I Moved On, Why Don't You

By shirl35

554K 24.3K 4.1K

It's your typical boy meets boy and they fall in love, only for one of them to end up pregnant and get reject... More

Broken Ties
Too Late
A Mother's Pain, A Brother's Guilt
Silver Linings, Dark Clouds
Breaking Point
The Storm Arrives
A small touch of hope
Understandings and Moving On
Jealousy And Beyond
When Worlds Collide
Seeing Through Your Eyes
Let Me Go
I Moved On Why Don't You
Way Too Late For Sorry
Soul Searching
The Deepest Kind Of Wound
No Time To Heal
Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello
Battle Lines
Wedding Day Blues Pt. 1
Wedding Bell Blues pt 2
Dreaming of Days Gone By
Starting Over
Beginning to Breaking Down
...No Way Out
It's Never That Easy
Sinking Down, Rising Up
For Better Or For Worse
Down WIth The Sickness
Forbidden Desire
A Change In The Air
The Birth Of Hope
A Race Against Time
No More Backing Down
An Alpha's Twisted Plan
The Long Way Around
Meanwhile . . .
The Rescue
Unfinished Business
No More Running
Painful Confessions
Hints of a Painful Past
Body to Body, Heart to Heart
A Little Hope in Uncertainty


11.1K 486 137
By shirl35

Joel's pov

"What did you say?"

"I can't do this, Dr Williams . . . I fought so hard and look what happened, I still couldn't protect myself or my pups . . . I'm not fit to raise them!"

"Please don't do this, Joel. At least think about it some more before you make a final decision."

I nodded my head, even though my mind was made up.

"Thank you."

"How many pups survived?"

"How did you . . . oh yes, your wolf."

I smiled sadly, nodding again.

"You were carrying three pups, but only two survived. I'm sorry, Joel . . I should have done something more, but_________."

"I know that you did everything you could. This isn't your fault, you're a doctor, not the Moon Goddess. When is the funeral?"

"When you're strong enough to__________."

"I want to have it as soon as possible. I don't want my pup to be treated like a freak."

Dr Williams nodded, letting out a sigh at my stubbornness as he sat in the chair beside my bed.

"Are you up to eating something or walking around a little?"

"I'm not hungry, but I wouldn't mind getting out of this bed for a few minutes."

Before allowing me to get up, he checked my stitches and relief mixed with the sorrow in his eyes as he righted my clothes.

"It looks like Demmi is stronger than everyone believed."

"Demmi hates me."

"We both know that's not true."

"Yes it is . . . I think he's hated me since this whole thing started, because I couldn't get away from___________."

Dr Williams focused all of his attention on me, waiting to see what I would say next, but I couldn't . . . I just couldn't say his name. When he realized that I wasn't going to say anymore, he put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I had to force myself not to flinch away.

"Stop pushing yourself, no one expects you to recover overnight, especially after everything you've been through, now let's take that walk."

I slowly struggled to my feet as small pains made themselves know in different parts of my body. Stepping outside of my room, I was suddenly overwhelmed with fear, when a familiar scent hit me.

"Does . . .Kyle know about the pups? Has he been in my room?"

"I'm sorry . . . he's seen the pups. He came to your room while you were sleeping and the Alpha found him here and took him to the nursery so_________."

"How could he do that?! After_________!"

"That's exactly why the Alpha did it, because he knows everything . . . he took him to the nursery so he could meet his pups . . . because after that visit, he's not allowed to be part of your or their lives again."

"Of course that's all that happens to him, he is the future Alpha after all."

"I know its not enough . . . but what more can we do . . . exile him and risk destroying the pack?"

"I know, it's just that seeing him being treated like a hero while I'm being called a slut and being told to finish the job and kill myself by people I considered friends, its like I'm being punished for something that's not my fault."

"Is that the real reason you  want to give your pups away?"

I smiled sadly, but didn't reply as we started down the hall.

"Joel, what are you doing out of bed?!"

My eyes widened and I had to force myself not to back away when I saw Kyle approaching me.

"Why did you come here Kyle?"

"I . . . I want to be a part of your life, a part of our pups' lives . . . I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I don't think it's fair that we can't be together because of my dad."

I stared at him, silently and I guess he took that as a sign that I agreed with him, because he came closer, taking my hand in his before continuing his plea.

"I know I hurt you, but I need to help you raise our pups . . .  I love you and I know in spite of everything that's happened that you love me . . . I mean I know it's going to take some time for you to trust me and forgive me . . .  but we're meant to be together."

"And after everything that's happened between us, you decided to tell me all this now."

"I know I should've come to you much sooner, but I needed to be on my own for a while, especially after I saw our pups and how disappointed my dad was in me, so I ran . . . but I've decided to stop running . . . I'm going to win you back so so that we can be the family we're meant _________."

My laugh cut off Kyle's rambling and he looked at me like I had three heads.

"You love me. Do you, after everything you've put me through actually think I'm going to give you another chance, let alone allow you anywhere near my pups? You don't have any idea what love is and I don't want to be any kind of family with you!"

I held back a flinch when he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.

"You will love me, Joel! We will be a family and we will raise our pups together!"

I shook my head, smiling sadly.

"I did love you. Even in the beginning when you pushed me away,  I was waiting for you to come back to me. If you'd have said that you wanted me then, I would have said yes without question, but instead you shut me out and humiliated me, you set out to crush me and you almost did. By the time you finished with me I felt like I wasn't worthy of even having a mate."

Joel, I___________."

I shook my head again and he stopped, letting me continue.

"Just tell me one thing . . .  if you ever felt any love for me at all, why didn't you just reject me . . . why would you set out to cause me so much pain?"

"Because I couldn't . . . to  reject you would mean to let you go and I can never let you go."

At his selfish words, I closed my eyes, gathering the courage to, do something I knew Kyle would never be able to bring himself to do, something that should have been done before things went this far.

"I Joel Leon Norris reject you Kyle Gregory Davis. I reject you as my mate and the sire of my pups. I reject any trust and love I ever had for you and I reject any future that we could have had together."

A sharp pain went through my chest and I whimpered quietly, opening my eyes and turning to Dr Williams.

"P-Please take me back to my room."

Dr Williams started to lead me away, but before we took three steps, Kyle jerked me away, forcing me around to face him.

"Take it back! You love me!"

"I feel nothing for you and I want nothing to do with you. Go back to my brother."

Releasing me, he stumbled back, staring at me as if I were a stranger. He opened his mouth to say something, but I'll never know what because before he could speak,  Dr Williams approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder, leading me down the now silent hallway.

Kyle's pov

He rejected me. He rejected me?! He didn't even listen to my apology or give me a chance to explain, he just cast me aside . . . I bet he planned this from the beginning, I bet they were in on it together!  I stalked towards Joey's room my anger growing with each step I took and by the time I got there I knew I was close to losing control. I glared down at Joel, who kneeled in the same spot where he'd fought against his wolf giving me the chance to escape unharmed. For a minute I felt bad about abandoning him to seek Joel out, but then I remembered why I'd come here in the first place and my guilt quickly vanished, anger once again taking its place. Joey sniffed the air and lifted his head, a smile crossing his lips that quickly faded when he noticed my expression.

"W-What's wrong?"

"I guess you win."

"I don't . . . I don't understand."

"The two of you were laughing about it, weren't you . . . did he ask you to send those pictures so he could have an excuse to reject me?"

"He rejected you? I'm . . . I'm so sorry Kyle, I know you_________."

"Shut up! You don't know anything! What could a pathetic whore like you know about my feelings?!"

Joey stiffened, his eyes narrowing at me coldly, before he turned away, dismissing me.

"Get out."


"I want you to leave and don't bother coming back."

"So now you're trying to reject me too?!"

"You rejected me from the beginning! I've hurt myself to get over you and I've hurt myself  and my brother to be with you . . . I went against my wolf to protect you and now this?! I love you, but I'm not going to be abused just to have you, now leave!"


"Why?! What do you want from me?! You don't love me and you never will, so just run back to him . . . I'm so tired of this . . . I'm just so tired of loving you."

"That's too bad, but it doesn't affect my decision."

I knew who was behind me without turning around and the desire to kill someone rose up in me.

"Why are you here dad? Haven't you done enough?"

"I've done nothing . . .  you . . . the two of you have through your own selfishness have brought everything that happens upon yourselves. Joel has decided to leave this pack and I've not only agreed, but I've already broken his pack bond. The day you graduate high school is the day his obligation to this pack ends. He will be the free to join a new pack or even disappear if he so chooses."

"You can't____________!"

"It's already been done, but what hasn't been done is what I've decided, on the day Joel leaves, the final thing I'll ask of him is to witness the mating of the pack's future Alpha and Luna."

I heard Joey struggle to his feet.

"Y-You can't mean."

"Whatever feelings you two have for each other, you'd better get them under control because the day you graduate is the day you become mates."

I stared at him without speaking and he turned to walk away.

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I will have you exiled, no matter what consequences I have to face."

As his footsteps echoed down the hall, Joel and I faced each other, the misery we both felt reflecting in the others eyes. And then a cruel thought crossed my mind.

'The day Joey becomes my mate is the day I'll take him from anyone that can protect him and I'll make him pay for every plan he put into place that stole Joel and my pups away from me. I noticed that he was watching me and put on a calm smile.

"I can't wait until we mate Joey, I'll make sure that you get be everything you deserve."

"I refuse."

Then I'll make sure that everyone finds out what a pathetic little mutt you are. I'll make sure that they know who really sent me those pictures and that it's  your fault that Joel nearly killed himself. "

"'A-Alright . . . I'll be your mate, but I'm only doing this for the sake of our pup and nothing more, so don't even think about touching me ever again."

I let out a bitter laugh, unable to get over the irony of our situation.

"When I find others to take your place,  you're going to remember what you just said to me . . . we'll see who breaks first."

Without waiting for a reply, I walked out of the room, leaving Joey alone once again, but not without one final blow.

"And make sure you keep your legs closed after we mate, at least pretend that you're worth it."

Hearing a stifled sob behind me, I smile for the first time in weeks. Getting revenge is going to be more fun than I thought.

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