
By TheeJaffaCake

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Being a teenager is confusing; especially with love, friendships, illnesses, college, arguments and hormones... More

Chapter One // Rae
Chapter Two // Sophia
Chapter Three // Louise
Chapter Four // James
Chapter Five // Iris
Chapter Six // Zane
Chapter Seven // Dale
Chapter Eight // New Friends In Unexpected Places
Chapter Nine // Best Friends?
Chapter Ten // Elise
Chapter Eleven // Headaches
Chapter Twelve // Safe
Chapter Thirteen // Hospital Road Trips
Chapter Fourteen // Opening Up
Chapter Fifteen // Abandoned
Chapter Seventeen // The Broken Past
Chapter Eighteen // Laughing Stock
Chapter Nineteen // Stress
Chapter Twenty // A Disappointment
Chapter Twenty One // Ward Five
Chapter Twenty Two // The Past Haunts Us
Chapter Twenty Three // Seven Hours
Chapter Twenty Four // I Have You
Chapter Twenty Five // Tea Bags
Chapter Twenty Six // Iris' Eighteenth
Chapter Twenty Seven // The Break Dancer
Chapter Twenty Eight // Pizza And Confessions
Chapter Twenty Nine // Piggybacks
Chapter Thirty // Liar
Chapter Thirty One // Tiled Floor
Chapter Thirty Two // Blackmail
Chapter Thirty Three // Leila
Chapter Thirty Four // The Love Triangle
Chapter Thirty Five // Making A Scene
Chapter Thirty Six // Violated
Chapter Thirty Seven // Cheater
Chapter Thirty Eight // The Failed Journey
Chapter Thirty Nine // Fireworks And Cheering
Chapter Forty // Helpful Strangers
Chapter Forty One // "Dear Elise.."
Chapter Forty Two // Breaking Point
Chapter Forty Three // Freedom
Chapter Forty Four // The News
Chapter Forty Five // Blankets And Cuddles
Chapter Forty Six // Vintage Cafe's And Ladybirds
Chapter Forty Seven // Leaving You Behind
Chapter Forty Eight // Love
Chapter Forty Nine // Heart To Heart
Chapter Fifty // Family Fury
Chapter Fifty One // Clouds
Chapter Fifty Two // Relief
Chapter Fifty Three // The Adult
Chapter Fifty Four // Support And Love
Chapter Fifty Five // The Sky After A Storm
Chapter Fifty Six // Family Photos
Chapter Fifty Seven // Starry Night
Chapter Fifty Eight // The Fountain
Chapter Fifty Nine // Drowning
Chapter Sixty // White Flowery Dress
Chapter Sixty One // Fake Smile
Chapter Sixty Two // "I Can Do This"
Chapter Sixty Three // Roses
Chapter Sixty Four // The End

Chapter Sixteen // Mud Stains

21 1 0
By TheeJaffaCake

- Dale's POV -

"You can't stay here any more" The woman at the desk said, she seemed uninterested even though she knew I had no where else to go.

"Please, I'll find a job somewhere and I'll pay you back" I pleaded, she stared at me and laughed.

"We aren't a charity, this is a bed and breakfast and you're not welcome here any more" She said before telling the people behind me to approach the desk, I stepped back and watched them collect their keys to the hotel room and then make their way to the elevator. I sighed loudly before picking up my bag and leaving the building, I am officially homeless.

The apartment has been taken over by Max and Tim's other friends, they kicked me out and said it was my fault that they were in prison. I feel bad for them being locked up but it really isn't my fault, it was my party but I didn't make them become drug dealers..

I walked along the street slowly with my head hanging low, where am I suppose to go? What am I suppose to do?

It was 1:00pm and I should've been in college but I was too busy trying to find a place to crash and leave all my belongings. No one could help me, my only hope was James but he hates me now. Every time I try to speak to him he blanks me or tells me to piss off.

I decided to give it another try and go to see James, I ran to his house which took all my energy out of me as I haven't ate in two days. When I arrived in James' street there were men replacing Sophia's front door, Sophia's mum was watching them while shaking her head in shame. She glanced over at me before giving a horrified look at the state I was in, I sighed and approached James' door.

I knocked and waited for a few minutes, he has to be home. In the day time James usually has the house to himself as everyone is busy with work or school. Finally the door opened.. James stared at me for a moment before trying to slam the door, I jammed my foot in the side to stop it from closing.

"I really need you right now, Okay?!" I shouted, he opened the door slightly and looked at me.

"I'm homeless! Everyone hates me, I haven't ate properly or showered in days, the bed and breakfast won't let me sleep there any more and I just need my best friend back" I pleaded before beginning to cry, this is definitely my lowest moment. James pulled me in for a hug and I immediately felt better.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole alright? I just hate seeing you getting drunk and using drugs, it isn't going to help anything" James said while continuing to hug me, I nodded before wiping my eyes and pulling away from him. He helped me into the house and took my bag off my back.

"Do you need a shower?" James asked as he walked up the stairs, I nodded and followed him. He took my belongings into his bedroom and let me take a shower.

- James' POV -

Now I feel extremely bad for being rude to Dale after all this time, he just needed a friend. First Leila leaves him, he abuses drugs and alcohol and now his friends are in jail and its all his fault..

I sat down on my bed with Bosley cuddling up beside me, he always misses my mum when she is at work. He whines A LOT, and I mean a lot but its mostly because he is getting old and is usually in pain.

A moment later Dale entered the room looking squeaky clean (thank god for that), he smiled at me then proceeded to look for clothes in his backpack.

"Should I make you something to eat?" I asked before standing up, Dale shook his head while putting on a shirt.

"Dude you let me in, that's all you have to do I can make myself something" He said while laughing, I nodded and sat down again. I continued to pet Bosley for a minute until I glanced over at Dale and realised he was sound asleep on the floor. Now I feel even more bad for ignoring him all this time, I grabbed the blanket which sat at the end of my bed and threw it over him.

The front door banged loudly and I tip toed out of my bedroom to see Sophia waiting at the door, I smiled widely and opened the door. She stormed into my house and hit me on the arm, which didn't hurt at all as she is small and.. let's just say not strong.

"What was that for?" I said while laughing, she began to cry and I was really confused.

"You! You told Louise that I tried to kill myself! How could you do this to me?!" Sophia screamed as she cried, shit.

"Okay listen, I had no one to talk to about it. I was worried and I was scared, I needed support" I explained calmly, she continued to try and hit me with anger.

"She is going to bully me for the rest of my life now! This is all your fault, I fucking hate you!" She shouted, I shook my head and tried to hold her but she pushed me away before storming up the stairs.

"Where are you going Soph?" I said while following her, she stopped at the top of the stairs and just stared at me for a moment. Her face was red from crying and her hands were shaking.

"Louise isn't going to do anything, I promise" I whispered.

"You don't know her James, I'm sorry but you don't. She bullies everyone in college and she didn't care about Rae when she was leaving for chemo. She is heartless" Sophia ranted in my face, then I was instantly angry.

"You don't know what she's gone through, you can't judge her like that Sophia" I said while holding back my anger, I know if I showed it would make everything worse.

"Well she shouldn't know what I'm going through but she does! Because of you!" Sophia screamed before she walked off again and entered my bedroom, I followed her.

She walked straight over to my bed and grabbed her tshirt which she gave me, she crumpled it before throwing it to the floor and stomping on it angrily creating huge mud stains from her lilac boots. I watched her in shock without realising that Dale was awake and watching everything happening.

"Fuck you!" Sophia yelled in my face before leaving my house, well. Dale stared at me in shock and I sighed.

"That was interesting.." Dale said while biting his lip, I nodded and buried my head in my hands. Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have told anyone about what had happened to Sophia.

"Why are you guys fighting?" Dale asked, I looked over at him and shrugged.

"Probably just that time of the month.." I muttered and Dale began to laugh before laying down again.

"You two act like a married couple, I love it" He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes and left the bedroom.

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