Turning Tables (Jikook)

By jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... More

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 6: Its for the fans
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 8: Let Him Know
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 20: Best Friends
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 36: The Truth part.1
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
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Chapter 26: Jungkook returns

9.3K 439 179
By jikook_9795

Jungkook's POV:

"Hyung, where are you going?" I asked Jimin, who was already dressed for jogging. I actually know where he was going; I only asked to strike a conversation with him.

"Where do you think?" Jimin asked back as he held the knob of the door of our room.

"To jog?" I asked him and smiled. He didn't see that smile though, because he already opened the door and went out of the room. "Hyung, wait for me!" I shouted as I followed him through the door. What greeted me wasn't what I was expecting to see.

When I opened the door, it led me straight to the streets in front of our dance studio. I was so shocked and was confused by what was happening around me. I looked around and saw Jimin, who was running in the streets.

"Hyung!" I called to him, but it seemed like he didn't hear me at all. What was really weird is that he wasn't wearing the jogging suit he had on when he left. Instead, he was wearing attire that he usually wore when we go for rehearsals. And also, he was wearing a snapback.

"Hyung!" I shouted again to get his attention. When he didn't notice me, I decided to follow him. "Hyung, wait!"

I was trying my best to catch up with him, but I couldn't. He was running way too fast for me. Then, he rounded the corner.

When I followed him into the corner, I was surprised by how close am I to him right now. He was now just a few meters away from me. But when he crossed the street, suddenly, out of nowhere...

"HYUNG!" I screamed when I saw his body fly a few meters before hitting the ground after being hit by a truck. Blood was beginning to flow from his head. I couldn't feel my legs. My whole body was shaking. I wanted to close my eyes, but I couldn't. Tears are freely flowing from my eyes as I fell on my knees and broke down to cry. "JIMIN!"

"Jimin!" I screamed as I sat up from my sleeping position in the bed. Oh... It was just one hell of a dream. I said to myself as I rubbed my eyes. I can't lose him agai – wait! Where's Jimin-hyung?

Even though I wasn't fully ready and awake yet, I panicked as I tossed the sheets around to see if Jimin was really not in bed with me. I jumped up from the bed and looked at the bathroom to see if he wasn't just getting dressed for jogging. I was ready to break down and cry when I noticed something shift from the corner of my eye.

"Good morning, Jungkook." Jimin greeted me weakly as he stood up. Oh thank god he's here. Wait, did he sleep on the floor? I asked myself when I noticed that he was actually sitting up from the cold, tiled floor. Well, not cold right now, since it's already morning. But I was quite sure that it was cold last night.

"Yah! You scared me hyung! And why are you sleeping on the floor? You know the bed is quite big for even the two of us!" I yelled at him. He only smiled at me as he continued to stand up.

"Scared you? What did I do to scare you?" Jimin asked as he stood up and rubbed his eyes. "And aren't you going to greet me good morning?" Jimin continued. How am I supposed to greet him good morning when I just had the worst nightmare I could imagine and woke up with him not by my side?

I looked at him and sighed before I found my voice to talk. "Sorry hyung. It was nothing. I just had a not-so-good dream; I got too overwhelmed by it. Anyway..." I explained to him. "Good morning to you, too, Jimin-hyung." I greeted him as I gave him a warm morning smile. "But still, you didn't answer my question. Why were you sleeping on the floor?" I asked him while he was getting dressed for his jogging sessions. I also did the same, because I wanted to jog with him.

Jimin stopped and thought for a while before he finally answered my question. "Uhmmm... yeah, I think I fell from our bed last night. I don't really remember how it happened, but that would be the only possible reason." Jimin answered. All the while he was explaining things to me, he didn't look at me right in the eye. But that was the only possible reason, so I just accepted his explanation.

After we got ready, we went out of our room. I was quite surprised to see the living room empty – that is, Tae wasn't out already. He used to wait for us in the living room during mornings. But now, the living room was completely empty. Then, the door of their room opened, and Jin came out of it.

"Good morning, hyung." We greeted him as he headed down the stairs. Behind him was a Tae that looked like he was still sleeping while he was walking. "And to you, too, Tae-hyung." I continued.

"Good morning, guys. So, you out to jog again today?" Jin asked. Jimin and I just nodded at his question. The zombiefied Tae came closer to us.

"You're going to jog? Can I come with you guys?" he asked, still not being fully awake.

I was about to say yes, but suddenly, Jimin cut through and got the opportunity to talk first.

"Sorry Tae, we'd really love to have you with us, but unfortunately, Jin-hyung would need some help with preparing the breakfast. Why don't you stay and help him?" Jimin said as he answered Tae's question. What? Isn't it Jin-hyung can cook breakfast without some help? I was about to object but I saw the way Jin smiled with what Jimin just said, so I just let it be. Beside, both parties will benefit from it.

Then, suddenly, Jimin elbowed Tae, and gave him a wink. After Jimin did that, Tae suddenly blushed. What? What just happened? Why is Tae-hyung blushing? Is it because of Jimin's wink?

"Ok, fine, I'll stay and help hyung instead." Tae answered as he headed to the kitchen to join Jin. Jin was smiling like there's no tomorrow. This guy, really, more in love than - .

My trail of thoughts was suddenly cut when Jimin suddenly grabbed my hand and led me outside. Believe me or not, I tried to break free from his grasp, but I don't know if I was weakened by his touch, or he was just really that strong, which isn't really impossible with that chiseled body of his. Just held my hand and walked to the front door and before he went outside, he bid Jin and Tae goodbye.

"Ok! Now let's go and jog!" Jimin said as he began jogging in the streets, while I just stood there, still overwhelmed by the feeling of being touched by Jimin. Did he just... touch  me? Did he just hold my hand? Why would he do that? He could've just told me to go outside... he didn't really have to drag me. Why thinking about all that, I felt my face heating up. I can already tell that my face is beginning to turn red again. I am just feeling like I'm on cloud nine right now, because there's just so much happiness in my life.

"Yah! Jungkook!  Are you going to jog or not?" Jimin shouted to get my attention. I only smiled at him as I followed him to jog.

As usual, we just jogged for a few minutes, then we headed to the cliff where we watched the sunrise.

"Jungkook, do you know that they said that during these times in the year, the sunrise is very beautiful?" Jimin asked to me while we sat there, waiting for the sunrise to shine.

"Really? I'm flattered that you wanted to see it with me." I  replied. Wait... what did I just say?

Jimin looked at me and smiled before he faced the horizon again to see the sunrise. He's right. It was really more beautiful this morning than the other mornings that we used to watch it. I looked at Jimin, who was staring happily at the horizon, amazed by how stunning the sunrise is.

"Wow! It's so... beautiful." Jimin muttered as he gave the sun one of his bright smiles. I don't know what happened to me, but I found myself scooting over closer to Jimin.

"Hyung, if the sunrise could talk, he'd probably say that your smile is just as beautiful as this sunrise." I said to his ear softly. Woah! Jungkook, where did you get the courage to say that?!

Jimin froze in his seat for a few seconds before he faced me. My heart was starting to beat faster than it used to, because our faces were very close when he turned around to face me. Then, he gave another of those angelic smiles that he has before speaking.

"Really? Oh, thank you... I mean, I should probably thank the sun then." Jimin said to me. Then, we stood up, and headed back to our house.

When we got to our house, we found Jin and Tae almost done cooking. They were really looked like they were having fun, because they were just laughing and smiling about things. I looked at Jin, who was looking 1000% happy, because he gets to spend more time with Tae now. Jin also looked at me and smiled. I gave him a smile too, and then gave him two thumbs up, to which he laughed at.

"YAH!!! JIMIN!" Tae suddenly shouts as he charges towards Jimin, who was just looking at Tae, while laughing at something. What's with these two, really?

Then, the two of them began wrestling each other. They were in the kitchen at first, but eventually, the two of them reached the living room, wrestling on the sofa and throwing pillows at each other. Before, I used to be jealous when they become really close like they are right now. But today, something changed. I became more confident. I felt like I actually have a whole lot of chance at Jimin.

"I though you wanted me to help you? I was just helping you!" Jimin said to Tae as he pinned Tae down on the floor on his back. Tae was trying his best to break free from Jimin, but he was basically powerless. If I couldn't break free from Jimin, there's no way Tae is going to.

After watching the two of them fight, I went closer to Jin. "Hyung, did you have fun while the two of you are... alone?" I asked Jin. Jin began his reply by hitting me on the shoulder.

"Yah! Jungkook! You're too young to think about things like that!" Jin complained as he looked at me. Oh my god, I wasn't even thinking about that thing he was saying.

"Hyung! You perv! I wasn't even thinking about that! I was just asking if you enjoyed being with Tae-hyung." I chuckled. Then, suddenly, Jin turned his back on me. I flipped his around and saw him blushing. "Yah! See? Being the oldest in the group doesn't give you the right to fantasize about things like that!" I continued, making Jin blush a little more.

Jin then looked at me and smirked before he spoke. "How about you, Kookie, did you have SO MUCH fun with Jimin?" Jin said with malice in his tone. I know he was trying to embarrass me too, but to be honest, I didn't work.

"Actually, yeah, I had fun with him. We watched the sunrise together. It was so beautiful." I said to him. In a second, Jin's smirk was gone.

"Jungkook, you are no fun. Since when were you able to control your blushing?" Jin asked.

"I don't really know, hyung. It was just this morning when I changed. I don't what happened, but I can feel pure confidence surging through my veins. I felt like I could actually make him like me."  I said to him. Jin smiled to me and clapped.

"Well, that's good! At least for you. The old him probably liked the Jungkook that's confident about himself. Maybe I that state, you just raised your chance of getting what you want." Jin said to me.

"No, hyung, I just don't want him... I need him." I said to Jin. Jin hit my shoulder again for the second time for today.

"Yah! See, since when did you get all cheesy like that?" Jin asked.

"I already told you, hyung, it was just this morning. Why, do you want to know how I did it?" I asked him. And for the third time, he hit me again on the shoulder. "Ouch! How many times do you have to do that today?"

Then, breakfast started; as usual we just did the routine. I took Jimin's bowl and filled it with food before I started getting my own. We were all eating breakfast when Namjoon spoke.

"Guys, we are going to have our concert in a few months. So... I think we'll be spending most our time practicing form now on." Namjoon said, and all the other members just nodded. Thanks to the jogging sessions with Jimin, I think I won't be getting easily tired in the next months of rigorous practice.

Today, something feels different. It feels like it was only me, Jimin, Tae, and Jin present in the house, because Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon are always in the last one's room, getting all the new songs ready and composing new songs. They really like spending their time like that – just sitting around and doing music.

While I was sitting in the living room, just playing a game in my phone, I suddenly heard someone singing. The voice was very angelic, and if I didn't know better, I would think a girl was in the house, and she was the one singing. Jimin's voice was really quite high for a guy. He really possesses a good vocal range.

"I just wanna know, know, know, I just wanna know, know, know." Jimin sang while he was standing on the porch, just looking at the busy city street below him. I went to him to join him.

"Miryeoni machimpyo apeseo beotigo isseo, geureoni mworado naege malhaejwo," I cut in as I took my place beside him. Jimin looked at me and smile before we sang the last line together.

"Girl let me know." Jimin and I chorused. After singing that line, we stopped and looked at each other for quite some time before the two of us broke down into a fit of laughter. We just laughed and laughed our hearts out while we were there on the porch. When we were finally able to breathe normally, we stood again properly. Jimin was just looking at the streets.

"Has anyone told you that you have a great, beautiful voice?" I asked Jimin. Jimin looked at me with surprise in his face.

"Oh, shut up you! Look who's talking! It's as if you yourself doesn't have a beautiful voice!" Jimin chuckled then he faced the streets again. I knew that I was already blushing a little at his comment, but I didn't bother to hide it.

Then suddenly, I felt another surge of confidence. "Hyung, have I ever told you how much I enjoy being with you?" I asked him. Jimin didn't look at me though, but he answered anyway.

"Me too, Jungkook. I really never thought I would be this close to you, since I just knew you months ago." Jimin answered. I just felt my cheeks become hotter. Then, Jimin turned to look at me. But instead of hiding my red face, I just let him see it – his effect on me.

"Yah, Jungkook! You're face! It's very red!" Jimin said to me, and then he laughed. Instead of denying it or hiding it, I just laughed with him. And the two of us stood there like idiots, laughing about my very red face.

"Really? That's good! Red's my favorite color." I said to him, making him laugh harder.

The rest of the day went like that. Unlike the other days, when Jimin spent most of his time with Tae, Jimin and I are really sticking to each other. Today, we were always together, talking about life, and food, and common interests, like BigBang.

Dinner came like the usual meals, with me serving Jimin. It has really become a routine, like it has become as basic as breathing. It just happens automatically. Nothing has changed about the way we eat meals, except for Jin. Jin started cooking Tae's favorite food every meal. He was really into Tae, because he managed to know all the favorite dishes of Tae. He never failed to make Tae smile every meal, because he always ate his favorite food. I couldn't help but think that Tae is lucky to have Jin fall in love for him, because Tae will not have to worry about eating good food all the time. Also, Jin was lucky, because he fell in love with a person that's very easy to impress with food, and he's really good at cooking, so it won't be that much of a problem. Also, I noticed that Tae was blushing more often now, especially during meals, when Jin comes to him and tells him to eat well, because he cooked the food specifically for him.

After the dinner, I headed to Tae and Jin's room to write on the note cards that Jimin used to write on before the accident.

Today, something changed in me, and I think it will be for the better. I really think the nightmare I had earlier in the morning had something to do with this, but I also think that even though it was a nightmare, it had a positive effect on me. I don't want to dream of losing Jimin-hyung again though...

Anyways, I really feel good right now. I think that this confidence that has taken over me will help me impress Jimin-hyung. And even though it's taking some  time before I truly express what I was feeling for him, it think it will be worth it when it comes. Don't worry, hyung, the Jungkook that you liked in the beginning has return, and is not going anywhere away from you.

-Your Jungkookie

After putting everything back on their proper places, I went to our own room to sleep. When I got there, Jimin was already on the bed, peacefully sleeping. I really wanted to hug him for his cuteness right now, but I chose not to, because it would be inappropriate for now. I was about to slide into the bed beside him when I noticed something wrong. So... I woke up on Jimin-hyung's side of the bed? And he actually fell near my side of the bed? How is that even possible? If he actually slept on the bed last night, he should've fell on his side, not on my side... Does that mean he was lying to me? Did he really fall asleep on the floor? But why? I was so busy asking myself as to why would Jimin lie to me. But I decided not to dwell on it too long, because I had such a good day, and I don't want to end it with a bothering thought.

I hope the next days will be as good as this.

Keep up the good work, Jungkook. I said to myself as I drifted to wonderland. I hope I see him there.

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