The Power of a Mate

By abysmallyknown

1.6K 81 22

Rose has been next in line for the throne of her vampire colony for centuries, patiently waiting for her belo... More

I: Shadows
II: Irrational
III: Chained
IV: Theodore
V: Thirst
VI: Encounter
VIII: Alone
IX: Mistakes
X: Selfish
XI: Unraveling
XII: Contemplation
XIII: Intrigued
XIV: Happy Full Moon
XV: Conviction
XVI: Mark of Betrayal
XVII: A Heavy Pride

VII: Burning Weakness

63 3 0
By abysmallyknown

Song: Anthem by Emancipator

"Anything that you cannot sacrifice pins you. Makes you predictable, makes you weak."

― Mark Lawrence, Prince of Thorns

Rose's POV

Rage coursed through me as I thought of another woman laying her hands on my beloved. I searched for the scent that engulfed my beloved across his entire pack, but I could not find it. I thought I had recognized the scent of the woman, but I could not place where I had known her from. She was a mystery.

I wanted to confront him in front of his pack as well as my colony, but now would not be the time as we would have years to work out our differences. My brain became muddled at the sound of his voice.

The moment that his claim sliced through the brisk air of the forest, every being had stopped. His alpha voice made many in his pack cower and those in my colony bare their teeth at them. The war had come to an abrupt halt as we stood apart from each other, breathless.

There had only been two casualties, both from my colony as they had not followed my orders. Part of me wanted vengeance for their deaths, but the other half wanted to applaud my beloved for the strong pack that he led. My soul's desire for my beloved was strong, but as I regained my senses I was appalled that I had been chosen for a werewolf.

Hundreds of emotions ran through me as I met his gaze. My colony inched forward ever so slightly as if to encourage me to continue the battle, but I shook my head. I wanted nothing more than to celebrate the finding of beloved as now I could rule over my colony in peace rather than fighting my father for the position.

"I think it best if we speak in a more suitable place," I spoke quietly for only my beloved's ears to hear.

Rowan, who stood beside me looked repulsed at the idea of me accepting him. I snapped my head to his direction and sent him a glare. I would not allow anyone to disrespect my beloved as he was soon to be the king to reign over him.

Rowan bowed his head in respect as he realized that I had scolded him. I put aside my ire that had been brewing for the other woman as I took another step towards the man whose soul was intertwined with my own. He held my gaze as neutrality overcame his features.

I knew there was a war inside him that could not be won with peace. He took a step back from me, even though I gravitated towards him I stayed in place.

"What is your name?" His deep voice resonated through my body, making me shudder with joy, though it was emotionless.

"Rose Greer," I stated, confidently.

I took immeasurable amounts of pride in my name as I knew it made many shake with fear, but my beloved did not look fazed or impressed. I noticed that some of his pack members did shrink back a few steps, though his betas snarled at them.

I frowned at the coldness that entered his steel blue eyes. He stood rigidly with his arms crossed over his chest. He towered over me, but I was not as intimidated as he meant for me to be. He being alpha would have no effect over me becoming a queen. I refrained from thinking he was as cold hearted as he seemed. His entire being screamed rage as he gazed at me.

"I, Jace Hart reject you, Rose Greer as my mate," he growled.

My eyes widened and my body became paralyzed at his words. His words split my soul in two. His words were razors to my heart as they slashed into my heart repetitively, not slowing down as they sunk in further. I thought that I had been mistaken.

I thought my ears had deceived me. My colony hissed with disapproval for my instant depression, though they did not show an ounce of regret or remorse for my beloved's actions. My power strengthened in order to protect myself, but I had no motive to use it as I felt myself crumbling before the man I had waited so long to meet.

Jace stepped back from me before nodding his head once. Confusion crossed my face as hundreds of wolves raced towards me, swallowing the face of my beloved. I only had a few moments before I was trampled by the beasts attempting to tear my head off of my body.

My soul detached from my body as my body battled two of the wolves who wanted me dead. I recognized the two immediately as Jace's betas. I did not know the reason why Jace had rejected me. Our species were rivals and I had been planning on destroying his pack before I had known he was my beloved.

I thought he had felt it as well - our automatic attraction. My colony raced in to assist my team and me, though they did not get far before Jace's pack bounded towards them. A plight was in the midst as hundreds of cries echoed in my ears. I cringed at their sounds of need.

We were losing the fight because of my weakness. A metallic as well as the bitter scent of my blood wafted to my nose as I realized that the tan wolf had sunk its teeth into my abdomen. Blood spilled from my wound and my eyes clouded with pain, externally as well as internally. I yanked a gun from my waistband and shot blindly at the wolves.

I assumed that I had injured one of the beasts as I heard its yelp. I was thankful that I had infused twice the potency of silver into the bullets. I wondered how long it would take for me to stop bleeding as my power was not healing me. I had not met this man before, yet he had already made me weak. Perhaps the rejection would be for the best, but even I could not believe myself.

I fell to my knees in exhaustion and my head pounded as I was quickly losing blood. I knew that wolves would be near in me in seconds at my vulnerable state. I stubborn as I staggered back to my feet. I noticed Rowan racing towards me and defend me from the wolf that was quickly closing in on me.

"Rose. We have to get out of here. We're losing. We already have more than twenty casualties. We need to leave," Rowan panted.

I shook my head. I would not let him win.

"No, we must keep trying. Call... Maria," I whispered.

If he wanted to play with ice, I would win with fire.

"She has more important to business to attend to," Rowan said shortly.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but I felt my expression drop as the intensity of the pulsing of my wound became too strong to stand. I attempted to apply pressure to the gash in my side, but it was too large that my hand would make no difference. I could feel my bones pressing against my fingertips.

I noticed that Rowan was losing as well as he tried to defend me. There was indeed too many wolves for us to fight. I did not know where Jace was as I could no longer smell him through the scent of my blood.

I stumbled over bodies until the wind blew past me, feeling as though it were freezing my blood. A new scent that consisted not of my colony, nor Jace's pack whisked in the air.

The wolves stopped fighting at once, retreating from the field. I had never seen a pack that large disappear so fast. They had left within a matter of minutes. Only a handful of wolves had been slaughtered in our attack, but dozens of my troops laid dead before me.

I had an overwhelming urge to follow them as I did not want to let go of my beloved. I slumped to the ground. It was the first time in centuries that my colony had been a breath away from defeat.

I raced through the forest with darkness closing in on my heels. I could not hide from the creature that wanted to taste the bitterness of my blood. My head pounded with exertion and my legs trembled with fatigue. I was fierce with fear as I searched for the comfort that could only be given by my beloved.

I wanted his hand in mine, the soothing sound of his voice, but most of all I wanted his acceptance. I didn't know where I was going, but I wanted to be far from the beast who would end me. The past of my family, I had been told would find me. The future of my family would depend on me. The present laid on my shoulders.

Voices whispered in my head as they urged me to forget. I couldn't forget what had happened to me since they would not allow it. I was the heir to all their misfortunes. The creature called to me,

"He does not want you, child. You will serve a different purpose for us. Just let us find you. Do not fight the connection that we have."

I tried not to listen as I pushed my legs to carry me faster. I didn't know of the darkness that would soon capture my soul. The power that would fester inside of me. I was young and naïve.

"You are worthless to anyone, but me. You will know your place soon," the creature jeered.

A lone tear slipped down my cheek as I tumbled to the ground. I cursed myself for the weakness that I showed. The façade that I harbored crumbled along with every other fiber of my being. My father's voice rang in my head as I remembered the words he had spoken to me,

"You must not be weak in a strong world."

I repeated the words endlessly in my head, hoping that I would believe them. The only thing I could think of was how I wanted a rescuer. A younger image of myself appeared in my head as I had been taught to never need help.

The darkness slowly crept upon my light of innocence. I tried to move away from the death the crowded my vision. I was no longer a child in a loving world, but a child forced into adulthood without nourishment. The creature grinned maliciously as it slowly lowered its fangs to my body. Its darkness slowly buried my body in an inescapable embrace of strength.

I awoke trying to recompose myself. I had often had the same nightmares recurring throughout the time since I had acquired my powers, but it would shape, based on my life. I took in my surroundings as I slowly came to the realization that I had been abandoned.

I was in a part of the forest that I did not recognize. I slowly stood, flinching when I felt the pull of stitches on my side. I slowly lifted my shirt and saw the freshly sewn stitches that stretched across majority of my abdomen.

"It's a miracle you did not die. You're an amazing woman," an unfamiliar voice murmured.

I whipped my head towards the sound, but I could not see. Darkness was evident in my vision, though I didn't understand why since vampires have night vision. I knew they were there, but my senses had somehow been subdued. I wanted to run, but I was slow.

"There is no need to run. You do not have to fear me. How can I say that when you do not have your enhanced senses because of me? Well it is simple. We fear you, but you must not be afraid of us," the voice explained the vanishing of all that I am.

"Who are you?" I croaked.

I frowned at the way my voice sounded - thick with disuse. My head throbbed as I wanted answers, but also an escape. I wanted to forget the past few days and take my rightful spot as queen. Sluggishly, I walked in the direction of the voice. I prepared for a fight, though I sensed defeat would near.

"Please, we just would like to make an agreement with you. We have the perfect solution for your weakness. You will never feel this foreign emotion again. All you have to do is agree to the terms of our deal, understand?" The voice asked, ignoring my question.

I felt disoriented. I respected their ways of handling business, though I did not tolerate being the one handled. The deal sounded interesting, considering that I was left for dead in the woods.

"What is the price that you ask?" I questioned.

"All you need to do is promise your protection as well as your participation."

"I will not harm you if that is what you fear. Now give me back what belongs to me," I demanded.

The male voice laughed at my request. 

"You see, Miss Greer, we cannot do that. It is all the leverage we have over you."

At least he was honest, though not a wise decision to say.

"As well as the promise of vengeance," the man continued.

"I do not understand. I am not in need of revenge," I spoke confused.

"You have a reminder across your body. I'm sure that he loved watching your almost death experience."

A growl resonated from my chest at the disrespect of my beloved. He rejected you, my subconscious prompted. I wanted to ask him why he did it, but I knew the opportunity would not present itself.

"You still want him even though he rejected you," the voice spoke as though it were an accusation.

"I can show you a different side of him. A side you will surely betray," a woman said smoothly.

The sound of a woman's voice outraged me. I wanted to know who she was as she sounded slightly possessive over my beloved. I did not give up hope that he would come back to me.

"Give me a reason to agree to not kill you," I snarled.

"You do not have much of a choice if you want to get out of this alive, but if that is not enough, you should know that the reason why your beloved rejected you was because of me. He could never love anyone else," the woman responded.

"You will never be alone with us, Rose," the man added.

I knew at once that they were werewolves, at least partly.

"Why would you want me? I was bred to kill you."

"You are more powerful than you think. You would be perfect for our plan."

My brain swarmed with doubts and hopes. I knew that in the end I would accept the man's negotiation as I wanted to stay alive. I was in debt to them after all for rescuing me, even though I hated to admit it.

"We will give you back your senses once you promise to work with us," the man vowed.

I shook my head as I would not vow to a man that I did not know. I raced towards the voice as I had once trained on islands without my senses as I was to be prepared for anything that I would possibly come in contact with.

I was glad that I had taken my father's advice. I knew I must've been close as a wolf raced over to me and stomped over me. I rolled quickly, tucking away from its long claws. I wished that my power would awaken to assist me, but it remained quiet.

The wolf snarled at me indignantly. It barreled towards me as I could feel its breath fan my face. My nose wrinkled in disgust at the putrid smell that floated from its mouth. The wolf was mediocrely trained as it went for the obvious kill.

I struck its underside since I did not have as much strength as I would've liked, but the wolf was not fazed as its once glowing yellow eyes turned to black. The animal was now pure beast.

I was weak and I could do nothing about it. I would not be able to defeat the wolf. Disgrace and shame weighed heavily upon my weak shoulders as I realized that this wolf was an omega. I was too slow to shrink away from the wolf again before its claws glided, reopening half of my stitches.

Memories of my nightmare flashed through my head as I realized that my ex beloved debilitated my power. The words were difficult to say, but I managed with great reluctance,

"You have my word."

The moment that I muttered the words, a searing pain etched into my forearm. I had not noticed the metal clasp that had been secured around the skin of my forearm until it was released. My senses immediately were heightened again and I could feel the venom rush into my system, aiding to the enhancement of my regular self.

I instantly could see my surroundings and I glanced to my forearm and realized that with vowing my promise to the strangers, I had sealed an agreement. The contract was burned into my skin with the emblem of their pack.

Blood dripped through my shirt, though it had dried from the blood that had stained it before. The drops of blood would dry as my healing sense quickly mended the wound. My eyes made contact with dark brown ones as I watched my reflection through the lens of the man.

His eyes mirrored my color of my eyes which I found to be crimson. The man was young and attractive. He had a swarthy complexion with black hair that was styled neatly. I observed him and he smiled at me.

"I'm glad we have finally come to a consensus. I have a feeling we will go great places," the man spoke.

I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling drained as I realized that I was being forced to be diplomatic. I had never done well with making treaties. I had always felt that battling to the death was easier than being civilized and becoming allies. 

I spat out the blood that accumulated in my mouth. I flicked my eyes over to the woman with distaste. She stood beside him, though I did not know their relation as they looked nothing alike.

"Sister, please call the pack. We will be having a celebration. The victorious one has arrived," the man said while not breaking eye contact with me.

She nodded before sending me, what I assumed to be a genuine smile. She flitted away without a second thought. Chagrin clouded my being as I scowled at the man. His grin did not falter. I knew that I was asset as well as an ally, but they would not be able to control me.

"You will learn to adapt to our ways as we are very willing to learn yours," the man said with his signature smile.

I had never seen someone smile as much as this man.

"I do not believe that we have been formally introduced yet," the frowned while placing a hand in between us, a signal that I should shake it, though I rejected it.

He nodded his head, accepting my decline. The man spoke with arrogance,

"My name is Mason."

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