I'm Not Who You Think

By b_writing1d

437K 6.9K 1.3K

*THE STORY IS NOT LIKE DARK* Harry Styles. What do you think of when you hear that name? Sweet? Generous? Hot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Over 7 years later...please read!

Chapter 45

4.7K 102 31
By b_writing1d

Kate's POV:

A week, 7 days, 168 hours... Harry will step through that door. His curly hair will block his beautiful emerald green eyes, and I'll watch as he pushes it aside. I'll see his tall figure will hover over me, his large hands grabbing my smaller ones in his. His pink plump lips will touch mine.. His scent of cologne and well... Harry will be around. Harry will be back, with me. The excitement and rush still hasn't taken away my depression.

Although I told Sophie I wouldn't cut again.. I did. I couldn't help it. It's just Jack... And Harry gone. Not to mention Lisa, my ex-bestfriend who accused me of using Harry and told me she would only use Niall.. Well I saw her the other day.


Anne and I walked into the local Starbucks, the usual scent of coffee filled the air. I took a seat at a small table for two right by the large window, showing the outdoors and people as they walk by on the sidewalk.

Anne went up and ordered me a simple black coffee, also brining back some creamers. I have no clue what she got for herself, but I think it's the same as me.

"So sweetheart, I haven't taken you out in awhile and I am terribly sorry." Anne sighs, brining the tan cup to her lips and taking a sip. She's taken me out shopping and for lunch about 5 times in the past few months.

"No no, it's fine. I haven't wanted to really see anyone since he's left to much honestly." I sighed. She gave a half smile and tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ears. "I love being with you and hanging out, I've just kinda went into a state of uhm.." I cut myself off before I can say something else.

"Darling, it's perfectly fine." She assures me. I force a smile on my face as I take a sip of my coffee.

"So," Anne trails off. My gaze continues to flicker back and fourth to her and through the window. "You miss him that bad, huh?" I look at her and frown. I hate being asked about him sometimes. I love him to death, and yes I know I sound like we just broke up or something, but the topic isn't the easiest to deal with... Especially after almost 6 months.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to still be going crazy without him like this, even in this long period of time." I let out a breath of air. Anne feels like a mum to me, I really feel like I can connect with her. "I actually thought he was gonna break up with me." I laughed.

Anne spit out her coffee and looked at me with wide eyes. Most on the table before she could swallow a small bit. I gulped and felt the air in the room get thinner, harder to breathe. What did I do?

"Harry," she paused. "break up with you?" She asked shocked. I fiddled with my thumbs on the table, a habit Harry actually got me into.

"Well, I just.. I just thought that .." I'm cut off by Anne abruptly letting out a awkward cough to have me shut up.

"Kate, sweetie.. If I could tell you how many times that boy has called me scared out his mind that you would leave him, I would tell you. But it's far to many to keep count." She smiled, her features so much like Harry's.

"W-what?" I stuttered. My heart raced, happiness growing and tugging onto me. But, of course that happiness quickly fades.

"Oh.. Hello bitch." I heard a snort behind me. I quickly turn around to see Jack and.... Lisa? Jack and Lisa stand behind me, hand-in-hand. Are they.. Dating? Of course the two people who hurt me emotionally decide to hook up.

"Excuse me sir, I don't think you should talk to her like that." Anne scolds.

"Anne, please don't. It's my brother. And I guess I'll be going." I said standing up. Lisa snarled at me, and I scrunched my nose.

"I'm coming with you sweetheart." Anne said. We grabbed our coffees and walked right out of there without another word being said.


It still never left my mind on how they stood there.. Just holding hands together. How could the two people who I used to come to with EVERYTHING hate me so much? It doesn't even bother me as much with knowing their dating, it bothers me because I know what their doing. Their trying to dig into me and rip me apart full well-knowing that I trusted them at one time, but I won't let them see it.

I lifted up my sleeve to see cut marks. They of course scabbed considering I haven't cut in 3 days. But Harry's going to kill me, not talk to me.. Or worse.. Leave me.

I will never be able to forget that night before he left when I finally spilled to him about me cutting.. I'll never be able to forget that deep dark green in his eyes, and how disappointed in me that I would do something like this to myself. I never wanted to see that look again, but once he's back, I'll see it again.

I just want things to be right for once. When he returns, I want no arguing, no bickering. I just want to be in his arms, that's my only request.

I walked back to bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the old scars and the scabs I have on my wrist. He'll kill me.

The song he left for me still replays in my mind. Everytime I look down at my scars, I hear his beautiful voice, the way he sang softly, the way he sang that for me. It replays, and it reminds me that I've done wrong.

"Don't let me, don't let me," I softly sang, running my finger over the cuts. "Don't Let Me Go."

Harry's POV:

"You understand that she's gonna have a heart attack, right?" Zayn asks as we sit next to each other on the plane.

"I know I know." I smiled. I told Kate that I would be home in a week.. I knew I'd be coming home tonight, but I just want to surprise her.. And that's what I'm gonna do.

"Harry, she has no clue does she?" He asks. I smile and shake my head. She doesn't know at all. I don't want her driving up to some filthy airport to meet with me, I don't want her to expect me actually. I want to take her off guard and see what happens.

"Wait, who's picking you up? How do you plan to even get back to the flat?" Zayn asks. I roll my eyes and slouch down in my seat, just getting comfortable.

"Sophie is picking me up. She told me she was gonna stay quiet about my arrival." I answered. He laughed lightly, I'm unsure why but oh well. "Zayn, I'm gonna have a long night tonight. So if you don't mind, I'll be taking a nap."

"No no, you're fine Harry. We still have a ways to go." He responds. I close my eyes and I immediately see my beautiful girlfriend. One that I will be seeing in roughly four hours.

"Harry, wake up." I heard Liam say. I felt like I was being shook and I immediately open my eyes to see Liam above me.

"Come on Lad, our flight just landed." He smiled. I smiled big and stood up, rubbing my eyes and picking up my coat from my seat. I slipped it on and put the hood up.

"Where's my luggage?" I asked looking above my seat. Nothing was there, and there is no way it could've gotten stolen.

"Niall and Paul took it to Sophie's car." Liam answered. I let out a breath of relief.

We walked off of the plane out to the freezing cold weather. I immediately felt chills run up and down my spine. The sky was dark, the inside of the airport only giving light. Liam and I quickly raced inside there and through the airport filled with older people.

We got to the front of the airport and I saw Sophie's car parked right out front, and there she stood wearing a bright red jacket with dark blue skinny jeans and white boots. Her long brown hair was straightened and I smile was put on her face huge.

"Harry!" She yelled running to me. I opened my arms and pulled her into a tight hug. Soph and I became close due to being Kate's friend and Nialls uhm... "Friend" as you could say.

"Hey," I said as we pulled away from the hug. "Where's Niall and Paul at?" I asked looking around near her car.

"Paul took Niall back inside till his family arrives." She answered. It's then when I realized that Liam was no longer standing next to me. He must've stayed inside while I came out. "Well lets go!" She smiled.

We walked over to her car, and we both climbed in. She left the heat on considering the freezing weather.

"You have no clue how much she's gonna flip when she sees you." Sophie said pulling out of the airport parking lot. I smiled and looked down at my lap. "She's missed you like crazy."

"I have too." I said looking over at Sophie. She kept both of her eyes on the road, both hands on the steering wheel. "How's she been?" I asked. I watched as Sophie's eyes went wide, but quickly went back to normal.

"Uhh, she has uhm.. Been fine." Sophie smiled. But that wasn't her usual smile.

"Good." I simply said. Usually I would've been flipping out, begging Sophie to tell me the truth, but I won't let that ruin my night.

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent. I didn't know what else to say. I just couldn't stop thinking about Kate.

"Harry, Harry!" Sophie began yelling. I snapped my vision up to her. I must've been to deep in my thoughts to hear her. "You're home." She smiled. I looked around and noticed I was in the parking lot of my flats building.

"Oh thank you so much Soph." I smiled at her. She returned it and I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt.

"No problem. Do you just want me to bring your stuff over in the morning? I know you'll be rushing to get up there." She offered.

"Yeah, that'll be great actually." I grinned.

"Text me when you think it's good to bring everything over." She told me. I nodded and got out of her car. "Bye Harry."

I shut the door and waved to her through the window. She quickly pulled off, leaving me to walk inside the building. The coldness of the night made me run inside, and being over excited.

I ran to my flats door and went to open the door, but it was locked.

"Damnit!" I cursed under my breath. Then I remembered there was a spare key under the doormat. "Please tell me she didn't find this and move it." I thought to myself. I lifted the mat up, and there it was.

I cheered to myself quietly while putting the key in the hole softly and unlocking it. I slowly opened the front door to see the living room light was on, but no one was seen to be in the living room or kitchen. I quietly walked through the living room and down the hallway.

"Don't let me," I heard a voice... It was Kate's voice. Soft strumming of a guitar could be heard, her beautiful voice echoing off. "Don't let me, Dont Let Me Go." I was distracted and accidentally knocked a picture frame off the wall, having it make loud noise. The singing and guitar strumming stopped.

Kate's POV:

I stopped singing and playing the guitar due to a bang. I gasped and stood up from the bed, the guitar tight in my grip. My heart pounded faster and faster as I heard the footsteps come closer to the bedroom. The doorknob turned and I stood still in my place, ready to hit whoever is breaking in.

A scream escaped my lips as I saw him.. Harry.. It was Harry. My eyes wide, my heart stopped, I couldn't move.

"Kate?" He smiled. That smile made me drop the guitar and run to him as fast as I could. I jumped into his arms, sobbing into his neck. He's back, he's with me, he's holding me. "Shhh." He silently hushed me. The tears of happiness just continued to roll down my cheeks and onto the neck of his jacket.

"H-Harry.. It's you." I struggled to hold onto him from shaking so much. His hands slid down to my upper thighs, lifting me to hook my legs around his waist. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck.

"It's me." He smiled. He leaned in and took me off guard my pressing his lips to mine. My eyes shut and my lips melted into the kiss. "I'm here."

We pulled away from the hug, and I looked into his beautiful green eyes. His forehead pressed into mine, my lips automatically reaching for his. He walked us over to the bed while still kissing and laid me down flat. He climbed on top of me, our lips moving in sync together. His tongue occasionally brushing against mine.

"You have no clue how much I missed you." His kiss moving to my neck. A light whimper escaped my lips as his soft kisses planted on my skin. "I'll never leave." He lips mumbled onto my skin.

"Harry," I moaned. His hands moved to the bottom of my hoody, lifting it up and sliding it over my head. Luckily I was wearing bra. He smirked and leaned his head down to my chest, light kisses were placed. "Please!" I groaned.

He began sucking at the top of my breast, my chest rising and falling unsteadily. My fingers ran through his curls as he began kissing down my stomach.

"You're so..." He brought his lips back to mine. "Perfect."

I whimpered as I felt his hands run up my thighs over my sweatpants.

"Do you want this?" He pulled away from the kiss and climbed off of me. I leaned up and looked at him. I softly nodded while biting my lower lip. A smile curved of his lips as he pulled his jacket off and tossed it behind him. I stood up and walked to him.

My lips attached to his. I could feel myself smiling through the kiss. I began to pull at the bottom of his black t-shirt. He pulled away from the kiss and lifted the shirt up over his head. My eyes went wide as I looked at his abs.

"Like the view?" Harry asked. I snapped my head up to his face to see a smirk on his face. I looked down at the floor and felt my cheeks burn. His finger came under my chin forcing my head up to look at him. "It's alright. It's a turn on when you do that." He bit his lower lip.

He put his lips to mine once again. His hands rested on my waist, as I felt him trying to pull my sweatpants down. I parted from the kiss and slid them down. I stepped out of them, my insecurities immediately hit me as I stood there just in my bra and underwear.

"Babe," he let out a breath. I looked at him to see a smirk on his face. "I can't wait to make you sore." He pushed me back to have my back on the bed. He slid his tight jeans down and stepped out of them. The bulge in his boxers could be seen so easily, making cheeks flush. "Did you ever move where the condoms are?" He asked.

I shook my head and watched as he walked over to the old dresser drawer and picked up the same envelope to pull out a condom. I laid back down completely flat, closing my eyes. I'm trying to let everything just set in as it happened so quickly.

Harry's back, he's with me, he's in the same room as me. The 6 months felt like they'd be eternity, but I'm happy he's back with me.

"Kate." Harry said. I leaned my head up to see a naked Harry stand in front of me. My eyes went wide at his erection, but I quickly looked up at his face. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" I nodded. "Answer me with your voice."

"Y-yes." I stuttered, my body shaking. He smirked and climbed on top of me, his length digging into my thigh. His hands reached under my bra and unhooked it, letting the straps slide down my shoulders.

A groan escaped his mouth as he through the bra across the room. One of his hands was massaging my breast while the other was holding himself up. His lips began kissing my neck as he continued to massage my breast.

"Harry please." I whimpered. He nipped at the skin on my neck before climbing off of me once again. He kneeled down on the floor, where my feet were resting flat. His hand slid up my thigh till he got to the band of my underwear. My breath hitched as I felt him pull them down my thighs and onto the floor.

"Can I warm you up?" He asked.

"Y-yeah." I shuddered. I then felt his finger go into my entrance, my back arching off of the bed and plopping back down. "Harry!" I moaned. He began pumping in and out, my legs started shaking.

"You so need this." I could hear the evilness in his voice. He pulled his finger out and before I knew it, his tongue was in my entrance.

"H-HARRY!" I moaned, tugging on his curls. He held both of my thighs down with his hands. I heard him moan as I kept moaning myself. "I'm about to hit it." I shook. He stopped and climbed back on top of me. His lips pressed into mine, his tongue begging for entrance, but I would not allow it.

"Climb to the top of the bed." He demanded. His voice so stern and serious. As soon as he climbed off of me, I scrambled to the top, avoiding what he could possibly do if I didn't listen.

Before I knew it, he was at the bottom of the bed near my feet.

"Spread your legs." His raspy voice sounded. I gulped and froze. I didnt want to just easily do that.. "Now." He sounded so demanding, but I couldn't pull myself to do it. It's to embarrassing, and it's been so long since we've had sex. "More pleasure for me then." His hands gripped my shins and spread my legs apart. Before I had time to close them, he placed his body in between them. I then felt his warm finger go back in my entrance.

"P-please." I begged. He added a second finger and began pumping in and out.

"You know to listen next time when I tell you to do something." He said while pumping in and out. My body squirmed around at his touch. I need this.

"Please.." I whimpered. I heard him chuckle before adding a third finger.

"Ill stop once you tell me you need me." He said pumping in and out. I shook, pleasure crashing over me.

"I d-do." I stuttered. My breath was heavy and uneven. My hands reached for his wrist to have him stop. I can't take the teasing, I need him. But I had no strength in me to actually have him stop.

"No, say it." He said pulling his fingers out. I let out the large breath I was holding in until I felt his curls tickle the inside of my thighs. I can't handle oral. "Say it!" He growled.

"I need you!" I whined.

"Good girl." He said and put himself in a push-up position over me. "Prepare babe." He warned. I then felt his length lower into me, my back arched up. A sting of pain struck through, but not nearly as bad as the first time. His thrusts were slow and steady, letting the stinging fade into pleasure.

"I see your holding yelling." He said and crashed down on me. A moan escaped my mouth. I was trying to keep myself from yelling or doing anything loud. "Let it out."

His thrusts became faster and harder. The heat in the room increasing incredibly. My finger nails dug into his back, and I could see him wincing, but it didnt seem to bother him.

"I'll force it out of you." He groaned and crashed into me.

"Harry!" I yelled. He chuckled and did it again. "H-Har-r-ry." I struggled. His name continued to leave my mouth in loud moans. My finger nails dug harder and deeper.

"Shit!" He yelled. I started feeling my climax push me over.

"I-I.. I'm about to!" I yelled. He slowed down slightly and brought his lips to mine.

"I need you," he stopped the thrusting and just let himself stay for a moment. His lips moved perfectly with mine, my heart rate increasing. "to hold it for as long as you can." He pulled away from the kiss. I took in a deep breath and felt as he began thrusting again.

"Fuck!" I moaned, my climax almost about to push me over. His thrusts became sloppy as I knew he was ready too.

"Oh my god Kate!" He said through clenched teeth.

"I can't do this Harry!" I yelled. His lips crashed into mine, his thrusting picking up speed. I tried my best to hold it in. "Harry!"

"Just go!" He yelled. And that's when I let everything out. I then felt the condom fill with hot liquid as he pulled out of me and rolled to lay beside me.

I was breathing heavily, my heartbeat was pounding to where I could hear it in my ears. My body was shaking. The smell of sweat and sex filled the room. I felt him get up, but I just kept my eyes shut and laid there.

"You did great, love." He said and I felt him lay next to me. He pulled the blanket out from under us and covered both of us up. I laid flat on my back while he was on his side facing me. His arm wrapped around my naked waist and pulled me closer to him. He rested his head on my bare chest while I ran my fingers through his knotted hair.

"It's good to be back." He said turning out the lamp and placing his head back to where it was.

"It's good to have you back." I said feeling my eyes become heavy. The room was now pitch black, all that could be heard was us loudly breathing.

"Did I make you that tired?" He asked as I felt myself drifting.

"Mhmmm." I giggled slightly. He laughed lightly and brought my body closer to his.

"I love you Kate."

"I love you Harry."


Sorry it took me so long to update! My laptop is broken and I lost my iPod earlier. My phone deletes chapters if I try to update from there, so that's why I don't do it.

But thank you for your patience.

Also, you guys don't have to keep asking if this is then end. I'm planning on ending it by 55 or 60 chapters. Plus, I'll write a huge paragraph when it's over.

Wooo, Harry's finally back :D Haha. Anyways, if I'm bored enough tomorrow, I MIGHT do another update, no promises though.

I love you guys(:

Don't forget to vote and comment. You guys haven't been voting or commenting as much as you usually do :/

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