A Dricki Love Story: This Was...

By MinajBarbz

81.1K 1.5K 88

This book is about Onika Tanya Maraj (Nicki Minaj) who had her ups and her downs until she met a man named Au... More

A Dricki Love Story: This Was Meant To Be.
The Start Of Something New
The Start Of Something New Part 2
You Said What Now!?!?
Take Care
I'm Glad You Came
Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday Part 2
Long Way To Go
The RealHer
The Real Her Part 2
Get Ready
Tour Temptation
Tour Temptation Part 2
He Was To My Rescue .
Happy BirthDay Safaree
Something Special.
Love Me
Baby Part 2
The Dricki Couple New Creation.
Our Blessing
Not Now!
Baby Talk
Cum 4 Me
I love You.
Sex N Family
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary Pt 2
Aniversary Gift
Bun In The Oven
I Knew Already!
My Dear Daughter
I Love My Wife
Gimmie My Cookie
Where Are You?
Tour OvO (October's Very Own)
Coming Home

Love Me - Part 2

2.9K 44 0
By MinajBarbz

Nicki's giggles decorated the air with innocence as she and Drake sat on the balcony side by side outside of her bedroom in their own chairs. The only thing separating them was a table with a tall pitcher of lemonade and two glasses; one half empty, the other half full. Nicki was on her blackberry... lurking. She cleared her throat and Drake looked over, but that's all it was. She continued to watch and listen the cool breeze as it makes a rhythm with the trees and leaves.

"This is beautiful..." she smiled.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this cuz I'm gettin kinda bored..." He sipped from his half empty glass.

Some barbie in TL must have tweeted something extremely funny because Nicki began to laugh a weird, squeaky laugh.

"What's so funny?"

Nicki shook her head and looked back down at her phone. She continued laughing, trying her best to hold it in.

"Ew, hahaha, don't laugh like that again."

She laughed even harder.

"Ew, hahahaha!! Stop!"

Nicki couldn't help it. She lost herself, breaking into a laughing fit; her hand hovering over her mouth, her eyes closed. Drake couldn't take it anymore. He had no clue what was so hilarious. He got up and walked over to her. He lifted her out of the chair without caution. Nicki didn't even know he moved so it frightened her when she felt her bottom leave her chair. She held on tight to him.

"AUBREY?!" She shrieked.

"Oh, look whose back." He smiled.

"Don't do that! We're on a freaking balcony! We could've fallen over the railing or something!"

"Hahaha, relaaax. I got you."

"Exactly my point..."

"Ooo, that hurt."

"I'm jus jokin baby." She smiled and gave him a kiss.

Drake then sat down in her chair, cradling her body in his arms like she were an infant and he the new parent. He took her phone and slipped it into one of the netted pockets in his basketball shorts.

"Hey? I was using that."

"Key word: was."

"You're rude. I didn't even get to tweet anything and I know my barbz and Kenz miss me."

"You can tweet later... you only have one day and a few hours left with me."

Nicki pouted with crossed arms. Drake just smiled and kissed her nose. She giggled and kissed him back. Nicki wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips while saying, "I... love you Aubrey..."

"I... love you too... baby..." He said, kissing her in between his words as well. They both went back and forth with tiny pecks on each other's soft lips until they started completely making out with tongue and all. Minutes passed and they both pulled away as if on cue. Drake stood up with her still in his arms and began to walk toward the glass door.

"Where we goin?"

He carried her over the threshold and slid the sliding door shut. "How do you feel about bein wet?"


"How do you feel about bein wet??"

She side eyed him.

"Nicki. Do you wanna get wet or not? Simple question."

"Um... Aubrey? Where is this heading?"

"Your pool?"

"Oh. Hahaha, I thought-"

"Yea... I know what you thought, nasty."

She blushed and climbed out of his arms.

"Haha, whatever..." Nicki walked over to her closet as Drake sat on her bed and watched her search for a bathing suit to wear. She picked out one Drake had gotten her. Nicki then began to take her shirt off to put the swimsuit on.

"Hey... did you ever call you Mom back?

Nicki stopped in midair. "Oh shoot. I forgot... Where's my phone?"

Drake reached into his pocket and handed it to her.

"Thanks babe." She walked over to the sliding door and looked out in the blue sky, She called her Mom and was immediately greeted with a hurried hello.

"Whoa, you sound like you're in a rush. What's up? You called earlier?"

"YES! Nick, I'm sorry for such late notice, but you have something very important to do today. I tried calling last night, but you didn't answer."

"What Mom!? What is it?"

"Did you remember at 11am you have a photo shoot to do for the October issue of Glamour magazine."

Nicki looked at her blackberry to check the time; it was 10:12am.

"I'm really sorry Nicki. I should have tried your phone again earlier this morning."

"No Mom... It's... Not your fault..."

"I can't believe you remember that!"


"I said it's not your fault. Shit happens. Where's the venue?" She asked, rubbing her temple.

"Your place..."

"Wait.... you've gotta be kidding me?" She looked over at Drake who had laid back on her bed with his feet on the floor. "Mom, I can't have them here. Can we shoot elsewhere?"

"Nicki? It's sort of last minute. I don't think they can change it in such short notice."

"Well whose fault is that Mom?!"

"............................... I'll see what I can do... I'll call Martin then!"

"Good. Call me as soon as you hear anything."

"Of course. Oh, Day and Terrence should be there any second... "

Nicki called Martin ....

"MARTIN?! What the hell are you good for?! You need to work on ya time management! Next time somethin like this happens, I'm not doin it. I don't care what it is."

"Ok, ok Nicki. I'm really sorry."

"Ch... aren't you..... get off my phone." She hung up. "Drake?" She walked over to him and tapped him on his knee. He opened his eyes and sat up. "Um... we have a problem... Um, I-" Her phone rang. "Hold on.......... Hello?"

"Yea, we have good news. Glam mag is running a little behind schedule so they won't be ready 'til 12pm. I asked them to change the location and they agreed. They're jus waiting for me to call back. Where do you wanna shoot?"

"Oh yes! Thank you Martin! Um, how about my apartment in downtown LA? We could shot there?"

"Ok, no problem. I'll let them know. The truck should be there to pick you up in an hour."

"Ok. Sounds good. I'll be ready by then."

"Alright. Bye Nic."

"Martin wait!! What about Terrence and Day?"

"Oh, they're still on their way to you. You guys will all ride there together."

Nicki closed her eyes and rubbed her hand over her face. She sighed. "Ok Martin. Bye."

"See you."

Nicki turned to a confused Drake.

"What was that about?"

"I have a photo shoot in less than two hours..."

"Ooo, you sure you're gonna get there on time?"

Terrence and Day are on their way over here..."

So have alot free time today Nicki replied ..

Drake POV

Well I'm gonna hang with Safaree today!

I could call him and you guys could do guy stuff?"

"Haha, guy stuff?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "whatever it is guys do.... sooo?"

" She smiled and called Safaree. They talked for a minute then she handed the phone off to Drake. The two men talked for a few minutes then hung up.


"Well... looks like I'm BC-24.... whatever the hell that means. He wants me to-"

"Wait!" Nicki help up one of her hands with a grin on her face. "Did you jus say you're BC-24?!"


Nicki fell back onto the bed and bust out in her obnoxious laughter. Drake looked at her like she lost it.

"Wait, wait..." She said, trying to catch her breath. "I needa talk to his ass pronto! I'm not gonna have my man walkin around callin hisself a black cock!" She laughed more.

"That's what that means?"

"According to me! If he tells you otherwise, don't believe him! He's lying to you! Hahahahahaa!! Oh my God! I'm gonna whip his ass!"

"Haha, it doesn't sound like such a bad thing to me..."

"Of course it wouldn't. You have one, but still, it's stupid."

"Don't hate."

"Hahaha, trust me. I'm far from hating. Go head BC-24, have fun." She giggled.

"I plan to. I'm meetin him and the Vaks at their place. We might shoot some hoops, play some video games. You know regular "guy stuff" jus the usual I suppose."

They both stood up off of the bed and hugged one another. Nicki walked him to his car and opened his door for him. She shut it and leaned in through the window.

"Drive safely." They both kissed.

"Ard baby, see you."

She stepped back and he pulled off. As she walked, she heard wheels on gravel and a horn beeping. She turned around and saw a white van pulling onto her property. She didn't recognize the driver, but she did recognize the people stepping out of the vehicle.

"Day?! Terrence?!" She squealed and ran over to them. "Oh my God! I missed you!!! I'm happy you guys are here!!"

"Heeey miss Nicki. We missed you too. You look so happy." Terrence said.

"I am! I'm happy to see you guys!!!" She hugged him then hugged Day.

"I see God's been good to you," Day said. "You're looking better than ever and your face is as naked as can be."

"I saw that too. And what's with the hair? Terrence asked, picking at Nic's natural head of hair.

"Haahhaha! You guys are a trip. Let me help you." Nicki lent them a hand with their kits, tools and other equipment. The van pulled off after they got what they needed. They all began walking toward the house, Nicki leading the way, her back to them.

"By the way, who was that we saw leaving you house?" Day asked.

"Huh? Oh... um... that is my lover boy..."

Terrence and Day looked at each other and laugh! "YOUR LOVER BOY!"

"She's got a point Day.

They reached the door and Nicki let them in. She led them into the living room and they sat everything down on the floor, couch and coffee table.

"It's been a while since I've been here." Terrence said. Day agreed by nodding her head. "What'chu got to eat honey? I am starving." He walked to the kitchen.

"So am I." Day followed.

Nicki watched them in amusement. "How ya'll jus gon come over my house and raid my kitchen?" She asked, following them both.

"Chill. We fam. It's cool." Day said, peeping in the fridge. Terrence was checking the cabinets. He didn't find anything he wanted there so he checked what he though was the pantry. He was surprised when he found a washer and dryer. There were fabrics in front of the washer.

"This is not the pantry..." He was about to close it, but then noticed a pair of underwear sticking up out of the pile of bed sheets. "Onika?" He asked, surprised. "Are these Drake's briefs?" Terrence pointed at them. Nicki just stood at the kitchen door looking!


Terrence dropped the briefs back onto the pile and shut the door to the laundry room.

"... We have a shoot to get ready for..... Come on before I'm late." Nicki turned to head into the living room.

Come on, let's get this mess on ya head done. We don't wanna be late."

Day grabbed her bottle of water off of the counter and followed Nicki and Terrence into the living room. They grabbed up all their equipment and got to work right away. Terrence washed and dried Nicki's hair then spruced up a few wigs for her to choose from. Nicki chose a short, blonde bob. Day did her make up before Terrence put her wig on. After they were all done, they gathered all their things and waited for the truck that would come get them. The trio talked about life, Drake, Drake and Drake. Before long, their ride was there. Terrence and Day loaded the SUV. They had already done their job, but still had to go just in case Nic still needed them. After everything was settled, Nicki locked up her house and they all hopped in the truck. Next stop, Glamour mag photo shoot.


Hey man, glad you could make it. Me and the Vaks jus grillin some stuff out back."

Drake dapped up SB and he let him inside. They headed out back where Vincent, Chris John, Rex and Lucky were all standing around the grill with beers in hand. Safaree introduced them and Drake greeted them all. The men talked for a while, switching turns at the grill. It was like Drake had been cool with them for years. They flipped some patties, barbecued some chicken and tossed back a few more beers. After they ate, they played a game of three on three. Vincent and Chris John were on Drake's team, Rex and Lucky on Safaree's. Drake might not have looked too athletic, but he was whoopin' ass! His only competition was SB. The Vaks got worn out quickly and decided to sit out the rest of the game. It was now one on one. Safaree was up by four points, but Drake was not having that. He managed to get the ball from Safaree and shot a three pointer. The score was now 51-50. Both of them were all sweaty and shirtless. The cooler full of beers wasn't the only thing with six packs. They both looked amazing with their rock hard abs. Drake still had the ball, but Safaree wasn't too far behind. He tried to block Drake from shooting. SB went to steal the ball, but Drake shook him. He pivoted too fast and both men heard a snap as he hit the ground. The basketball rolled out of his hands and off of the asphalt court into the grass. The Vaks stood up and jogged over to Drake, Safaree hovered over him.

"You ard man?" SB asked.

Drake was rolling on the ground gritting his teeth with his right knee cupped in his hands. "Shit! I think I twisted somethin." He sat up.

Safaree held out his hand and helped him up. Drake limped a little, but stood his ground.

"Damn man that looks bad." said Rex, examining Drake's red and purple, swelling knee.

"I'll be fine..." Drake limped off of the court, toward the house.

"A yo. you need some ice or sum'n?" Chris John asked.

"Naw.... I'm good."

"Nah man, you needa put some ice on that shit." Lucky stated.

Vincent and Rex nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'll go get it." Safaree said, going inside to fill a Ziploc bag with ice cubes. Everybody followed suit, including a crippled Drake. They all sat in the den and watched ESPN. SB came into the room and handed Drake the ice. It was now 2:34pm so he assumed Nic would be finished her photo shoot. He texted her.

[U dun baby?]

She replied five minutes later. [Almost... 3 more frames. Havin fun?]

[Of course, but i cn't stop thinkin abt u.]

[Aww! Well, i gotta go Aubrey, I love you. Muuuaah!!!]

[ILY 2]

Drake slipped his phone in his pocket and continued to ice his bruised knee. He didn't tell Nic about it because he knew she'd freak out. He and the Vaks continued to watch sports. Then they played two rounds of spades. Before long, Nicki texted him back letting him know she was on her way home. It was 3 o' clock now. Drake let the guys know he was leaving. They all slapped up and Drake limped to his car. He got in and went to push down on the gas. Instead of the engine, his knee was what fired up. He couldn't apply too much pressure to it at all. How was he going to get home ? He didn't want to bother Nicki! So he got out of his car and limped back to Safaree's front door. SB answered it and Drake asked if he could get a ride because he couldn't drive himself. The two hopped in Safaree's car and drove back to home. When they arrived, SB decided to stay. He and Drake walked to the front door and knocked, but received no answer. Safaree remembered Nicki kept a key hidden in the silver wind chimes. He looked up and searched for it in the array of long and short, chrome bars. He found it hanging from a string in the middle. Safaree untied it and let himself and Drake in. They both heard loud talking and music coming from the kitchen. As they approached the noise, they saw a buzzed Nicki sitting on the kitchen counter with a wine glass in her hand. She hadn't noticed them. The two men got closer and saw that she was laughing at Terrence, who was sitting at the table, and Day, who was standing in front of the stove. The way the three stood/sat formed some sort of triangle. Nicki finally saw Drake and Safaree approaching all the commotion. She hopped down, wine glass still in hand, and ran over to hug Drake. He saw Day and Terrence looking so he hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. She kissed him on the cheek and he just looked at her like "what are you doing?" Nicki whispered in his ear, "They know..." Drake smiled and hugged her tight. He kissed her on the lips and chuckled a little. He pulled back and went over to greet Day and Terrence. Nicki watched as she hugged Safaree. She pulled away from him with concern on her face.

"Are you limping?"

After Drake said his hellos, he turned around to face Nicki. Her eyes grew wide when she saw his knee.

"Baby??? What happened?????" She asked in shock.

"It's nothin. We were jus playin basketball. I fell and my knee did somethin funky, but I'm ok."

Nicki punched SB in his chest. "What did you do to him?!"

"Ayyye!!!" He covered his chest. "Chill out woman! He said he fell!"

"Yea Nicki, no big deal. Calm down." Drake giggled.

Day and Terrence just looked on, sipping their wine.

"I, Onika Tanya Maraj, will calm down when I, Onika Tanya Maraj, feel like it." She said, holding her wine glass in the air.

"Ok... You've had enough of that." Drake hobbled over and took the glass from her. He drank the rest in one gulp and sat the glass on the counter.

"Ooo, bossy?" Terrence and Day murmured, Drake shook his head with a smirk.

"How many glasses have you had?"

Nicki tried counting them on her fingers. She got distracted by something on her black, coated pinky nail and began to pick at it with a very intent and determined look on her face.


She looked up with her eyes only, her bottom lip slightly poking out. "Yessir?"

Drake laughed. "Never mind. Jus please don't drink anything else tonight."

"But wait! What if I get thirsty? Can I have water?" Nicki looked dead ass serious. Drake turned around to look at Terrence.

"What did she have?"

"Chiiiile!! She done had 'bout fo five glasses of It Don't Even Matter! You know she light weight. Nicki can't even take a shot without gettin drunk!"

Day laughed and slapped Terrence a high five as he stomped his feet on the floor in hilarity. Safaree was now standing near hem and he also began laughing. Drake turned back to look at Nicki. She was now picking at something on his shirt.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking down.

"What is that?" She whispered, poking him in the chest.

"It's a button...."

"Hahahaha! A button! That's a funny word. Button... Hahaha!!"

The entire kitchen was cracking up.

"Hahaha, you need a nap. Come on." He grabbed her hand and began to lead her out of the kitchen.

"But why daddy?" She whined with a pouty face.

All eyes were on Drake. Terrence hurriedly threw back the rest of his wine and Safaree quickly poured himself a glass.

"Up! I think it's time for us to go." Day said.

"Where we goin?! I'm jus fine." Day smacked Terrence upside the head. "You know, it is about that time... Come on Safaree, take us to the airport."


"You heard me. What's wrong wit ya'll ears today? I speaks thee most perfect of English. Get'cha keys." Terrence stood up and pushed his chair in. Then he sat his wine glass down on the table. "Come on Ms. Hill, we have a flight to catch."

"You guys are leaving me?" Nicki asked.

"Yes hun. Don't worry, we'll see you soon."

Nicki shuffled over to them with a sad face, her slippers making scratchy sounds against the linoleum flooring. "Hug me?" She asked, holding her arms out wide. They both gave her individual hugs and then they all walked into the living room, Drake limping behind them. Nicki and Safaree helped Day and T load their stuff in SB's car as Drake helplessly stood at the door and watched. After everybody said goodbye, Safaree drove off. Nicki sadly walked back to the front door.

"They left me." She pouted.

Drake pulled her in for a hug and held her; she was still a bit tipsy. "You'll see them again Nic. They're not gone forever."

Nicki sighed. "Does it hurt?"

"Does what hurt?"

"Your knee..."

Drake tried to move it, but he'd been standing in one spot too long and it stiffened up. "No." He lied.

"It looks like it hurts..." She kissed him and started unbuttoning his shirt with her left hand.

"Nic? What are you doing?"

"Kissing you silly..." She began kissing his neck, still unbuttoning his shirt.

"Cut that out." He moved her hand away.

"Nooo...." She whined.

"Yeesss." He mimicked her, moving her back and opening the front door. "Come on, you needa sleep this off."

"But I don't wanna. I'm not tired.... I wanna get in the Jacuzzi..."

Drake pulled her inside and shut the door. "No."



"I'm getting in." She began to run past him, but Drake caught her, from behind, by her waist before she could ascend the steps.

"Haha, no you're not. You're going to go take a nap."

"Stop telling me what to do you meanie." She said in her baby voice. Drake giggled and Nicki broke free then ran up the steps.

"Aye?!" He shouted after her.

She turned around. "If you don't want me to get in, you hafta catch me first you cripple!" Nicki laughed then slipped her shirt off. Drake limped after her. She undressed herself on the way to the Jacuzzi out back, leaving a trail of clothing behind her. Drake followed the path, picking her clothes up on the way. He finally found her soaking in the hot tub; the jets bubbling and steam rising. She had taken off her wig and let her hair free.

"You're so hard headed." Drake said, approaching her. He sat her clothes down on the patio table and leaned over the edge of the Jacuzzi on the opposite side of Nicki. She mischievously giggled at him. Drake saw her pulling at something under the water. She raised her hand up and dropped her pink thongs on the outside of the hot tub.

"Get in..."

Drake smirked and pulled his shoes off. "Fine..." He started unbuttoning his shirt then took off everything except his briefs. He went to step in.



"You can't get in with those on."

"And why can't I?"

"Those are the rules..... take'm off...."

Drake looked at her and started laughing. "Ard... we'll play by your rules... for now." He took them off and stepped in, left foot first. He sat straight across from Nicki and let the jets indirectly massage his swollen knee. It felt really good to him; it was just what he needed. Nicki swam her nude self over to him and straddled his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing him.

"I missed you today..." She whispered in his ear.

Drake held her by the waist then moved his hands down into the bubbling water and gripped her cheeks. "Did you now?"


They started to passionately kiss each other's lips. Nicki rubbed her hand down his abs to his manhood. She held onto it with good intention. She went to make her move, but Drake stopped her.

"Mm mm. Not now baby..."

Nicki let go. "Why?" She whispered voice full of lust.

"Now's jus not a good time."

Nicki looked into his eyes. "Any time's a good time Aubrey."

Drake looked away from her.

"Is it me?" She asked.

Drake furrowed his brow and shook his head no. "It's never you. I jus don't wanna have sex right now." Nicki rolled her eyes and lie her head on his shoulder. He hugged her body and she began to hum a tune. Drake didn't know what it was but he continued to listen. Nicki softly started to sing:

When I first saw you I already knew There was something inside of you Something I thought that I would never find Angel of Mine

I look at you looking at me Now I know why they say the best things are free Gonna love you boy you are so fine Angel of Mine

How you changed my world you'll never know I'm here for now, you helped me grow

You came into my life Sent from above When I lost the hope You show my love I'm checkin for you Boy your right on time Angel of Mine

Nothing means more to me then what we share No one in this world can ever compare Last night the way you moved is still on my mind Angel of Mine

What you mean to me you'll never know Deep inside I need to show

You came into my life Sent from above When I lost the hope You show my love I'm checkin for you Boy your right on time Angel of Mine

I never knew I could feel each moment As if they were new Every breath that I take The love that we make I only share it with you You, You, You, You

When I first saw you I already knew There was something inside of you Something I thought that I would never find Angel of Mine

You came into my life Sent from above When I lost the hope You show my love I'm checkin for you Boy your right on time Angel of Mine

How you changed my world you'll never know I'm here for now you helped me grow I look at you looking at me Now I know why they say the best things are free Checkin' for you boy your right on time Angel of.... Mine....

"I love you Aubrey..."

"Yea... I... love you too...."

Nicki lifted her head up. "You hesitated...."

"I love you Onika..." He whispered to no one, His words dispersed into the air. Drake meant every word he said. He loved Onika...

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