Turning Tables (Jikook)

By jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... More

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 6: Its for the fans
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 8: Let Him Know
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 20: Best Friends
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 26: Jungkook returns
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 36: The Truth part.1
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
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Chapter 21: Jealousy

12.9K 529 164
By jikook_9795

Jungkook's POV:

"Good morning, hyung." I moaned as I stretched my arms up. Last night's sleep felt so good to me – I actually think it was one of the best sleeps I ever got since Jimin woke up. I continued stretching my well-rested limbs until I realized something is missing. Where is Jimin-hyung?

"Hyung? Are you in there?" I asked as I knocked at our bathroom door. There was no response. It seems like Jimin left me alone. He went out to jog without me. Why didn't he wake me up? He should've just told me he wanted to jog! I was mentally having a quarrel with myself when I heard someone knocking at our door. I knew it! Jimin-hyung wouldn't leave without –

"Oh! Good morning, Jungkook!" My excitement immediately faded away when I saw it was Jin who was knocking at our door. "Hey, it's too early to be sad." Jin continued when he noticed my disappointment.

"Good morning, hyung. I was just expecting Jimin-hyung when I heard you knocked." I explained to Jin who was still standing at the doorway. "So, why did you knock?"

"Actually, I was looking for Jimin. I have to cook breakfast, and I need someone to help me cook it." Jin answered.

"But why look for Jimin-hyung? Why not ask Tae-hyung?" I asked him. He gave me a sigh as part of his response.

"I actually wanted to. But the thing is, when I woke up, Tae wasn't in the bed anymore. In fact, he was nowhere to be found inside the house, so I thought I would just ask Jimin to help me." Jin said. "It turns out that the person I was looking for wasn't here as well." He continued.

So, Jimin-hyung is with Tae-hyung? They jogged without me? But why? Jimin-hyung can easily wake me up when he wanted me to come with them. Does that mean he doesn't want me to be with them? Do they have to have some alone time? What are they talking about right now? Those questions suddenly flooded my mind when Jin told me that Tae wasn't home when he woke up. Jimin has to have an explanation for this. There has to be a reason as to why he didn't want me to come with them.

"Hey, Jungkook, can you hear me?" Jin asked as he waved his hand in front of my, making me snap back to reality after my internal monologue.

"Uh... Sorry, hyung. I think I just spaced out. What were you saying?" I asked him.

"I said, do you want to help me? Tae and Jimin are not around, and your hyungs in their rooms are probably still sleeping. I only have you." Jin repeated to me.

I'm still not in my real self, so it took me quite a while to respond to his question. "Uhm... Uh, Yeah. I'll follow you down stairs. I'll just freshen up." I said to him. He nodded and proceeded to the kitchen.

When I got to the kitchen, he was already preparing the ingredients for the breakfast that we are going to cook.

"Here, Jungkook, cut these to smaller pieces. But before you do so, pare them thinly." Jin instructed. I got the vegetables from him, and went to the sink to pare them.

While paring, my mind was still having a conversation with itself. What happened? Does he really want me out of his life? No, Jungkook. Don't jump right into conclusions. I'm sure we were in good terms last night. He doesn't have a reason to hate me. Except... what if...

"YAH! Jungkook! What are you doing?" Jin screamed when he saw what happened to the vegetable in my hand. Apparently, I wasn't paying that much attention to the job he gave to me. I was supposed to pare them THINLY, but what happened is that the vegetable I'm holding is now half in size, with the other half already shredded into thin sheets, because I was mindlessly driving the peeler through the vegetable.

"Oh... Oh my god. I'm sorry, hyung. I'm just..." I said to him as I let go of the peeler and vegetable in my hands.

"Jungkook, are you sure you're alright?" Jin asked. Isn't it obvious that I'm not?

"Yeah... I'm just thinking about something. I'm really sorry for wasting the vegetable." I said to him to apologize.

"It's ok. Now take these vegetables and cut them. Don't use the knife; you can break them with your hands." Jin said as he gave me another simpler task.

"Ok hyung." I responded as I took the greens from him and went to the cupboard to get a plate where to put the cut vegetables. I really tried my best not to think about Jimin for the time being, but it didn't last for long. After having cut a few greens, my mind started to talk again, starting from where I stopped a while ago.

What if... he started to remember everything? What if he remembered how I hurt him, how I rejected him? That's not impossible... maybe that's why he wanted to talk to Tae-hyung privately. Maybe they're discussing the things that Jimin-hyung remembered. That's it...

"Uhm... Jungkook, tell me, there's really something wrong with you now. What happened?" Jin asked as he retrieved the greens from my hands.

""Why, hyung? What did I do?" I looked at him, confused by why he stopped me form continuing my task. He pointed at the greens that I was holding earlier. It shocked me.

"W-What happened?" I asked Jin when I saw the vegetables. They didn't look like they were cut... they were actually mutilated.

"You were literally crushing the vegetables you were holding. Tell me... what is it that's bothering you?" Jin asked. Maybe I should tell him. He might be able to help me.

"Hyung... I'm really sorry." I apologized to him AGAIN. I took a deep breath before starting to explain my thoughts.

"Hyung, I woke up without Jimin-hyung beside me today. Apparently, he went to jog with Tae-hyung without asking me if I want to come with them. I hurt me, hyung. Why, doesn't he want to be with them? I'm quite sure we were in good terms last night, but why didn't he wake me up to jog with him?" I explained to Jin, who was standing there, listening to my narration.

"It's ok, Jungkook. I don't think Jimin did that on purpose. Jimin doesn't get mad at people, you know, that's how kind Jimin is. Maybe Tae and he have something to discuss for themselves, privately, and maybe that's why he didn't want you to come with them." Jin explained to me. The first part of his explanation relieved some of my stress, but the second part quickly removed that relief.

"That's the thing, hyung. What is that something that they have to talk about privately? You know Tae-hyung and Jimin-hyung – they are two of the most open people in our group. It has to be something very serious that they have to talk about it privately." I said to him. "And I was thinking... what if that thing they have to talk about is... me?"

"What do you mean that they have to talk about you?" Jin asked.

"Hyung... What if..." I said. I couldn't get the words out.

"What if?" Jin asked again.

"What if... Jimin-hyung's memories have returned?" I asked. Jin looked at me with a shocked expression.

"You mean... He remembered what you did to him in the past?" Jin asked.

"I don't want to think about it, but it's not impossible to happen. Hyung, what if they are discussing what to do about me? What if Jimin-hyung is already thinking of a way to get rid of me?" I asked Jin. I can already feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Jungkook... Don't think about negative things like that. Everything's gonna be alright. Now, shall we continue cooking?" Jin said as he tried to lead me back to the kitchen sink. At least, it was a right decision to tell Jin about what's bothering me. He made me feel a little better.

We continued cooking the food. If before, I couldn't get anything right, now is a much better situation. I was tasked with cutting the vegetables and washing the meat, as well as stirring the food in the pot while Jin is preparing the other dish. I was beginning to feel ok again. Then, we finished cooking the breakfast and the other members are already around the table, waiting for the food to be served.

"Yah! We're hungry here!" Yoongi shouted from the dining room.

"Guys! Please wait a little longer!" Jin shouted from the kitchen. Jimin and Tae are still not around, and the other members are already hungry. We don't want to eat without them, because for sure the other members will not leave food for them to eat.

"What do we do, hyung?" I asked Jin, who was also worried about the two.

"I don't know. I don't want to keep the guys waiting, but Tae and Jimin will find nothing to eat when they return home." Jin said.

"Wait, I think I should tell them to go home now." I said to him as I reached for my phone in my pocket to message Jimin.

To: Jiminie-hyung

Hyung! Where are you and Tae-hyung? The other members are getting impatient; they want to eat breakfast without the two of you. Please come back immediately.

And stay safe ^ ^

After sending the message, I waited for some time for his reply. After a few moments, nothing happened.

"Hyung, I texted Jimin-hyung, but he didn't reply." I said to Jin. Jin smiled. "What are you smiling about? There's nothing funny here!" I shouted to him. He only laughed at me.

"The way you express your feelings is improving, huh? Jimin's effect on you is really good!" Jin teased. "How sweet of you..." Jin continued.

"YAH! Hyung! What are you saying?!" I shouted at him as I tried to stop him from teasing me.

"Ok fine... I'm just saying that when it comes to Jimin you become a better person, ten folds." Jin said to me. Yeah, I know. But what can I do? It's Jimin-hyung...

After a few more minutes of waiting for them or their reply, nothing came. The other members are already getting impatient, because they didn't eat heavy meal last night we were still thinking of a way to delay them when all of a sudden, Yoongi came to the kitchen and snatched the food from the stove.

"YAH! Yoongi! What are you doing?!" Jin shouted when he saw Yoongi already taking the pot of food to the dining table.

"We're starving, hyung! We need to eat!" Yoongi said, laughing as he carried the loot to the other members. We couldn't do anything but watch and sigh.

Then, I saw Jin reach for his phone in his pocket and tap on it like he was sending a message to someone.

"Hyung, who's that?" I asked while trying to see for myself who the recipient of the message is.

"None of your business, Jungkook." He replied as he moved his hand away to hide his screen from my vision. He was a little too slow though. The short moment when he processed what I was doing was enough for me to see enough.

"Very caring hyung..." I began. "All this time, you were teasing about how good I am to Jimin-hyung. And there you are texting Tae-hyung, telling him to go home now... and asking him to PLEASE take care." I said to him as I laughed. "You know, hyung, you become the best hyung in town when it comes to Tae-hyung." Jin only looked at me, and then raised one of his eyebrows.

"Jungkook... if you're trying to get back to me by teasing me about Tae... I'm telling you, you better do better than that. It's not working." Jin said to me as he turned around to go the dining room. Aishh.

We had no choice but to start eating without Jimin and Tae. While the other members, including Jin, began to eat, I just sat there, waiting for Jimin's return. I wanted to wait for their return, so that I can eat with him beside me and serve him. It just makes every meal extra special for me.

Jin noticed that I wasn't eating. "Jungkook, why don't you start eating?" Jin asked.

"I want to wait for them, hyung. I want to wait for him." I weakly replied. I was also starting to starve, but I really want to wait for him.

"Jungkook, Jimin won't be amused if he finds out that you're making yourself starve for him." Jin said to me. "And if you are worried about them, don't. They are already old enough to take care of themselves."

"Hyung, I'm not worried that they will not make it home in one piece. I just want to eat with Jimin-hyung. And also, I don't want them to... YAH! Yoongi-hyung! Don't eat everything!" I had to stop when I saw Yoongi getting a lot of food from the pot. "I don't want them to find no food once they return." I continued. Jin looked at me, and then smiled.

"Like what I said, Jimin will not be happy to know that you're starving yourself. And if you're worried about running out of food for them, don't. I will cook another batch once these pigs are already done." Jin said to me, looking at the members that are mercilessly munching at the food.

I sighed before I spoke again. "Ok, hyung. Thanks." I said as I reached for my bowl to fill it with food. Even though I was finally convinced to eat, I didn't eat that much, because I wasn't in my best mood to eat the same amount of food that I eat when all of us are eating together. When Jimin is eating with me.

A few couple of minutes later, we finished eating the food. As expected, nothing was left. Not even a drop of soup. When I saw the spoils of war, I got depressed. Jimin-hyung and Tae-hyung are surely not going to be happy about this...

After the deed was done, I just remained seated at the dining table, still waiting for Jimin and Tae to come back. Jin was already back in the kitchen, cooking more food for the two that I hope will be coming home shortly. After a few minutes, Jin came back to the dining room and sat on the chair beside me.

"Jungkook, cheer up! There's no problem! I already cooked food for them. They're going to be alright." Jin said to me, noticing that I wasn't looking happy.

"Hyung, I am not worried about their safety or the food. I am worried on the things that they are talking about right now. What if they are really talking about me?" I replied to Jin.

"Jungkook, remember what Tae told us? That when Jimin needs to talk about his day with you, he would talk with Tae privately? What if they are talking about you, because Jimin needs someone to talk to about his feelings for you?" Jin asked. I really tried to hide it, but a smile eventually appeared on my lips. "Hey, Jungkook, you liked that, didn't you?" Jin teased. The smile that was in my lips a few moments ago immediately disappeared.

I was still mentally punching Eomma-Jin's pretty face when I heard a door open and close. A second later, a familiar noise came echoing across the whole house. They're home.

After they a small conversation with the other members in the living room, Tae and Jimin eventually made their way to the dining room, where they saw me and Jin sitting.

"At last, you're home." Jin said when he saw the two coming in through the dining room doorway. After saying those words, he went to the kitchen to get the food he cooked especially for the two late comers.

After Jin left, Tae and Jimin sat on their respective seats, with Jimin seating beside me and Tae on his other side. I was caught unprepared when Jimin suddenly asked me a question.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" Jimin asked. I really wasn't prepared, so all I managed to do was respond with a nod.

"Jungkook, you know you're not good at lying. What's the matter?" Jimin asked again. Oh no, he got my reaction wrong.

I was already back to my senses, so I managed to answer him. "Really hyung, it's nothing. Do I look sad to you?" I asked.

"Do you think I'll ask if you looked perfectly fine?" Jimin asked again. I was already getting ready for a long discussion with him when Tae suddenly jumped out of his seat.

"WOW! There's still food?" Tae excitedly asked when he saw Jin carrying the pot of food that he cooked for the two of them.

"Yeah... I had to cook another batch of food for the two of you, because our pig band mates already ate everything that I cooked earlier." Jin replied. I don't know, but I really think he's trying to impress Tae. Fortunately for him, he's succeeding.

As soon as Jin put the pot down, I snatched Jimin's bowl which was already in front of him to fill it with food. I put a little of everything in the bowl, except for the meat that I know Jimin really likes. "Thanks, hyung. The food we ate from the convenience store wasn't anywhere near your cooking." Jimin said, thanking Jin for cooking again for them. He tried to grab his bowl, but I almost laughed at him when he tried to grab thin air in front of him. When he felt nothing, he looked at the place where his bowl was supposed to be.

"Here, hyung." I said as I handed the bowl already filled with food to him. For the first time during the day, I felt happy.

"Oh, yeah, thanks, Jungkook." Jimin said as he took the bowl from my hand. I noticed Tae was watching us the whole time, and he's beginning to have fun. And Tae having fun during times like this is something to be afraid of.

"What's so funny, Tae?" Jimin asked. Apparently, it wasn't only I who noticed what's happening to Tae. Tae, who was desperately holding back a laugh, failed in doing so when Jimin asked him what the matter with him is. He was now becoming a laughing mess.

"Hey, Tae! What the hell are you laughing at?" Jimin asked again, and he sounded like he was getting impatient. Tae stopped laughing, and answered him.

"Hmmm... Hyung, I thought he's your little brother?" Tae said to Jimin, as he gave Jimin a smirk. I swear it won't take a lover to know that there's something behind the smirk.

"What? Of course he is! What the hell is happening to you, Tae?" Jimin said to him. Somehow, I felt a stab of pain in my chest when he said yes. "You know what, that's probably from your hunger. Go and eat!" Jimin continued as he diverted his attention back to the bowl in front of him. It sounded like to Jimin, the statement meant nothing. Tae looked at me with a concerned look in his face. I only smiled at him to convince him that I'm fine, even though I wasn't.

I waited for Tae and Jimin to finish their food before proceeding to the living room to rest. I sat there, along with Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok, who were in front of the television but are talking about the lyrics of the new song. Even though they may seem like lazy pigs at first, the truth is, they are minds of the group – they are the ones responsible for the lyrics of the songs that made our group famous.

"Jungkook, where are the other maknaes?" Hoseok asked when he saw me take a seat on the sofa where Namjoon was sitting.

"Ah... They'll be here soon, hyung. I guess they're just taking a drink or resting a bit. When I left them in the dining room, they were already done eating." I answered to him.

After a couple of minutes, they didn't come to the living room. I didn't want to check on them for now, so I just kept on waiting for them to come. After some time, no one arrived. I was about to stand up to check on them when Jimin entered the living room. He was wet, and partially covered in soap bubbles.

I was shocked to him like that that I shouted at him. "Hyung! What the hell just happened? What took you so long in there?"

"Easy, Jungkook. Tae and I helped Jin-hyung with the cleaning job. Tae suddenly became 4D and started getting everyone in the kitchen wet." Jimin answered. Again, I felt my chest tighten from his explanation. Why? Why Tae-hyung again? Why are you always with him?

"Anyway, I'll be going back to our room. I really need to shower after everything." Jimin said. I was still thinking about him and Tae, so all I replied was a nod.

While Jimin was away, the rapper line that was in the living room began playing a movie in the television. I had no choice but to watch the movie with them, because I had nowhere else to go and nothing else to do. After about half an hour, Jimin went down from our room and sat beside me. He was using his phone, but I really want to have some time with him, so I had to think of anything to say to him.

I swallowed hard before I began to speak to him. "Hi, hyung. What are your plans for today?" I asked. Jimin stopped using his phone and put it back inside his pocket before he turned to face me.

"Nothing. I actually don't know what to do for today. I've ran out of options." Jimin answered. I don't know why, but I'm really feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed just by talking to him. Jungkook, you are going to need more confidence than that.

I was overwhelmed by my emotions that I didn't even know why the hell I said the next sentence. "Do you want to...uhm... play?" I said, and I can already feel my face heating up, so I bowed my head down so that he won't notice.

"Depends on the game." Jimin replied. I couldn't control myself anymore, so I turned around so that he will not see the tomato that my face has become.

I was panicking at the moment, so I decided to temporarily end the conversation. "Uhmmm... I actually don't know what game to play. Maybe I'll just think about bit for a while." I said to him.

"Ok then, I'll be right here. Just tell me if you need anything." Jimin replied. I briefly turned my head around to see him already settling in his seat again and using his phone.

Oh my god, Jungkook, what the hell is happening to you? Where did the international play boy go? You are supposed to be the confident one. You can't even strike a good, spontaneous conversation with him! I mentally scolded myself for being such a weak-hearted person. After doing so, I thought of a game to play with Jimin. When I was finally able to think of a good game, I turned around to suggest it to him, only to find out that I am alone again. Where did Jimin-hyung go?

The remaining of the day I spent being bitter on life. I wasn't able to have time with him today, because he was always with Tae. Sometimes, I feel like Tae is actually trying to win Jimin over. They've gotten really close to each other, but it was too much for me. It was a little too close.

When dinner came, I did the usual routine of filling Jimin's bowl first. Some of the stresses from today were eased when I saw the dinner. It was my favorite meat. For the few moments that the dinner happened, I miraculously forgot about the things I was thinking about Jimin and Tae. I was just there, seated, eating my favorite meat, and serving Jimin. It felt right again.

After the dinner, I decided that it will be better if I would release all of today's stress before going to bed. So when the members are already going to the rooms to sleep, I went to the porch where I could use some cold, fresh air to help me remove all of the stress that built up within the course of the day. I was on my way to the porch when I hear Jimin's and Tae's voices, coming from the porch. I can't understand the words, but I really wanted to know what they are talking about, even though I know eaves-dropping is a bad thing. I hid behind the wall near the doorway tot the porch, and took a peek to see and clearly hear what Jimin and Tae were talking about. I was shocked by what I saw.

TAE AND JIMIN HUGGING. HUGGING EACH OTHER. So is this what you guys are doing? I know I shouldn't get jealous, because Tae promised to help me with my feelings for Jimin. but I can't help it but notice how close they really are. Actually, Tae have had more skinships with Jimin than I had. I was already ready to discard the idea of something going on between the two of them when I went to this place, but I was welcomed by the sight of JIMIN AND TAE HUGGING. Even though I was in a completely calm state before I saw them, I immediately felt tears already falling from my eyes. I was just controlling my sobs, because if I don't, they will hear me.

With a blurred vision, shaking legs, and aching heart, I slowly headed to our shared room. As soon I reached the bed, I let go all of my strength and let myself fall onto the soft sheets. And there I was, sobbing. I continued crying to my pillow when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.Jimin cannot see me like this. I thought to myself, so I turned my back on the door and pretended to be asleep, trying my best to control the shaking and sobs because of my crying. I waited for Jimin to settle on the bed.

When I thought he already fell asleep, I continued releasing my soul's sadness by crying everything out, but ever so quietly, so he won't know.

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