Aaron x Reader

By Awesomeshadow

82.1K 1.3K 1.1K

Um this is as the title implies so um yeah enjoy, no hating please I don't own anyone or anything in this sto... More

Meeting Everyone
Trying to fit in
Hanging out
Next hour or day
What should Chloe look like?
Pry for forgiveness
To soon for an adventure
Getting in the middle of everything
The Date
Anger and Sadness
Confusion or Confession (preview)
Confusion or Confession
The Dance and The Madness
Preview part 2 of TDTM2
The Dance The Madness part 2
The fight between the Knight and the Cassinova
The love in the air
Good Day Bad Time
To call or not to call
More Fun than can handle
For Winter Break
PREVIEW Finding gifts
Lets get something straight
Preview of Finding Gifts part 2
Finding Gifts
Preview for The date dinner
The Date Dinner part one
The Date Dinner part 2
The Date Dinner part 3 preview
The Date Dinner part 3
So this is cool
Oh my gosh

Preview of the dance the madness part 2

2K 47 30
By Awesomeshadow

(Aaron POV)

I sighed as I let what Sub was hiding slide. He will tell me when he is ready I guess. I started to draw while waiting for class to end. I need to know why he did that. I started to draw (Y/n) with every detail I saw on her even her tail and ears. I smiled as my drawing started to look like her. I hope she doesn't think me drawing her is creepy. Soon The teacher walked in an started to teach us a new lesson. I was still drawing (Y/n). I sighed happily and looked at (Y/n) threw my mask. "Hey Aaron?" I looked to see Sub handing me a note. (To lazy to type what sub said but it's what i typed in the last chapter) I looked at Sub to see if he was playing but he just nodded. I sighed and nodded back to let him know that I understand. "Thanks for telling me Sub." "You're welcome but please don't tell her, I don't want her to know." I nodded and put the note in my bookbag so I wouldn't lose it.

~After awhile~

(Aaron's POV still)

I am so close to being finished when someone sat down on the table and made me look at them. I looked to see that Chloe had messed up my drawing on purpose. I sighed an looked at her. "Chloe what do you want?" "Aaron I want you to be my date for the dance. So why don't you dump that trash and come with me instead?" I am so glad that I am wearing my mask right now because if I didn't I would probably be growling and my eyes were probably blood red now with anger. "Chloe I already asked (y/n) so no I will not be rude an tell her I am going with someone else and not her." I grabbed my drawing off of the table and smoothed it out because when she sat on it she wrinkled it an made it look bad. I know she did that on purpose. "Oh Aaron did I mess up one of your drawings I am so so sorry I didn't even know you were drawing." I saw her fake pout to try an make me forgive her. "Chloe I think you should leave now I am done talking to you about this so my answer is no an that's my final answer so drop it and go back to your friends." I could feel the whole class staring at me with surprised expressions. I looked at her to see that she was shocked and confused. "Chloe I think you should leave Aaron alone an go back to your own table, I am tired of you bothering him almost everyday. You interrupt class to talk to him. But now I am stopping it. But If you interrupt my class one more time with asking or bothering Aaron again I will send you to the office and call your father to remove you from my class." I smiled and nodded at Mrs.Rose to tell her I was thanking her. She smiled back in response. "But Mrs.Rose it's all (y/n)'s fault." I looked to see Leo holding (Y/n) and looking at Chloe in anger. "Oh really now an how is that so?" "Because she stole Aaron from me if she never moved here Aaron would be dating me and be my boyfriend." I heard Leo stand up while holding (Y/n) bridal style. "OH REALLY NOW?! BECAUSE FROM WHAT I CAN TELL SHE HAS DONE NOTHING TO YOU AND AARON! AARON DOESN'T EVEN LIKE YOU LIKE THAT, HE IS ONLY PUTTING UP WITH YOU BECAUSE HE PITIES YOU AND I CAN TELL HE LIKES (Y/N) MORE THAN YOU AND SHE LIKES HIM THE SAME WAY! SO IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING HER I SWEAR TO GOD THAT I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR HURTING MY SISTER! NOW DO LIKE THE TEACHER SAID AN LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I could hear Leo growling an panting like crazy. "L-L-LEO please calm down you are getting red in the face. Remember what happened last time you tried to protect me from bullies?" "I do. But I can't help protecting you. You're my little fluff, my baby sister. I don't want anyone to hurt you not after that." "I know bro but I am fine so I need you to calm down and sit down because it is not going to do you any good to get mad at her if she hasn't done anything yet." I watched along with the rest of the class as Leo calmed down and sit down while hugging (Y/n). I am glad he cares for (Y/n) like a brother and not a boyfriend, she is lucky to have these people care for her even though we haven't known her long. I smiled as Chloe huffed an rushed out of the room. She is probably going to call her father to do something about this. I looked to see Mrs.Rose call the office and then Chloe's father. I hope Mrs.Rose doesn't get fired because she told Chloe off. Soon everyone started to cheer an thank Mrs.Rose. I guess I wasn't the only one who got tired of Chloe.

~After class an to lunch now people~

(Leo's pov)

I sighed as I started to calm down while carrying (Y/n) to lunch. I have missed my fluff. So we waited for the others to walk in while I ate my food. I gave (y/n) my apple so she could eat something. I looked to see Jerome walk in holding something kinda fluffy. "Hey Jerome what are you holding?" "Oh I found this hat an I thought (Y/n) would like to wear it." He said as he put it on (Y/n)'s head. I looked at her and smiled at how the hat made her look cute. I handed her my phone so she could see what it looked like on her. "So what do you think (y/n)?" "Jerome I love it because it is super fluffy." "Yeah it's like the nickname I gave you when I first met you." "I am not a fluffy." "Yes you are. You're my sister and you were fluffy when I met you so you are my little fluffy." I said while smiling. "Humph." I laughed a bit as she pouted cutely and hugged her. "You know you will always be my little fluffy no matter what (Y/n)." She just nodded into my chest as she ate her apple.

(Jerome's POV)

I smiled at how cute (y/n) looked in my old hat. She almost looked like me when I was younger but as a female. "So I hear you fussed out Chloe in second today Leo." I said with a smirk. "Yeah she was blaming (y/n) for nothing an I go mad that she was doing something and blaming (y/n) for nothing. " I just nodded in response. I heard Mitch walk up with the others. "Hey guys I was giving (y/n) one of my old hats, so how does it look on her guys?" "Oh my gurd she looks so kawaii." Sky said while hugging her. "Ok so what do you guys want to do before the dance?" "Um I think I am not going because of what happened in second today, sorry Sub, an Aaron." (y/n) said with a hint of sadness in her voice. I looked at her while thinking of something to do. Then I got an idea. "Guy's I have an idea." "Um what is it Jerome?" "Well we don't want to go without (Y/n) so why don't we hold our own dance at the crafted house so none of us have to deal with Chloe and her followers." I looked to see everyone smiling at my idea. "You guys would do that for me an would let us use your house?" We all nodded to tell (Y/n) that we would. "Um ok then I guess I am ok with that but what about the space and music?" "Oh we have a big basement big enough for a dance to be held there and we have a dj system down there too so don't worry,ok?" "I guess but I hate that you are going thru the trouble to do this for me." "Well we don't mind it's better than dealing with Chloe all night. Right?" She just nodded and smiled at us.

((y/n)'s POV)

I am so happy I have made such good friends like these people. I feel like I actually belong now more than I have ever did. I am glad they would make their house a dance for me and so they didn't have to deal with Chloe's tantrums all night long. I snuggled closer to Leo's chest to take a quick catnap. Being a Neko takes a lot out of you. I soon fell asleep while Leo carried me to the next class. But before he could walk in the principal called him me and Aaron to his office. "Please take a seat and please put Ms.(L/n) down." "But she is sleeping she is really tired in this form." "I suppose you can keep holding her but you have to wake her up so she can talk to me an then you can take her home so she can rest. I know she is not used to this for yet so that is why I am going to allow this." "Thank you sir." I woke up an kinda yawned. I guess it was cute because Aaron was blushing an Leo cuddled me more. "Oh hey uncle Sander." I said waving at him. "Hey (Y/n) It has been a long time since I saw you but now is not the time for a reunion you are here to help set things that happend art straight for me an then we can talk later, ok?" "Ok but can I go to your house to play with Snowball while we talk?" I heard him chuckle. "Of course you know she has missed you alot." "Yay, anyway onto business. So what do you want to know?" "Good girl always to the point, now I have gotten a call from the major saying that you have done something to Chloe which I can tell is a lie so I have asked them both to come in so we can straighten things out without anyone being lied on or getting hurt in someway." As he finished talking Chloe an her father walked in. I smiled at the major and waved. "Ok so which one of you is (y/n) that my daughter called me about?" He asked looking kinda upset. "I am, and it is nice to meet you mayor." I said while shaking his hand. "Ok well thank you for being honest to me about that an can you explain first what happened from your point of view then I will hear the boy's version then my daughter, is that ok with you all?" We nodded in response except for Chloe. You could tell she was not ok with that. "Ok so Ms.(y/n) please start from the beginning." I sighed and started to explain what happened. Once I finished I sighed an started to paw at Leo's hair that was hanging in my face. "Pa, pa, pa, pa." That was all I said as I messed with his hair.

(Leo's POV)

I chuckled as (y/n) played with my hair. "(Y/n) I though you go turned into a fire fox neko not a cat?" She just kept messing with my hair. "I don't care." I sighed as I looked at the major. "Ok now I will explain what I said an saw, is that ok with you or would you rather hear Aaron's first?" "If you don't mind I would like to hear yours then his an then my daughters." "Ok then, here is what I know an said about this." I said as I explained what I heard and said to Chloe in art. After I finished I could tell Chloe was going to make it seem like we made her cry or something like that. She will probably make it seem like we did everything she did to us but we said them to her. I sighed as I handed (y/n) a cookie that I had for later. "YAY THANK YOU BRO!" She said as she was nomming on the cookie.

(tbc on the next full chapture Till then my fluffies see you guys then.)

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