The twins & triplets of Kenda...

By Priceisrightrusher

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As per requested this is triplets it is going to follow Kendall, Logan, Peter, Allie and the triplet boys and... More

Kendall goes into labor & finding the twins
The twins get adjusted
First offical day with the twins
Logan and Allie get admitted
Logan's on bed rest
The girls are born part 1
The girls are born part 2
Talking to the therapist
The girls are born part 3
The girls are born part 4: Emily is born
Preview: Caitlyn is born
Caitlyn is born (finally)
Allie bonds with Caitlyn preview
Allie bonds with Caitlyn
Molly is born preview
Valentine's Day
Mollie is born
Mollie is born part 2
Mollie's heart trouble
Logan sees Mollie
Logan and two of the girls come home
Getting the girls settled
Peter sees Mollie
Happy Thanksgiving
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Happy V Day and Happy Easter
Allie gets checked out
Results preview
Happy Halloween & Thanksgiving everyone
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Allie sees her baby
Mollie and Allie come home
Getting settled and more talking
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Part 2
Part 3
The baby gets released
Severe weather
Part 2
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Happy Easter
Back on schedule next week
On hold
Part 8
Still on hold
Doctors appointment
Part 2

Logan might be in labor

451 8 3
By Priceisrightrusher

"Okay kids we get to see daddy at the hospital cause your brothers get to come home today from the hospital " Logan says as he feeds the twins lunch that morning cause they were hungry cause they woke up from their morning nap

Peter was excited to see his brothers again but Allie was not excited at all to go see daddy and her brothers at all she wanted to stay home and play with her toys or her dolls that papa got her

"Allie soon you will see your sisters cause papa is going to have them here in a couple of days" Logan says as he hides the contractions that he was having cause he didn't want to freak the kids out with the contractions and the screaming

Allie loved her sisters very much and couldn't wait to meet them in person. After lunch was over Logan put the kids on the car and headed for the hospital to see Kendall and the boys that morning cause visitors were allowed in after ten


Logan had trouble moving cause he was in so much pain from the contractions that he was having with the girls

"Papa you kay?" Peter asks him as Logan got the kids out of the car so they could head in to see Kendall and the boys after lunch and maybe nap with daddy that afternoon while they were visiting with the babies and daddy cause Kendall might be able to come home cause the boys have to stay in the hospital for a while

"I think your sisters want to come now and finally meet you two" Logan says as he fights the contractions now that were coming on stronger by the minute

Logan was able to get the kids inside where a nurse helped him into a wheelchair cause Logan was in a lot of pain and he wanted Kendall there with him

"Logie" Kendall says as he came down to be with Logan who was in a lot of pain

"The girls want to come now Kenny" Logan says cause the pain was bad enough that he was crying

"Okay we can have Allie and Peter be with us to see if the girls were really coming or will you be on bed rest for a while" Kendall says as he gets Logan checked into the hospital to see if the babies were coming or if Logan was going to be admitted to keep the girls in check

Allie stayed with mommy cause she loved her mommy a lot while Peter stayed with daddy as they were heading up to see about their sisters

"The girls will be close to the boys" Kendall says as he was pushing Logan up to the room where he was going to be while he was in labor with the girls or was going to be until the girls come

"Yeah very close in age" Logan says to Kendall as they were boarding the elevator with the kids to head up to see about their sisters and if they were going to be coming that day or night or sometime

Kendall helps Logan onto the bed as Allie stayed close by mommy

"I think she is attached to you Logie" Kendall says to him

"That's okay I don't mind at all" Logan says as he holds Allie close to him

Kendall takes Peter to see his brother's who he has been asking to see his brother's since he came to the hospital to see daddy and his brother's

"I'll be back Logan" Kendall says as he leaves with Peter

"Okay me and Allie will be right here listening to the girls heart beat and just bonding" Logan says to him as Kendall leaves the room with Peter

Soon the nurses come in to hook Logan up to the monitors to check the progress of the babies and if Logan was going to be having the babies soon

"What are they hooking up to you mommy?" Allie asks as the nurses put the heart monitor on Logan's belly

"They are going to monitor the babies heart rate to make sure that they are okay inside mommy is all, and they are going to monitor how much pain mommy is in and when mommy has a pain is all sweetie" he says as he talks to her about what was going on with him

"Okay Mr. Henderson-Schmidt can you open your legs so we can see how far dilated you are?" the nurse asks him

Logan does what he is told as he holds Allie close to him

"Well you are at two centimeters right now" the nurse tells Logan after she has checked him

"Am i staying or am i going to be leaving?" Logan asks the nurse

"Staying right right cause one of the babies wants to be born while the others are perfectly calm" the nurse says as she checks all of the babies that were in Logan

"Okay Allie it looks like you are going to be meeting Emily" Logan says as he feels where Emily was cause Emily was the trouble maker of the girls

Allie was excited to meet her sister that she wanted to go shopping for her sister

"Okay Allie hang on let me get unhooked and we can go shopping for her" Logan says with a chuckle as he follows Allie out of the room

Logan got unhooked quickly and went with Allie cause he loved being with Allie the most


"Man Allie I think you are our little shopper" Logan says as Allie comes in with a lot of balloons, animals, outfits, and other things that the new baby might want

Allie smiles as she sits with papa when daddy came in with Peter who was sleeping on his shoulder

"Well?" Kendall asks Logan as he came into the room to be with him as he was in labor

"I am definitely having one of the babies today that's for sure, and since I didn't bring the bag me and Allie went shopping for what we need" Logan says as the nurses come in to hook him back up and give him an I.V so he can get fluids

"The boys can't come home until tomorrow, so we are staying here with you Logie" Kendall says as he sits with Peter since Kendall signed himself out of the hospital cause he was released to go home

"That's fine take Peter home me and Allie will be here for a while" Logan says to Kendall as he tosses Kendall the car keys cause he drove here and the car had the car seats for the twins

"Okay I'll be back before you know it Logie" Kendall says as he leaves


"Ah" Kendall says as he comes in with Peter who was asleep in the stroller

Kendall covers Logan and Allie up cause they looked so cute together, and since they were napping Kendall got comfortable on the pull out couch that was for dad's to sleep on while Logan was sleeping

"Perfect" Kendall says as he goes to sleep as well on the couch cause Logan was going to need him more then ever if he was going to be having the girls 

Kendall and Logan slept with each of the twins with them 

(After nap)

"Hey Logie" Kendall says to Logan when Logan was awake

"Hey Kenny" Logan says to him 

"How we doing?" Kendall asks him 

"Okay for now i guess" Logan says as he looks at Allie who was still sleeping 

"Let's see how far you progressed" the nurse says to Logan 

Logan gets comfy as the nurse checked him to see if he dilated anymore then what he was at when he came into the hospital  

"Still at two so your labor might have stalled for now, so once the doctor comes we will see what he wants to do" the nurse says as she leaves the room after she had checked Logan to see if he had progressed at all

Logan nods as he holds Allie close to him

"Peter was happy to see brothers weren't you Peter?" Kendall asks him

Peter nods at daddy  

"That's good" Logan says as he feels Allie's forehead to see if she was getting sick or not cause she was still sound asleep next to Logan

V & C

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