Forced to become Mrs Styles (...

By molly180697

7.4M 181K 63.2K

Harry Styles fan fiction. When Emma was forced into an arranged marriage by her grandmother all she wanted... More

Chapter one.
Chapter two
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Chapter seven.
Chapter eight.
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sixteen.
Chapter eighteen.
Chapter nineteen.
Chapter twenty.
Chapter twenty one.
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty Three.
Chapter twenty four.
Chapter twenty five.
Chapter twenty six.
Chapter twenty seven.
Chapter twenty eight.
Chapter twenty nine.
Chapter thirty.
Chaprer thirty one.
Chapter thirty two.
Chapter thirty three.
Chapter thirty four.
Chapter thirty five.
Chapter thirty six.
Chapter thirty seven.
Chapter thirty eight.
Chapter thirty nine.
Chapter forty.
Chapter forty one.
Chapter forty two.
Chapter forty three.
Chapter forty four.
Chapter forty five.
Chapter forty six.
Chapter forty seven.
Chapter forty eight.
Chapter forty nine.
Chapter fifty.
Chapter fifty one.
Chapter fifty two.
Chapter fifty three.
Chapter Fifty four.
Chapter fifty five.
Chapter fifty six.
Chapter fifty seven.
Chapter fifty eight.
Chapter fifty nine.
Chapter sixty.
Chapter sixty one.
Chapter sixty two.
Chapter sixty three.
Chapter sixty four
Chapter sixty five.
Chapter sixty six.
Chapter sixty seven.
Chapter sixty eight.
Chapter sixty nine.
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one.
Chapter seventy two.
Chapter seventy three.
Chapter seventy four.
Chapter seventy five.
Chapter seventy six.
Chapter Seventy seven.
Chapter seventy eight.
Chapter seventy nine.
Chapter eighty.
Chapter eighty one.
Chapter eighty two.
Chapter eighty three.
Chapter eighty four.
Chapter eighty five.
Chapter eighty six.
AN - New book description "always alone" please read
Explaing the ending :)
New story.

Chapter seventeen.

108K 2.7K 836
By molly180697

Chapter seventeen.






I don’t really remember seeing too many sights on our apparent ‘sightseeing’. Maybe we should do this again when were sober.

I was mainly staring at Emma, she just looked perfect. It was taking all my strength not to act on my feelings, its hard enough usually never mind when I’m drunk.

We keep getting a load of mucky looks because it’s obvious we are out of it and we’re also being incredibly loud. Running around, screaming, shouting, laughing and singing.

There’s also being a fair bit of touching going on, not like sexual just like hand holding and hugging and stuff. Although I really wouldn’t mind if it was sexual.

God I want to kiss her and fuck her so bad!

‘’Harold! Come here! Harold!’’ Emma screamed loudly in a sing song voice.

‘’ Yes baby cakes’’ I replied in the same tone, practically skipping towards her.

People yet again do not seem impressed or pleased with our actions, it is only 6pm though so I guess it’s still early. Not that I care what they think, I’m having fun.

‘’Look at the dress it’s so pretty… I want it’’ she said pointing at it through the shop window.

‘’Go get it then’’ I tell her not really giving a shit, it’s a dress. Obviously I’m not interested in stuff like this.

‘’ Its quite expensive, and I don’t have any money on me’’ she pouted.

‘’Will you buy me it please, I am your wife after all. Please Harry’’ she continued batting her eyelashes using her baby voice again. God she seemed so hot like this.

‘’umm ok sure’’ I said shrugging, she was just too cute to say no to.

Cute? Isn’t that something you say when you actually like them? Not just want to sleep with them.

I never find girls cute ever, they are just hot.

I must have messed my words up, I don’t think Emma’s cute, do I?

I stepped in to the shop Emma skipping behind be, a huge smile across her face.

Buying this dress would be worth it just for the look on her face, it was so nice seeing her like this. Compared to when she was crying this morning, even thinking about it broke my heart.

We walked up to the dress and Emma picked her size, blushing slightly.

‘’This is embarrassing I didn’t want you to know my size, you’re just going to think I’m fat now’’ Emma slurred looking at her feet embarrassed.

‘’don’t be daft Em, you’re not fat not at all! I don’t know much about sizes but from what I can see there’s only two sizes smaller than yours. And even without sizes I can tell how perfect your body is just looking at you. Size doesn’t matter anyways.’’ I tell her getting a little embarrassed myself, I just told her she was perfect. Whoops! I meant to keep that to myself.

We were walking towards the checkout area when a security guard came towards us.

‘’Excuse me but I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.’’ He said in a flat tone.

‘’ Why?’’ Emma asked sounding upset.

‘’ Because you are both clearly intoxicated ma’am. We can’t have that in our store.’’ He replied, still in the same emotionless tone.

‘’Pfft that’s stupid! We’re fucking sober’’ Emma insisted stomping her foot like a child.

This was too funny, I began laughing loudly and hysterically.

‘’Can’t we just buy the dress then we will leave’’ Emma pleaded batting her eyelashes with her baby voice.

‘’ No. if you leave now without a fuss you may return another day and purchase it when sober. If you continue to argue I will have to forcibly remove you and ban you both from the store’’ He said still in flat tone.

Clearly Emma’s pleads we’re having the same effect on him as they do me.

‘’Harry what are all these big words he’s saying’’ Emma asked sounding confused.

‘’We have to go Em, we can come and get the dress another day if you want’’ I tell her softly.

‘’couldn’t you just punch him or something’’ she whispered a little too loudly and giggled.

‘’Em! Don’t say that you’ll get me in shit’’ I whispered handing the security guard the dress and dragging her out of the shop.

‘’ I really wanted it Harry’’ she said almost crying.

‘’Sssh Em I’ll get you it tomorrow or something I promise.’’ I told her kissing the top of her head.

‘’What was that for?’’ She asked all wide eyed and innocent.

‘’I don’t know. I just wanted to, it’s no big deal’’ I replied shrugging it off. It was a big deal though because I wanted to do so much more.

‘’Let’s go back to the hotel get some drinks from room service or something. Just relax’’ I suggested.

‘’ Ok’’ Emma nodded giving me a big smile as she pulled herself into me wrapping my arm around my waist.

‘’ I like this’’ she said quietly as we walked along.

‘’Like what?’’

‘’ This, us. Being close and stuff.’’ She told me giving a small smile, she seemed shy.

‘’Yeah me too’’ I told her, I wish we were even closer though I thought to myself.


Once Harry and I arrived back at the hotel we went straight up to my room in a fit of giggles because some man had been jogging in front of us and I wolf whistled him as a joke. As a result of this he tripped over from the shock of the sound.

It was so funny he like face plated the floor, we’re practically dying from laughter.

As I stumbled through the door of our room Harry followed straight after, shutting the door behind him. As he did so he turned around and pushed me up against the wall, before I had chance to say anything his lips crashed down on to mine.

The kiss was strong and forceful, almost a little needy. But I didn’t mind.

I kissed back, this was what I wanted right? Yeah it was, it definitely was.

I moaned against his lips casing him to smile against our kiss. As I did my mouth parted slightly along Harry to quickly slip his tongue in.

This kiss was so different from any other, not just with Harry with any guy I’ve ever kissed. And there’s being quite a few, not to make me seem like a slut or anything.

This kiss was just so real, full of passion. Perfect.

I always go on about the electricity I feel when I kiss Harry, I’d never felt that before Harry. This time it was like a hundred times stronger.

After a while Harry pulled back, quickly without any warning.

I looked up at him and he was just looking down at the floor, his lip ring pulled in-between his teeth.

Was the kiss no good for him? Doesn’t he like me?

This is all so strange.

‘’Harry?’’ I asked.

I got no reply.

‘’I’m going for a shower’’ I snapped storming towards the bathroom.

Once I’d slammed the door loudly behind me I turned on the shower so he couldn’t hear me, as I sat on the floor in front of the door and cried.

The thing is I like Harry, as much as I hate to admit it really do.

That kiss just clarified things for me a whole lot more. I want him, I want to be with Harry.

Cleary he didn’t feel the same, not that I’d expected him to.

But if he doesn’t like me why did he fucking kiss me?

Eventually I got up and got in the shower, I stood under the cold running water allowing myself to sober up.

I felt the awful feeling that was all too familiar to me. I wanted to reach for the razor, I wanted to watch the blood run down my legs.

I didn’t though. I’m trying so hard to get better, I’m not going to let Harry fuck it all up for me!

He’s messed my life up enough already.



I’ve really fucked things up this time, I just kissed Emma.

When I pulled away I was a bit embarrassed, it’s not the kind of thing I would do.

Yeah I kiss girls all the time. Just not ones I genuinely like, because there never has been a girl I genuinely like. Not before Emma anyways.

She sounded really annoyed at me too. She clearly hadn’t wanted this, she stormed off to the bathroom.

For me the kiss was amazing, like nothing ever before. And I’ve had more than my fair share of kisses believe me.

The passion, the electricity. Everything was just perfect.

It obviously didn’t have the same effect on Emma.

I would have to apologise, blame it on the alcohol.

It was the alcohols fault, yeah I’ve always wanted to kiss her but I wouldn’t have acted on it if I was sober.

I looked at the time it was 9pm, I was really tired what with the jet lag, alcohol and all the stress from the kiss.

I got changed into just my boxers and folded my shirt up laying it on Emma’s pillow. I liked her in my clothing so hopefully she’ll sleep in it again tonight.

I laid back on top of the covers with my hands behind my head waiting for Emma to come out of the bathroom.

After a while of waiting I heard the running water stop. I sat forward a little getting ready for what I was about to say.

Within a minute or so the door opened, Emma walked towards we wearing only a towel.

Why does she always have to look so attractive? Especially when I’m about to lie and tell her the kiss meant nothing.

Talk about good timing.

‘’Here’’ I said handing her my top, she needed to at least be wearing something for me to function a proper sentence.

Sighing slightly she took it from me and dropped the towel right in front of me, she was wearing only underwear. I took everything not to pounce on her again.

Once she had the shirt on I looked back at her properly.

‘’Sit down, we need to talk’’ I said quietly.

Emma did so, sitting opposite me on the massive bed.

‘’So?’’ she said bluntly.

‘’ Well ummm… the kiss’’ I began stuttering like a complete idiot.

‘’ I don’t really know what came over me. All the alcohol and everything’’ I said in an attempt to explain myself.

Emma noticed my awkwardness and nodded.

‘’ Friends’’ she said smiling, clearly saving me from the pain of explanation.

‘’ Friends’’ I confirmed.

No no no! My head was screaming this just wasn’t right, I need her to be so much more.

‘’Well I don’t know about you but I’m really tired’’ Emma muttered.

‘’Yeah me too’’

Emma stood up and walked round to her side, climbing in under the sheets.

I did the same.

After a few minutes of lying silently Emma spoke up.

‘’ Can we cuddle please? Just as friends like’’ she whispered.

‘’ Sure’’ I said trying to act casual. But in my head I was very very pleased.

As I pulled her towards me I buried my face in her neck wrapping my arm around her tiny waist.

 This was perfect, I wanted to sleep like this all the time.

Why does she have to do this to me? Be so close but not want to actually be together?

Authors note ---- Thank you all so much for reading, I love you all.

Sorry this updates a lot later than usual, but I was busy earlier today.

What did you think?

Was it a bit predicable?

I bet you all hate me for leaving it at just a kiss, and then having them go back to ‘just friends’!

It had to happen this way for what I’ve got planned for the future.

Please can I get 10 votes and 5 comments on this chapter:)

My Harry Styles tumblr -

Thanks again, love Molly xxxx

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