Chapter 27

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It began to drizzle. I watched as the droplets rolled down my window. It slowly picked up speed and began pouring. Harry sighed and parked the car. He unlocked the doors so I could climb out.

"Harry, I barely even had time to freshen up." I said as we got out of the car. We were at a close bar unlike the other one that was farther away when we first met. It was only about 25 minutes away from Harry's flat.

"Babe, its alright. You look fine." He said locking his car with the keypad and entwining our hands together. We parked all the way in the back of the parking lot. Many cars were also parked. I could hear the loud music and people yelling from outside the bar. Harry and I eventually reached the front door after running the whole parking lot. Thankfully, I didn't get to wet. He opened it with his free hand and led both of us in. I saw flashing lights everywhere, people dancing, and the aroma of alchol filled my nose. How could Harry want to bring me here?

"Lets go get us something to drink." Harry yelled to me over the music. Before I even had time to answer, he was already pulling me over to get drinks. I couldn't even hear what he was telling the man over the loud music, but he still kept my hand with his. Harry was then handed two glasses of wine. He removed his hand from mine so he could hold both drinks. He turned around and smiled, handing me one of the glasses. I gently took it and watched as Harry chugged down his drink. He slammed it back down on the counter.

"Your turn." He said looking at me. I sighed and attempted to drink the whole thing at once, but failed. "That's alright love."

I giggled and set my glass down on the counter like he did after I finished drinking.

"Harry!" I heard a few people yell. Oh god were the fans? Wait, what would fans be doing at a bar? I turned around to see two taller men and a very pretty women with long blonde hair and heavy red lipstick. Harry peaked over me to see who it was, and then smiled.

"Hey." He said walking by me. He went up and hugged all three of the people. The girl shot me a dirty look though while hugging Harry. Harry turned around and walked beside me.

"Jake, Zach, Renee, meet my girlfriend, Kate. Kate, meet Jake, Zach, and Renee." Harry said introducing everyone. 

"Hi." I spoke softly.

"Lets all go in the back for privacy to talk." Zach said. Harry nodded and grabbed my hand. I then noticed what Harry was wearing; black pants, a white button up shirt, a black bow tie, and black shoes. He had the sleeves on the button up shirt rolled up to his elbows. He led the way with the 3 people I barely knew right behind us. We came to a host standing infront of a dark curtain that led to another room.

"Mr.Styles, I haven't seen you in awhile! Please please, go ahead in." The man said smiling. Harry nodded and smiled before leading all of us into the mysterious room.

"Harry.. I never knew you got a girlfriend..." Renee said quietly, finally able to talk normal. 

"Yes, I did. And that means that there is nothing between us." Harry replied sitting down on a couch. The room was pretty big. It was a plain color of white, lights dimmed, dark carpet on the floor with another larger couch near the one Harry and I sat on. I was about to sit right next to Harry, but I felt his warm hands grab my waist causing me to sit on his lap. His hand rested on my thigh. I sat up though rather than leaning back onto Harry.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Jake asked sitting down in between Renee and Zach.

I turned to look back at Harry. I hadn't kept track, and I didn't think he did either.

"Erm, I think about a week." Harry said looking over at them. Renee did not seem to like me considering all the dirty looks I continued to get from her.

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