Turning Tables (Jikook)

By jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... More

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 6: Its for the fans
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 20: Best Friends
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 26: Jungkook returns
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 36: The Truth part.1
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
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Chapter 8: Let Him Know

15.9K 727 301
By jikook_9795

Jimin's POV:

Today, everything is back to normal.

"Hey Jungkook, wake up!" I shouted at his ear while shaking him. It's always been like this – me doing everything to wake him up so he won't miss breakfast.

"Oh... Hi Jimin." he said sleepily. This guy never fails to call me Jimin.

"I already heard Jin-hyung cooking breakfast. Please stay awake so we can start eating ASAP. We have a long day ahead of us. And, please, call me hyung." I said to him, even though theres no point in trying.

"Ok." Jungkook answered. This kid.

Tired of arguing, I went downstairs to help Jin prepare the food. From the door of our room, I can smell the tasty aroma of the breakfast Eomma-Jin is preparing for us.

"Good morning, hyung." I energetically greeted him. He smiled at me, and then threw me the nearby apron. He always does that when I wake up early to help him with cooking. Even so, I really enjoy cooking with him. Especially when Jungkook thinks the food is really delicious.

When we were almost done cooking today's breakfast, our fellow members started to come out from their rooms. At least, I won't have to go through their rooms and try to get their butts out of the beds.

Tae, as usual, looks very happy. I don't know why. Maybe he's already hungry and he already wants to eat, that when he saw me and Jin in the kitchen and smelled the aroma of the food, his day became very happy. I sometimes envy his carefree attitude, because he doesn't become sad for long.

"Hey, hyung! What do we have for breakfast?" Tae asked Jin with his excited look.

"We have rice, a soup dish, and a meat dish." Jin answered without taking his eyes off the meat. As soon as Jin let out the "meat dish", Tae's eyes glistened in anticipation, while his mouth formed an 'O'.

As soon as we started eating, I began my usual routine of putting food into Jungkook's bowl first, before filling mine. He didn't object, he just said thanks. I feel like my efforts are highly appreciated. I never ate with a bad mood because I always see his smile right at the table beside me.

After the meal, we got ready to go to the dance studio where we will be practicing a new dance for one of our songs. Of course, as usual, the most excited person would be me. Practicing dances just makes me feel happy and contented. I really love dancing and performing. I love how my blood pressure rises when I am about to perform something. The rush makes me feel so alive. Of course, another thing that makes me excited when we are about to practice dances is that I have a legitimate excuse to keep staring at him.

"You just move your shoulders like this..." I heard him say while I was searching my bag for a towel. God, he really knows how to move in every right way possible.

I was still admiring the beautiful figure moving before me when I felt someone whisper to my ear.

"You like what you're seeing, huh?"

"God, you almost killed me Tae! You know how easily I get startled, right? I already hurt you before when you tried scare me. We don't want that to happen again!" I shouted at him. As usual, he won't take me seriously, because he just smiled at me and continued his talk.

"Oh, that didn't hurt. At least it didn't hurt as much as your heart did." Tae joked. Well, he was damn right. He must've noticed the change in my expression, because he quickly changed his tone and became merrier.

"Of course I'm just kidding!" He suddenly shouted and patted my head before heading to his spot for the dance. Sometimes I just ask myself the reason why and how did I even became a friend of this person, let alone became the best friend. He's just... weird.

We repeated the same dance over and over again until we got the hand gestures executed properly and right on time. Only Namjoon and Jin are having a little bit of difficulty with the dancing. The three of us – Jungkook, Hoseok, and I, were always the ones in charge of teaching them how to dance the parts that they don't get. Well, it's safe to say that Hoseok is a horrible teacher. He can't explain how he does things in dancing. For example, there was a time when Namjoon asked him how to dance a certain part. Hoseok told him to watch and copy his movements. He can't explain how it is done. He also demonstrates things in complicated, performance-level way.

My attention was glued on Jungkook for the whole duration of the morning dance practice. I just can't help but notice him and his movements. He just moves every muscle in his body in the nicest and hottest way possible. I don't know if he already caught me staring at him, but I don't care anymore. Let him catch me then.

As usual, the morning went by really quickly. When we have dance practices, it's like the time suddenly picks up speed and shortens. Maybe I just enjoy dancing too much. Or maybe I just enjoy dancing with him too much.

As we walked to our favorite restaurant where we usually eat our lunch, I went to Tae's side to talk to him.

"Hey Tae. How are you doing?" I asked awkwardly. It was obvious it was just an attempt to start a conversation.

"I'm fine hyung. Isn't it I should be the one asking you that? How are you doing?" Tae asked in response. Again, he was right.

"Nah, I'm fine. I just wanted someone to talk to now. I don't feel like being alone today." I said to him. With that, we continued walking with the other members while talking about random things that come across our minds. We really had a great time together that we didn't notice we already arrived at the restaurant.

The lunch was just like any usual lunch with the members. We ordered food, sat down around the table, and ate the food we ordered. Everything was normal except for the times when Tae randomly shouts or demand things from the other members. Everything just felt so right today.

"Hey, Jimin - " Jungkook starts. I can already feel the heat rising up.

"Hyung. Jimin-hyung." I said, cutting his words. He just smiled at me, earning a burdened swallow from me. If smiles could kill, I should be long dead.

"Whatever. What do you think of the dance that the choreographer is teaching us?" Jungkook asked.

"It's just fine. I really think he put a lot of effort in making out choreographies because they are really good." I replied.

"Yeah, right Jimin. You were having fun, while Jin-hyung and I are really having a hard time getting the steps right." Namjoon sneaked in. All the members laughed at the confession.

"It will be alright Namjoon. All of us are willing to help." Hoseok told him in a comforting and sincere tone, but we still can't help it but laugh at the sarcastic and mocking motive behind it.

While everybody is busy laughing at the topic, Jungkook suddenly poked me.

"Uhm, honestly hyung, I'm also having quite a hard time with today's choreography. Can you please stay with me in the studio for a short while after the practice? I swear -" Jungkook hurriedly asked, as if he was shy about having to ask a favor from me.

"It's ok. It's my pleasure helping you." I was being honest. "And really? Golden maknae is having a hard time with the choreography?" I asked jokingly. Because of that he hit me on my shoulder. I can feel myself blushing from the contact.

"Ok guys, it's time we go back to the studio." Yoongi announced. We got up from our seats and prepared to leave the restaurant to return to the studio.

Once we got there, we immediately started rehearsing again. I couldn't concentrate on the rehearsals. Something has been bothering me from the conversation with Jungkook back in the restaurant.

Why? Why me? Why didn't he ask others for help? Hoseok-hyung is also a dancer. He could surely teach Jungkook the same way as I can. Why me? Those thoughts kept playing in my mind for the rest of the afternoon. I can barely wait for the time when Jungkook and I will be alone in the studio.

Finally, it was time. As all the other members are preparing to leave, Jungkook announced.

"Jimin and I will be staying for a while. Is it alright? I just need some help." The other members nodded and left. Tae looked at me mischievously. This guy...

"Ok, Jungkook. Shall we start now?" I asked him. His response was a pose in the dance, signaling me that that was the part in the dance that he can't get.

I've been waiting for this moment the whole afternoon, and we only stayed there for half an hour. Yet the time seemed very slow. I was quickly getting impatient. I want to go home then. I was feeling uncomfortable being along with Jungkook. I was confused. And at last, the two of us went home. When we got out of the building, I suddenly felt relieved. At last, I wasn't alone with him.

But, isn't that what you wanted? To have quality time with him? All this time you were waiting for that moment, yet you wasted it! What is wrong with you? You were stu-

"JIMIN!!!" I snapped out of my monologue with myself when I heard Jungkook shouting.

"We're here! You actually forgot where our house is! Go back here!" Jungkook continued shouting. What the hell, I walked past our house without even noticing it?

When we got inside, we immediately went to our shared room. Alone with him again? Why am I feeling uncomfortable with him?

"Jimin, do you want to shower first or I'll go first?" Jungkook asked. Why is he suddenly considerate?

"No, you go. I'll shower in Tae's room. In that way we won't be wasting time. I can already smell the food Jin-hyung is cooking." I answered.

"Ok." Jungkook said as he entered the bathroom.

I went out of our room carrying my bathing implements and asked Tae is I could use their shower.

"So, how was your time with him?" Tae asked me.

"Let's not talk about that now. Can we talk about that later. Maybe after dinner." I replied with an irritated look. He just nodded and pointed at their room.

When I got inside the shower room, I turned the shower on and just stood there for a long time. After feeling comfortable again, I started cleaning myself. I was surprised that when I got of the bathroom, an hour has already passed. The other members were almost done eating. Ok, so they actually ate without me...

"Hey, Jimin, sorry we ate without you. We were already starving." Jin said to me as I sat down on my chair.

"What took you so long?" Yoongi asked me.

"I just felt like having a long relieving shower. The day was quite long, you know." I answered.

They all continued eating while I was just starting. When I looked at Jungkook's bowl, it was already full with food. I got used to filling his bowl for him. Something was really off with me today. I thought the day was just normal. It wasn't. When I looked at Tae, I was surprised to see he was also looking at me with a concerned look. Later will be a long heart to heart talk.

When dinner was done, I managed to catch up with the other members. I even finished earlier than Jin. After the dinner, I looked a Tae first before I got up and headed for the porch.

When I got there, for the first time today I felt at peace. It is really peaceful there that I don't want to leave the spot, even if it means missing a night with Jungkook beside me while sleeping. I was starting to feel drowsy from the cold air brushing along my face when Tae walk to me.

"Hyung, are you alright?" Tae asked me. I can tell that this time, he was back to being sensible and serious. Just the Taehyung that I needed right now. The last time we talked about something this serious was when Jungkook told me he did all the fluffy stuff with me for the fans. Tae just made me feel alright again that day. I hope tonight will be also have the same results.

"Honestly Tae, I really don't know. I am very confused right now. I don't know what I am thinking and doing. I just don't get it." I said to him. I was aware I sounded very weak. Because of that, Tae came closer to me and leaned on the railing of the porch beside me.

"Yes, you know everything, hyung. You know how you are feeling. You know you are in love with him. That's all that matters, right?" Tae told me. He was right about the in love thing, but I don't think he got it with the 'you know everything'.

"But Tae, remember earlier in the afternoon when we stayed in the studio for a while? I felt very uncomfortable back there. I felt all the body heat inside the room weighing down on me. Isn't it that was what I wanted? To be with him? But what was it that's making me feel awkward around him?" I asked, sounding as desperate and miserable as possible. Tae, suddenly shushed me. I understood it. We don't want anyone to hear me talking about my feelings for Jungkook.

"Look, Jimin-hyung, it's normal you feel awkward around him. Remember the first time you had a crush on any person? You also feel awkward, right? It's just the same thing, only more intense. It only confirms that you really like him." Tae answered. Again, he was right. Why is he always right?

"You're right. I really felt confused because I was never like that to him. Before, I was really confident around him. That time, I suddenly felt weak. Vulnerable, to be exact." I agreed. "Maybe it has something to do with the way he asked that favor from me."

"Why? What favor?" Tae asked curiously. Oh no, alien is going back.

"Back in the restaurant, when he asked me to help him with the dance, I think he was rather shy about asking me. And, why me? Why not you? Or Hoseok-hyung? You were also great dancers, right? Why did he ask me?" I said to him.

"Hmmm.... Aha! I see! I see it now! Now I know where all this drama came from!" Tae exclaimed. It was my turn to shush him. He was really starting to become wild and loud again.

"What is it?! What do you mean 'you see it now'?" I asked while shaking him back to his senses.

"Sorry. Ehem. Going back to the topic, I think I already found out what's making you feel awkward around him." Tae said calmly. "It's all in your mind."

"What do you mean it's all in my mind? You're not helping! You're making me even more confused than before." I said to him after not getting his statement.

"Ok, let me elaborate. You are the reason why you feel awkward. You were thinking about what might happen. When he asked you and not the others, the thing that came to your mind was a "why me?" question. That only meant that you were EXPECTING something to happen. Something like he will also confess to you, or he admits he like you too, or..."

"Of course not! I wasn't expecting things like that!" I tried to sound as powerful as I could, but I came out short. Tae doesn't look convinced.

"See? You yourself are not convinced that you are not expecting anything. Maybe you are expecting him to tell you he likes you too. That's why you felt uneasy around him. You were afraid." Tae said. Why is he right again?

"So, what do I do? I can't be like this forever?!" I asked.

"I think it's about time you let him know. You let him feel." Tae answered. Is this guy telling me to confess?

"Yes, I'm telling you to confess your feelings. In that way, we can be sure of what he really feels for you." Tae said. Is this guy reading my mind?

"Seriously? No! I'm not going to tell him I like him!" I rebelled.

"If you want to be sure around him, he should know the truth. I think Jungkook will be more careful and sensitive with what he says and does when he already knows that you might interpret his actions wrongly." Tae said.

"So, how sure are you this is going to work?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. But what the hell hyung! One way or another, he's going to know it! There's nothing to lose."

He was right. Tae was right all along. I am very thankful I got a friend like him. He really knows how to react with life's situations. It's like he already lived for centuries with what he knows about life. It just amazes me – how an alien like him know too many things about serious matters like this.

"Thanks Tae. You really made everything clear to me. You're right. I should already let him know." I said to him while motioning for us to go back inside.

When we got inside, no one is in the living room. I checked the clock and found out that I was already 10 pm. I think they are all in their rooms now.

"Thanks again Tae. You're my hero." I said to him before opening the door to my room.

"No problem, hyung. Anytime." Tae replied before closing the door of their room.

When I entered the room, I can already hear Jungkook's snores. He must feel really tired with today's practice. Tae is right. Now that I get it all, I am not feeling awkward with him anymore. So I slid into my covers as carefully and silently as I can. I don't want to wake the angel up.

"Sweet dreams, Kookie..." I said before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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