huh... Whatever.


"This Tim guy.. You could've invited him to the road trip with us," I don't know why I said that, but I guess I just needed to actually act like he was a different person from me.

"Nah, I tried.." Marco shook his head. "But he didn't answer the text or my call."

"Worried?" I smirked.

"Sure, but.. I know he can take care of himself so I'm sure he's fine," Marco smiled.

I glanced down to the ground.


"How do you feel about him?" I asked curiously.

He stayed silent in thought. "Hm.. He's a friend I want to keep close by, y'know? Now that I think about it.. I barely know the guy but somehow I know my feelings for him are strong."

I nodded in thought.

"Same goes for you." He added, causing me to look up to see his cutest smile.
"Oh! And y'know what?"


"He kind of reminds me of you... Like- If you were a human, you'd be like him, y'know?"


I laughed nervously. "Ahahah..! Really now?"

Marco nodded. "Yeah. Like, when I'm with you I feel the same feelings as I do when I'm with him.. It's pretty weird."

"Um.. Marco..?"


"There's something I've gotta tell you..." I sighed, leaning against my red Ferrari.

"Hm? What is it?"



A voice made us jump and look back to the front porch of the house.

The caller was Marshmallow, who I almost forgot was turned into a boy, and Star.

"How do I look??" Marshmallow
spun around.

I looked over his new outfit.

Instead of my oversized clothes, he now had on a white collared shirt with brown shorts and red suspenders. He also had on a matching brown hat, that allowed his bunny ears to still stand tall, and red converse.
His collar shined bright even in this gloomy day.

"Cute, right?" He winked, skipping down the porch steps.

"Meh..You look like a paper boy." I shrugged, "Marco could probably dress and look better than that,"

Marco chuckled, "Of course I can,"

"But.." I added, "I gotta give you points for actually brushing your hair kid."

"Wah, so mean." Marshmallow whined, "Y'know you were never this mean when I was a bunny...Always calling me cute and adorable and things,"

Tom smirked. "Well that was when you were a bunny."

"Hey now! He isn't the only one who got a makeover~!" Star laughed, walking over to us as well with Three on a leash.

I stared at the dog. "Wait..Did you always have one head?" I asked him before leaning to pet him. He looked back up to me with three eyes.

"Yeah.. The glamour spell kind of messed up," Star said.

"Ahah.. That's fine, he's still cute as ever. At least he didn't turn into a boy," I chuckled, opening the car door to the back seat. "Let's get going then, shall we?"

"Yes sir!" Marshmallow hopped in the car, followed by Three and Star as Marco made his way to the passengers seat.

As I got in the drivers seat, Star asked, "Wait Tom.. you do know how to drive right?"

"Star," I turned my head. "I have my license, of course I do," I turned back with a smirk and placed on my 3-lensed sun glasses.

Star shrugged, "Just so you know, I am not convinced, but someone has to drive so.."

"I can drive," Marco spoke up.

"Hey, I can too but that would be a bad idea," She replied back.

"Alright, alright..!" I said loudly. "Sit down, Marsh."

"Sure thing dad," The bunny boy groaned and sat in his seat.

Three barked.

"Seat-belts on too you guys," Marco added, "Safety first,"

"Yes mom!" Star smirked and did as told.

"Hm." I thought to myself with a smirk, "That doesn't sound too bad... mom.."

"Did you say something Tom?" Marco glanced over to me as I started the car.

"Nope." I smiled brightly and began to drive.


"Wwoooww!" Marshmallow gasped in amazement at the view as I pushed the button for the roof of the car to go down.

We had just passed through one night, and the bunny boy had just woken up to the sun rising.

Star stirred awake to all the noise. "What the hell..? What time is it..? And what's that smell..?"

"Time for you to wake up and see the sun rise." I replied, slowly driving onto the sand. "Oh, and thats the sea,"

We were at an old, empty, and abandoned beach that Lou took me to once for a vacation.

"Whaaat..??" Star woke up more. "I love beaches!"

I drove through the sand until we were close yet far enough from where the water reached, and parked.
"That's why I told you guys to bring swimsuits and towels and such,"

"Yipee!" Marshmallow, Three and Star jumped out of the car without even opening the doors and out to the water.

I got out of the car myself before making way to the passenger's seat where Marco slept peacefully.

"Mar." I poked his cheek softly, placing on my 3-lensed sunglasses on once more. "Marco.. You're gonna miss the sunrise. Marco. Marco Diaz. Diaz. CoCo."

The brunette stirred around a bit before finally opening his eyes. He chuckled lightly, stealing my sunglasses and putting them on himself, "These glasses are so cool.."

"C'mon," I urged, opening the door for him as he got out.

As we both walked towards the others, Marco shivered. "What the hell.. It's too cold to play at the beach..! I bet the water is freezing." He paused in his steps, kneeling down to roll up his jeans.

"...Yet you're doing that," I chuckled, then took off my leather jacket and placed it around him. "There. Where it," I smiled before doing the same to my jeans.

"Yess..!" Marco grinned, properly placing my jacket on over his red hoodie.

We proceeded to walk over to the water, and shivered once it hit our feet.

"Look!" Marshmallow shouted, pointing out to the sea. "Look it's the sun!"

Star jogged over and stood next to Marco. "Woooww!" She brought out her pink polaroid camera from it's bag and took a picture.

Sure enough, the bright, golden sun was slowly waking.
The cool air and the cold water actually felt soothing.
I had hoped it would stay like this forever, with Marco and Star by my side.

"Marshmallow! Get over here, let's take a picture!" Star called out, and the bunny boy headed over to us with Three behind him.

But.. I know that's impossible.

"Get close you guys!" Star and Marshmallow pushed me and Marco closer, and Three jumped into my arms.
"Alright! Say road trip!"

"Road trip!!!!"


"Alright you guys, time to get back on the road," I laughed.

"Aww!" Marshmallow whined, "Can't we stay here??"

I chuckled. "I thought you wanted to see the world,"

"Right.." He got out of the water and towards me.

With the sun hiding behind the gray clouds, the place began to look depressing.

"What's up with the sky..? It was like this yesterday.." Star asked, as if reading my mind.

"I don't know," I shrugged and began to head to the car.

A cute tune began to play suddenly, and we turned to see Marco answering a call.

After a few minutes, Marco's smile went to a frown.
"J-jackie?? What- Calm down! I can't- Hold on." He glanced up at us before pressing the speaker button.

"Jackie! What is it?" Marco asked again.

"..M-marco..!!!" Jackie's voice spoke, half crying. "T-they..! M-marco..! They're e-everywhere..!..a-attacking everyone..! oh my god.. f-fuck..! M-marco..! T-they took Janna, Marco!! S-she tried to protect m-me..!"

"Jackie?! Jackie, it's me, Star! Stay with us! Who's they?" Star asked.

"T-three... T-they opened a p-portal or some shit..! B-before the festival ended..! T-then monsters came out- and..! we're hiding in h-homeroom...!oh.. fuck! Zack..! Wait up- Oskar, c'mon..!"

Zack? Hold up- he was the guy who had joked around with her about the festival in class weeks ago..Wow. He survived?

No time for joking around, Tom!

"Oskar?!" Star called out, pullin the phone away from Marco's hands. "Jackie! JACKIE?!"

Wait... three..?

"Three what Jackie?!" I shouted at the phone.

"Z-zack!! No!!"
Then there was silence.


There was a loud shout and the sound of glass breaking.

"Heehee..!" A giggle was heard from the phone, and it was not Jackie. "Jackie~? Jackie baby~?? Where are you my bestest friend..~? Jack~?" The voice sang. "It's me Jack~! It's only me, Janna~! Jackie~? Come on out~!"

"Jackie..!" Marco whispered, but all you could hear was Jackie's muffled cries.

"M-marco...?" She whispered quietly.

"Jackie..!" We replied in sync.

"Oh! There you are! I've found you, JACKIE~"

"....t-that's.. that's n-not J-Janna.." After she had said this, there was a loud bang followed by Jackie's scream and a small clack of the phone falling to the floor.

"Try to open a portal to Echo Creek, Star!" I shouted, and the blonde took out her scissors.

"Janna dear?"

"Wait- Shh..!" Marco placed a finger on his lips as he took the phone from her.

"Oh dear. Is the human unconscious?" The deep, male asked.

"Yes, and so are the others." Janna replied in an almost robotic tone, "She is a friend of Marco Diaz, Star Butterfly, and-"

"Sshh!" The male hushed her. "What is that?"

"... It's a phone." Sounds of the phone being picked up were heard.


We three hesitated to reply.

The male on the other side chuckled. "You can't possibly be afraid to answer me, Prince Tom?"

Once he said my name I felt chills running down my spine.
"Who.. Who are you?" I asked sternly.

"Hm. You know who I am, don't you? See you soon, cousin."
And with that, the phone hung up.

No way.. no way no way no way!!

I clenched my fists, staring at the ground as I felt anger burn inside me.

"Tom..?" Marco gently placed a hand on my shoulder but I roughly pulled away. "W-who.. Who was that? He said you knew him.. that you're his cousin..?"

"Cousin..?" I chuckled, a grin forming on my face. "No.. Not him.. Not that bastard."

I stepped backwards away from them.

"Tom?" Star looked at me worriedly.

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled. "Don't go back to Echo Creek.. I'll handle this.."

[No POV]

Star and Marco watched in slight terror as the demon's whole boy was suddenly engulfed in red flames.

Marshmallow slightly shook, but bravely took a step forward, "N-no.. Tom..!"

"Stay put!" Tom growled, his voice deeper than it regularly was. His three eyes grew white.
"I will settle this."

Suddenly the back of Tom's shirt ripped slightly open, revealing dark wings that Marco never thought his friend could have.

"Tom, no!" Star took a step forward as well, but it was too late.

In a swift movement, the demon launched up into the sky and disappeared in the sky.

"N-now you'll know.." Star whimpered, causing Marco to turn to her.


"..y-you'll see what a demon.. w-what Tom can truly become.." Her blonde hair covered her face but she bravely looked up, tears in her eyes.

"No! I'm going, whether you like it or not. I'm going to save my home." He said sternly.

"Idiot.." She laughed weakly. "I was going to ask if you could drive,"




dont forget to follow for updates! and dont be afraid to comment~!

i dont bite too hard ;'<

- Chu

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