Herobrine's Legacy (The Wield...

By outkookdrive

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THE WIELDER CHRONICLES, BOOK 3. Kai Dare - son of the Fire Wielder, the boy with eyes of flame and power beyo... More

Chapter 1 || Meet Kai
Chapter 2 || Nya's Blade
Chapter 3 || Split Paintings
Chapter 4 || Meet Ice
Chapter 5 || Death Wish
Chapter 6 || Eyes of Fire
Profiles - The Second Generation
Chapter 7 || Friends Will Help
Chapter 8 || "Typical Kai, mucking things up."
Chapter 9 || A Black Cloud
Chapter 10 Part 1 || Storms and Purple Blood
Chapter 10 Part 2 || Remorse, Grief and Fire
Some Australian Lessons For All Those Uneducated Or Lied To
Chapter 11 || Legend
Chapter 12 || One, Two, Three
Chapter 13 || Unlucky For Some
Chapter 14 || Wish Me Home
Chapter 15 || Darkness Calls

Chapter 16 || Some Plans Are Better Than Others

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By outkookdrive

Chapter 16 || Some Plans Are Better Than Others




- Kai's POV -


"She's got to have a weakness. She just has to. It's law."

"It's not law, Kai. Even if she does have some stupid Achilles heel we're never going to know what it is."

"That's just plain pessimism. Achilles had a heel! And they found it!"

"Someone shot him, Kai. With an arrow. Do you want us to shoot at an Ender-thing with an arrow? Oh, well I'm sure you know how well that'll end."

"Yeah, but -- hey. You're missing the point. Everybody has a weakness. We'll find hers."

Iris sighed and leaned her head back. "It won't be that simple."

Things had been warped between us ever since I lost control of myself two days ago. She still had thin bandages around the wound on her shoulder. Sometimes I caught her looking at me through the corner of her eye, calculative and cautious. I would glance away fast because it hurt. It really hurt to see her look at me like that -- as if I could do something horrible at any moment. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't let myself.

But I'm the positive one of the two of us. So instead letting the atmosphere shrivel into a pile of acrid ash I sighed lightly and sat further forward on the seat, closer to her. "Sure it will," I assured. "Killing one Ender-thing won't be too hard."

Killing. The word made me feel sick.

"KAI!" screamed a voice from the hallway. Tali appeared at the doorway to the living room. "You've got people here to see you!"

I got up, leaving Iris behind to check the door. I shook myself off and opened it and Xavier was standing there -- with Eve, Zoe, Flora and Ember behind him. Ember seemed out of place, dressed in dark clothes and facing away. There was a strange frown in his down-turned expression that made me a little nervous.

"Hey man!" Xav laughed as he let himself in and threw an arm around my shoulder. "What's up? ICE!" he yelled into the house. "HOW YOU FEELING?"

"GOOD UNTIL YOU GOT HERE," Iris called out in reply.

"Nothing ever changes," he mused, ruffling my hair. I shoved him off gently. Ever since my breakdown he'd become three times as affectionate.

Eve strolled in alongside Zoe and Flora, with Ember lagging behind. Flora smiled brightly and Eve hardly spared me a glance. There was still a large, red scratch cut into her cheek. Even Zoe wasn't as bubbly as usual. Ember was as quiet as . . . something really quiet, but that was the norm. They all settled down in chairs and seats and perky chatter echoed. Mum came through the back garden door, several leaves stuck in her hair. She startled a little at the sudden crowd of teenagers in the house but then smiled in greeting. "Hi everyone," she said. There was a chorus of replies. She turned to me and asked, "Kai, where's Dad?"

I shrugged. "Tali probably knows."

Mum nodded and disappeared behind the wall. She'd been incredibly gentle about my whole . . . situation. I didn't like talking about it. I wish I could bury it into the back on my mind but I think my memory graveyard is already too full for that now. "Hey," I started, switching my attention back to the group, to Ember. "Where's Phoenix?"

"At home with Kylie," Ember replied, arms crossed. I looked at him and noticed an unsettling, distant look in his eyes, something alien to see, but before I could ask about it, Xav threw an apple at my face from across the room. It smacked me and snapped my attention right towards him.

"Stop zoning out," he ordered lightly. He was standing up, smiling. "Help us come up with a plan."

"Yeah, okay," I agreed, shaking my head a little. I had to stop slipping away like that. I was pretty sure I had a really stupid resting face when I did.

". . . and we totally have to put her head on a spike," Xav was saying. "We could finally be true warlords!"

"Ew, no," Zoe said, appalled, while Flora looked on horrified, staring up at her boyfriend. "That's literally disgusting."

"Aw, c'mon, don't be spoil sports. Kai, back me up here. We could totally live our dreams out."

"Xav, you are an actual disease, that's so nasty," Eve added, rubbing her eyes in exasperation.

"You're nasty. Kai, tell them, tell them it'll be cool."

I faked a gag. "You're a monster."

Eve vigorously pointed at me before leaning back in satisfaction. "Exactly right. Xav, if anything, you'll be the one with your head on a spike."

"Let's keep the head-spiking to a minimum, please," said Flora, faintly disturbed.

I stood up dramatically. "Right! Right, I have a plan. A really elaborate and well-thought through plan that will be ten times better than anything Xavier comes up with."

Zoe squawked in disbelief while Iris grinned sharply. "Let's here it, then," she challenged.

I cleared my throat, gesturing around the room. "Okay. We aren't warlords, so no head-spiking for a start, Xavier. And we aren't warriors either. We have limited training and I don't think Ember even knows what a cake tastes like, and even though I can shoot fire out of my hands sometimes, the Child is a lot more powerful, smarter and better prepared than us in almost every way imaginable. In basically every sense, we're screwed and have very little hope."

Everyone was looking at me as if I was about to drop some kind of bombshell. "So, I propose . . . that we hire an assassin."

A chorus of angry groans followed. "I thought you were going somewhere!" Xav accused. "You lead us on!"

"I do not lead people on," I stated in objection. "Guys! Shut up! This plan is-"

"An assassin? Where on the Overworld would we ever find an assassin?" Ember spited.

"Look, it's just an idea, I'm working on it -"

In a sudden flash, just like I'd blinked and woken up on the other side of a portal, I wasn't in my room anymore. I couldn't hear anybody speaking; everything was black, and even though there was nothing under my feet, I felt solid ground holding me upright, and the weirdness of it made my head spin. I gasped as questions came rushing into my head - where was I? Where did I go? How did I go? Who -

"It's nice to see you again, Kai."

I turned so fast I almost flung myself off balance. "Woah!"

It was Clare - the starry woman - and she was seated with legs crossed, not looking at me; her head was tilted back as she gazed up to the empty void. Her hair stretched out behind her and it was like a window into a whole new universe, planets and colours and stars like an ethereal crown. She faced me and flashed a soft smile.

"I never said thank you," she said. She looked back towards the emptiness.

My heart had stopped its harsh beating after her jump scare caught me unawares, and I slowly walked over, feet travelling over what should have been nothing, just blackness, but was solid nonetheless. "Is . . . that all you had to say?" Seems kinda redundant. I sat down near her, keeping a distance, looking up at the same void. I didn't see anything. I wondered if she could.

"Of course not. I have better things to do with my time."

"Do you?" I glanced around. "Looks kind of, uh . . . empty? Kind of boring?"

She rolled her eyes, and suddenly became a lot less mystical and a lot more normal annoyed human. "Trust me, there's a lot more to dying that just this. You just can't see it, since you've still got blood in your veins. So privileged."

"Okay," I said. "Did you bring me here to sass me, then?"

We shared a stare. She was mildly frustrated and I just knew I looked confused and vague, and not nearly as brazen as her. Her steely expression broke and she scoffed. "Why are you such a ditz?"

I had to admit, I was a little taken aback by her casual attitude, but I wasn't going to be the first one to bring up the fact that the last time we saw each other, she had drawn me into a literal almost-fatal encounter with the Child and told me to shut up when I explained how illogical her threats were. And also she almost died (can whatever she is even die? Oh well) and I found out she knew my mum. I figured that was a lot to catch up on, but apparently she didn't mind.

"I brought you here so I could help you. I know where you should go next," she stated, gazing back up and into the blackness.

'Next'? Ugh, I'm done with this journey already. I just want to be normal again. "Where?" I said instead.

"We've found something that could destroy the Dark Blade."

I turned to her in shock - that meant - well, if the Dark Blade was gone forever - it could mean - there's a chance it meant that there would be nothing the Child could use to free the Ender Dragon. And then that meant -

"The dragon won't--"

"Don't get your hopes up. Not even the Creator is sure this could work," Clare interrupted, picking herself up to face me.

Hope was making my heart pound anyway. "We could end this!"

"We could," she agreed, "but it's a very big could." A faint laughed echoed from her mouth. "And I haven't even gotten to how it would happen. That's the fun bit."

Her slightly sinister voice made quick work dampening my happiness (but the hope remained) and tentatively I asked "Okay, then. How?"

And she began explaining. "The weakness of the sword was created unintentionally. In his experiments to find a way to control the Wielders, Herobrine - who Nya has told you all about, no doubt - focussed on the Dark Blade, something instinctively knew held power, and he drew from it the Sangue Rosso, the potion that brought Wielders into the universe. But that wasn't without taking something from the sword first.

"Kai, I lied, before. I told you that the Dark Blade was forged from light energy the dragon absorbed, transformed, and cast out as black energy, as darkness. But that isn't necessarily true. The Creator fought with that sword, and he called it Day - it was magnificent, made from metal so precious it could never hope to be replicated, glowing like it was its own sun. He fought the dragon with that sword in the earliest days of the universe, and when, after thousands of years of fighting and losing, fighting and almost winning, he was finally able to bend light to capture the Ender Dragon in chains, he dropped the sword. Let it fall to the ground because after so long he didn't need it anymore. But then the dragon twisted some of his light energy into darkness and it forced itself into the sword and corrupted it, turning it against the Creator, against the Overworld.

"But there was still light left in it. There was still light left, Kai, and because of that light, it wasn't truly evil - Herobrine changed that." There was a fierce growl in her voice I was starting to get used to hearing. "When he made the Sangue Rosso, he took the light from the sword. He just threw it away - he didn't have a need for it, it was light, the opposite of himself, after all - and he used the Dark Blade, now truly dark, to produce a potion so powerful it could bring abilities out in normal humans and turn them against themselves. It wasn't perfect. It was never flawless. There's no such thing as flawless, really, but it was enough for him. Herobrine used the Sangue Rosso for much too long before he was stopped - by your mother, your father, by our friends and me.

"What matters most now is that light Herobrine took from the sword. It's pure and unguarded and most of all it's powerful. That light, Kai . . . it can kill the Child."

There were a crap tonne of questions in my head when Clare finally took a break from speaking, but I said the one closest to the front of my mind. "Kill . . . the Child? Why can't we kill her like a normal person?"

"She isn't normal, Kai, you know that. Normal blades won't kill her, they'll only wound her, and until she's gone, the Ender Dragon has a chance of escaping."

I sat in silence for a little while beside her, curling my legs into my chest slightly. "I - um, I don't know where to start."

Clare leaned back onto her palms, gazing upwards. "Start anywhere. I'll fill you in. One Guardian to another."

"Okay. Why doesn't the Creator just kill the dragon himself?"

Her response was immediate. "The dragon cannot truly die. Its darkness balances against the Creator's light - they were both born to exist together."

That's a stupid rule, I thought. I could deal with less general evilness in the world Pretty sure most people can relate. "That's just how it is," Clare spoke up suddenly, as if she could hear me think. Which, in this weird space dimension thing, maybe she could. "Next question," she prompted.

"Where is the light thing? Herobrine had it last, right? Does that mean it's--"

"It does, yes. It's in the Nether."

I gulped. Mum and Dad had told me stories about the Nether, about how it was all stones that felt hot under your feet and air so heavy breathing felt like choking. And of course, about the mobs there - the pigmen, the ghasts, the wither skeletons, the blazes, all ready to stab you or set you on fire without a moment's notice. It wasn't on my holiday destination list.

"How do we use it?"

"That is something we'll find out once you have it."

"Clare, do you - do you have any idea what the Child's next plan is?"

She didn't reply so quickly, this time. Instead she let the silence settle and I presumed she was thinking about what to say - I couldn't see any thoughts reflected in her pearlescent pale eyes so I just waited. Eventually her voice lifted again, and she said "Only what she needs to do."

"She needs to--"

"First, kill you, Nya, and the McKinnon girl. Or that could happen last. It must be done before she attempts to break the dragon's chains."

"Her name's Iris. Also, does that really need to happen? I kinda don't want my mum and best friend to die."

"As far as my knowledge extends - and that's as far as knowledge can possibly reach - there is no way the Child can skip that step. Herobrine still retains some control over the Blade so long as his Wielders live. If she could find a way around severing that connection, well, bravo to her. Gold star." Clare faced me again, and there was an amused tilt in her shallow smile.

Staring at her was kinda making me uncomfortable. She didn't feel real - not the crazy star hair, or the perfectly pale, almost glowing silver skin, or the starlight eyes - and wherever we were definitely felt even less real. I was basically sitting on air and yet it was solid below me. That's a little messed up.

"Second, she'd need to take the Blade from you. Presuming she's already killed you, that shouldn't be too hard. Third, she takes the sword, lifts it above her head, and cuts the chains. Hopefully the fourth step, absolute destructive hell, never happens."

I leaned my head downwards, looking at the ground that looked exactly like the sky and the horizon. Everything here was the same blackness. "Agreed."

"Don't be scared. Nya and Zach have been there before. They'll help you find the light."

"Why do we need the light?" I asked - I knew I'd been told why already but part of me just wanted Clare to laugh, knock her forehead with her palm, and exclaim Oh! I'm stupid. We don't need some stupid Nether light thing after all. Let's not go on a death defying trip into the literal Hell.

Alas, my prayers weren't heard. "The light is the purest thing we have at our disposal. It will disperse what dark energy has taken over the Child's body since her induction into the End. It will humanise her. We need it to kill her, once and for all."

Kill. There was the smallest bitter taste at the back of my throat.

"Do you understand what I've told you, Kai?"

I looked back at her. She was the stuff of paintings, draped in mystery and ethereal glow. "Yeah. I understand." Still think it's dumb, though.

Clare scoffed. "You know what, Kai? Me too. If only we could shoot an arrow through her heart and end it there."

And just like that, there was a real floor underneath my feet, like, real wood and everything. There was colour all around me and there were faces, and all of them were staring at me strangely, and my head suddenly spun so hard and so fast I had to sit down.

"Kai, are you alright? You zoned out for a minute there," Zoe noted, following me down onto the floor.

I shook my head as if I could shake away the inertia. "Yeah, um, sorry. I bring good news, though."

"What?" Iris questioned, and seeing her natural brightness - the blue of her hair, her eyes, the glow of her skin and that tiny ring of gold around her pupil - was comforting compared to that endless blackness Clare kept pulling me into.

"I have a plan. Like, a real plan. And it's completely assassin-free."




- Nya's POV -


The last thing I'd been expecting was another trip to that goddamn excuse for a realm. Oh my Notch, I was dreading it. Absolutely dreading it.

But what was I supposed to do, really? The fate of the world depended on it.

Again. Funny how it works that way.

There was a persistent voice in my head that rang whenever worry struck me, made my heart race; this time, there won't be a Herobrine. He won't be there. Clare finished him. Zach echoed it to, and even though Ethan and Gemma didn't say it aloud, I could basically see them think it. When were were all huddled together, packing what we needed for what Gemma called an "expedition" - our food, potions of fire resistance and healing, swords, bows and arrows, buckets of water in case of an emergency shower - I could see the fear in their faces. It was clear as day and I'm sure mine was the same.

Zach was the first one to address it. "You guys don't have to come. It's not gonna be overwhelmingly fun."

Gemma glanced up at him, and Ethan sent him a characteristic glare. "Of course we're coming," Ethan replied viciously. Gemma nodded. "There's no way we'll let you go in alone the second time," she said. Her brown eyes were steely and firm. "Besides, I haven't visited in ages. I could probably do some attempts at mapping it out. Gemma Redd, the first to map Hell. Got a nice ring to it."

"Is that even possible?" I asked, taking apples from the pantry and stuffing them into my inventory. "Isn't it, like, technically infinite?"

Gemma rolled her eyes. "Only if you believe what those crabby olden day explorers decided. I personally believe there's an end to everything."

"Hopefully there's an end to your stupid philosophy sharing in the near future," Ethan countered.

"At least Gemma has a proper career, Mr. I Just Go Around Looking Cool Because People Think Swordsmen Are Cool," Zach taunted, biting into some pork.

"Hey! Says you, Mr. I Use Stay-at-home Dad As An Excuse To Walk Around Acting Famous Because I Think I'm Cool."

"I am cool," pouted Zach.

"I'm cooler," said Ethan. "I once had a girl come up to me crying because she was so glad she met me, best swordsman of the south."

Zach fumed but there was playful lightness in his eyes. "Yeah, well, at least I'm married, and who's the best swordsman in the east, north, and west? Who is it, Ethan, hmm? I wanna hear you sayyyy it," he sung out.

Ethan threw an apple at Zach's face and Zach batted it away. "Shut your face," he retorted, and Zach snorted.

"You guys are so annoying," Gemma sighed, rolling her eyes in exaggeration.

While Gemma and Ethan kept bickering, Zach came over to me while I had my back to the group, working at a cauldron I set up in the new house a while back. "Hey," he said, gently. "Are you alright?"

Our faces turned to each other's and I could see the worry pooling in his, their hazel darkened by the lack of light in the room. We had to do this by secret, after all. Otherwise Kai would be guaranteed to try to bring himself and his friends along - which was way out of the question, not in a place like the Nether. "Yeah. Just worried."

He put his hand over mind as I held an awkward potion standing on the cauldron. "It'll be okay," he said, eyes crinkling up in that cute smile of his. "The kids will be fine, Harry will look after them while we're gone. And we've been to the Nether before. In much worse circumstances, might I add."

A grin started spreading over my face. "Hm, are you sure? Me and basically everyone else kidnapped? You stuck in that glass gladiator box while Herobrine made them fight you? Doesn't sound that much worse to me."

"You know, you're so right." Zach played along, slipping his arms around my waist, smile on his mouth. I rolled my eyes dropped a ghast tear into the bottle standing on the cauldron. "In fact, we should be throwing yearly parties to celebrate it. 'Happy Herobrine Kidnapping Marathon Anniversary!', please leave your gifts and weapons at the door."

"I'll supply the drinks, you do the food, Mr. I'm A Stay-at-home Dad But Still Can't Cook To Save My Life Or Anyone Else's." My arms folded themselves around his neck, fingers curled together behind his head while his were at my back. The dark light cast angles on his face that almost hid his age, and for a while, I felt like we were underneath the moonlight of the jungle where we met.

"Do you want me to burn this brand-new house down? Cos I will if you let me near a furnace."

I grinned wider and lightly kissed him. "It's basically a family tradition anyway."

"Oi, you two! We're ready to leave," Gemma called softly, not wanting to wake anyone sleeping in the house. All of Kai's friends had slept over and they were piled in the living room.

"Let's go then," I said, picking up the glass bottle, now bright purple, and sliding it into my inventory. "And let's kick the Nether's butt."

"Woo!" Gemma fistpumped into the air, keeping her voice hushed.

Zach found my hand and twined his fingers with mine - something so natural, so easy, the result of so many years together. "Yeah. Let's go."

And we left through the back door, where underground in the yard, I'd build my potions lab - and where I'd built the portal, pulling favours from all over to find enough obsidian. It had only taken two days after Kai told me about the light - that Clare had told him that we needed the light to defeat the Child, that the child had to kill us all, Mum, Clare told me the Child will kill you and Iris. There'd been so much fear in his eyes and I'd gently reminded him that it wasn't just me and Ice, it was him, too. His gaze had widened as though he hadn't even considered his own safety. Part of me hated that about him. It was so dangerous, to be so selfless like that . . . But it was also so good, and there was pride expanding in my chest, too. I hated it but I was so glad it was there.

The slow melodious swirling of the Nether Portal, the never-ending circular patterns were bringing out memories of when Herobrine had shoved me into one at the university library and took me away from my friends, away from Zach. It made me remember Clare, her blood-red eyes, the complete lack of humanity they showed; until I saw that humanity was there, just behind the reflections of Herobrine. And I glanced away from the portal. I could feel my hands shaking, just like they'd been when Mackenzie stepped in front of that arrow, and oh Notch, my heart was pounding -

Zach squeezed my hand tighter, brought it to his mouth, kissed it. "It'll be okay," he said. And I believed him. Absolutely.

As the four of us stepped through the portal, swords in the hands of Zach and Ethan and Gemma, bow in mine, I took a breath - Zach was next to me, and our hands were still connected - and we took a step into the portal, slowly, tentative, Gemma and Ethan already passed through it.

I turned to look at Zach, the smiles on both our faces tense but real, and comforting, and suddenly weight barreled into both of our backs with so much force we toppled forwards into the portal.

Everything reopened at the other side of the portal, and before I could even notice the redness, the heat, the ghastly sounds, I groaned from hard impact with the ground and whipped my head to see what had knocked us into the portal. And oh Notch, if I'd been worried, before, I was even more worried now. I opened my mouth to let loose a flurry of words but Zach beat me to it.

"Kai? Xavier? Iris?! What are you doing here?"

Kai lifted his head up and held a hand to it. All five of us were sprawled out on the hot red stone and there was so much anger in me - Kai was here, the kids were here, in arguably the most dangerous place in the world - in ANY world - and -

"Clare woke me up. She told me you were leaving. She said you have to take me with you."

My voice almost choked with anger but I forced the words out anyway - "You followed us THROUGH A NETHER PORTAL? INTO THE NETHER? YOU'RE ALL LEAVING, RIGHT NOW!" The sounds around us were making me paranoid - the groaning, the cries - and I rapidly stood up, leaving the three kids on the ground, pulling Zach up.

"But Clare says--"


"--I'm the only one who can find the light. I'm the only one who can feel it out and locate it."

More yelling pooled in my throat but it died quickly - this wasn't happening, oh no, not Kai - he shouldn't have to be here, he was too young - "We're in the open," I said instead of telling them to leave again. "We're hiding away, then talking, then you're all going back home." Zach nodded in agreement and pulled Xavier up; he looked dazed and off, which was probably a side effect of the portal transportation. It was always messy on the first go.

Gemma and Ethan were already several blocks ahead, looking back with concern but obviously wanting to keep moving, out of the very open cavern we'd found ourselves in. The five of us started following, Iris, Kai and Xavier still ditzy as they walked, when an ear-destroying cry called from above us; and there it was, in the middle distance, ghosting towards us with fiery eyes and what I knew from experience was really fiery breath.

"Keep moving!" Zach called; there was an inclined wall up ahead, which would provide some shelter while I had the chance to take shots at the ghast.

Well, keep moving was the plan, until four more bodies fell through the portal behind us. Zach yelled in frustration, sheathing his sword, running back for the other kids - more of Kai's friends, Zoe, Eve, Scott, and Flora - while they sat up idly, rubbing their heads with their palms, vulnerable to anything around them. Zach reached them, grabbed them, pulled them up, but the ghast was fast approaching, and luckily Gemma ran back to help carry Iris, Kai and Xavier to the far wall; Ethan was there standing guard, sword reflecting the orange harshness of the lava all around us.

I ran back to help Zach, and as we hobbled towards the wall, four kids between us and a ghast right on our trail, we heard the awful whistle as a fireball was launched at us. "DUCK!" I screamed, pushing everyone down; but luckily the fireball had missed us completely.

Less luckily, however, it did hit the portal. The purple fizzled out immediately.

"Keep going!" Zach called, and we kept moving, and eventually the six of us made it to the inclined wall; and without sparing a breath I notched an arrow and turned and aimed it at the ghast and shot. It shrieked wildly. My nerves were on fire - everything was so hot, so hot, but I couldn't use my Special Energy because netherrack burned forever and we'd be trapping ourselves in flames - so I pulled out another arrow, aimed, and took the shot. It hit again, and there was another horrid, jarring scream as the ghast reacted to the attack.

One more hit. I notched the third arrow, and I took a breath, feeling my knuckles burn with the heat of the air. I released the string and the arrow sung as it cut through the air, landing directly between the ghast's eyes. It dissolved into nothing with cries that were basically deafening - ugh, I hated ghasts - and from it I saw a tear fall, landing just in front of the now inactive portal.

We all stopped, took our breaths, dropped our weapons. Luckily Kai and his friends seemed to be more awake, and I turned on them, fully intending to chew them out before we lit up the portal and sent them all safely home.

"Who brought the flint and steel?" Gemma said, searching through her inventory. "I didn't."

"I didn't," Ethan added. His hands were still wrapped in a steely grip around his sword.

"Uh, Nya," Zach said, glancing over at me. "Neither did I."

Well, damn. My inventory was filled with arrows, apples and some rushed potions. I threw my head back and groaned into my hands.




hey guys! wow, it's been a year and one day since an update. congrats if you're still here. flashback to last chapter when i said i thought i could update more frequently - hahaha!!!!

here's the rundown: i'm in my last year of high school where marks are everything, and these things take long amounts of time to write - time that i don't think i'll be able to afford much this year, what with massively important tests and exams.

but, i still love wattpad. and i love writing to make people happy. which is why it's 2am and i wanted to get this finished, finally.

basically, long breaks are bound to happen this year - but i haven't quit until i explicitly say i've quit. and i don't think that'll happen until i've finished writing this story and the wielder chronicles can conclude - and MAN have i planned out an ending >:)

i love all you guys! feel free to message me about whatever, my inbox is always open.


QOTC: What's your favourite colour?

(aotc: probably pink or gold but oh my god so many options)


i'll see you guys next time! i appreciate all of you so much.

- jazz

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