Turning Tables (Jikook)

By jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... More

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 6: Its for the fans
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 8: Let Him Know
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 20: Best Friends
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 26: Jungkook returns
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
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Chapter 36: The Truth part.1

7.8K 386 66
By jikook_9795

Author's POV:

Jimin was unable to get any sleep. If Jungkook wasn't lying there in his arms, he would've tossed around the bed violently and frequently in an effort to find the position that will make him fall asleep. And there he was, lying on the bed, just lying, still unable to fall asleep, with Jungkook peacefully sleeping sometimes letting out soft snores that made Jimin smile and sometime chuckle quietly.

Why am I feeling this way? Why can't I get any sleep? What is it that's bothering me? Jimin kept asking himself while he was softly playing with Jungkook's hair. He wasn't thinking about anything, but something is definitely keeping him up for hours now. He carefully slid his arms off from around Jungkook's waist and carefully stood up. Jimin headed to the kitchen to get a cup of water. He had to rub his eyes to search for the pitcher of cold water sitting at the back of the refrigerator. After getting a drink, he set his glass on the counter and went back to his shared room with Jungkook.

Just before he slipped back into the bed to hug Jungkook again, he checked the time on his phone – 3:30 am. Seriously... it's been hours and I still couldn't get any sleep... just what the hell is happening with me? Jimin thought as he wrapped one of his arms around Jungkook's motionless body. He tried to close his eyes for a few minutes, hoping that he'll eventually fall asleep. But nothing happened. He looked to his side to see Jungkook sleeping.

Cute... very cute. Jimin thought to himself as he scanned the features of the boy currently sleeping next to him. But there was something else. Something was definitely off. Before, when he stared at Jungkook, all he feels is that fluttering of his heart and a little mystery about the past. But now... the fluttering was still there, but the mystery became stronger. Also he felt like something was missing. Like the one last piece to a puzzle went missing.

Jimin remembered what he saw last night. When all members were already seated around the table for dinner, Jungkook pulled Tae and talked to him. They looked serious with whatever they were talking about. And just before he went to their shared room, just before he closed the door behind him, he heard footsteps. Judging from the pace, he concluded that there were two people, so he looked back into the hallway. He saw Tae and Jungkook enter the former's room, and they locked the door behind them. Really, what are they going to do there?Jimin kept wondering, and the temptation to go there and listen through the door was growing stronger. No... Jungkook is not cheating on me... especially not with Tae. Tae will NEVER cheat on Jin-hyung. Jimin said to himself, as he fought the urge to eavesdrop. He went to the bed and lay there, waiting for Jungkook to finish his business and go into his arms to sleep with him. But after minutes of tossing around the bed, Jungkook did not come. Jimin almost jumped when he heard the door open and close again. He slightly opened his door and peeked at the room beside theirs. He was shocked to see only Tae coming out of the room. What's Jungkook doing there alone? Jimin thought to himself. He needed to know. But he doesn't want to make Jungkook feel like he has no more privacy. So Jimin waited more. But after a few minutes, he couldn't take it anymore. Ah... Maybe Kookie fell asleep there. Jimin tried to think positively. He held the doorknob and began to open it, only to see Jungkook coming out of the room.

Jimin didn't miss the hint of nervousness in Jungkook's expression. He knew something was off, but he decided not to dig deeper anymore. And besides, he was already sleepy, so he just let the feeling pass.

He continued staring at Jungkook's face. He didn't even realize that his eyes eventually shut themselves close as Jimin fell asleep.

Jungkook woke up and stretched his well-rested limbs. He was a bit surprised that he was able to do so, because in the past days, he could not move because of Jimin's strong arms wrapped around him. When he tries to get free, they only pull him closer to the owner.

"At last you got some sleep. Rest well, Chim." Jungkook said as he leaned to peck Jimin on his forehead. Even though he slept well last night, Jimin's slight shuffling every now and then weren't left unnoticed by Jungkook. Slowly and carefully as to not wake the elder up, Jungkook left the bed and went to the kitchen to get some drink. After setting down his own cup on the table, he saw Jimin's cup sitting on top of the counter. Then, all of a sudden, he remembered his thoughts last night. Should I tell him? Of course he has to know the truth sooner or later. But when will I do tell him? The sooner, the better. That way, I can prevent him from hurting that much, if that was even possible. Jungkook just stood there, staring at the cup, thinking about what to do with Jimin's lost memories. He only returned to reality when Jin ruffled his hair.

"Yah.. Jungkook, I said good morning!" Jin said to Jungkook. Jungkook looked at his hyung and smiled.

"Sorry, hyung, I guess I'm not yet fully awake." Jungkook said to Jin as he went to the counter to get Jimin's cup. "And good morning to you too, hyung." He continued.

Jin looked at Jungkook, a little bit not convinced at the younger's words. "TaeTae and I are going to the convenience store to get something to cook for breakfast. I want something a little bit different form our usual meals. Wanna come with us?" Jin asked Jungkook. Jungkook nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going. I'm going to buy Chim's favorite foods, so that he gets to eat well after a restless night." Jungkook said to his Jin. Jin felt a little bit uncomfortable with what Jungkook said.

"Restless night you say?" Jin asked Jungkook with a smirk on his face. Jungkook couldn't help but blush, but at the same time, laugh.

"Hyung! You and your dirty thoughts!" Jungkook said as he hit Jin's shoulder. "What I mean is, Jimin-hyung didn't get enough sleep last night. Something must be bothering him." Jungkook said to his hyung. Jin suddenly transformed into his eomma-Jin mode.

"Really? How is Jimin now? Did you check his temperature? Maybe he's sick!" Jin worriedly said as he went to the medicine cabinet to get some pills.

"Hyung! No, Chim is not sick. He was at normal temperature when I kissed his forehead before I got out of bed." Jungkook said as he tried to stop Jin's movements. Jin looked at Jungkook for a moment before he placed the pills back into the cabinet.

"You are such a sweet boyfriend." Jin said as he headed back to their room.

"Hyung! Wait for me, ok? I just need to get dressed and do something before leaving." Jungkook said to Jin as he rushed back to his room. Once he got inside, the first thing he looked for was the sticky notes that he knew they have. Once he found them and a pen, he wrote down on one and left it on the table.

After getting dressed, Jungkook went outside to see Jin and Tae already waiting for him.

"Let's go?" Tae asked. Jungkook nodded and the three of them started to walk to the store to buy the food that they need.

Jimin was woken up by the sunlight beating heavily on his face. He looked around, and rubbed his eyes. No good morning? He asked himself, waiting for Jungkook to greet him. When nothing came, he looked around and realized Jungkook wasn't in the room. He stood up and went downstairs, only to find the living room, the kitchen, and the dining room deserted and devoid of people. "Kookie... Where are you..." Jimin playfully chants as he went around the house, looking for the taller male. When he didn't find anyone, he went back to their shared room and saw the note that Jungkook left for him.

Good morning Chim! <3

I knew you were tired from last night, because you didn't get enough sleep. Don't look for me, I'm with Jin-hyung and Tae-hyung. We're just going to buy something for breakfast.


Aww... how sweet... Jimin thought after reading the note. But all of a sudden, he felt nervous. Jungkook is not in the house. Jin and Tae went out with him...

Jimin slowly went out of the room and closed the door behind him. He started walking downstairs again, but stopped in his tracks when he felt something churn in his insides. He looked at the door next to their room. It was the door of Tae's and Jin's room. It was the door where he saw Jungkook last night. And right now, that same door felt like it was drawing Jimin, as if telling him to go inside. Jimin hesitated for a moment, before he decided to go to the door and open it. Once he was inside, Jimin walked around the room. He went to the windows, to see if there's really something unusual with the view there. He stayed there for a few seconds, before deciding that it was really nothing special – it only gave the same view that they have with their own window. Why would Jungkook lie to me? Jimin asked himself as he continued going around the room, looking for anything interesting. He was about to leave when something met the corner of his eye. There, in the corner, was something that seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't really remember it.

Jimin drew out the red, white, and black box that was unprofessionally 'hidden' behind among the piles of papers, notebooks, and accessories. He stared at it for a while before another headache started ramming into his head.

"Tae... what do you think of my idea?" Jimin excitedly asked to Tae, who was busy playing with his phone. He stopped playing, and looked at Jimin.

"I really think it's sweet. That is, if I were Jungkook. But... Jungkook? I don't know... I really find it hard reading the guy." Tae answered. Jimin looked down, but smiled again.

"Help me, let's buy the materials." Jimin said to Tae. Tae nodded as they stood up to leave. They went to the mall and headed to the bookstore inside. Jimin and Tae looked around, staring at the stalls. When Jimin saw what he was looking for, he rushed to it and grabbed the paper box. They continued looking around until they found special papers. Jimin grabbed the red, black, and white ones.

"Why those? Why not blue, or green?" Tae asked to Jimin. Jimin just smiled and continued to look for the notepads.

"Red, black, and white are his favorite colors." Jimin stated. Tae looked at him in disbelief.

"Really... you asked him?" Tae asked. Jimi shook his head.

"Nope... I only concluded it, because I noticed that almost all of his outfits are of these colors. Nothing else." Jimin said as he grabbed the colorful notepads. "Ok, now, time to pay for these." He continued skipping down to the counter, leaving behind a confused Tae.

"Really? Is that how much he pays attention to Jungkook?" Tae shook his head and follow his hyung.

"Now what are you going to do?" Tae asked Jimin, who set all the material on Tae's bed.

"I'm going to wrap this box with these papers. Then I will put the notes inside." Jimin answered. Tae only nodded, and since he had nothing else to do that day, he decided to help Jimin in his goal.

"THERE YOU HAVE IT!!! IT LOOKS PRETTY!!!" Jimin said as he proudly held the newly-wrapped box up above his head. Tae only looked at him and smiled. "You know what, just by looking at it, I think Jungkook will like it when we're already together. I'm going to give this as a gift on our... anniversary? Or... two years? No... how about on our golden anniversary?" Jimin asked. Tae only laughed at him. "Ok fine... think of me as a cheesy person, but I am happy. I swear, Jungkook will like this." Jimin said as he stood up.

"Well you have to be together first!" Tae chuckled, making Jimin carefully set the box down and start wrestling with Tae.

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