England x Reader

By VivaLaVidaEngland

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Meeting for the first time.
Dinner and phone calls
Movies and a confession
Nightmares and Breakfast
Parks and getting to know each other
Family and a phone call
Work and Exploration
Family times and a secret surprise
Sickness and in health
Recovery and house visits
Boxes and Family
we shall never talk about this
First Date


582 22 10
By VivaLaVidaEngland

Waking up I realized that I was not in the guest bedroom but rather Arthur's room, rubbing my eyes softly with the palm of my hand I rolled over onto my side, facing Arthur's backside. Smiling tiredly I pulled the blankets closer to myself and rested my face back onto the pillow and got into a comfortable position. Rather than falling asleep I closed my eyes, still awake but not sleeping. Hearing the bedsheets rustle I opened my eyes just as Arthur sat up, yawning and rubbing his eyes softly.
"Morning Arthur." I said, sittng up as well, he looked over at me and smiled softly and kissed my forehead.
"Good morning, love." Arthur said, pulling away he looked at the time and slid off the bed, stretching slightly, he walked towards the bathroom. He turned back to face me.
"I'll be out in a few minutes, okay?" Nodding I slid off the bed as he went into the bathroom and closed the door. Going to the mirror I saw that I still wore the clothes from last night, taking a pair of jeans out from the drawer and a T-shirt, I quickly got out of the dress and stockings and put on the jeans and T-shirt. Going to the hallway and walking down the stairs I went into the kitchen to start on breakfast. Not wanting not overdo things I simply got out two bowls from the cabinet, placing them onto the counter, picking out [favourite cereal] from the cabinet above the refrigerator and pouring it into the two bowls. I put it away and closed the cabinet door and went to the refrigerator and took out a gallon of milk and poured it into the two bowls. Putting away the milk, I took out the orange juice and put it on to the counter. Going to the silverware drawer I took out two spoons and placed them into the bowls. Taking out two cups I poured the orange juice into the cups and placed them on the table as well as the two bowls. Putting away the orange juice, I closed the refrigerator door just as two arms wrapped around me softly.
"You didn't have to do this." Arthur spoke softly, turning around in his arms I smiled some and kissed his cheek softly and quickly pulled away.
"I wanted to." I replied hugging him. Hugging me back he softly stroked my hair.
"Thank you, love." Arthur said, placing a kiss on my forehead he pulled away from the hug and sat down at the table, sitting opposite of him we both quietly ate our cereal. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable silence as we ate.

After we finished eating, Arthur told me to pick out show for us to watch while he washed the dishes. Getting up from my seat I walked into the living area and picked up the remote and sat down on the couch. Turning on the television I flipped through the channels, trying to see what Arthur and I would both enjoy. Flipping through the channels I stopped at the t.v show Friends, smiling some I clicked on it. Growing up this would the best show that my sister and I would watch, we never got along that well but when this show came on my Aunt would always say that we never argured, only over who was the cutest and who had the best relat Smiling at the fond memories I relaxed back into the couch, waiting for Arthur. The good thing about this was that it was a marathon, marathons were always the best, not worrying what show you'll have to watch next. Getting caught up in my own thinking and the show I hadn't realized that Arthur had sat down next to me. Jumping slightly as Arthur's arm wrapped around me soflty, looking up at him I smiled some as he quickly pecked my lips, a blush dusting his cheeks as well as mine.
"What show are we watching?" He asked, stroking back my hair.
"Friends." I replied, nodding some he turned his attention back to the television. Resting my head on his shoulder I contuined to watch the show with him.

We we're halfway through season two when Arthur's phone started ringing, exusing himself he stood up and went into the kitchen. Not wanting to be rude I turned my attention back to the television. A few minutes later Arthur returned, a solemn look on his face, sitting down he didn't speak. Sitting up I gently held his hand in mine.
"Is everything alright Arthur?" He didn't say anything, his gaze set forward. Looking closer I noticed tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Reaching my hand up and cupping his cheek softly I turned his face to meet mine. He was on the brink of crying. Hugging him tight and close I stroked his hair softly,
"What happened Arthur?" I asked him, immediately he hugged me back just as tight, his face burried in my neck as sobs racked his body. Holding him close to me I rubbed his back soflty as he contuined to cry. Calming down a bit he pulled away from me and I wiped away his tears.
"Alfred called....he missed his flight." Arthur said, looking down. Feeling upset I hugged him again.
"Its going to be okay, he'll show up Arthur. " Nodding he hugged back, my chin rested on his shoulder.
"You want to contuine watching friends?" I asked him, pulling away from the hug, he nodded and pulled close to himnqs we both got comfortable on the couch. Turning our attention back to the show, my head resting on his chest, his fingers combing through my hair, my fingers laced with his.

I'm so sorry for not updating, hopefully this makes up for lost time and I know it short but bear with me, they'll get better.

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