I notice your problem (A Bal...

By secretwriter176

82.5K 1.8K 284

Even after saving auradon from her wicked mother many students still didn't believe that the villian kids sh... More

The shot of a wound
The mean pink princess
not your battle
Are you crazy!
Stealing candy mal
How could you
They hate me
Stand up
The announcement.
Were back !!!!!!!
Were back part 2
How did you know
The night
A fun diaster ball
New classes same trouble part 1
A risk
Get out
The night
Mall trouble part one
Neon golf / trouble
Get to know the real me
Mall trouble 3
A good bye for now
A/n : done
Sequal or continuation
About the sequel

Rude to the bone

1.7K 48 15
By secretwriter176


Me and Evie walk out to find the boys sitting against a wall on their phones i notice Ben his eyes glued to the phone I slowly walk towards him and with no warning I snatch his phone and take off.

I hold the phone into the air as I ran towards the bleachers but I didn't get far since crazy phone addictive Ben picks me up and spins me around but he did it so fast that I didn't even realize he had put me on his shoulders.

" wow no threats or kicking what's the occasion Mal " " Ben says gripping onto my legs so I won't fall face first , I look over my shoulder and told him " well I'm to tired to walk or kick and punch you for you and the boys actions in the locker room " I quickly slap him on the head " that's for leaning on the door " I kick him in the sides " that's for listening to our conversation "I then punch his shoulder " and that's for smirking at me like some toy " I exclaimed

He nervously chuckles pretending it did not hurt him but mumbling ow did not work i then turn back to my friends who were smiling like crazy I guess seeing me on the Kings shoulders entertains them or the fact that I'm not scared to punch ,kick and slap a king.

I then smile to Evie " e go ahead and punch ,slap and kick Jay and Carlos please since it would not be fair to Ben " I say as I watch the fear on the two boys grow I laugh as Evie chase them but eventually she slap,kick and punch both of them .

After the boys stop complaining and rubbing where Evie hit them they spoke to me as they tried to get my attention " hey Mal sorry but me Evie and Carlos can't stay we have to work on our projects for goodness 101 we need to write an report on someone good and a role model so ya....got to go " Jay says awkwardly as he try's to look at me.

Ben then sets me down " well okay see you guys when ever and Evie I will see you tonight at 8:00 pm for dinner so you can spend the whole weekend with belle and me " my friends smiled and waved goodbye leaving me and ben to our selfs as we excited out of the field and I think to our lockers or front of the school.

" so..what do you want to do now " I say turning my attention to Ben which he was not paying no attention to me why because he was on his phone which is weird I turn around for 5 seconds and he is on that device like there's no tomorrow so I was practically talking to a brick wall .

I push him to the side still not capturing his attention I tried something which may or may not work due to the fact that I had no more ideas well to be honest this was my only idea but this has a 100% chance to piss him off.

I only blurted it out loud for only Ben to hear and I made sure of that because I check and no one else was around , well here goes nothing " CHAD KISS ME !! " I turn to him super fast making me feel dizzy ,I waited for a single movement but nothing .

I grabbed his phone and stop walking he then realize that he did not have a phone 5 steps later I rolled my eyes as he walks back to me confused searching for his phone but I slid it to my back pocket.

" what's up with you ,you have been on your phone like its the only thing that keeps you alive " I say looking into his eyes he sighs " look Mal it's really important can I have my phone please !" He says a little annoyed I turn red and hand him his phone back .

I start walking off " where are you going ??" He says I turn on my heel " surprise you notice since your all caught up on your device , I will just meet you at the castle but don't be looking for me if I'm not there and no before you could even ask I'm not going to do anything stupid I'm going to look around auradon " I finally finish and walk off down the street towards Auradon village.

Once I had gotten there I admired so many trees and flowers that made a path and guided me to my favorite shop the....well I forgot the name but any way it's a place where I ate chocolate cover strawberries .

The cottage...I think it's a cottage well it's a store and a restaurant how cool is that right ? Well as I entered the stone and wooden building i notice that the line for the chocolates are way to long so I decided to go upstairs where they held the store.

Once at the top I was greeted by tinker bell ( oh ya I forgot to mention this store is an antique store ) she flew around me I guess she sense my frustration so I practically spilled everything to her and I mean about Ben today but half of me regretted it because she went all up in my face and turned red.

I back up a little she told me to bring Ben here so she could give him a piece of her mind and that no boyfriend should treat a girl like that but she was so upset with Ben, she then calmed down laughing at my fear that she had caused after buying a couple of gifts for everyone

Evie: ariels underwater hair clips and jewelry collection
Belle: Netherlands water color paint box
Beast : an gold coin from aura castle( yes he dose collect coins from different kingdoms
Ben : I got him an old watch that could display pictures has that clock moved

I then decided to say my goodbyes and hurry to receive my strawberries and go because it was nearly dark and I had to get ready for dinner not to mention I had to walk back up the hill past the school and a meadow full of flowers then I will finally be at the castle man this is going to be a long walk so I took a deep breath and out of the village I go.

(45 minutes later and a tired Mal ) I entered the castle I spotted Ben on the phone at the top of the stair case walking back and fourth I rolled my eyes and sigh even after I yell at him he still doesn't listen nor understands.

I hurried up the stairs to my room I had to start getting ready the clock started ringing meaning it's 7:00 and I'm still not change Ben just look at me then went into his office not a single word came out not even to greet me.

But I totally forgot that belle wasn't there at the door to greet me nor beast so in search for some answers I went to bens office ,I found him staring at the window in the distance you could see the twinkling lights of the village.

I pick up a small white board and a dry erase marker and wrote

Where's your parents ? I tap on the desk to get his attention which surprisingly it work He got his board and marker and wrote I don't know

M ) What do you mean you don't know you have been here longer than I have

B) Well I haven't seen them , if your so curious why don't you look for them yourself

I was shock to his response I was getting red and upset .

M ) what's up with you why are you being so rude to me all of a sudden Ben ?

B ) look I'm busy okay can you please leave I don't have time for this I have something more important to do

He then tosses the board to the desk leaving me dumbfounded I then shout " of course you do , you have more and better important things to do than give me an apology or an explanation for why you are acting like this to me " tears all ready running down my face I slam the board on the desk running to my room but before I do I run into beast
" sorry I got to go get ready for dinner see you down there " I say with a smile which may have look creepy ,not giving him a chance to answer I just dart to my room without looking back.

I reach my room and quickly shut the door and locking it I slid down the door letting my tears fall down staining my clothes I hug my knees to my chest just letting everything go.

After my cry a ton I got up from the floor and went to go take a shower which only lasted 10 minutes since I wasted half of my time to get ready bawling on the floor like there's no tomorrow.

I then put on a purple skirt with black tights and for my upper body I had a black tank top with my leather jacket I then blow dried my hair did my makeup I had some time left so I laid down on my bed which had the same view of bens office but I could see who was arriving at the castle and on perfect timing I could see a carriage arriving oh I totally forgot that Evie and....is that belle ? (Oh she went to pick her up ) thank goodness so I could just focus on her and belle and not Ben.

I got up from my bed and check myself in the mirror one last time then I left my room I walk down the hall I check to see if Ben was still in his office sadly he was not there but I made It on time to welcome Evie.

But before I can do so I sense someone starring at me from the corner of my eye I turn to their command and of course it was Ben we didn't seem to communicate anything just a stare no Sadness or apology just a blank stare soon everyone in the room started to stare at us knowingly about our fight well not Evie nor belle.

Belle broke the silence and stare " so let's go eat shall we ? " she claps her hands together and starts to direct everyone to the dinner room hopping to break the awkwardness in the air Evie waited for me unlike Ben who entered not even greeting his mom.

" so what's up with you and Ben ??" Evie says while coming to my side " oh would you look at that food is already on the table let's go " I really didn't want to talk about me and Ben because knowing Evie she will kill him.

I would usually sit next to Ben but I made Evie sit next to him well I sat by her other side we ate in silence till my dear friend spoke up " okay what's going on with you two you guys never acted like this so now spill " me and Ben both turned to Evie I stood up and said " I'm not really that hungry ,I will be in my room if anyone needs me " before I could leave Evie gave me one of her I'm coming look but I gave her a smile and a I'm fine don't need help look and I left.


I watch Mal has she left the room then my parents and Evie look at me I sigh and stood up leaving to go talk to Mal I made my way up the stair case I never really wanted to make her upset but I had so much on my hands.

I stood in front of her door and slowly open it the room was dark the only light in the room was from the moon I could see Mal on her side facing the window staring at Auradon I walk to her side of the bed and sat at the end.

She wasn't sleeping or crying just looking outside I look at her and place my hand on her leg she slowly turn to me.

" what's up with you lately or today you have been rude to me and your parents what's going on ?" She says sitting up I look at the window I didn't want to face her when I told her the news.

" look Mal, Audrey is coming back and she is super piss for being nearly kick out of Auradon prep " I turn to her and she burst out laughing ( wow way to kill the moment ) I stood up and walk to the window she stops laughing and gets out of bed I could hear how slow she is walking , I believe she was trying to guess my attitude

I look out of the window for about 2 minute " so Ben why were you so worried about Audrey returning like I mean you know she was going to come back at one point right ?" She says folding her arms and standing next to me as she stared at the view in front of us.

" yeah but I mean you have cheer with her and her  friends you got no one to back you up if something happens " she looks at me and smirks " I got magic " I sigh " in all in seriousness Mal you just can't deal with your problems by using magic you need a human a friend to back you up " she just rolled her eyes " what ever " she said and went back to her bed.

I watch her and bit my lip how could I be so stupid to get mad at her I suddenly spoke " why are we even fighting " stupid question Ben , she suddenly looks at me " are you kidding me , why are we fighting well let's it could be the fact that you are a jerk idiot rude..... would you like me to continue " she says all sweetly " and also the fact I never got an I'm sorry Mal for treating you like a  servant" she says looking at me.

I start walking to her " I'm sorry Mal for treating you so badly sand I don't know why I acted like that for just a.a.....well can you blame me I didn't want you to get more hurt because of me for not protecting you well " I finish already standing next to she is looking at me with guilt yet flirty.

she slowly stands up " well apology accepted Benjamin florian " slowly yet carefully she grabs my collar and pulls me into a sweet Mal kiss.

" you may want to stay away from tinker bell For a while " she says resting her forehead on mine  " why what did you do " I say chuckling at her comment " while then step in and find out "  she says grinding

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