New City- Speed of Sound Soni...

By Poptart_Monster26

70.1K 3K 2.4K

[ STATUS: ] UNDER RECONSTRUCTION *** [ STATUS: ] INCOMPLETE*** You are a hero transferring cities bored and o... More

Part 1- First Meeting
Part 2- A Little Lost
Part 3- Heros
Part 4- Just wanted the book
Part 5- On the Job
Part 6- Slime attack
Part 7- His different side
Part 8- The pen
Part 9- Dreams
Part 10-
Part 11- Uncalled for
Part 12- Chained
Part 14-
Part 15- Toxic
Part 16- Why the window?
Part 17- Troublesome
Part 18- Sharpie caused a fire
Part 19- I did, WHAT?!?
Part 20- Let's go!
Part 21- Ploop!
Part 22- And that would be....
Part 2 of 22
Part 23- Teach me for a Secret
Part 24- Unexpected
Part 25- Tatsu, no
Part 26- Too bad
Part 27- 24hrs
Part 28- Fast healing
Part 29- New Years
*Stalling again
●Awkward update-ish thing
Part 30- Let Me
Part 31- The Truth
Part 32- Moving in
Life Update

Part 13- Jump Scare

1.7K 82 90
By Poptart_Monster26

Your POV

Word after word I read the letters carefully with the blanket wrapped around me. Most of the words were too big and used in the wrong way which made it hard to understand unless I read it over at least three times. He used long and or uncommonly used words to show off his smartness but often screwed up with the meanings of them.

For example, he said "I hope you are doing okay and have gotten used to the natural uncanny people." I ended up googling nearly half of it trying to understand, but I'm happy he is still acting like himself.

"I don't see any cake mix." Genos said roaming in the cabinets taking almost half of the things out.

Saitama jumped onto Sonic's back and Sonic held onto him without thinking. "Me and my trusty steed will retrieve the cake from the market!!!!!"

"Like hell I would!" Sonic said dropping him on his back.

"Fine then asshole, I'll just go get it myself."

Sonic grinned. "Yeah you do that."

Saitama mumbled something under his breath and and left to go get the cake.

Genos quickly peered out the window. "We forgot to tell him what type to buy." By now Saitama was probably already half way there.

"Then text him." Sonic said annoyed at his slow realization.

He took out his phone and began typing. "Go ask (Y/N-san) what kind she wants."

Sonic hesitates. "Why don't you go ask her?"

"Because I'm already telling Sensie."

"Well I don't want to." He crossed his arms and sat back on the wall.

"Stop being a bitch and go ask her."

I paused from reading a while ago to listen to their always funny fights. It startled me a bit at first to hear those kinds of words come from Genos. He is usually polite and addressed respect, but this was different. I giggled a bit at the name he gave him.

"And what makes me a bitch?"

"Well you got the whole female dog part down." Genos said with a grin.

"Tsk, shut up" he snarled before walking up behind me.

I felt staring on the letters in front of me so I snatched them under the blanket with me. "What do you want?" I say annoyed while still reading on of the papers.

"What kind did you want?"

I didn't answer and kept reading finishing the paper and picking up another. He stood waiting for a reply that never came. At the time I had the blanket over me completely and didn't move a muscle unless I was looking up a word or switching papers. I don't think he really believed I was there but that was for him to figure out. He picked up an edge of the blanket and lifted it.

I didn't look up at him and continued reading. "What do you want?"

It seemed like he was pinkish but he was probably got hit by the changed Genos for refusing his words and I didn't hear it.

"I asked you what kind of cake did you want."

I pushed aside all the papers now done with them and went to the living room. "I don't care."

"Looks like the bitch got
(Y/N-san) to come out of the kitchen." Genos announced as I entered and sat next to him.

"Stop calling me a bitch and what's with the jackass attitude today...?"

"I like the jackass better than the bitch." I join in.

Genos smirked and picked up his phone as Sonic angrily sat on the other side of him. "What kind did you want?"

"It doesn't matter." I tell him while reading the TV guide.

"Well if that's the case then I won't have to text him." he smiles. "So who is Grey, (Y/N-san)?"

I was going to answer but why not leave it a mystery. It's not like it was important for them to know who he was. "Someone."

"Someone?" Genos repeats. "Is he your friend?"

I changed the subject. "Haven't I told you not to add -san at the end of my name?" I turn his head to make him look at me. "You don't have to act overly polite if I'm your friend. We are friends right?"

He nods nervously and his face starts to heat up. I smile and take my hand back and begin searching through the guide again.

Sonic begins to laugh watching what just happened. "Seriously? You can be sweet talked that easily?" he sneers punching his arm. Genos was obviously embarrassed.

"I wasn't sweet talking him. I was just telling him that calling me
-san was unnecessary." I sighed putting down the remote and picking up my phone.


Genos changed the subject. "What do you guys want to do?" he says nervously. I look around the room for something that might find their interest but found nothing but books, and I don't think Sonic and the different Genos would want to read. There was a puzzle in one of the boxes I have failed to unpack. But would they agree to it?


They both give a questioning look. "Puzzle?"

"I have a puzzle put up somewhere. Do you want it?" I point over the one unopened box across the room.

Sonic laughs and me and Genos turn to look at him. "Did you just ask us do we want to play with a puzzle!?" he says in a mockish way.

"It was a suggest-"

The door suddenly swings open and hits the wall knocking down a framed picture that normally turned over. "I'M BAAACK!!! Oops."

The sound of the glass hitting the ground made you bite your tongue causing you to yelp in pain. You stare at the shattered frame with a dark aurora forming behind you. What made you mad was that it was a picture of your mother that made you feel upset when seen, so you kept it turned over to avoid unwanted feelings. You glare at Saitama for his actions and walk over quickly picking up the frame. "Uh, sorry (Y/N)." Saitama apologizes sweating at the darkness following behind you.

I don't reply while picking up the shattered frame and putting it face down on the coffee table before sitting back down. Sonic and Genos talk to each other using eye contact and hand gestures. From the looks of it, I think Sonic said something wrong because Genos aggresivly lunch his arm.

"OW, JACKASS! (Y/N), do you still want to play with the puzzle?" he forces out through his teeth rubbing his arm. Genos smiles innocently while looking through his phone.

"No." I say coldly scrolling through messages.

"Great, the bitch made (Y/N) mad again." Genos groans.

"Stop calling me a bitch! And I didn't even do anything."

"You were being sarcastic. Now she's mad."

Having enough of this stupid conversation of a simple suggestion that not even I wanted to do, I point over to Saitama who was sweeping up the glass. "Cake."

Sonic and Genos looked at each other but I sly grin formed on the cyborg. "You heard her. Go give her some cake, Sonic." Genos pointed at the cake Saitama held out to him.

Sonic looks at the cake then at me. "I don't wanna."

"All you gotta do is hand it to her, stop being a bitch!"

"Oh come on! She looks like she would chew my leg off if she had the chance!" Sonic complained.

"You're such a wimp." Genos teased handing him the cake.

I glance up from my phone seeing what was about to happen. "Touch it and I kill you." I threaten right before he grabs it.

His face turns white and he takes hand away from the bag. He sat back down. "Never mind."

Saitama sighs and puts the cake next to me. "Here you go because the bitch was too scared."

Slightly smiling, I take the bag and begin eating. "Thank you."

Sonic glares at me throwing a magazine at Saitama. "Don't get dragged into the closet with one arm." Saitama chuckled but turned serious. Sonic said nothing and crossed his arms closing his eyes.

"Thy mythical bitch of the universe return to slumber!" Genos teased.

"Call me a bitch again and I'll show you what a bitch really is."

I bit my tongue and dropped the fork trying to cover my mouth from a whimper. Those words sounded crazy similar to what he said a long time ago. Blood dripped from the openings of my hand as I think of what to do now that the memory was back. Saitama and Genos laughed at his threat and high fived each other before getting lost into what was on the news.

"Do you need to go back to the hospital?" Saitama asked not looking away from the TV. The other two looked over to see what he was talking about. I shook my head slowly and wiped the blood from my hand with a napkin. He giggled and went back to the TV. "Okay then."


The rest of the day wasn't perfect but it was as normal as it was going to get. Somehow I got used to the loud girlish screams and objects flying past me every couple of minutes and got lost in a book that a friend sent me on some app. She wasn't a very close friend but she keeps me updated with things that happen when I'm not around. The book turned out to be an xreader about one of my favorite characters from (your favorite show). For some reason, I don't like when the reader and character get all lovey so I stop reading it when the one confesses.

I began to get sleepy and started skimming through the parts that didn't seem important. A certain word caught my eye from my laziness. I reread the the line three times before I understood that I was in a extremely inappropriate part. Almost immediately I click the power button and roughly rubbed the fire that lit my face red. "....That's enough reading for today." I clearly sigh under my breath. Dodging a pillow from Saitama, Genos must have over heard me.

"What were you reading?" He sat beside me trying to unlock my phone.

The red on my cheeks brightened. "N-Nothing!" I say turning my head away.

A beeping sound came from him while I tried to control the my color. I look up to see his eyes glowing a bright yellow as he stared at the phone. Wait, is he scanning it!? I snatch the phone quickly turning redder. "What!? Stop that!"

He looks at me like he didn't understand. "I did not know you liked that kind of stuff in your reading."

"I-I don't! My friend- It was sent to me-"

"I'm just kidding!" He laughed. "The timing on it said you shut it off before a regular being could even get to that part and finish it."

Sighing, I smile and roll my eyes at him to see why Saitama was weirdly quiet. He was face to screen with the TV watching it with angry eyes.

"NO WAY, THEY TOOK MY LOOK!" Saitama exclaimed heading toward the door. "Come on Genos we have to stop this!"

Without hesitation, Genos followed behind him. "Yes, Sensei!" he bowed. "Bye (Y/N-sa-chan)."

I waved them off half smiling and went to my room to watch TV until I fell asleep.


When I turned on the light I found Sonic sleeping against the bookcase. For what I learned over time, he probably wasn't really sleep. I thought that he would've went with them or went home but that might be one of the reasons why there was less fighting. Without a second thought I turned on the small lamp on the nightstand along with the TV and and laid down scrolling through my notifications.


"Where did Saitama and Genos go?" His voice scared me from the scary movie I was watching.

"To go and stop some people from taking his look or something. Why didn't you go?"

He yawned. "I did but I left before them because I'm basically missing an arm."

"That's nice." I said tuning half of what he said. Why are people in movies so stupid? Don't they know when a killer is chasing you, you don't run into the basement? Now I remember why I don't watch these things anymore. "Sonic." I lowly call under my breath. "Can you hand me the orange spined book from the top shelf?"

Without asking he brought what I asked for and sat next to me handing me it. "Here."

Not paying attention, my hand grabs both the book and a loose end of the medical fabric around his arm. He grunts silently in pain as I now use both hands to get the book from him. "Sorry." I apologize trying to tie it back.

"I think you're making it worse." he says through gritted teeth.

"Um, right." I say letting go allowing him to fix it himself. "What happened?"

He glances up from his difficult knotting. "Do you seriously not remember almost killing us?"

"Sure but why haven't you gotten it checked out yet...?" my words came out a little shameful.

"The doctor said that if I didn't want to have surgery, then I would have to wait for something to move the bone back in place by doing normal day tasks." he says sadly.

What he said made me feel kind of bad. I'm also a person who doesn't like care from doctors so it was understandable. I sigh putting down the book I was ready to read. "Hold out your arm and your other hand."

"What are you doing?" he asked following instructions.

I sigh and untie the knot. "I did this to you right?"


"Okay then, give me your hand."

He raises an eyebrow holding out his hand. "Why?"

Without answering I twist his arm. He yelps in pain grabbing his now fixed arm.

"To detract you from pulling away if it didn't go right." I try to hide a snicker but fail and ended up laughing.

He looks up from his arm to the TV that had a girl running down a dark hallway. "Jump scare." he says boredly.

Confused at what he was talking about, half way of me following his gaze a high pitched demonic scream came from what seemed like behind me along with flashing lights. I let out a squeal and grab the nearest thing there was thinking it was my blanket. It took a while for me to realize that a sweet smell that wasn't my blanket filled my senses.

"If you wanted a hug then you could've just asked, (Y/N)." Sonic said with a teasing tone.

I let go as soon as the words made sense of what I did. "I-I wasn't trying to hug you! I mean I did but it wasn't like that, SO WIPE THAT LOOK OFF YOUR FACE!" I hid the angry blush with the back of my hand to avoid the smell.

He gets rid of the smugness and frowns. "I'm joking."

Still tense from the jump scare, I throw the blanket over my head in hope of some magic trick that would make me forget about what just happened. What I did was a force of habit that I had ever since I was little so I can't do anything but be mad at myself for not getting used to it. "When are they coming back? It's dark outside." I try to change the subject before he starts to pick with me.

The TV flashes green and white beeping a warning sound. "We call all available heroes. Bald men are raging the city throwing anyone that they can get there hands on into the lake! Stay indoors until the heroes straighten things out." a serious lady warned checking places on the radar where the scene was taking place.

I uncover from my failed magic trick from Sonic laughing and pointing at the TV. "HAHAHA WE FOUND SAITAMA'S FAMILY!"

"Yeah haha very funny." I sarcastically sigh. "Well we should go then."

He frowned. "What do you mean 'we'?"

"They're throwing innocent people into a lake in 19° weather. Wouldn't it make sense for us to go?"

"I'm not going because it's not my job." he roughly sighs laying on the floor.

"So what about the slime thing? Why did you go?"

"I went because I had nothing else to do, now go rescue people or something."

I was going to forget about this conversation that was more useless than being given a toothbrush and a paperclip but I realized something. I don't know where the lake is. I could always ask Sonic but I might just get on his nerves and- Whoa whoa whoa hold it, I'm supposed to be mad at him! Why the hell should I care if he gets annoyed from my needs!?

I throw the blanket off of me and walk over to leave the room. "Aye ninja boy." I say coldly not bothering to put kindness in it. "Show me to the lake."

He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "And why should I?"

I didn't answer him to make him impatient. And I fixed his arm so it would only be fair.
"My God...." he huffs out down the hallway. "Hurry up."

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