Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fan...

By i-cant-think-help

175K 4.8K 1.2K

Rose Weasley and Albus Potter are starting their fifth year at Hogwarts and this year is going to be slightly... More

Author's Note
Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- The last chapter
Just a note
Sequel- Two Teams of the Tower
Competition Closed
What's In A Name?

chapter 7

4.6K 131 91
By i-cant-think-help

Rose and Albus sat on the edge of the black lake, Rose crying into her cousins shoulder. Her long ginger hair fell messily out of the bun it was previously in and hung below her shoulders and down Albus' back. Albus ran his hand through his brown hair for probably the fifth time since Rose had told him her news. She was right, her Ron Weasley really was going to kill her. 

"It will be okay Rosie, as long as Uncle Ron doesn't find out nothing will happen" Albus said, as calmly as possible, which was harder for him then you would think.

"But... But..." Rose replied between muffled sniffled "Dad WILL find out.. And...And... Then I'm a goner... Al...I don't know what to do" Rose cried again.

"No Rosie, we can do this, you're a Gryffindor for a reason girl! You are strong! You are brave! You WILL get through this! And you WILL NOT let your father know about this! You can do this, you are great at hiding your feelings! If you can just pretend to the world that you don't.. Y'know... Then Uncle Ron will not find out... I promise you Rosie, I'll help you through this, even if your Dad does find out, I'll stick with you. Not only are you my cousin, but you're my best friend, and best friends stick together right? Best friends help each other through EVERYTHING!" Albus lectured

"Thanks Al, you are the best!" Rose sniffled "But that doesn't stop me... I mean it makes me feel better about Dad but I still... I still... I mean, you are great Al, you should know that and I know you will help me no matter what, but that makes me feel no better about..."

"Yes, I get what you mean, about you liking Malfoy" Albus said. Rose started crying again

"Al.. the way you say it makes it sound so bad! I mean, I suppose it's bad already, Dad really would kill me, but the way you say it it's just..." Rose poured into tears again.

Right at that point Scorpius Malfoy walked behind Rose and Albus with Petunia Parkinson, Alec Zambini and Jacob Nott. Scorpius heard Rose crying to Albus about liking some boy but he didn't know who. Petunia did not hear anything but saw Rose crying

"Oh look, Weasley's a cry baby" Petunia mocked

"Shut up Parkinson, I'm sure she had a good reason to cry" Scorpius snapped, concerned for Rose 

"Will you STOP calling me Parkinson! I have been your friend for fourteen years! You don't need to call me Parkinson!" Petunia whined

"I will call you what I like, Parkinson" Scorpius sneered, still looking at Rose, trying to work out why she was crying

"Why are you looking at Weasley like that? You have no interest in her, she's the mudblood's daughter" Petunia uttered

"Don't use that word it's horrible, and who care's if she is half-blood, she is a perfect witch" Scorpius gasped as he realised what he just said.


"It is not our fate Parkinson, it is what you want, and it is most certainly not happening. You are a whiny, self-centred and overall horrible person, exactly like your mother! How she ever got with a man and had you is way beyond me! Nobody could ever like you as you are!" Scorpius shouted, still looking at Rose

"You couldn't even look at me when you said that!" Petunia yelled "Yes, that hurt, very, very much, and I can see why you said it because you have not been brought up correctly, you are supposed to be with me! ME! JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT THE WEASEL! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH ME SCORPIUS! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME! ME! FOR SOMEONE LIKE HER?!?" 

"I am not with her! I am with nobody! I am single, and saving that for someone special!" Scorpius bellowed

Everyone on the field outside the castle was staring at Scorpius and Petunia fighting. Rose stopped crying when she realised that Scorpius and Petunia were fighting because of her. She whiped her eyes and got up and started walking towards the two. Albus grabbed her hand and pulled her back

"No Rosie, what are you doing?" Albus whispered "I told you I would make sure you didn't do the wrong thing, stay here"

"No Al"  Rose whispered back "I know what I'm doing, believe me" Albus let Rose go and she walked over to Scorpius and Petunia, the whole field was silent apart from a couple of whispers here and there

"Got a problem with me Parkinson?" Rose snapped

"Yes actually Weasley" Petunia spat

"Oh, and what would that be?" Rose rendered 

"You are stealing my man" Petunia divulged

"Really? From what I heard Scorpius didn't want you in the first place, and I don't know how I can be stealing him if we are not even going out, hmm Parkinson?" Rose declared

"Parkinson, leave Rose alone" Scorpius interfered

"Scorpy! This is exactly what I mean! You would defend that thing over me! I can't believe you!" Petunia shouted and ran off towards the castle in anger.

"Would have thought you would go after her, as apparently you're 'her man'" Rose joked

"In her dreams" Scorpius laughed. Then Alec and Jacob joined in laughing

"You know Weasley" Alec said "You're not actually half bad for a Gryffindor"

"Yeah, didn't think I would actually say this, but I think you would make a good friend!" Jacob agreed

"Thank you boys" Rose replied, a small smile playing on her lips

"Say, Rose, would you like to eat lunch with us today?" Scorpius asked

"Sure, that would be great!" Rose answered

"Come on Weasley" Jacob gestured

"Okay!" Rose replied, then she turned around to Albus and shouted "Come on Al!"

"No Weasley, Potter stays here" Alec remarked

"No, Potter comes or Weasley doesn't" Rose snapped back instantly

"Come on, lay off guys he's cool" Scorpius said

"Thanks Malfoy" Albus replied, catching up with the four others

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