Secrets Hidden In The Dark

By harvardbound100

14.4K 317 23

"What has happened to you?!" I shouted. My voice got softer as I said, "You weren't like this." He looked... More

Chapter *1* (Homecoming)
Chaper *2* (Another Question)
Chapter *3* (Ditching)
Chapter *4* (The Dream)
Chaper *5*
Chapter *6* (Disaster and death)
Chapter *7*
Chaper *8* (the humorless joke)
Chapter *9* (The light at the end of the tunnel)
Chaper *10*
Chapter *11*
Chapter *12*
Chapter *13* ( VEGAS! ;)
Chapter *14* (Sin City revealed) Part One
Chapter *16* (Love, Love, Love)
Chapter 17 (* Going home..... Married *)
Chapter 18 ~(* Afternoon with My Bestfriend, turns into a nightmare! *)~Part One
Chapter 19 (* Afternoon with my bestfriend, turns into a nightmare *) part two
Chapter 20 (* The Terrible Things *)
~Sneak Peak On Chapters to Come~
Chapter 21 (* Everything is going to be okay *)
Chapter 22 ( * Darkest Hour *)
Chapter 23 (* Home Sweet Home*)
Chapter 24 (* A Phone Call Away*)
Chapter 26 (* Four little Words *)
Chapter 27 (* Hello... Again. Friend of a Friend. *)
Chapter 27 (*Dancing Away with my Heart*)
Chapter 29 *Forever and Always*
Chapter 30 *Falling to Pieces*
Chapter 31 *Grow Old*

Chapter 15 (Sin City revealed) Part Two

365 7 0
By harvardbound100

I took the I.D in my hand and observed it. It was my  picture from this school year but on it, it said that I was 22 years.

"Nah, I already have my fake I.D" said Jace giving Dylan the card back. I turned and his him in the arm with my hand that wasn't holding his.

"Owww!"he said.

" You have a fake I.D?!" I asked? What he never mentioned he had a fake I.D.

"Of course I do. Who doesn't?!"

"She doesn't." interrupted Dylan. I ignored him.

" You just didn't tell me you had one, that's all." I mumbled.

" That's how I get the beer for my parties, silly." Jace said as he kissed my forehead.

"I would like to go inside before the night is over Bells." Dylan said with a inpatient look. I just sighed and followed him as he took us to the bouncer cutting the rest of the long line.

The bouncer was tall with strong features, black hair and pale skin. He was really built but it looked good on him, he was very attractive but nothing compared to Jace.

"Hey whats up Kyle?!"  Dylan greeted the bouncer with a man-hug.

" Nothing much man, I haven't seen you here in a long time." Kyle, the bouncer answered back with a cute smile.

"Ya man, I haven't had the time to party but we are strictly here for ... engagement partying only."

"Your getting married?!!" Kyle said with shock.

"Me?!!! NO! Those two." Dylan said pointing to Jace and I. As if just noticing us ,Kyle looked at me from head to toe while smirking, it was very awkward mostly with Jace that was radiating with anger.

"Your a little too young to be getting married don't-cha think?" Kyle asked flirtatiously in my direction.

" I guess when your in love nothing matters anymore." I said honestly gazing up at Jace's beautiful blue eyes.

"And we are only engaged, we plan on getting married after high school, right babe." I said looking up to Jace.

"Yea, but now and then your still mine." Jace responded with a smirk that turned into a glare when he met Kyle's gaze. Kyle ignored him and continued to flirt with me.

"Well you look really hot." Kyle said to me changing the subject. Jace tenced up next to me, ready to drop kick Kyle but was retraining himself.

"Thank you, I know. But are you going to let us in or what man?" Dylan answered.

"Yea have fun guys, and sexy girl. Make sure to save a dance for me." Kyle said as we walked into the club.

"Dont count on it dumbas-" Jace began before I cut him off and pull him inside with me .

"Do you want to get us kicked out babe?" I asked.

"No, but did you see him. He was totally hitting on you, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!" He exclaimed over the loud music.

"Calm down Jace, Kyle is naturally like that." Dylan said while scanning the crowd of people.

The club was big and hot. There was no light except for the strobe-lights, the fog came up to our hips, well my hips at least. Lots of people were dancing and grinding to the song that just began called, ' I'm Sexy and I Know It, by LMFAO '.

" Whatever he just better stay away from us." Jace muttered frustrated.

The three of us walked past the crowd of people torwards the bar.

"Three tequila shots and six vodka." Dylan ordered to the bar tender. He asked for his I.D and then went to get our drinks.

"Jace calm down love, no need to get jealous." I said over theloud music while putting my hand on his chest and staring into his mesmerizing eyes.

"I was not jealous, that dude just bugged me." He defended.

"Really? Okay then you won't mine if we go clubbing with him?" I asked teasingly.

"Nope" he said while popping the 'p'.

"Okay let me go invite him i'll be right back." I said and started walking torwards him but got stopped with Jace's arms around my waist as he engulfed me in his embrace.

"Fine, I'm jealous!but I have a right because soon your going to be Mrs. Anabelle Anderson."  Jace smirked. I just nodded and pecked him on the mouth.

"Here" Dylan said inturrupting us by handing us two shots each, vodka and tequila in each hand.

We put the two shots in the air as Dylan said, " To the start of a new life, full of promises of love and happiness but with that also comes rough times and saddness you just have to stick together and get through it because in the end you guys still have eachother and that all that matters. To the engaged couple!" We clinged out shots and chugged them down. At first I could feel anything but then in a blink of an eye, litterally, everything became fuzzy and carefree, and thats were the fun begins.


It's short , I know sorry.

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