(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sa...

By Yandere-Dandere

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((Just let me live in sin.)) Set years after Weirdmageddon struck Gravity Falls, the story takes place in the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14: Smut
Part 15: Special Juliet Chapter
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21: The End 1/2
Part 22: The End 2/2

Part 7

50 2 2
By Yandere-Dandere

//This part is gonna get a tad smuttier than usual, has mentioning of/attempted rape in it. Proceed carefully! It's also pretty long too.

"Another deal? Are you insane?" Sapph blinked, furrowing her brow as she sat on the edge of her bed with arms crossed.

"Yes, Princess. We've went over that." Bill sighed in annoyance, tipping his hat. "But I'm being completely serious here. Do you want to make another deal or not? I promise this one won't be long-term like our current one. Just a small.. Favor, to ask of you."

".. It depends on what you mean by that. What do you want?"

"I want a vessel. Get me a body!"

Sapph's eye widened and she scrunched up her face, "Excuse me? A vessel? What the ever living fuck do you need a vessel for? I know for damn sure that you don't need one for anything."

"Sapphie, if you're going to trust me on anything, it should be this. I need a vessel. And I happen to know that you can make one for me. You're too much of a wuss to steal one for me, so making one will have to be the next big option." He explained, crossing his legs mid-air. "I need this vessel to make living with you more bearable."

"What? If anything, it's unbearable to live with you! I'm not the problem." She scoffed. "I won't do it."

"Huh, that's a shame..." Bill trailed off. "I could give you anything you want."

".. Anything?"

"Well, almost anything. Yes, I thought we discussed this."

Sapph hesitated, looking off out of her window to the darkened trees outside. Finally, she gave into his offer, slumping over, "Alright, fine. We can make another deal. But I can't promise I'll get your body done ASAP. It takes time to gather the right materials and parts for a body, and a lot of energy and power to put it together."

"That's fine. I've got time. Now your end of the deal?" He asked curiously, leaning in.

"Hm.. Well, body-making is hard and tiring, so I'm gonna ask you something a bit big. At least, to me it's big..."

"Well? Get on with it!"

".. You need to be my husband."

".. What? Are you serious?"

Sapph's cheeks flared up and she pouted, "N-Not actually! Just an act.. Just to get my fiancée to go away..!"

Bill paused before he began to laugh, holding his hands to his stomach? As he did, "Oh right! I completely forgot about that! You and Esperanza, huh? Am I right?"


"She still hasn't given up on you?"

"Not quite..."

Flashback time; years ago when Sapphire was only ten, she was arranged to be married to another succubus named Esperanza. Now that wouldn't be such a problem at first, because the girl genuinely liked Esperanza. That is, until she began to know the real her. Esperanza became much more violent towards Sapph, and showed traits of other abuse like mental, physical, verbal, and many more. She also would guilt-trip her many times and manipulate her. That was the main reason Sapph could never bring herself to fully leave Esperanza when she still could have; because the other claimed she only hurt her because she "loved her". She was obsessive and possessive. Sapph later discovered that the only reason Esperanza still wanted to marry her was because she could be part of the royal family. Then Sapph had left to tend to her succubus duties above Hell, and has been trying to hide from Esperanza for a long time. It was only recently that the girl discovered that she could get out of a marriage if either one of the partners died, or one of them fell in love and married another instead. And there was no way that Sapph would kill Esperanza.

"Interesting.. This could be fun! I accept your end of the deal!" Bill stuck his blue flaming hand out to Sapphire, and she gladly shook it.

The deal was sealed. Bill was getting a body, and Sapph was getting out of her marriage.

The purplette smiled softly, laying back in her bed and rolling up in her covers. She was packed in tightly and had her head buried in her pillow. She was just so happy that her suffering would finally be over. That she would be safe. Sapph held out her arms at Bill, blinking. He squinted his eye in confusion at her for a moment before groaning and hovering to her, letting her prop him up in between her arms to cuddle while she slept. But only because he felt "generous".

Tonight would be a good night.


"Just the back! That's all I need!"

"There's no way I'm touching that goop."

"You're the one who squirted it there!"

"I know, but it's on you now, so it's your responsibility!"

"Is it really so hard for you to clean up the mess you made?"

"Not at all. I just don't want to! I shook it, it squirted on you, and my part is done. It's your turn to do your part!"

Sapph groaned, rolling her eye as she tried to scrape off the remaining hair dye that Bill had neglected to prevent from dripping down her neck. It was that time again: time for Sapph to redye her hair. She found it was fun to experiment with different colors. Her natural hair color had been neon green, but that soon became boring to her. She then dyed it purple fading to blue, then dark purple all over, and now she was going for emerald green. It also helped stall Esperanza from finding her for a while.

"I don't understand why dying your hair a darker version of your natural hair is going to make a difference when Esperanza comes looking for you."

"She isn't very smart. It'll work." Sapph massaged the serum into her hair, making sure no hair was left untouched. She then piled her hair on top of her head, leaving it. "I need to leave this alone for a while, so remind me when it's been probably 30 minutes."

"Okie dokie."

The now greenette stood up, disposing of the vinyl gloves and anything else that was rendered now useless that came with the box of dye.

"What are you going to do in the mean time?" Bill asked curiously, following her as she headed to the living room.

"Hm.. Not sure. But I know I'm going out tonight to find another victim. I'll be in huge trouble if I put this off anymore. The Royal Council'll find my behavior to be a bad influence for the rest of incubi and succubi."

If Bill could smirk separately from his eye, he would. He floated in close, arm propped on her shoulder, "Oooh, are you going to give me a live, inside look at your sex life? I can't wait!"

"Absolutely not! You're gonna hide out in my mind for a while until I'm done. No way you're watching me."

"Huh. I thought you would get off to that."

"I really should break our deal for that."


Bill, I'm going to need you to shut up for a while.

"Oh don't be like that, Princess. I could give you pointers!"

I've been doing this for hundreds of years, Bill.

"And I've been doing it for trillions!"

What? Ok just-- be quiet!

Sapph was thinking to Bill as she sat quietly at the bar. She wore a tight red dress, it was silky and shiny and had a sweetheart neckline, along with some panty hose and black high heels. She was waiting for one of the jackasses she followed here to hit on her. She saw what they had done to those other girls in the alleyway. They completely defiled them, didn't leave an inch of them untouched, and didn't have the mercy to leave it at that either. It went far beyond just sexual harassment.

The greenette only took the lives of people who didn't deserve to live, and they were some of them.

She sat with her arms propped on the bar table, her drink untouched. If she drank it, she would get horribly sick. Human drinks and food were the equivalent of food poisoning. Her breasts were almost spilling from her neckline; a nice touch that she added to her appearance. She made sure that her dress hiked way above her knee, just to tease, and her legs crossed primly. This was her signature look for a night out prowling. Her bangs fully covered her eye, because it would give her away if anyone saw it. Her makeup was done, and her plump lips were matte red to match her dress.

Sapphire was completely ready.

That is, she would be if Bill would stop babbling in her ear.

"What if this doesn't work, huh? What are you going to do about it?"

I'll just have to take them by force. I won't even fuck them, I'll just kill them.

"Isn't that against your morals or something?"

Not when they're awful people like them. They honestly don't deserve the sex to begin with, but being a succubus, that's kinda a required part.

"Whatever you say, darlin'. Oh look, you've caught one."

Sapph was quick to clear her throat and start fiddling with the little paper umbrella in her margarita. She tried to keep as casual as she could without looking nervous or too obvious.

The man strolled up to her, humming in a deep voice that made her shiver. He was tall and a bit lanky, but he did have muscle. He had tanned skin, piercing green eyes, and dark brown hair with blonde frosted tips. His outfit was almost like a bartender's, and he could have easily fit in with the staff. Needless to say he was on the attractive scale, but his part in the raping of those girls made him a complete zero for Sapph.

"You look bit lonely, sweetheart." The man grinned, taking a seat next to her.

She tilted her head to give the appearance that she was looking at him, tapping her glass softly, "I am. It's been a rough week for me, to say the least.. I needed to get out."

"I can understand that.. Hey, this may be sudden, but I may have a solution to all your problems." The man laid a hand on her thigh, making her cringe inwardly.

"Oh? What might that be, hm?" She asked with fake oblivion.

"Just follow me and I'll show you~" He stood up, offering the greenette his hand, which she reluctantly took.

He began to walk her out of the bar, towards that same alleyway that the two girls were in.

"Hey, this must be what he and his buddies did to those girls! They tricked them and led them to this alley!"

Bill, shut up! You're distracting me!

"Alright, fine."

Finally the two stopped at the darkest corner of the alley. It smelt awful, like rotting food and dirt. She couldn't imagine what kind of person could be turned on by such a thing. It almost made her puke. She looked around hesitantly before looking back at the man and taking a shaky breath, "S-So.. What exactly did you have in mind to fix all my problems..?"

"Just let me take care of it. Relax~" He grinned a sickly grin that made her heart throb anxiously. No matter how many times she did this, Sapph could never get used to it. She tensed up as she felt his hands wrap around her arms, yanking them above her head and her whole body pressed against the brick wall behind her. There was no going back now. Her cheeks reddened when the man began to litter her neck with kisses and small nips, and she couldn't help but let out a small moan. The greenette was quick to bite her lip to suppress it.

"C'mon now~ No need to hide it. Just let it out~" He beckoned. "There's no reason to be embarrassed because of me~"

Yeah, it's not because of you... Sapph thought to herself as she watched Bill out of the corner of her eye. He was watching eagerly with an imaginary bowl of popcorn, gesturing for her to continue. No way... No way I'm doing this with him watching me!

"O-On second thought, I don't think I'm really in the mood." Sapphire shook her head, pushing the brunette off of her. "Maybe we can do this again some other time--"

"Not so fast, dear. You can't go back on your word now! You agreed to this, so we're gonna do it." He was quick to grab her again, making her squeak as he then roughly slammed her back into the wall. She began to struggle, whining when she felt his hand trailing up the side of her thigh, playing with the trim of her panties.

"Hm.. I can just tell that this guy's gonna try and kill you whether you listen to him or not. Do me a favor and knock him out for me, okay Princess? I've got an idea." Bill hummed as he inspected the two, Sapph nodding slightly.

The girl quickly slid out from beneath the man, waiting for him to turn around to try and catch her again. When he did, she growled and used all of her might to kick him straight up into his chin. Like with anyone, that definitely knocked the guy out to the cement below.

"Bastard." She hissed, turning to look to Bill. "Alright, so what did you have in mind-? .. Bill?" He was gone. Or at least, as far as she knew. "That little-- ugh. Where did he go..?"

"Man, I forgot how great it feels to have a body again!"

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