Chapter 53

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Kate's POV:

I was to shocked to do anything.. I remained frozen. I couldn't move a muscle, I couldn't breathe, all I could do was just stare. I'm witnessing him making out with another girl, and I can't seem to do anything. All I want to do is sink to the floor and cry, but I can't.. Not here.

I waited a few more minutes until the girl finally walked away from Harry, and he turned around stumbling, his eyes drooping.

"Oh Kate!" He slurred with a smile. That's when it hit me, and I just let my tears fall freely, my sobs extreme. I didn't care that I was at a bar.

"Guys! It's the countdown!" The music went off and someone yelled through the microphone. "10, 9, 8," everyone began counting down, except for Harry and I. I couldn't even look at him, but I knew he was making his way towards me.

"Stop!" I yelled as I felt him grab my arm.

"3, 2, 1," Harry and I just looked each other dead in the eye and he tried leaning in a few times to kiss me.. But I cant. Why is he acting like nothing ever happened?

"What's wrong honey?" His words slurred out more and more, and it suddenly only felt like it was him and I here. All the cheers and claps were gone, all the people were gone, but it was just us. "Where's my kiss?" He leaned into me more and I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

He's drunk.

I need to get somewhere.. But Sophie just left. Great, what am I going to do now? I can't let Harry drive or he'll crash. There's only one solution.

"Harry, give me your keys." I demanded, but my tears still falling freely. I know it'll hit me even more once I'm not near all these people.

He pulled out his keys and I grabbed onto his arm, helping him through the crowd. He stumbled multiple times, fighting our way through the crowd. We finally made it out and I couldn't think straight at all.

I unlocked the passenger door and forced Harry inside. I took off my heels and through them in the back seat, and started the car. Harry seemed to be drifting to sleep and i turned on the heat, trying to get it warmer. I put my hands to my face and just began crying. I have never felt so betrayed before.. Why am I bringing him with me? I could leave him here.. But that wouldn't be right.

"I wish I knew how to drive.." I mumbled to myself, sliding my seatbelt on. This is the only way I'm getting anywhere if I don't drive now.

I put the car in reverse and backed out of the bar, going onto the main road. My heart was pounding due to me being nervous about driving, and Harry.. The liar. How could he do this to me? How could he lie to me? How could he give me a ring and say that he promises he'll never cheat on me, and then do it right in front of my face?

I realize I'm not doing to bad during the driving, but I'm going way under the speed limit. Good thing it's late at night so barely anyone's out driving.

I stopped crying as we reached the house.. Our house.

"Come on.." I sobbed trying to get Harry out of the car. I practically had to carry him inside and lay him in the living room on the couch. Once he was laid down and passed out, I ran upstairs and plopped onto the bed, letting all my tears and screams out. He doesn't care.. He stopped caring.

"You're just a fucking liar!" I screamed. I grabbed a picture frame of us that was resting on the dresser and through it at the wall, having it shatter into pieces. "After everything!" I couldn't help but begin throwing stuff around. I was in to much pain to handle anything right now.

I calmed down after awhile and just stuck to crying.. I sat on the bed and sobbed until I couldn't actually give anymore tears.

I'm staying the night here one more night, and then I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I began grabbing suitcases and stuffing clothes inside, trying to hold back tears that won't even come.

I'm Not Who You ThinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora