Chapter 12

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Harry's POV:

After awhile of hugging, we finally went back into my bedroom. She lead the way while holding my wrist as she went. She pointed to the bed signaling me to sit. I did so at the edge of it so my feet still touched the ground. She climbed on top of me with her back pressing into my stomach. Her head rested back onto my shoulder. I lightly put my hand on her thigh. She put her hand on top of mine and locked out fingers together. I began to kiss her neck softly knowing she may have not been 100% calm yet. We stayed silent.

"I-I'm really sorry." I struggled to say after awhile, breaking the silence. Her hand gripped mine tighter.

"Harry, you don't need to fight him." She whispered with her head still on my shoulder.

"And why shouldn't I!? I'm protecting you." I mumbled with my lips on her neck. She quickly stood up and let go of my hand. She switched her sitting positions to have her stomach press against mine. Her legs wrapped around my lower waist/back so she wouldn't fall back. I wrapped one of my arms around her back. She put both of her arms on my shoulders, locking her hands together. Our faces centimeters apart, just gazing off into eachothers eyes.

"Because Harry," she continued. "He's not in my life anymore.. And I'm yours." She said pressing her lips against mine. Her kiss usually would have ended after a few seconds meaning she would take a break, but it stayed. Our lips moved together making the kiss better. Her tongue explored my mouth, and I kept up with the rhythm. Her body scooted closer to mine. My arm supported her back. Her legs tightened around me, and our lips remained connected. My bottom lip came in between her teeth as we kissed. This was one of our kisses I really enjoyed. One of her hands came to the back of my hair and brushed against the back of my beanie. The position of me sitting up became un-comfortable, so I switched the position up to have her laying flat on her back and me on top of her. I let go of the kiss for a second, supporting my body up before quickly letting myself lay on top of her. Our chests touched, and I could feel the softness of her breasts. I wrapped my arms around her back causing her to arch up a bit before plopping down. We kissed, and kissed, and kissed for what literally seemed like eternity. Her arms wrapped around the back of my neck.

After awhile, she began shaking her head side-to-side informing me to stop. So I did and rolled off of her to be laying next to her. I propped my body up with my elbow and smirked over at her. She panted very lightly for air considering there was only a few second break between the kisses. She smiled though, still laying flat. Our eyes locked, which seemed to happen a lot.

"I'm yours?" I whispered over to her.

"And you're mine." She replied smiling. I couldn't help but smile after her response. Wow, in just two days, you can turn the girl that hates you, into the one you think is in love with you.

"This isn't about getting back at Jack anymore." I said loosing my smile and being serious. "It's about us." I continued on. She smiled lightly and sat up. I stared at her back, waiting for her response.

"I-I know." She replied looking back at me. I sat up next to her and laid my hand on her thigh. I squeezed it lightly causing her to giggle and slap both if her hands to her mouth. She didnt want me to know she was ticklish.

"Ticklish I see?" I said looking down at her thigh and back up at her face.

"N-no." She said setting her hand down to mine and attempting to pull it off. She noticed the smirk on my face meant she wasn't gonna get off with that now. She stood up quickly and ran out of the room. I was right behind her. She ran through the living room into the kitchen. We were on opposite sides of the smaller kitchen table. When shed move one way, I'd go the same way so she was cornered in. I wanted to play a game and see how she could be.

"No Harry." She begged with a giggle. I grinned and chased her around the table once again and she was able to run out of the kitchen. She attempted to run back into the room, but I caught a hold of her waist with both of my hands pulling her back to my stomach. I quickly glanced over at the crumbled up wall and hole, but took my eyes off of it trying to stay in this good mood. I set her down to her feet and grabbed her wrist before she could run again. I lowered my body down slightly and flung her over my shoulder. Her fists beat into my back as she kicked her legs. But my arm kept ahold of the bottom of her thighs. I walked us back into the bedroom and shut the door. I flung her down on the bed and quickly climbed on top of her so she couldn't run again. I grinned evilly at her. She put both of her hands on my wrists, but I grabbed both of her wrists in one of my hands and pinned them above her head on the bed. My free hand came to her neck and tickled her there. She giggled and squirmed. I then let go of her wrists and began tickling up her stomach. She kicked and punched me while laughing, but it was no use. I laughed along with her at her reactions. I then stopped and smiled down observing her face. She caught her breathe and looked at me.

"No Harry." She said with a giggle. But I didn't listen. I went back to tickling her and he squirmed and squealed quickly. Her hands flew up to my beanie and she yanked it off. She began slapping me with it across my face to have me stop tickling her. I laughed as she did. But after awhile, I did stop knowing she wouldn't be able to take me tickling her anymore. I rolled off of her and laid flat. She climbed on top of me quickly.

"It's your turn now." She said smirking down at me.

"I'm only ticklish in one spot, and you'll never find it." I said grinning at her. She bent her back down and had her face inches from mine so I could still see her whole face.

"Wanna bet?" She said in a childish tone and stuck her tongue out at me. I leaned my head up quickly and put her tongue in between my teeth lightly. She pulled back and leaned up again.

"I told you to watch that tongue, Thomas." I said snickering at her. She opened her mouth up slightly and moved her tongue around inside it. She then looked down at me.

"Wait till later, I'll get you off guard." She said before rolling off of me. Get me off guard? How did she suppose doing that? What was she actually gonna do? Tickle me? Scare me? Hug me? Kiss me? Do what? I saw her out of the corner of my eye, she just stared over at me laying down flat like I was. My hands both rested on top of my stomach until she grabbed one and locked our fingers tightly together. I smiled and just stared up at the ceiling.

"I think I've found the one." I said out loud not meaning to, but she had already heard. I quickly looked over at her to see she was looking up at the ceiling also smiling. Our locked fingers sat in the small gap between us on the bed. I noticed she still had my beanie in her other hand.

"Wear it." I said sitting up letting go of her hand.

"How?" She asked sitting up and looking over at me. I took it from her hands and put it on her head the proper way girls were suppose to wear beanies. I observed her. Her hair was a little damp at her roots, but dry all the way down. Her hair came to a little bit past her shoulder. The beanie looked good on her.

"I have got to look terrible right now." She said standing up. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down to sit.

"You look beautiful, like you always have." I said smiling at her. She smiled back and leaned in. She brushed our lips together lightly.

"You are beautiful Kate." I mumbled against her warm, soft lips. She kissed me one more time and pulled back.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She said standing up. I nodded my head and watched her as she walked to the door, opened it, and then walked out.

"I've found her." I mumbled standing up. I grabbed the comb and combed through my hair. "I've finally found her."

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