Chapter 63

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Kate's POV:

"Will you marry me?" One of his held mine while another reached in his dress pants pocket, pulling out a small black box. I felt my heart pound heavily, tears welled my eyes as I looked into his green eyes... And I knew things were changing. "I know it's quite soon and I just gave you the promise ring..." He softly rubbed his thumb over my knuckles, his warm touch being so comforting. "And we don't have to get married for a long time... I just never ever want to loose you again." Suddenly, people began standing up and observing us, him down on one knee, me crying, him holding a ring.


"Babe, you don't have to agree to it now. I completely understand."

"I'll marry you." The words fell from my mouth before I even knew it, and I didn't regret them either.

"Y-you will?" He let go of my hand and opened the box, and bright diamond ring shining at me.

"Yes, I will." Tears began pouring down my cheeks as everyone in the restaurant stood awhing and cooing. He bit his bottom lip, clearly smiling to much and took the ring out. He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Are you're sure about this?" He questioned, the ring just a few inches from my finger where the promise ring already was.

"Positive." I smiled. He let out a large breath before slipping the ring on my ring finger. I felt an electric shock of happiness suddenly as the ring slipped on. My heart pounded, my tears pouring, I just felt so happy. "I love you so much." I jumped into his arms and we just hugged while everyone around is awhed or cheered.

"I love you too." Although I couldn't see his face, I knew he was smiling. This is it, we're going to get married in the future. I expected it to be in the future he would purpose, but I never actually thought we'd make it this far either. Harry and I just kind of have that connection no one can understand... We fight, we laugh, we cuddle, we kiss, we scream, we have our ups and downs, but we're always clearly there for each other in the end. Throughout everything that's happened in the past few months, I wouldn't have wanted anyone else in my life to help me through it.

"We don't have to get married for a long time, trust me." He said, still hugging me. I pulled my face away from his neck and placed my lips on his, and it was different. It was more special than our usual kisses where the sparks fly, or any feeling really.. This kiss was different.

And I know that things may get bad at times, but it eventually will all get better.


Harry's POV:

It's been a few months since Kate and I have been engaged, and it's really been better than ever. We celebrated our one year anniversary in April, which it's now May. We've rarely been fighting, we haven't seen anyone from Kate's fucked up family, and everything's just going perfectly... But I feel like today will change.

We've talked about it, an were deciding to make the engagement public now for the fans to know... They hated Kate and I dating, which means I have no clue at all how they'll react with an engagement.

We decided to make a video on my phone and post it on twitter finally confirming that we are getting married, and I'm just scared. She says she has no problem with it, but those fans are going to give her so much hate... I hope most of them will support us and our choices.

"Okay, lets set the phone up," I said setting it on the kitchen counter with the camera on. We pulled up two chairs and sat down, adjusting it to focus in on us. "And you're sure you want to do this?" She smiled and nodded.

"We can't stay hidden for forever." She sighed, and I half grinned.

"I know... I just don't want them to say something wrong to you." I frowned. She smiled and shook her head.

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