Turning Tables (Jikook)

By jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... More

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 6: Its for the fans
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 8: Let Him Know
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 26: Jungkook returns
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 36: The Truth part.1
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
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Chapter 20: Best Friends

10.4K 508 286
By jikook_9795

Jimin's POV:

I woke up lying on my side, and was surprised to find a blurred face in front of mine just a few centimeters away. I hurriedly backed and sat up, but as soon as I regained my clear eyesight, I almost laughed at my own stupidity for having been startled by his face. Jimin, you're actually sharing a room with Jungkook. What's so surprising about that? After calming myself down from the adrenaline rush, I stared at the sleeping person beside me. He was also lying on his side, facing me. Somehow, I find him cute. He really looked like a child sleeping. In moments like this, when he is defenseless and innocent, I can really feel his being the maknae of the group. I found myself just staring into his sleeping face when my alarm suddenly went ringing.

After turning the noisy thing off, I returned to Jungkook to wake him up. I am going for my usual morning jogging sessions, and I thought Jungkook would like to go with me. Of course, there's no need to ask Tae. He'll surely come.

"Hey, Kookie, wake up." I softly said as I tried to wake him up by shaking his shoulders. He didn't respond.

"Kookie, do you want to come with Tae and I to jog?" I asked, still trying to wake him up by shaking him, only this time, I shook him harder. Still, nothing happened. He even murmured something while sleeping, and I didn't understand a word of it. Cute.

"Poor maknae. Is that how lacking in sleep you are? Trying to cherish every moment in bed?" I asked him, even though I know for sure that he can't hear me. Even though I've been with him for only a few months now, I already know that a sleepy Jungkook is the hardest to wake.

"Don't worry, it's ok. Tae will be joining me. Get more sleep, Kookie." I said to him as I leaned down to pat his head. After doing that, I silently headed out of our room to find Tae already waiting for me.

"Good morning, hyung! Where's Jungkook?" Tae asked as he looked behind me from his seat

"Ah... The maknae's asleep. I think he craves for a longer sleep, because I noticed he hasn't been getting good, continuous sleep lately. Something might be bothering him. But yeah, thank god he's doing well resting today." I explained to Tae.

After I said that to Tae, we went out to start jogging. We talked about a lot of things the whole time we were jogging. We talked about the anime Tae was watching, as well as the movie that we watched together in the living room. The topic eventually became about our group – how far we've gotten in the industry, how awesome the fans are, and things like that. We kept on talking about more things until we reached the place where we go to watch the sunrise. We sat there for some time, waiting for the pretty sunrise. We continued talking and laughing about anything that crossed our minds. While watching as the sun rose, I pondered upon how close Tae and I had become. We started being friends since the training days, and we've gotten incredibly close to each other since then. Before, we were only lunch buddies that spent lunch time together in a restaurant. Then, we started going to the training together, walking early in the morning to build our stamina. Then, we became members of the same band. Since then, it became easier for us to become even much closer to each other. We were called the '95 duo', since the both of us were born in the same year, with me only ahead of him for about two months. We really became like brothers, because we were basically inseparable.

"Hyung, have you fully recovered?" Tae suddenly asks. Sometimes, he becomes really serious all of a sudden. It scares me sometimes.

"Uhm... Physically, yes, I think months of jogging have gotten my legs back to shape. But I think I still am not fully recovered, because I still don't remember Jungkook." I said to Tae, whose face suddenly became sadder. What's so sad with what I just said?

It took him some moment before he finally responded. "The past doesn't matter that much anymore, hyung. What's important is that you and Jungkook are starting a good relationship with each other. I can already envision the two of you as being very close to each other in the near future." Tae explained.

"You know what, you're right. Why do you have to be always right? We - " I was about to continue talking, but suddenly, head began to hurt when I asked him why does he have to be always right. This pain again.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Tae worriedly asked when he realized I was in pain that I had to stop talking for a while. This is by far the most painful of all the headaches that I had after I woke up. What the hell is happening to me?

"Yes Tae, I'm alright. My head is aching again, but it's nothing intolerable. Maybe it's just from the hunger." I said to him as I stood up to prepare to leave. "Let's go, let's buy some food." I said to him as I began to jog to the convenience store.

When we got there, we searched the whole store for food that we would like to eat. We took some time in that part, because the store didn't have the food that we usually bought. When we finally found other food items that we wanted to try, we had them counted, and we headed for the park benches. There, we happily eat the new food that we tasted for the first time. We were just eating it all out when I remembered something about the place.

"Tae," I said, as Tae looked at me, still chewing on the food that he just bit. "Do you remember this place?" I asked him. At first, he gave me a confused look that seemed to be asking. Then, his face brightened up and he finally remembered what I was trying to tell him.

"OH!!! Yes! I remember it, hyung! That morning when my life was put on the line..." Tae narrated. He was overly exaggerating the event, but I found his words quite funny.

"Yah! I didn't hit you that hard!" I said to him in defense. "It was actually a bit soft, because I was too frightened to fight." I continued, making Tae laugh at me.

"What? So you're saying that wasn't really you're full strength?" Tae asked. "It felt like it was a punch coming from a professional boxer." He added, as he rubbed his head at the place where I hit him that time. Both of us laughed at his comment.

We were still busy reminiscing the moments that we spent together in the past when we heard a phone ring. Both of us quickly pulled our phones out of our pockets, but it turned out that the phone ringing was mine.

"Why did you pull out yours?" I asked Tae, who was now putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Sorry, I thought it was mine that was ringing. Apparently, we have the same tone." Tae explained as he continued eating the food we bought.

"Oh... I see. You're really such a copycat." I told Tae, making him look at my direction and send imaginary daggers to me.

"Hey! I didn't know that was your tone. Who knows, maybe it's you who copied my tone." Tae retorted as he returned to his eating business.

"Of course not! What would I gain if I were to copy your tone?" I said to him in defense as I read the message that I received.

From: Jungkook

Hyung! Where are you and Tae-hyung? The other members are getting impatient; they want to eat breakfast without the two of you. Please come back immediately.

And stay safe ^ ^

"So, who's it from?" Tae asked as he scooted over to see the text for himself.

"Ah... It's from Jungkook. He told me to go back immediately, because the other members are already hungry, and they don't want to wait for us any longer." I explained to Tae but he suddenly snatched my phone and read the text.

After he finished reading, he gave my phone back to me and smiled. "What are you smiling about?" I asked him. He only continued smiling, but this time, he pushed me by my shoulder. "Hey, what's so funny?" I asked him again.

"So... you and Kookie are getting to know each other REALLY well, huh?" Tae teased as he laughed at me.

"Tae, stop it. We are really starting to get closer to each other, but not that way. I see him as my little brother." I said to Tae. I was surprised to see his expression. He looked... sad.

"What? That's good, isn't it? Even though we've only known each other for a few months, we really gotten incredibly close to each other." I explained to him.

"But..." Tae muttered.

"But what? What's the matter Tae?" I asked him.

"Nothing. It's nothing hyung. Now, let's go - " Tae's words was cut by another ringing of a phone. "That must be Jungkook again." Tae said. I reached for my phone in my pocket, only to find out that the phone ringing wasn't mine.

"Tae, it's yours. Mine doesn't have a message." I said to him, prompting him to check on his phone. It took him a while to finish reading it, and when he was done, he smiled a small smile, but it didn't go unnoticed.

"Who was it?" I asked him as I took his phone from him to read the message.

From: Jin-hyung

Tae, come back home now. The other members have started eating without you guys. Hurry, we can't control their hunger.

And please... be careful.

"Yah!!! Who told you that you can steal phones from other people?" Tae complained as he took his phone back.

"Well Tae, you did that to me a while ago. I'm just getting my revenge." I said to him. After pausing for a few seconds, I proceeded to teasing him about the text.

"So... you and Jin-hyung are getting to know each other REALLY well, huh?" I said. It was my intention to tease him with his own words.


"If it was nothing, why are you freaking out now and turning red?" I asked him. He was really freaking out, but not turning red.

"Hyung, I know when I turn red and when I don't. Now, can we go home? We don't want them eating all the food for themselves." Tae said. With that, we stood up from the park bench and walked back to the house.

When we got to the house, we saw all the members already in the living room. It seems that Jin and Jungkook failed to stop them from eating without us. They were all watching a movie in the living room.

"Oh, you're home at last." Hoseok said without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah, hyung, sorry if you had to eat late because of us." Tae said to Hoseok, bowing down to apologize. Hoseok accepted his apology by laughing and mouthing an 'it's ok'.

"What took the two of you so long?" Namjoon asked. Beside him was Yoongi, who was just staring at the screen, looking as if he didn't even notice our arrival.

"Ah... nothing, hyung, we just went to the convenience store to buy some comfort food. Then we got too absorbed into our conversation that we didn't notice what time was it already." I explained to him.

"Then, we shouldn't feel guilty." Yoongi suddenly blurted out.

"Guilty of what, hyung?" Tae asked.

"We got so hungry that we just had to eat everything that was cooked by Jin-hyung. Since you already ate something before going home, then we wouldn't have to feel guilty when you starve." Yoongi explained. With that, Tae and I headed to the dining table to see Jungkook and Jin seated.

"At last, you're home." Jin said as he stood up and went to the kitchen. Jungkook, on the other hand, just sat there, looking depressed.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" I asked him. He looked at me, and nodded. Ok, he's not alright.

"Jungkook, you know you're not good at lying. What's the matter?" I asked again.

"Really hyung, it's nothing. Do I look sad to you?" Jungkook asked.

"Do you think I'll ask if you looked perfectly fine?" I asked back. He just nodded at my comment. I was about to ask him again when Tae suddenly jumped in excitement.

"WOW! There's still food?" Tae excitedly asked as he saw Jin enter the dining room carrying a pot of smoking hot dish. I guess he cooked again when the other members finished eating. The dish looked like it was straight from the stove.

"Yeah... I had to cook another batch of food for the two of you, because our pig band mates already ate everything that I cooked earlier." Jin explained. Eomma Jin just being the mother that he is.

"Thanks, hyung. The food we ate from the convenience store wasn't anywhere near your cooking." I said to him as I reached my bowl to fill it with the food. Where is the bowl? I am sure it's here in front of me...

"Here, hyung." Jungkook said as he gave me a bowl already filled with food. Oh, yeah, I forgot that small routine of yours...

"Oh, yeah, thanks, Jungkook." I said to him as I received the bowl and started eating the late breakfast. Then, I heard a chuckle coming from Tae's direction. I looked at him, and saw him desperately holding back a laugh while munching at the delicious food.

"What's so funny, Tae?" I asked him. Instead of answering, his laughing only worsened. He's beginning to become 4D again.

"Hey, Tae! What the hell are you laughing at?" I asked him again. He stopped laughing.

"Hmmm... Hyung, I thought he's your little brother?" Tae said as he gave me a smirk.

"What? Of course he is! What the hell is happening to you, Tae?" I said to him. "You know what, that's probably from your hunger. Go and eat!" I continued as I returned my attention back the food in my bowl.

After Tae and I ate the breakfast, Jungkook went to the living room to watch movie along with the other members. Jin was already putting the used utensils away, and I don't have anything to do. So instead of just heading to the living room to just rest, I decided to help Jin with washing the spoils of war.

"Hyung, can I help you with those?" I asked Jin, who was busy wiping the dining table to clean it.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks. Help me wash the dishes." Jin said. I was about to go to the sink when I heard Tae.

"Me, too, hyung. I want to help too." Tae said to Jin.

"Ok, Jimin, you, and I will be washing the dishes together for today." Jin said as he went to the sink to start with the work.

There we are, helping Jin clean the utensils that were used by the group during breakfast. Personally, I'm not really into cleaning chores. But doing it with my friends makes it more desirable and fun. We started off really well, because we are very organized, and the work was divided into three parts. Jin was in charge of washing the utensils with soap, while I was the one in charge of washing the suds off of them. After that, I give them to Tae, who was tasked to dry the things and put them in their respective storage places. But halfway through the deed, we started playing again. It was Tae who started it by throwing the cloth that he is using to me. Of course, I retaliated by splashing him some water. Tae was surprised and enraged, so he put the cloth he just threw to me into the bucket of water, then he spun it around so that big droplets of water came flying around the room, even to Jin who was innocently doing his work on the sink. When the work was done, we looked like we just came out from the washing machine, because the three of us were wet and covered in soap bubbles.

As I walked into the living room, Jungkook saw me and his eyes widened.

"Hyung! What the hell just happened? What took you so long in there?" Jungkook asked.

"Easy, Jungkook. Tae and I helped Jin-hyung with the cleaning job. Tae suddenly became 4D and started getting everyone in the kitchen wet." I explained. For some reason, he suddenly became sad again. I swear, Jungkook, there's really something. I thought to myself, but I knew it would be useless to ask him.

"Anyway, I'll be going back to our room. I really need to shower after everything." I said to him. He just nodded and went back to his seat.

After showering, I sat beside Jungkook who was still watching whatever his hyungs are watching. Being the maknae, thus the youngest member, he doesn't really have a choice. I just sat down beside him and used my phone to check the internet.

"Hi, hyung. What are your plans for today?" Jungkook asked. I stopped using my phone and put it in my pocket before answering him.

"Nothing. I actually don't know what to do for today. I've ran out of options." I said to him. I saw a smile slowly making its way up his lips.What's wrong with this kid? A few moments ago, he was sad, but now, he's smiling?

"Do you want to...uhm... play?" Jungkook asked, his head bowed down.

"Depends on the game." I said to him. He then turned around and continued talking to me.

"Uhmmm... I actually don't know what game to play. Maybe I'll just think about bit for a while." Jungkook said, his back still facing me.

"Ok then, I'll be right here. Just tell me if you need anything." I said to him as I began to settle in my seat. I really have nothing to do for the day, so anything will be welcome. I might as well die playing a game with Jungkook than die out of boredom.

We were still seated there, waiting for something to come up when Tae came running to me. He was already in new clothes.

"Jimin-hyung! Do you want to watch with me?" Tae asked, drawing the attention of both me and Jungkook.

"Watch what?" I asked him. Tae took my hand and started pulling me up from my seat.

"Let's watch anime. Attack on Titan... please?" Tae asked. Since like what I said, I don't want to die bored, I just joined him to their room to watch.

We were just there, watching the anime. We only came down to eat lunch when Jin told us to do so. After watching the episodes that Tae wanted to watch for the day, we went out to the streets to take a walk to the convenience store to buy food for everyone. We bought the usual food, like chips and ice cream, but Tae insisted that I should buy some meat for dinner. So after buying everything that we wanted to buy, we came back to the house and distributed the food among the members. They were in the living room, talking about random stuff that they wanted to talk about. Jungkook was seated between Jin and Hoseok, and he didn't look like he was enjoying the conversation. Actually, he looked quite pissed. Jungkook is certainly moody today.

Dinner came, and the usual routines were done. As usual, Jungkook did all of the things that I could do all by myself. He filled my bowl with the food, and even filled my glass with water whenever it was empty. I find it amusing how Jungkook treats me like this – how he spoils me. I also noticed how happy he was when he ate the dinner, because it was his favorite dish... the meat dish that Tae wanted me to buy in the convenient store. Tae was also having a good time eating the dish, because among all of us, Tae is the most pronounced meat-lover.

After the dinner, Tae and I went to the porch to talk. It wasn't really something that we planned – I just went here for some fresh air, then he came to me to join me. We didn't talk for the first few minutes, but I thought I had something to say to him.

"Tae?" I said, trying to call his attention.

"Yes, hyung?" He asked.

"Thanks for this day. It's been such a long time since the last time I had fun like this. I thought this would be a very boring day, but thanks to you, it was made into a memorable one." I said to him. He smiled at me and responded.

"I know. It was such a long time since we had fun like this. Like you, I was also craving for some quality time with my group mates, away from stress, away from work, away from everything that's no fun. Thanks for being here." Tae replied.

"You know what Tae, I've never thought about this, but now, it's clear to me." I said to Tae.

"What is it, hyung?" Tae asked.

"We are the 95 duo on cam, but we don't have a title behind the camera." I said to him. "Will it be ok to you if I call you my best friend?" I continued. Tae looked at me for some time, and then smiled.

"Of course, hyung! But mind you... we really don't need that title." Tae said to me. We pulled each other into a hug that I thought I never had shared with him in a moment like this.

"Hyung, it's getting quite late now. We still have practices tomorrow. Maybe we should go to our rooms and sleep." Tae said to me. I just nodded at him and headed back inside, and to our respective rooms.

As I got inside, I saw Jungkook, who was already in our bed. I think he was already sleeping, because he didn't move when I opened the door to our room. So I carefully slid into the sheets so as to not wake him up. Just before I fell asleep, I thought I heard something, but I was too close to sleeping, so I just let it pass.

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