Chapter 15

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Kate's POV:

I laid my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around me holding me close. Our legs entwined together comfortably as we just watched the movie.. Well at least I wasn't watching it. I was staring at the TV and wall thinking of the events that just happened. Chills came up my spine as he gave me the pleasure. I shook at what had happened right before. What wondered me is how Harry could do all that, but then act like nothing ever happened.

"I know your thinking about it." He whispered. I guess he did know I was. I remained silent, unsure of what to say.

"Anytime you want it, just say so." He said kissing the top of my head. I leaned up slightly and rubbed my cheek against his before planting a kiss to it and laying my head back down.

I couldn't take it though. I had to at least kiss Harry. His kisses we soft and sweet without being sloppy or cruel. Dan always had to violently make out, and if I didn't want to, he'd smack me around. Harry was different, I knew he wouldn't get mad if I didn't want to kiss him. Maybe before he was only playing around when he kissed me the very first time to where I hated it. But now, it's all I can think about. He was a sweet protective boyfriend I was lucky to have. I gotten used to him kind of quickly. Yes, I know it's only day 2, almost day 3 and we have moved forward fast. Very fast, but it doesn't always have to take forever or much time honestly. When two people connect, it just happens. I need at least one more kiss, so I converted to sit on his lap. Our faces centimeters apart, I could feel his hot breathe hit my face. Our noses touched, and I just stared into his gorgeous green eyes I would love to have. His hands came to my lower back supporting me up a bit. I pressed my lips against his. My hands came to both sides of his face as we kissed. The TV volume from the Finding Nemo movie was up pretty loudly, but I didn't pay attention to that. I shut my eyes closed tightly kissing the boy I felt like I could be in love with. Not a single word had been said between. I felt both of his hands scoot down lower and pinch my behind causing me to jerk up and pull away from the kiss. I looked at him as he laughed and placed his hands back to where they were on my back.

"He said not to touch the butt, and I don't listen." Harry teased. I realized we were at the part of the movie where his dad tells him not to touch "the butt", which was the bottom of the boat. I giggled lightly and kissed him awhile longer. I jumped after about 5 minutes because we heard a knock on the door.

"Police, open up!" A low tones voice yelled. I looked at Harry, my heart raced violently out of my chest. My face turned a pale color.

"Please tell me they aren't here for you." I whispered pecking his lips and quickly looking at him. He looked at me worried, but had me stand up, and stood up also. He very slowly walked up to the door, and I was right behind him. I felt like I was gonna cry knowing that Jack had probably been the one to call the cops. I was fine with Harry now, and I'm 18 so I can do what I want. Harry slowly grabbed the door knob and unlocked it. He opened it to reveal all the boys standing there, smiling like idiots. Relief washed over my head as I quickly hugged Harry from the back.

"Relax, it was just me." Niall said casually walking in. I let go of Harry and watched as the other boys came in also. They all stared at me, and I wasn't quiet sure why until I looked down and realized I was still wearing Harry's long shirt, and the shorts. But you couldn't even tell I was wearing shorts.

"It's alright." I said lifting up the shirt to reveal the hidden shorts. I didn't even know all their names though. I only knew Harry, Louis, and Niall because they were the ones my friends were obsessed with.

Harry walked over to me after he shut the door and gave me a "thank god" look. I shook my head and looked over at Niall who had already started making a sandwich.

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