All On Contract

By SavedByShady313

361K 12.6K 4.9K

Tessa Sanchez Black is an singer from California. She's worked with many talanted people like Jay z, Beyoncé... More

Chapter One: What?
Chapter Two: Moving away
Chapter Three: Meeting His Friends
Chapter Four: Meeting his family
Chapter Five: Engagement Ring
Chapter Six: S.W.M.M
Chapter Seven: Big Trouble
Chapter Eight: Telling The World
Chapter 9 - Marks Call
Chapter 10 - Reunion
Chapter 11 - The Suprise Party
Chapter 13 - Dre's Party
Chapter 14 - Dre's Party Part 2
Chapter 15 - What Happened Last Night?
Chapter 16 - Back To Detroit
Chapter 17 - My Future Mother In Law
Chapter 18 - Family Dinner
Chapter 19 - Quality Time With My Future Brother In Law
Chapter 20 - New York
Chapter 21 - Live In The Moment
Chapter 22 - Aftermath Of The Party
Chapter 23 - Awkward silence
Chapter 24 - Holding Grudges
Chapter 25 - The Last Straw
Chapter 26 - Ending The Contract
Chapter 27 - Going Over The Contract
Chapter 28 - Jacob
Chapter 29 - His apology
Chapter 30 - Fresh start
Chapter 31 - Controlling Managers
Chapter 32 - Strangers
I'm sorry
Chapter 33: Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Chapter 34 - O.D
Chapter 35 - 14 years ago
Chapter 36 - Needing time
Chapter 37 - Telling More Lies
Chapter 38 - First Performance Together
Chapter 39 - No Feelings Allowed
Chapter 40 - Give It a Chance
Chapter 41: Our Little Secret
Chapter 42: Aftermath Of The Party
Chapter 43: Navy Pier
Chapter 44: New Contract
Chapter 45 - MTV Movie Awards
Chapter 46 - Nothing Serious
Chapter 47 - Letting Go
Chapter 48 - Pinky Promise
Chapter 49 - Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 50 - Clothing Line Launch
Chapter 51 - Aunt And Uncle
Chapter 52 - Drunk Mess
Chapter 53 - How I Feel
Chapter 54 - It's Official
Chapter 55 - Dinner At The Renee's
Chapter 56 - Halloween
Chapter 57 - Break In
Chapter 58 - Jane Doe
Chapter 59 - She's Awake
Chapter 60 - I Love You
Chapter 61 - Facing My Fears
Chapter 62 - Recovery
Chapter 63 - It's All Over
Chapter 64 - Whitney Lanie Scott
Chapter 65 - Kids
Chapter 66 - He Knows
Chapter 67 - FBI
Chapter 68 - When It Ends
Chapter 69 - Adoption
Chapter 70 - Iris
Chapter 71 - Iris (Part Two)
Chapter 72 - Abuela
Chapter 73 - Madre
Chapter 74 - The Black Family Part One
Chapter 75 - The Black Family Part Two
Chapter 76 - Now You Know
Chapter 77 - Now They Know
Chapter 78 - Dr Dawson
Chapter 79 - Bye Bye Asshole
Chapter 80 - Back To Normal (Well...Kinda)
Chapter 81 - You're An Alcoholic
Chapter 82 - I Am An Alcoholic
Chapter 83 - We Know
Chapter 84 - Guys Like Him
Chapter 85 - There Is Always A Choice
Chapter 86 - He/She Is The Only One For Me
Chapter 87 - I Don't Deserve This
Chapter 88 - This Is Wrong
Chapter 89 - I Messed Up...Again
Chapter 90 - Who's The Cheater Now?
Chapter 91 - Creators Of The Contract
Chapter 92 - One Year
Chapter 93 - Match Made In Heaven
Chapter 94 - Missing Person
Chapter 95 - It's Just A Little Cut, Right Marshall?
Chapter 96 - Aftermath Of The Attack
Chapter 97 - They Did This
Chapter 98 - Intruder
Chapter 99 - Jay Sanchez Black
Chapter 100 - Something Has Changed
Chapter 101 - The Thirty Percent
Chapter 102 - Bad Dream
Chapter 103 - Nothing Is The Same
Chapter 104 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter - 105 - Who The Hell Are You?
Chapter 106 - I Love Her Too!
Chapter 107 - I Miss The Old Her
Chapter 108 - It Was Already Over
Chapter 109 - She Hates Me....Again
Chapter 110 - It Will Be All Over Soon
Chapter 111 - I Hate You So Much!
Chapter 112 - I Can't Trust Anyone
Chapter 113 - Hug It Out
Chapter 114 - Not Fair
Chapter 115 - Yellow Carnation
Chapter 116 - The Wedding Planner
Chapter 117 - I'm Going To Be An Aunty...Again
Chapter 118 - One Day Before The Wedding
Chapter 119 - An Autumn Wedding
Chapter 120 - An Autumn Wedding (Part Two)
Chapter 121 - An Autumn Wedding (Part Three)
Chapter 122 - The Married Couple
Chapter 123 - Necker Island
Chapter 124 - It's Just The Four Of Us Now
Chapter 125 - And The Oscar Goes To...
Chapter 126 - Ryder Mitchell
Chapter 127 - Ryder Mitchell Part Two
Chapter 128 - This Must End
Chapter 129 - I Want A Normal Life
Chapter 130 - You Stay Alive
Chapter 131 - Charity Event
Chapter 132 - Charity Event (Part Two)
Chapter 133 - You Again
Chapter 134 - Missing Person
Chapter 135 - My Life Is A Mess
Chapter 136 - Lost And Broken
Chapter 137 - A Father To Seven
Chapter 138 - Murder
Chapter 139 - Olivia
Chapter 140 - I'm Here For You
Chapter 141 - All For The Contract
Chapter 142 - You Did This
Chapter 143 - We Killed Them
Chapter 144 - Blood On Our Hands
Chapter 145 - This Is The End
Chapter 146 - I'm Leaving You
Chapter 147 - Greece
Chapter 148 - Greece (Part Two)
Chapter 149 - Greece (Part Three)
Chapter 150 - Miss Not Mrs
Chapter 151 - For Me It Isn't Over
Chapter 152 - She's Gone
Chapter 153 - What About Me?
Chapter 154 - It's Going To Kill Us
Chapter 155 - No More Dad
Chapter 156 - Before Sunset
Chapter 157 - Before Sunrise
Chapter 158 - Before Sunrise (Part Two)
Chapter 159 - I Killed My Bestfriend
Chapter 160 - Stole The Show
Note: New Story

Chapter 12 - The Way You Look At Eachother

4.3K 117 40
By SavedByShady313

Tessa's P.O.V:
"Rise and shine!" I hear Leroy shout before he pulls the curtins open. I cover my face with the duvet as I moan. Leroy pulls the duvet off me. "Up." He orders and taps his foot on the ground.

"Noo!" I moan.

"What a great start to the day!" Karla mumbles and covers her face with the duvet.

"Oh, good morning Karla. I didn't notice you." Leroy says.

"To be honest with you its not exactly a 'good' morning." She huffs and moves the duvet off her face. "I spent a night after Bonnie's suprise party." She adds as she sits up.

"What suprise party?" He asks.

"Bonnie threw- Ugh, stop!" I moan when Leroy splashes water on my face.

"Hurry we're getting late." He rolls his eyes. "She had a suprise party for you and Marshall?" He asks.
"Yes." I say as I yawn and stretch.

"That means pictures are gonna be sent every where." He mumbles to himself.

"I guess." I mumble. "Getting late for what?" I ask him.

"Photoshoot. The crew are setting up downstairs." He says.

"You booked that already?" I gasp. "Lerooooyyyy!!!" I whine.

"I'm busy the rest of the week." He shrugs. "Come on. Get in the shower and hurry downstairs." He orders.

Sighing, I get out of bed and quickly get into the shower. I have a quick wash and run back into my room to get dressed in a pair of leggings and crop top. I blow dry my hair and although the crew downstairs are going to do my make up, I quickly do a quick everyday make up look.

"Karla.." I whisper in her ear, she breaths in and out quietly and slowly as she sleeps. "KARLA!!" I shout in her ear making her jump and hit my lip.

"You bitch!" She snaps and rubs her head.

"My lip." I moan and rub it. "Come on get up. I've got a photoshoot." I tell her.

"What for?" She yawns and climbs out of bed.

"Fendi." I say as I fix my hair in the mirror. "I'll meet you downstairs." I say as I make my way towards the door barefoot.

I hear her mumble a quick 'okay' before I close the door behind me. I walk towards Marshall's room and open it slowly. I peak my head in and look to find it empty.

"Boo!" Marshall shouts in my ear making me jump.

"You piece of shit!" I huff and place my hand on my chest as I turn around to face Marshall.

"What you doing?" He smirks.

"I was..." I look at his bedroom and back at him. I guess it was kinda creepy that I was looking inside his room. Well technically my room since it's my place, right?"

"Was.." Marshall raises his brow as a smirk plays on his lip.

"Was checking if you were...awake." I say slowly. "Well. I better get going." I say and walk past Marshall quickly before he could say anything.

I hear Marshall chuckle as I jog down the stairs. I talk to Rosea for a few minute before I walk into the room where people were setting up for the photo shoot.

"How long is this gonna take?" I ask Leroy as I walk towards him.

"Mmm, you're here." He says and places his coffee cup down on the table. "Not long." He says and walks me towards a few racks of clothes. "Stella. She's here." Leroy waves over a red haired women.

"Hey, Tessa." She says. "I've got a couple of clothing items that you need to wear for the shoot." She says as she pulls out a few.

I take the stack of clothes and mumble a thanks before I walk to the downstairs toilet. I get changed and walk back to the room. A make up artist pulls me onto a high stool and wipes away my make up before he starts to apply his own.

"Okay. Tessa!" Gary, the photographer claps his hands and opens his arms wide as he walks towards me.

"Hey!" I say and we hug.

'You look stunning." He says as he takes a good look at me.

"Thanks. So do you." I manage to say as the make up artist applys lipstick on. Once we're done with the make up, Gary quickly drags me towards the end of the room where the walls were covered with a white sheet.

They place a stool in the middle and adjust the lights as Gary shouts out orders. Leroy looks through a laptop screen at the photo's that Gary is taking.

"Stunning! My darling you are beautiful!" Gary shouts as he snaps the next photo. This was my sixth outfit and I had one more to go after this.

"I think I can do way better." Karla shouts as she walks into the room with Marshall behind her. I give her the middle finger and everyone laughs in the room.

"How long have we got left?" I ask as they move the stool and tell me to sit against the wall on the floor.

"Patience." Gary smiles, making me roll my eyes. I'm getting irratated with all this loud music and with all this people rushing around me. "Next outfit!" Gary shouts.

"God I hate this man." I whisper to Karla and Marshall as I walk past him.

"Hey we can swap jobs anytime!" Karla shouts after me.

I get changed into a skin tight knee length dress which was in a light blue. Ew. I hate this dress, I can't wait to get out of this outfit and get dressed into something loose.

"You look like a hot mom." Karla jokes as I show her the dress.

"You wish I was your mom." I say as we laugh. "Hey baby." I smile at Marco and pick him up.

"Tessa. Hurry." Gary calls.

"Can we have a few shots with Marco in it. Just for my keeping?" I ask as I walk with Marco towards the camera's.

"Uhr.." Gary scratches his head.

"I'll pay extra." I roll my eyes and sit on the floor with Marco.

Marshall's P.O.V:
I watch Tessa as she sits down with the kid on the floor and all I could think is wow. She's really is stunning. No, sexy's the word to describe. I had a little fun with her when I asked her if we could have fun.

Proof's idea. Well, mine. Well actully his since he started the conversation about it being more than a contract. Not like a relationship. Just fun. Like friends with benifits, you know?

The rooms filled with music and Tessa's laughter as she plays with Marco. A few people hand her toys and they play on the set as a few people snap photo's.

"I'm so gay for you right now." Karla shouts at Tessa as we sit on a couch.

"I bet you are!" Tessa laughs. Karla rolls her eyes at Tessa as she drinks her Starbucks coffee.

"You had fun at the party last night?" Karla says, she turns to me and raises her brow. Oh, she's talking to me.

"Uhr, yeah." I clear my throat. "I didn't really now anyone but then again everyone knew me." I shrug.
"You're lucky aunt Larissa's kids didn't come." She says.

"Aunt Larissa?" I question.

"She's Tessa's aunt. Her kids are crazy over you. Four boys and one girl, they talk about you all the damn time." She states.

"They must have been happy when they found out that Tessa's 'engaged' to me." I say.

"You should have seen there faces." She shakes her head and laughs. "Priceless." She laughs. "Hey, how's Tessa been in Detroit?" She asks in a concerned tone as she crosses her legs underneath her.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well. She seem's skinner, don't you think?" She tilts her head to the side. I turn my attention towards Tessa.

"Does she have some kinda problem?" I ask.

"You mean you don't know? You haven't read about it?" Karla asks confused, I shake my head in a 'no'. "She hasn't mentioned it to you either?" She says.

"She ain't told me shit." I shrug.

"Tessa used to enter beauty pageants. She started at a really young age." She sighs and watches her bestfriend as she speaks. "Her mom, Mrs Black was obsessed with beauty pageants. In her eyes, Tessa had to win every single one." She says.

I turn to look at Tessa who's laughing and playing with Rosea's kid. She really is something else. I notice at home how Karla and Leroy are calling her all the time to check up on her.

I can tell from far that they're concerned about her but yet, I didn't notice anything wrong about her. Literally nothing. I gotta say, she's really good at hiding her emotions.

"Tessa's mom would make her train and train and train for each competition. Everytime she would win, there wouldn't be any celebrations. Nope. Just back to training." Karla carry's on as I watch Tessa.

"Is that all she did as a kid?" I ask Karla.

"Mhmm. It was a dream of her mom's not Tessa's." She says. "July 23rd. The biggest competition in Tessa's life." Karla sighs.

"She won that one too?" I ask.

"Nope." Karla shakes her head, I didn't see that coming. "She lost that competition. I remember going home with her and she was all over the place!" Karla smiles sadly.

"Why? I thought it was her mom's dream to enter the competitions, not hers." I say as I watch Tessa pick the kid up.

"She was scared of her mom, that's why she was in bits." Karla say quietly.

"Scared?" I repeat and look at Karla who nods in response. "Did her mom used to abuse her?" I frown.

"Mentally abuse, yes." Karla sighs and pushes her hair back. I turn back to Tessa who's talking to the kid as the photographer snaps photos.

"What happend?" I ask with my eyes still glued on Tessa.

"Why do you think she's so insecure all the time?" Karla says. "Her mom would call her fat, useless, ugly, stupid, waste of space, everytime Tessa would lose a competition." Karla says.

Karla's voice slowly starts to fade away in the background when Tessa locks her eyes onto mine. She's holding in so much but hiding it so well. There's not one thing about her that isn't perfect. Look at her.

A small smile forms on her lips after a few seconds of us staring at eachother. I find myself smiling back at her as we hold eachothers gaze.

"That's cute." Karla says snapping me out of my thoughts. I turn to Karla who's smiling wide at me and Tessa.

"What is?" I ask.

"You two." She states.

"It's a fake engagement." I say.

"I just like the way you look at her." She shrugs and leans back. "The way you look at eachother is just.." Karla trails off.

The way we look at eachother?

"I seriously don't know what the fuck your on about." I laugh.

"Mhmm, sure you don't." She laughs and stands up.

"I really don't!" I shout as she walks away. She laughs and gives me the finger. I shake my head and chuckle as I stand up.

"That's a wrap!" The photographer shouts. I watch as Tessa claps with everyone in the room before she starts to thank everyone.

Tessa's P.O.V:
I get changed into a pair of leggings and crop top as everyone downstairs packs away. Karla looks at some of the outfits as I tidy up my room. The best thing about these photoshoots are when you get to keep the clothes.

"I got a call this morning." Karla says as she looks at one of the dresses.

"Who from?" I ask. I fix my bed before I start to tidy up my dressing table.

"Some radio station." She sighs and throws the dress on the bed and crosses her arms across her chest as she look at me.

"They want to interview you about me, hu?" I say quietly as I sort out my make up.

"They offered me $7,000." She tells me and lays on my bed.

"That's a lot." I mumble. "It can help you pay of your debt." I shrug.

"No, Tess. Don't even think about it." Karla says making me roll my eyes. I walk towards the door and Karla stands up to follow me out.

Karla and Chris are both in debt, they owe the bank for university money, for the house, car, for Chris's parents being in debt. They work night shifts and day shifts whenever they can to pay of the debt.

"Well, you won't take my money so take the money that they offered you and do it.." I sigh as we walk down the stairs. No matter how hard I tried, Chris and Karla never accepted my money for anything.

"You've done alot for us already, that's why." She tuts as we walk into the kitchen. The photographer and his crew had already left.

"It's not like your gonna say anything bad about me." I shrug.

"I'm not doing it, forget it." She says. "You know, Marshall couldn't stop watching you." Karla says as she hops onto the kitchen stool and leans foward on the counter.

"I know what your trying to do! Stop changing the subject." I chuckle and start on lunch.

"I'm not!" She laughs. "Seriously the way you two look at eachother sometimes is so cute!" Karla claps.
"You seriously need to stop reading stupid romantic novels." Marshall says walking in.

"I agree, 100 percent!" I smile and place a pot of boiling water on the stove.

"Although, It is kinda true. You can't stop staring at me." Marshall chuckles.

"What?" I gasp and wack him on the arm. "You can't stop checking me out!" I say as we stand toe to toe.

"Is that true?" He questions with a amused look on his face.

"Mhmm!" I hum.

"Alot of sexual tension going on." Karla says as she takes a cookie from a jar.

"There is not!" I turn to her as I turn slightly red. "He might be having those kinda thoughts. But i'm not." I say and turn back to Marshall.

"I gotta say it. You're really loud with your friend here. When your on your own I can barley get a squeak out of you." Marshall smirks.

"That's not true!" I huff, he's really starting to irratate me.

"You know it is." He laughs.

"I've gotta go pick up Jessie from school." Karla say referring to her neighbours daughter.

"Karla, you've got an hour left." I state.

"Oh, look. She's squeaking already." Marshall teases. I let out a groan as Karla laughs.

"You know what. I'll stay for lunch." Karla says and sits back down.

"Good. Now I won't have to be alone with this jerk." I say as I look at Marshall and then turn on my heels, towards pantry.

"Come on, princess. We all know you wanna be alone with me." Marshall says as I look for the pasta. I chose to ignore him and look for all the ingredients and walk back into the kitchen.

Karla and Marshall sit on the high stool by the kitchen island and talk as I carry on cooking pasta for lunch. I don't really pay attention to what they're saying and lean against the counter and look at todays photo.

"The idiot didn't edit one." I say to myself as my eyes scan the picture.

"He doesn't need to." Karla says making me look up.

"Mm?" I raise my brow.

"He doesn't need to edit the pictures." Karla repeats.
"Yes, he did. I look fat in these." I sigh in frustration and place them on the counter.

"You still think that?" Karla says and stands up from her stool. "I thought we we're over that." She says and rubs my shoulders.

Fuck me.

"We are. I was just-" She cuts cuts me off.

"Why can't you accept the way you look, Tess. Your a damn supermodel! You walked on runways for christ sake!" She says getting angry.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I tell her and move her hand away.

"Why, he's left to give us privacy." Karla says. I turn towards the door and see Marshall slowly making his way out.

"I need to get started with lunch." I sigh.

"Why? It's not like your gonna eat anything!" Karla shouts.

"Drop it, Karla!" I shout back.

"Why are you so insecure! Your a perfect size! Your fucking gorgeous! Guys fall at your feet! Marshall can't stop looking at you in this sweet, sweet way! So why are you so damn insecure!" She yells.

"Why the fuck do you care anyway!" I shout. It goes quiet for a few seconds and I think that Karla dropped the topic but she starts to shout again.

"Because, Tessa! I care about you, i'm your best fucking friend! I've been through this with you last time and I never want to go through it again. I don't want Leroy to go through it again. I don't want Chris to go through it again! I don't want Marshall to go through it and I don't want you to fucking go through it again!" She screams at me.

"Drop it, Karla!" I yell at her. "All you lot do is fucking ask me if I ate last night, if I ate this morning, if I ate this afternoon.." I trail of as a few tears manage to escape and run down my cheeks.

"And all you do is starve yourself." Karla says quietly.

"I eat, Karls!" I say getting angry again.

"Stop lying to me for christ's sake!" She shouts. "You did this last time. I'm not gonna let you do it again!" She says, raising her voice.

"What's all the shouting about?" Leroy says walking in. We both turn towards Leroy who's standing behind the kitchen island.

"Ask Tessa." Karla says and turns to me as she crosses her arms across her chest.

"Tess?" Leroy raises his brow.

"It's nothing." I mumble.

"Nothing? You're crying." He frowns. "Marshall's next door, he probably heard the both of you screaming on top of your lungs." He says.

"Was there something you wanted?" I ask. Leroy sighs before he speaks.

"There's a celebrity party tonight. Dr Dre's hosting it. Your invited." He tells me as he takes out his phone.

"Me? Why?" I question. I only met Dr Dre once, last year when I worked with one of his artist.

"You and Marshall are engaged. That's why." He mumbles as his phone starts to ring. "Get dressed, i'll see you soon. Karla you can go to as a plus one." He says as he walks out.

"I'm not in a mood to party." Karla mumbles and walks out.

"Karla! Wait!" I shout after her as I follow her. She picks up her jacket and bag that's next to Marshall on the couch before she walks out. "Great." I huff and drop down next to Marshall.

"Did you say something?" Marshall turns towards me. "You really need to stop squeaking." He adds.

"Ugh, you jerk!" I shove him by the shoulder and walk towards the stairs.

"Wear something sexy and tight tonight!" I hear him shout after me as I stomp up the stairs.

"You would love the wouldn't you!" I shout back.

"Mmm...I would perfer you naked actually!" I hear him shout and then laugh.

"I bit you would." I mumble to myself as I walk towards my room.

I slam the door behind me and lock it. I jump onto my bed and lay on my stomach as I call Karla but it goes straight to voice mail. She's ignoring and it's my seconds day with her since I came from Detroit.

Great. Just fucking great!


Sorry for the slow update and the boring chapter but the next one will be interesting!

I wrote a few chapter a couple of days ago to cover every day of the week...Buuuut life loves me way to fucking much and all my chapters got deleted....Yay, life!! 😕😕

Tysm for the views, like and comments. I'm really glad you all like it!

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