Turning Tables (Jikook)

بواسطة jikook_9795

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Jimin is not a vain nor a conceited person, but he knows he's talented and good-looking. This is why he audit... المزيد

Chapter 1: How it all started part 1
Chapter 2: How it all started part 2
Chapter 3: BTS
Chapter 4: Destiny
Chapter 5: A Day Of First
Chapter 7: Facade
Chapter 8: Let Him Know
Chapter 9: Confession part.1: A little too much
Chapter 10: Confession part.2: A night of neglect
Chapter 11: Confession part.3: Endgame
Chapter 12: Revelations
Chapter 13: Realizations
Chapter 14: Second Chance?
Chapter 15: A Brand New Heart
Chapter 16: Questions
Chapter 17: The Kim Of Seokjin
Chapter 18: Bonds
Chapter 19: Old Times
Chapter 20: Best Friends
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Cold Shoulders
Chapter 23: Wrong move
Chapter 24: Alien (tries) to strike back
Chapter 25: The Kim Of Taehyung
Chapter 26: Jungkook returns
Chapter 27: The Matchmakers part.1
Chapter 28: The Matchmakers part.2
Chapter 29: Plan No.1: Meet Me At The Porch
Chapter 30: Plan No.2: Double Date?
Chapter 31: Plan No.3: Kidnapped
Chapter 32: Feelings
Chapter 33: Jikook
Chapter 34: Date (For Real)
Chapter 35: Guilt
Chapter 36: The Truth part.1
Chapter 37: The Truth part.2
Chapter 38: Its Over
Chapter 39: The Aftermath
Chapter 40: Self-Deception
Chapter 41: Resolution
Chapter 42: Gone
Chapter 43: Finale: True Love
Chapter 44: Epilogue: After All These Years
Please Read!!
Teaser ;)
New book

Chapter 6: Its for the fans

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بواسطة jikook_9795

Jimin's POV:

It's been months since our debut. We didn't expect that much people in our first day. We were very thankful that despite being the industry's 'babies', we are receiving too much support from the people. Since that day, we started having a very busy schedule. We don't even have time to relax and go to amusement parks. It's really tough being an idol, but I enjoy every part of it.

Especially the parts with Jungkook.

"Team, today, we are going to have a fan meeting." Namjoon informs us while we were eating.

"What happens in a fan meeting, Namjoon-hyung?" Tae asked. I almost spit all the water I was drinking at our food when Tae asked the stupid question.

"Tae, you call it fan meeting because you meet your fans there." Jin explained to Tae. Tae is totally in the mood today to be an alien.

"So, hyung, got any plans for the fan meeting?" Jungkook, who was busy cutting his slice of bacon beside me, asked.

"Nothing in particular, let's just be ourselves out there. I really think they will like us even without acting it all out." Namjoon answered.

"Ok. So guys, why not stand now and prepare? You see, it's already 8:00, the fan meeting will start in an hour." Yoongi said. With him saying that, everyone hurriedly headed to their own rooms to get ready.

"Hey, Jimin – " Jungkook started

"It's Jimin-hyung" I sneaked in. After all these months that we've known each other, you can count with your fingers the times that he addressed me the proper way.

"Ok, whatever. What are you planning to show the fans today?" Jungkook continued. This guy, really refuses calling me hyung.

"Nothing, really. All I have in my mind is to have fun and make our fans happy." I chuckled.

He just nodded and continued styling his hair in front of the mirror. You don't need to do that... you already look...

"HEY GUYS!!! GO DOWNSTAIRS, WE'RE LEAVING!" Hoseok's voice resounded inside the whole house, cutting my trail of thoughts.

"Common, Jungkook. They're waiting for us." Jungkook followed me downstairs.

Inside the van that we rode to the event, I sat beside Jungkook. He was still looking at himself at the tinted glass, still styling his hair.

"Jungkook, you don't have to look perfect out there, ok? Just be yourself! You already look good!" I said while slapping his hand away from his hair. You're already perfect, you don't need to put too much effort.

"Thanks, Jimin!" He said, smiling at me. Oh my god keep doing that and I'll melt right here right now.

I already felt my cheeks heating up after that smile he gave me. To relieve myself, I talked to Tae, who was seated on my other side.

"Hey, Tae. Do you have anything to surprise the fans later?" I asked him.

"Huh? I thought we don't have to prepare?! I'm not prepared!" Tae panicked, sending everyone to a fit of laughter. Tae really becomes funny and annoying at times like this, when his inner alien takes over his personality.

"Ok, we're here." Namjoon announced as he opened the door of the van, revealing us to the fans that are waiting outside.

Screaming everywhere. People going crazy. Girls fangirling. The whole place is full of excitement. I feel so welcome in this place.  I don't know about the other members, but I really like it when people are getting noisy and excited because of us. In moments like this I can feel being an idol.

We sat on our chairs with a long table in front. As usual, I sat between Tae and Jungkook. Then we started talking to and entertaining our fans. One of the fans requested Jin to sing for them, and of course, Jin did. They also asked me, Jungkook, and Tae to sing with Jin. Of course, because we love our fans, we did. We weren't ready for this, but thanks to our training, we did great in that impromptu performance.

I was still enjoying the attention we were getting from everyone when I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and pull me. I almost died when I realized it was Jungkook.

"Hey Jimin. Let's take a photo!" Jungkook said to me while holding his phone in the air to take a selfie.

After that, he didn't look satisfied with the results. For the second time, he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and took another photo. This time, the contact was longer because he wanted many different facial expressions. Please Jungkook, keep taking photos!

After he was happy with the photos, I let out a breath that I didn't notice I was holding the whole while we were taking a photo. I was drifting back to reality when Jungkook poked me.

"What is it, Kookie?" I asked. I don't know where the hell the nickname came from, but he surely liked it because he smiled upon hearing it.

"She wants to take a photo of us." Jungkook pointed to a girl holding a camera.

"Ok." With that, we moved closer to each other's faces. I can already feel the surroundings warming up a bit. I don't know what I want to happen right now – to make the girl stop so that I will be able to breath normally again, or for her to take her time so that I can be this close to Jungkook. She went for the second one.

After the picture-taking, I remembered what Tae promised me... he said he's going to help me with Jungkook. What if Tae hired that girl? Is that his doing? I looked at his direction to see him and Jin posing for a photo. Afterwards, he faced me and gave me a weird smile. Ok, I don't think he did that.

A few more moments later and my temperature, breathing rate, and heart rate came back to normal. I was talking to a fan when I felt something being put on my head. When it stopped moving, I reached for it and removed it. A headband?! After looking at the object, I looked at Jungkook, who was obviously holding back a smile.This guy though. You wanna play, huh? Then I put the headband on his head. It looked prettier when he wore it.

"Yah, Jimin, why did you put it on me?" Jungkook asked innocently. Is he trying to be cuter cute?

"Because you put it on me first!" I answered. We started 'quarrelling'. The fans that noticed it had the "how cute" expressions on their faces.

"Hey! You love birds, stop that!" Tae shouted. We stopped. I turned around, pretending to be looking for something behind me. The truth is, I was just trying to hide my blushing cheeks. Tae will have a lot of explaining to do later.

After the fan meeting, we went to a restaurant to eat. With our very busy schedule, lunch time has become our 'vacation' and 'rest time'. As usual, I placed food on Jungkook's bowl first before I filled mine. It has become my routine every meal. Then, I whispered to Tae, who was busy eating everything he can see.

"Tae, you sure have a lot of explaining to do for me later." I said to him with a serious tone.

"Really? What did I do? I'll make Jin-hyung stop cooking for you if you hurt me!" Tae exclaimed, drawing the attention of the whole table.

"What is it guys?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing serious, hyung. We're just talking about something." I immediately answered.

"Ok, please continue eating. Our next stop is the dance studio. We need to polish our choreography for the coming performance." Namjoon said as he continued munching at the food in front of him. Everyone seemed so hungry.

When we reached the dance studio, we started stretching before the rehearsals. I never got used to the funny sights that I see during stretching periods. Yoongi is really having a hard time during these times, because he admits that he was never a flexible person. Hoseok, despite of being an excellent dancer, is also not that flexible, but not to the extent that he looks like Yoongi. Jin and Namjoon are also having a hard time at times like this. Because of their tall height, they have exceptionally longer legs, making toe reach a pain-in-the-ass for the two of them. Tae and Jungkook are quite flexible, if compared to the other members. Of course, that is if I'm not included. Everyone knows that I'm the most flexible member in the group, far more flexible than the others.

While rehearsing, I can't help it but stare at Jungkook and his movement. He may not be moving as fluidly as me or Hoseok, but in my eyes, he is really a sight to see. During rehearsals, my eyes spend more time being glued to him than on anything else.

After the rehearsals, we went back to our house. After resting, all of us showered, even before eating, because we can really feel the dirt that stuck to our skins today. After showering, they went to the living room to watch a movie, while Jin and I went to the kitchen to cook the food. When I got the chance, I asked Jin if I can go for a while.

"Tae! Come here!" I shouted from the kitchen. Nothing happened.

"Tae, we have to talk, right?" I asked him while pulling him by his ears to our favorite talking spot, the porch.

"What is it, hyung?" He asked. How I hope Jungkook calls me that.

"What's with the love birds thing earlier during the fan meeting?" I asked with a serious tone. Suddenly, his alien expression turned back to normal.

"I said that?! When?" He replied. I swear I'm gonna kill you right now.

"During the fan meeting! During the time I and Jungkook were fighting over the headband" I reminded him. When I remembered that moment, I suddenly felt my cheeks heating up again.

"Mmm... Ah! Ok, I remember now! You liked it, don't you?" Tae asked with a mischievous smile. I really wanted to strangle him right there.

"No, I don't! I mean, of course I do, but what do you think will Jungkook feel after that? If he starts acting awkward towards me, I swear I'm gonna kick your balls!" I explained.

"No, please don't!" Tae answered with a small voice, indicating he wasn't taking me seriously.

"Hey guys! Dinner is ready!" Jin called for everyone. We hurried back inside, because we are already hungry after the dance rehearsal earlier.

As part of my routine, I put food first in Jungkook's bowl. Fortunately, he just acted normally, just like any other day. Tae's balls got saved today.

"The fans seemed happy with our fan meeting! It's a success!" Namjoon started, making everyone clap.

"Guys, you really did great on the song the fan asked you to sing! You sounded prepared for it, even if you aren't. Congratulations!" Hoseok added, looking at me, Tae, Jungkook and Jin. My ears are clapping because of the compliment.

"What do you think made the fan meeting memorable to them?" Yoongi asked.

"I think the song." Jin answered.

"Me, too. I think it's the song that made the event more memorable, aside from the fact that they get to see us in person, and we get to meet them in person and thank them in person." Tae added. Everyone suddenly looked at Tae with a surprised expression. They were shocked because the 4D Tae earlier was suddenly gone and the serious Tae returned.

"What are you looking at? Is my face dirty?" Tae asked. Oh no, he's back to being an alien. Everyone laughed.

"Nothing, we thought you suddenly became serious, because we felt the seriousness in your answer. Then you suddenly turned back to being weird and cute." Jin explained.

"I actually agree with Tae. I think it's enough for the fans to see us. It's just a bonus for them to hear us sing in person." I added. They all nodded in agreement.

"I think what added to the success is the cuteness of our group." Jungkook chuckled, making everyone smile.

"Speaking of cute, did you know you and Jimin definitely looked cute back then? What were you quarrelling about?" Namjoon asked. I suddenly felt the temperature rise.

"Ah... it was the headband that a fan gave." Jungkook answered. "And yes, I know we looked cute. When we were taking a photo of ourselves, I noticed that the fans smile at us and enjoyed seeing us look cute." Jungkook continued.

"Fan service really makes the fans happy. They just die when something cute happens with idols." Yoongi said.

"Yes, hyung, I know. That's why we continued being cute, because we knew it will make the fans happy." Jungkook said. So, that was all for camera's sake, huh? All of those fluffy moments were just for show? My heart sank in the thought. Of course, because I'm such a happy person, it will be obvious if I become a little less happy. So I continued acting like I'm happy.

"Seeing the fans so happy when we did that, it just filled my heart. It's like an achievement unlocked moment!" I said, trying to sound as happy and interested as I can. Tae looked at me with a worried look.

We continued eating. Afterwards, everyone retreated to their own rooms, including Jungkook. I was pulled to the porch by Tae. What is it he wants to talk about?

"Look, hyung. Don't be hurt by what you just heard. After all, you still had a moment with him right?" Tae tried to comfort me.

"No, it's ok Tae. It's my fault if I put my hopes too high. I shouldn't have expected it to be true." I explained.

"You'll be alright, hyung. Now, let's go back inside. Sleep will surely cheer you up." Tae suggested, and we headed to own respective rooms.

When I entered the room, Jungkook was already getting ready to sleep. I brushed my teeth in the shower room before I took my spot beside him in the bed. That night, something was different. We usually talked until we fell asleep. Tonight, the room's silence can kill you.

"Did you have fun today?" I asked him with my back facing him.

"Of course. It's so fun seeing the fans happy." He answered weakly. I can tell from the sound that he also had his back facing me.

"Jungkook, about the cute things we did today... we d-did that f-for the fans, right?" I asked weakly. I can already feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Of course. We'll do anything to make the fans happy, right?" Jungkook answered.

"Yes. Anything for the fans..." I answered as I closed my eyes and let my tears fall to the sheets.

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