(Canon x OC) Bill Cipher x Sa...

By Yandere-Dandere

1K 42 46

((Just let me live in sin.)) Set years after Weirdmageddon struck Gravity Falls, the story takes place in the... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14: Smut
Part 15: Special Juliet Chapter
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21: The End 1/2
Part 22: The End 2/2

Part 6

48 2 3
By Yandere-Dandere

It had been almost a week since Sapphire had made the deal with Bill. He held up his end of the deal, and she held up hers. He provided her with food somehow (she didn't ask), and she let him use her power to recharge. But it was always ridiculous each day. Bill would stop at nothing to annoy her more than he already did. He would tease and insult her, sometimes poke and prod at her when she was busy. It was practically a nightmare. But by now, she was beginning to get used to it. Her sister was still oblivious to Bill's presence, which Sapph had been thankful for. Although sometimes the purplette forgot that she needed to keep quiet when her sister was around instead of answering to Bill out loud.

Her sister knew that something was up with Sapph, but always dismissed it as not adapting to their new home quite yet. Juliet never wanted to think that it was anything else worse than that, so she simply avoided the topic.

Sapph was in her bedroom, curled up and sipping on a blood pouch as she watched a movie on her computer. Human entertainment never ceased to amuse her. Some of these movies were so awfully made, she had to watch them more than once just for the hell of it. This was supposed to be a horror movie, but the overuse of puppetry of the werewolf and fake blood was really throwing her off, making her laugh at how stupid it looked.

"I hope no werewolf watches this.. If I were them, I would be highly offended at this portrayal!"

"That's exactly what I was thinking! I'm feeling second-hand embarrassment because of this disaster. It's pathetic! Did they even try at all? Probably not!" Bill commented back as he watched from her head. He was slightly perched on top of it, stomach? down and kicking his tiny legs back and forth.

The purplette could barely even watch anymore of it without crying from laughing, so she turned off the laptop and spun to lay on her back, holding Bill up like a baby above her body, "Bill, you aren't as much of an asshole as you front to be."

"What? What makes ya think that?" He held onto her hands, partially trying to get her to loosen up, despite him technically not existing in the real world for her to hold.

"When you aren't making my life a miserable hell, you're actually.." She hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Funny. Less obnoxious. A cool guy to just talk to about stuff. Especially since you know everything-- er, almost everything."

"Well, I can't lie. I certainly fit that description~" Bill boasted, adjusting his bow tie proudly. "Glad you're finally seeing things the way you should, doll face."

"It's narcissistic comments like those that'll make me change my mind."

"Woah, wait a minute--!"

There was suddenly a knock at Sapph's door. The girl shooed Bill away for him to occupy himself with something else. She quickly fixed her sheet a bit before calling out, "Yes?"

"Sapph, I need to talk to you."



Yikes... She thought to herself. She knew this would come sometime soon. Even though Juliet always put off asking Sapph about her feelings, she always caved in sooner or later. I knew this would happen...

"Then just tell her about me already. Put your dumb little fears behind you about her safety. She can manage her own!" Bill mumbled into her ear, making her frown. But nonetheless, Sapph got up and opened her bedroom door.

Juliet was still in her work attire, which wasn't something exactly appropriate. The purplette guessed she had just gotten home from work. It was like a cross between a costume and lingerie. But that was to be expected for a strip club. Her expression contrasted her bright clothing; it was a bit worried and saddened.

"Come in..?" Sapph moved away for her sister to step inside, and they both took a seat on the bed.

Julie took a breath, then sighed, "You've been talking to yourself for a while.. I hear you all the time. Is there something wrong?"

"Whaaaat? N-No! Not at all!"


".. Alright, fine, I'll tell you.." The elder sister finally sighed, glancing at the floor. "Promise not to freak out..?"

"Our step-dad is Satan and we're both succubus/human hybrids. I don't think anything can surprise me more than that." She grinned.

And thus started Sapph's explanation. She told Julie all about Bill, and their mutual deal that they had made. She told her what Bill had done to Gravity Falls. She told her about how Bill was taking refuge in her mind, and that was the reason she talked to "thin air" sometimes, because no one else can see him as of now. It was a bit much for the younger sister to process, but it wasn't as bad as she had expected. She nodded the whole way through, taking in key points of information that she may need.

"W-Wow.. That's some heavy stuff, man." Juliet let out a whistle, glancing at the wall. "You gonna be okay with him? He sounds like a trouble maker. I don't trust him."

"I'll be fine. I've made it one week. I'm sure that I can make it for longer. Or at least until he finishes "charging up"." She giggled. She glanced around in search of where Bill had wandered off to. She didn't see him anywhere in her room, so he must have been stowed away in the back of her mind for now. "Well, we got everything cleared up?"

"Yeah.. Do you promise he won't hurt anyone?"

"I promise. That was part of his deal. He may be a demon, but he's always loyal to his deals. Somehow..."

".. Alright then. I'm glad you told me." Juliet stood up, smiling happily. "That's a big stress-reliever. I'll leave you alone now." She made her way to the door, and she was gone just as fast as she had arrived.

Sapph watched her go before sighing, falling back on her bed. She stared at the ceiling with her one eye, then smiled. She was so happy to have gotten that off her chest. No more secrets. And unlike most families, Juliet understood her perfectly and believed her when she explained these crazy things.

"I can see you're glad you told her. I don't blame you! Now I can tease you and get a reaction from you even when we're around her!"

"Of course that's the first thing you think of doing."


"Can I take a simple bubble bath without you commenting on everything I do?" Sapphire hissed, crossing her legs as she let the bubbles engulf her body. It was nice to have a bubble bath every once in a while. It made her feel like a princess more so than having her actual throne.

"I'm telling you; you'll never get the dirt off with that shampoo. All you're doing is ridding of your natural oils!"

"That sounds really gross and I don't care." She mumbled, leaning her head back and closing her eye. She sat quietly in the warm soapy water until she heard the triangle yet again.

"Are your breasts real or fake? They're so perky that it's hard to tell!"

"Now you're just looking for things to make fun of me for."

"What's the point of shaving your pubes into a heart? No one's even going to see them!"

"Um, I will-- okay, that's enough for today." Sapph quickly got out of the bath. Thankful she was done already, but she was still a bit pissed that she never got to finish. She wrapped a towel around herself, looking in the mirror. She inspected her features, humming.

"You're getting a bit fat."

"I've always been a bit fat."

Strangely, Bill began to inspect her body as well. He squinted his eye, rubbing where his chin would be. This made her feel a bit uncomfortable, and she shifted as she went to leave the bathroom and head back to her bedroom to change clothes again. She put on a nightgown to get ready for the night. Bill still seemed to be inspecting her a bit and how she moved. It was disturbing to say the least.

"Hey, kid."


"What would you say to another, more short-term deal?"

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