Almost Perfect (Romance//humo...

By Dare2Dreamm

2.8K 238 8

Suddenly, I heard a thud on the window, followed by another. I briskly open my swollen eyes which were still... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

144 13 0
By Dare2Dreamm


After the game, we headed straight back to class. Well actually, we dashed back.

Not to mention that we banged into a girl, making her drop her books (it's okay some hot guy will probably help her pick it up), making a guy spill his lemonade on his girlfriend and nearly got caught by the discipline teacher for running along the hallway.

But we still manage to get back to class in time. Luckily.

Well thanks to Erica, I had to take 15 mins to recover myself from all the chaos just now.

But still Erica is a pretty nice girl. She is lively, dramatic, talkative, and
I wished I could be like her.

I probably look like a nerd to her, or a quiet freak.

I think I should open up more to her.

But I'm just still feeling a little uneasy as it's the first day here.

Okay screw geography I'm not gonna pay attention for this lesson.
Katie is a bad child.

Never mind she will revise it tonight.

If she doesn't end up skyping her friends.

Well you can't blame me, Erica wasn't listening too anyways. She has been always busy chatting with Felix, who is sitting right in front of her.

They actually make a great couple.

I started scanning around the classroom, capturing the faces of people.

Just then, a boy caught my eye.

He is sitting diagonally from my right, so I got to see half of his face.

He has blonde hair, smoothly settled down, without needing to put on any gel.

I don't like boys with gel on.

It's like they just came in from the rain.

I like how his hair looks natural.

I wonder which conditioner he uses.
I should probably ask him one day.

No wait it's weird.

His eyes. Blue. Like the sky. Or maybe the sea?

Meh they have almost the same colour.

He looked incredible in a simple white V neck shirt that showed out his muscles pumping in and out his arms, ripped jeans, and Nike shoes.

When I was about to trace my sight along his cheeks, he suddenly turned back.


I quickly look down on my paper, blushing.

Oh no Katie. You're here to study. Not checking out hot guys.

But life would be boring without doing that, isn't it?

Oh shut it Katie.


I sneaked a glance at him who was sitting on his seat nibbling intensively on his pen while concentrating on the teacher in front of the class.

"Katie! You aren't the type to check out hot guys, what is wrong with you?" My conscious tells me.

Urrh... I bet it's that stupid puberty kicking in.

I hate puberty.

I started to grumble silently while scratching my forehead, ignoring the intense stares I was getting from everyone else.

"Katie, are you alright?"

I turned around to see a curious Erica looking at me innocently like a kid.

A kid who kicks ass, that's who she is.

"Nah... no worries... I was just... frustrated with... life problems," I lied.

Wow Katie, life problems.


"Okay, I get it," said Erica who was chuckling over my lame response.


"Class dismiss,"

When I looked up, I saw Erica standing beside me, reaching out her hand.

"Come, we have more LIFE PROBLEMS to deal with right now," she stated, greeting me with a smile.

I laughed and taking her hand, we marched off to the cafeteria.

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