Anyone, Except The Alpha

By Nolanee

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'Sky who devoted herself to protect her little brother and her pack. She's a care free person and doesn't wan... More

Anyone, Except The Alpha
Pack Ruined
New Pack
Leave Me Alone
What Did I Do?
What? Really?
A day without him?
How far can you go for me?
giving him a chance
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Part 1)
Chapter 26 (Part 2)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 20

530 23 4
By Nolanee

College life started, So i'm going to be extremely busy and might update on the weekends if I don't have a lot of homework .w.

Not edited.


Ski's P.O.V

                        It's been three days since the incident between Kaden and I. In those three days Kaden haven't tried to talk to me and stayed locked up in his office day and night so far I have known. I was confused did he simply got tired of me? I mean I would definitely as well since I intend to cause trouble. I wasn't exactly doing anything, since I was simply sitting here gazing at the door time to time.

Sighing, it was time I actually get out and find Jessica who wanted to hang out today. I will apologize to Kaden when I get to see him I hope. Reaching the door I started walking to go find her when I heard glass breaking in the kitchen.

"Gahh," A girl screamed out loud.

Running towards her," What happened?"

She looked at me startled and bowed down," umm I-I'm sorry for the sudden out burst Luna, I was just doing the dishes, but I tripped and destroyed half the cups in the house!"

I tilted my head, did I look that mean to others to the ends of being scared? I bended down and grabbed the broken glasses," Well first we should clean this up before anyone comes in and accidentally cut themselves."

"No!" She gently pushed me," It's alright I can do this myself, I don't want to get our luna hurt."

"I'm not fit to be called luna, so just call me Sky," I shoved her a bit to grab them again," and yours?"

She hesitated," It's not important."

"Why so?" I raised an eyebrow.

"It really isn't," She looked down respectfully," I'm a mere omega, so please let me do my job."

"Ahh I see," I nodded to myself and looked at her," You think letting me know your one going to stop me from helping you? Your wrong."

Her eyes shot up to meet mines finally," But if someone sees you helping, they will think it's my doing. You shouldn't help someone like me..."

"What that is ridiculous, now lets hurry and clean this up together. The faster the better," I gave a smile.

She sighed knowing she wasn't going to win. She was tall and very thin, she looked like a model everyone would love. Her eyes was to die for, it was pure green and goes along with her  light brown hair. We picked up all the broken glasses and dumped it all in the trash can," So you haven't really answered my question." I said.


"What's your name?"

"Oh, it's Kim," She blushed.

"Well Kim, want to do something fun today?"

"I can't... I still have work to do."

"Leave it, your with me so don't worry."

"I don' know.." All she said while I was pulling her towards the exit.

Right on que Jessica pulled up onto the drive way and smirked at us," ready chickas to get this party started!"

Kim looked confused and I smirked," Clubbing will get our minds off of everything."

Getting into Jess car, she finally took off," You must be Kim, your in my math class."

"Wow, I didn't know you even knew I existed until now, and I for sure know you very well." Kim said utterly shocked.

"Geez I may act like i'm stupid, but i'm actually pretty smart at remembering things," Jessica smirked.

"What are you talking about jess! A gorilla is smarter then you!" I teased.

Kim and I laughed while jess made a frown now," Hah hah very funny. But lets focus on our mission first!"

"what mission?" Kim asked.

Me and jess grinned evilly at each other then at her," Dress shopping," We chimmed together.

"We got to look our best for today!" Jessica winked.

"But Sky! Isn't Alpha Kaden going to get mad at what your going to do," Kim looked at me seriously in the eye.

"Sweety this is why she is doing this," Jessica cut in," Forget everything! all the problems, trouble, hurt, boys, Just throw them all away and show them to never mess with us."

I smiled," Tonight we dominate."

In minutes we were at the mall picking out our dresses and each of us found he perfect ones and decided to wear them right now after we paid them. Jessica wore those tight short dresses, and Kim wore a simple yet sexy dress. I decided to wear something decent and something that shows my curves. It was a rose red colored dress.

We drove to Jessica's house after so we can do our hair and make-up. It took about an hour, but it was in perfect time. Jessica told us that her brother would be taking us there and picking us up. He seemed very polite, a complete opposite of Jess.

We reached to the famous club in town and called Supperclub. There was a special event going on, and girls get to pay 5 dollars and get free beverages (alcohol, etc) all night, while the boys must pay 6 for entrance, and must pay for beverages.

Jessica knew people of course, so we just went straight in without waiting in that long line for entry. Inside was quite amazing, big, and fancy looking.

"Guys the bar!" Jessica dragged us to it," Three Sgroppino please!"

The bartender nodded and went to make some. Kim was still shaking, because it was her first time ever being in a club full of people and her first at drinking. We promised to take care of her if she gets too drunk, but that's if she drinks too much, 1 or 2 or effect us, maybe a small buzz just because we are wolves. The bartender gave us our drinks and we toasted for tonight and drank.

Like I thought we got only a buzz, and Jessica ordered more and said it will be our last. The second drink I started to feel it more and now dragged them to dance to this song called 'American girl'.  I felt like the world was lifted off me for once. Jessica and Kim was dancing with random guys now which ruin my buzz, and dragged myself towards the bar again.

The bartender asked me what I would like to get.

"Give me something very strong." I said.

"are you sure?"

"Yes!" I don't care, I might drink myself to death to take away the pain... I then regretted thinking of it. Right on Que, the bartender came back with my drink, and I automatically chugged it all in a minute.

"I must find kaden!" I yelled to no one and practically fell on the ground. Everything has gone blurry and moving that it was hard to move at all.

I yelled for Jessica and Kim, but I wonder if I'm saying they names right.

"Sky! what wrong?" A girl that looks just like Jessica asked me.

"Hey did you know that you look exactly like my friend umm. OH Jessica that's her name!" I randomly hugged her so I won't fall.

"Sky how much you drank? We should totally take you outside, you look sick." She replied.

"How do you even know my name, girl who looks like Jessica!"

"She is Jessica!" Now there was another one who looks like my other friend! Wow they never told me they had twins, but whatever.

"Oooook!!!!!" I tried to walk away but ended up falling again, but they ended up picking me up and dragging me outside.

When they did they put me down and talked to each other.

"We should call your brother to pick us up right now," Kim's twin whispered.

"Yea your right." The other replied grabbing her phone.

I looked at it and gasped I had one like it, found it laying in my purse, and looked at it, wondering who to call. I might help Jessica's twin to call her brother, but what's his name? I choose what was on my list and clicked dialed.

the 'ring ring' went off 3 times after someone picked up saying," Hello?"

"Heeeeey! Come pick us up, we are ready to head home!" I ended up throwing up at the end of it," eww I threw up."

"Sky, what the hell's going on? Why are you throwing up?" Jess Brother asked.

"I don't know... But I want to go home and see my boyfriendd." I whined.

"Whats wroong with you? Are you on something? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!"

"Ummmm," I looked at the big sign," supperclubbb!"

A sudden click ended the call, and I stared at it, is he coming? Hope so I must see Kaden soon and apologize.

"Guys I called Jess's brother!" I waved to them to see.

"Sky!!! What have you done! That wasn't jess's brother you just called," Kim's viewed my phone.

I tilted my head," Reallyyy? ugh I don't feel soo good..." I threw up again at the same spot..

"man, are we in for it today." Kim mumbled.

"What are you talking about? We aren't going to be punished, I hope." Jessica was now worried as well.

"ughh, shut up guys your giving me a headache..." I grumbled while laying on the ground like if it was a bed.

"Hey! Sky! Sober up pleaseeeee! We need the girl who can beat the crap out of anyone right now! or there will be blood to spill in any moment and we might be the ones who will end up dead!" Jessica shaked me.

'What are you talking about? You two aren't in the pack, your twin sisters are." I groaned.

"If we weren't in a serious situation I might have laughed at that." Kim eyes were shut," She's losing it."

A car zoomed in high speed and made a automatic stop at the no parking zone in front of the entrance here. That car looked soo familiar, and I froze. It's Kaden's!
He got out looking worried, confused, hurt, mad. Wow I can feel it even when I'm drinking.

"why is she laying on the ground?" He yelled worried.

"She had too much to drink sir." Kim bowed in respect.

"why did she even drink?" He mumbled most likely to himself.

"Honeyyyy why you look so sad?" I looked at him tears falling down," Did I make you like that ever since that day?"

Kaden sighed," No Sky, it's the things you do that worries me to death."

"Liar. It was that day," I cried it all out and crawled into Kaden's arm and wrapped my legs around his waist," I'm sooorrry! Plz forgive me alreadyyy!"

"Shhh Sky, let's head home and put you to rest alright?" Kaden brushed my hair off my face.

"No I won't go to sleep!" I tried to budged out of his grip now," not without you, you horrible mean person, how dare you leave me alone. you don't even care!"

"I do care Sky! You shall see how much I care if you just let me show you."

"You better or you will never ever get to have pups the rest of your manly hood days." I threatened.

Jessica and kim over heard and tried not to laugh and Kaden chuckled," Another threat for my man jewels, You shall receive punishment for that later."

I tilted my head," Kadennnnnn! Your hot! Can I take off your shirt?"

He chuckled,'' Say that to me when your not drunk, then I will."

"'aww that's nuuut fair, the evil me will come back and wouldn't want to admit it!" I whined.

"Well you must make her say it then with all that will power pressing within you,' He raised his eyebrow amused.


We reached the house and I jumped out of the car and hopped to the house, but miserably failed. Falling in the process.

"Sky don't do that, you feel all the pain and bruises tomorrow." Kaden grabbed me by the waist and helped me walk.

"I don't care," I sang," It was fun, I mean I get to make my hubby happy again!"

"Hubby?" Kaden purred," I didn't know we were married yet."

"In my head we are and we had a baby girl and boy!" I was in a daze.

Kaden turned me around, and surprisingly kissed me. I kissed back, but couldn't handle anymore then that, and he knew it and stopped.

"Why you guys up soo late?" Someone from upstairs yawned out.

"Jackieeee!" I chirped and ran up stairs to hug him, but ended up failing on him.

"what the!?!" Jack was confused.

"Look what my hubby did," I pointed at my lips," He kissed me!"

"ok?? what's your problem?" Jack looked at me weirdly.

"Want to see how he did it?" I asked excitedly.

Jack blushed and had no response to it, but before we know it Kaden from behind grabbed me and growled which made Jack run back to his room.

"aww you scared him away!"

"It was time for him to go night night anyways wifey."

"hehe," I giggled.

"Now," He opened a door," Let's go to sleep as well hunny bun." He dropped me on bed and cuddled with me, while not letting me escape at all.

"alright, but you promise you will be here when I wake up?" I made him promise.

"I promise." he kissed my forehead," now go to sleep."

"you go ahead, and I'll just watch you go to sleep."

"Skyy, You need rest."

"Butt..." Kaden cut me off and got up to look at me and say something, but fell asleep right after I said it..

"I should make you drunk more often when your alone with me," he chuckled to himself.


Sooooo tired!!!!

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