"What's depression like?" He...

By EnergyAddicts

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I'm sorry if this story is bothering you. But if it is, it's clearly not meant for you. "What's depression li... More

"What's depression like?" He asked.
Part II
Smile because you kicked depressions butt ツ
Things I hate
Replying to comments
"I survived, I recovered, I'm strong now."
The Suicide Booth
The 22 questions
March 28, 4 pm.
The inbox message
Cause and Effect
My Social Anxiety
I'm sorry.
Be what he could've been.
Numb days
October 26th '13
A small kind of rant
Happy Holidays ☃
February 28th '14
Don't cry. Never cry.
Rambles of my mind
So here we are.
Most books have a happy ending.
My 18th birthday
A lot of loose ends
Don't let friendships go to waste.
Don't let friendships go to waste II
Ups and downs.
In memory of the ones I couldn't save.
Growing up too fast.
Self-harm is self-harm.
Changes depression makes.
New year's resolutions.
To the fullest.
Making a great decision.
The official trailer!
What makes me happy?
A taboo.
I'm exhausted.
In my perfect world.
I am truly sorry.
Finding a purpose.
A little life update
Be born again
The highly requested "how to" chapter.
Mason Finn Stone
Paris 11-13-2015
It's not romantic.
The past few weeks
Relationships and friendships.
Being alone.
I'm scared.
In a couple of years.
I carry around a backpack.
From alone to lonely.
Being alone.
Difficult family situations.
Broken plates and unfixed hearts
Hello again
Things get better - I promise

I love you.

8.7K 320 97
By EnergyAddicts

So, this book has reached over 15.000 reads and I have no idea what to say right now. I've read and will continue to read all the comments you guys give. I will try and continue to support every single one of you with all that I am.

I know I haven't wrote anything in a while, because I've always been insecure about this book. I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to make anyone's problems seem not important and I don't want to make you all feel even more depressed than you maybe already do.

In "What's depression like?" He asked, I've been trying to share bits and pieces of my own life. I've been trying to make you guys know that you're not the only one feeling like absolute crap at this exact moment. 

You are not alone, is the message I've been trying to get out there, and I hope I did. 

Over the past few months I've got the most beautiful messages. I've been told that I saved lives with the things that I wrote, something I'd never expected someone to tell me.

When all your life you get told that you're worth about as much as a fly buzzing around your head, you don't believe you're capable of doing something like saving someone's life. I've always felt like that. As if I was nothing but dead weight in people's lives. As if I could just as well disappear.

I know there's many of you reading this that feel the same and I want you to know that you're not dead weight. You're alive. You're someone. And one day someone will look you in the eyes and say how much they love you and how much you mean to them.

There will be or is someone that cares for you. That can't live without you. There's someone that sees you as their reason to live. 

And if you can't think of someone right now, think of me. 

I see all the people reading this book as my friends, even if we've never talked. You mean so much to me. The worst thing that I can think of is that I will get a message one day saying that my help wasn't enough. Or that someone didn't inbox me in time and gave up.

I can't live without any of you. All of you, telling me to stay strong, keep fighting and that I make you smile just by writing this depressing stuff, keeps me going. 

It gives me a reason to live, just like my friends give me a reason to live. My friends and you are the reason I wake up every morning.

Sometimes I still think "why?", but then I remember. I have people who think I'm worth it. Who love me for the shy, insecure and emotional person I am. 

I want to thank you. Every single one of you. I want you to keep messaging me whenever you feel like you want to give up or just talk to someone. I want you to keep going, hang on and fight.

You're my reason to live and I don't want you to ever forget that. You mean the world to me and over the past few months, reading the comments and messages, I've smiled more than I ever thought I could. 

I love you.

- Kyran

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